Chapter 33 - Scattered puzzles

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"Do you hear me? Hello? Jungkook?" you waved your hand in front of his eyes, but it didn't do anything. He looked as if he had just turned into a statue. But you weren't Medusa; you were just a woman in need who, quite unexpectedly, but not too pushy, asked him for help.
Because that's exactly what you needed right now. You didn't want to go back home. Not for anything in the world.

But for him, it wasn't just a simple plea for help. It was like an ambush, a sudden and precise attack. An event that threw him off balance and turned all plans upside down. He stood there, like transformed into stone, though his heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. You couldn't know what was happening in his mind at that moment, but how could you? His big plans were more complex than the blueprints of the underground chambers of the pyramids in Egypt.

"Besides, you won't be seeing much of me anyway. I'm overwhelmed with work, and when I'm not..."

"Don't you have a home?"

It was like an explosion of an atomic bomb.

Jungkook snapped back to reality as soon as he realized he had spoken his thoughts aloud - thoughts, that had been boiling in his mind. His words sounded so cold, that they sent shivers down his own spine. Shame and guilt washed over him instantly, but it was a little too late.
The last trace of a smile vanished from your face. And that was what he regretted the most.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay," you replied, clearing your throat. "You're right. I have a home. I didn't mean to intrude. I asked you to give me a ride to Lotte, and you brought me here."

He cursed under his breath. "I blurted out something stupid. I was just... wondering what the reason was that..." He got a bit lost in his thoughts. He was well aware that attempting to explain himself wasn't the best idea, so he decided to change tactics. After all, things couldn't get any worse.
He brushed aside a strand of hair, that was covering your face. You looked at him uncertainly, tilting your head a little. He gently lifted your chin so you couldn't avoid his gaze again.
"Ye Rim, what happened? I should have asked you about it right away. I wanted to wait for you to tell me on your own. You didn't, and now you've just caught me off guard. I really should have asked you about it..."

"Jun is pregnant with Namjoon's child."

Another atomic bomb exploded in the room.

Koo opened his eyes wide. He had expected that maybe you had a rough week, perhaps had a fight with your closest friend, or maybe a project at work didn't go well, and you just needed to reset. But he never expected you to drop such news on him.

His mind was even more chaotic now. A thousand questions he wanted to ask the leader of his team: when and how, and why, how could something like this even happen? But a much bigger question kept swirling in his mind. "What does it have to do with you?" he asked quietly.

His question took you by surprise. You just informed him, that Namjoon was going to have a child. It was news, that would be talked about all over Korea, even the whole world, and yet he wanted to know what it had to do with you. You blinked a few times.
"It was me who told Joon about it. Jun will never forgive me."

Jungkook pulled you close to him, embracing tightly. Everything else had to be put aside for now. Explanations, further questions, and arrangements could wait. Nothing else mattered at this moment. He held you tightly, and you buried your face in his chest. In truth, neither of you knew if it was the right move, but in that moment, it just felt so natural.
"Everything will be fine. We'll figure everything out somehow," he reassured you.

He had no idea what would happen next, but despite that, his words brought a bit of solace. You were terribly tired, and his arms were your safe haven in that moment.

"I'll prepare your room."

"But..." you started to protest, not sure if it was necessary or appropriate.

"Trust me, you need rest," he interrupted gently, understanding your hesitation.
"I'll sing to you every evening. There won't be a better place for you than with me." He grinned like a little boy.

"Promise?" A small smirk appeared on your lips.

"You're a total goofball," he chuckled, leaving you in the kitchen.

You laughed softly. Your broken heart was too dazed at the moment, to grasp the gravity of the situation. You found a minute of peace within the four walls, which felt stronger than anything else you had at that moment.
Was it the right move? How long can you hide? Will the soapy bubble burst soon?


Jungkook burst into the room, panting as if a herd of the wild boars were chasing him. He slammed the door behind him.
"Fuck," he blurted out. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

It was obvious that for some time, he had been playing a cat-and-mouse game with you. It was also clear that, in one way or another, he was slowly trying to get to know you. But for heaven's sake, it was supposed to be a slow process. However, what had just happened completely turned all his plans upside down.
He dragged himself slowly to the window and opened it wide. A gust of wind rushed into the room, cooling both him and the atmosphere. He ran his fingers along the windowsill. "This place looks like an abandoned house," he grumbled, slightly displeased. But the truth was, he hadn't used that bedroom or cleaned it in a long time. And now he realized that you couldn't stay in such conditions.
"Think, think," he tapped his head, nervously moving his foot in place.

This place definitely needed some tidying up, that was for sure. In this cloud of dust, you would only get some allergies. He made his way back to the kitchen, nervously playing with his fingers.

"Ye Rim?" he called out.

There was coffee on the table. Its pleasant aroma reached his nose. You were sitting at the table, but you hadn't even touched your cup.

"You were waiting for me?" he raised an eyebrow as he sat beside you, your arms were almost touching. He couldn't gather his thoughts. It wasn't that your presence bothered him; he was just trying to go through this new situation. He wondered how you could remain so calm. Perhaps you simply didn't think of him in the same way?

"Isn't it obvious?" your slightly drowsy voice had a soothing effect on him. He smiled gently, reaching for one of the cups.

"I just realized, that you don't have any personal things with you. If you want to stay here, you should bring a suitcase with you. If you'd like, I can take you home and wait for you to pack. What do you think about that?"

You just took your first sip, barely getting a chance to savor the morning coffee taste, when you almost choked. Jungkook patted your back alarmed.
"Hey, hey, easy. It's just a suggestion. We can do whatever you want," he quickly mumbled, realizing that he was the reason for this.

"I... I just don't know if I should go back home right now. You know... I left Jun in a very uncomfortable situation, and besides, Namjoon was there... he's probably still there, and even if he's not, I don't think she even wants to see me," you confessed.

"But it's still your home, right?"

"It is. But what should I do? Not only did I create a mess, but now should I just kick her out?" you looked at him, surprised.

"No, of course not. But, you see... you're not to blame for this. Both of them should have been careful. What happened, happened. They're adults, and they need to work it out between themselves. You just need to take a few things with you," he reassured you.

For him, everything seemed so simple. Or at least, that's how he looked like. Meanwhile, you were wrestling with your thoughts. Everything had come crashing down on you. You had absolutely nothing with you, except for a purse that didn't even contain all your documents. Jun was at home, likely still angry or worse, heartbroken. And Namjoon was probably still with her. On top of that, you had a pile of unfinished work at the office, and you needed your laptop. Another project was waiting, unfinished. You had no idea what would happen next. And to top it all off, you had crashed into Jungkook's, him - of all people, and regretted ever asking if you could stay here for a few days. What kind of idea was that, anyway?
You unlocked your phone and mindlessly scrolled through.

"Write to her," Kook nudged you gently with his arm. You glanced at him, and your eyes met. For that one moment, it took your breath away. But you couldn't stare like crazy teenager. So, finally, you managed to say something.

"No chance."

"Coward. What could possibly happen? You have to go there, that's it. Don't act like a child."

"Yah You!" you got annoyed and were about to throw a response right at him, but he was quicker. In one swift motion, he snatched the phone from right in front of you.

"Then I'll do it," he laughed out loud and swiftly stood up from the table. It was a close call, as your coffee almost ended up on the floor along with the cute bunny mug. While trying to catch it, you missed the chance to grab back your phone in time. Jungkook managed to escape, and quickly typed a few words to your friend.

"Hey Jun, I'll come to pick up some things."


"Why did you put me in such a difficult situation?" you whimpered on the way home. He grinned widely, clearly pleased with himself.

"Don't whine and don't open the window until we arrive," he instructed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Wouldn't want anyone to see us. Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble."

"Me?" he raised a puzzled eyebrow. "I have no objections. But are you ready for it?"

You weren't ready for anything. Not for being seen by someone right now and not ready to face Jun. When Jungkook parked near your home, your heart jumped to throat. Even when the engine was turned off, you still didn't move from your seat.

"Do you want me to carry you there? Come on, shu."

"Give me a moment to mentally prepare myself, okay."

"There's no time."

"Are you in such a hurry?" you muttered as you slowly got out of the car.

"You'll pack faster, and I'll have you all to myself sooner," he added, but you didn't hear it as you took the first steps towards the house. A million words raced through your mind as you frantically searched for the right ones. You felt awful; you wanted to get it over with, to go back to how things used to be. But it seemed that matters had become even more complicated.

You stood two steps away from the front door, when a man in a suit blocked your path, scanning you up and down and waving his hand, as if you were a burglar and he was guarding the property. You didn't recall having a guard dog, but looks like it immediately started barking.

"You can't enter here, ma'am," he declared.

"EXCUSE ME?" You stammered, surprised. What the hell was going on? "What do you mean I can't enter? This is my home. Who the hell are you?" Blood started to boil within you.

The man appeared slightly startled by your response and stepped back cautiously. "So, you must be Ye Rim then. Namjoon mentioned that this is your home and that you would probably show up here. Please excuse me, I had to make sure."

You were shooting him with your gaze. What the hell was a security guard doing here? "Namjoon...told you to stand here? For what purpose?"

It all started to seem very strange. When you left, Namjoon mentioned that he would take care of everything. But he forgot to mention that he would place his bodyguard right at the doorstep, making you explain yourself before entering your own home. In that case, Namjoon himself must still be inside if his dog was still stationed there.
"I will sort this out with Namjoon. And now, if you don't mind..." you added with irony in your voice, "...I would like to enter my own home." Without waiting for any response, you simply closed the door behind you.
But that... that was just the beginning.

"Jun?" you whispered softly, but there was no response. You took off your heels and set aside your keys. Slowly, you peeked into the kitchen, but it was empty as well. The living room was just as deserted. She wasn't on the terrace, so she must be in her room. You thought she must be working on something. Timidly, you knocked on the door.

"Get lost, Namjoon."

Shocked, you withdrew your hand. Jun must not have heard you or didn't even read your message. You didn't know if you should enter her room now. Everything indicated that they had argued. But if Namjoon wasn't at home, then why was his security guard still lingering around? You couldn't piece it all together.

"Jun... it's me, Ye Rim. I came to collect a few things," you said, leaning against the wall next to her door. But then suddenly the door swung open with force. Jun burst out of the room as if crazy. Her eyes were swollen, her hair dishevelled. She must have been crying for hours.
"Jun..." you reached out your hand to her, but she immediately made step back.

"Take them. Take everything. I should have been gone from here long ago. If only I could leave. But don't worry, once this is over, you won't see me again."

The words pierced through you. You loved her with all your heart. You had been best friends for your entire lives. Was everything truly at stake now? But in the whirlwind of your thoughts, one thing didn't let you rest. "What do you mean 'if only you could leave'?"

"You don't know? I thought you two had discussed it. Namjoon trapped me in this house. He stationed a guard at the door and announced to him that we were engaged. He won't let me leave. I can't do anything. He even took away my phone. Do you understand, Ye Rim? I can't even call the police. He took away my damn phone. Look what you've done to me!" She now shouted out her emotions, tears streaming down her cheeks. The only thing that came to your mind was to embrace her. And you did. But cost was high.

A stinging pain coursed through your cheek, but you took the blow with dignity. She had the right to be angry. Perhaps now it would give her some relief. As she disappeared into her room, you slowly made your way to yours and packed all the necessary items. After that you were ready to leave.
Namjoon. You intended to confront him. But now you just wanted to disappear from here. So you rushed out of the house without even closing the door behind you, after all, you now have a butler who can take care of that for you.
Seeing you in such a state, Jungkook immediately stepped out of the car and took the suitcase from you.


"Don't say anything now. Please, don't say anything," tears streamed down your cheeks. In an instant, your whole life had turned upside down. You didn't know where to begin to pick up the pieces.
Jungkook stood behind you. You felt him resting his head on your shoulder.
"Please, help me forget about the past two days, even if just for a moment. I need to gather myself somehow."

"I'll make you forget about the whole world," he whispered, full of care.
And one thing was sure - Jungkook doesn't throw empty promises.

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