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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters!

It was a normal day at the mountain. Artemis was cleaning her arrows, Meagan was making cookies, Wally was trying to eat the cookies, Kaldur was watching the oven making sure Miss M didn't burn them this time, and Superboy was watching static. The only thing missing was Robin.

Robin was called by Batman just the day before for a personal mission, something about a Jaybird and the Joker. No one heard from Robin since then, and Wally every once and a while would try and call him, worried about who knows what. The rest of the team knew that Robin and Batman could handle anything, so they didn't worry as much, everything was perfectly fine until...

"Robin B01" The mountain called out as Robin exited the zeta-beam.

Wally gave up his attempt at stealing Megan's cookies and sped over to Robin using his super speed. "RobinwherewereyouIwasfreakingoutand-" Wally started but cut himself off when he noticed what was wrong with Robin.

Robin, the Boy Wonder, was crying. Something was definitely wrong.

"Oh my goodness! Robin, what happened?" Megan asked as she flew over to meet their youngest teammate.

By then the whole team was up and by Robin, waiting for his answer. Robin looked down at his feet as more tears escaped from under his mask and down his face. "Jaybirds...gone" 

Wally was the only one in the room who wasn't confused. "What! no, he-he couldn't" Wally said, hugging Robin as tears started forming in his eyes too.

"if I might ask." Aretimis said, breaking the moment between the two, "Who is Jaybird" Wally looked up at the Archer and said, "well- he, he-" He started but was cut off by Robin, "Jaybird is-was my brother."

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