it's gonna be okay

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Robin collapsed against Wally once he finished telling the story of his brothers' death.

"Hey, I'm gonna get Robin all cleaned up then maybe let's watch a movie?" He asked the others as he dragged Robin along towards his room.

"I have a question." Artemis said as the two were out of earshot, "Robin trusted Wally! With him and Batman's secrets!?"

Wally closed the door to his room as Robin laid on his bed.

"You holding up?" Wally asked as Robin threw his mask across the room, revealing the face of Dick Grayson, the adopted son of Bruce Wayne. "You know there were only two things that survived the explosion?" Dick told Wally as his friend made the two of them glasses of water. "The first thing was a stupid crowbar that he used to beat him with and a tape. How it survived, I have no idea, but it was a video of him killing Jason, of him killing my brother. But when the video started Joker stared into the camera and said 'I'm making this video so you can see your little Boy Wonder in his final moments! Cause I know you won't make it in time to save him.'"

Robin sat up and took the glass of water Wally handed him as he sat down on the bed with him.

"He thought it was me, he thought Jason was me the whole time," He said turning to look at Wally, "And it should have been me in their Wally, it should have been me who died!"

"Dick don't say stuff like that-"Wally started but Dick cut him off again, "But it should have! He should be the one living and breathing! He should have been the one crying to you! He- he should have been able to say goodbye."

Wally hugged his grieving friend as he started to cry even harder, "But towards the end of the tape when Joker left, He tried to get away, but he looked at the timer and saw he had no time, and he smiled a little. Like he was greeting death as an old friend." (haha see what I did there)

"Hey, Dick," Wally said making his best friend look at him in the eye, "If I know one thing for sure is that you are gonna get through this, you are gonna be okay. And once you're better you and Batman are gonna make sure that Joker is gonna pay for what he did, like you made Zuko pay all of those years ago. You're gonna walk out of this problem with a smiling face, I know it!"

(screw this I'm doing a birdflash)

Wally then leaned in for a short, but passionate kiss.

As they pulled apart, Wally wiped a tear away from Dicks' face. Now, change into some more casual clothes and come out and we'll start a movie, okay?" Dick smiled a little bit and said, "Ya, see you out there Kid Mouth" He said using a nickname that was given by Dick and Artemis.

"ya, see you out there Boy Wonder."

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