Chapter 11

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"Not the time, Kurama."

'Tsk. "Ninja" my ass. Turn around, idiot.'

"What?" I wrinkled my nose, turning around to see...oh. Oh dear. It was a huge creature, a wolf? Maybe a fox? Whatever it was, it... it didn't seem to like me. Or... 

I straightened up from my crouching position on the branch I was on and faced it. 

Or did it...?

"Hello there." I said softly, slowly bringing a hand up to it, palm upwards. It just... stared at me.

'Is this normal?'

'It's half my size, Naruto, do you think this is normal?'

'I meant the staring and the not blinking and the growling to get my attention.'

'...It's half my size, Naruto, do you expect it to be normal?'

'Fair enough. Why isn't it attacking me?'

'Sage? Animals? Connection?'


"Hey there buddy. What's your name?" I asked. Still, it just stared at me. "Not one for talking, huh? That's okay, I can do enough talking for the both of us." I continued, sitting on the branch. I was level with his teeth now, two gigantic fangs protruding from his muzzle, extending under his chin and curving slightly inwards.

Just before I was going to say something else, he moved, sitting in front of me. I was level with his eyes again. They were dull eyes, dead to the world, and it made me a little sad.

"I'm Naruto," I began, "Since you can't tell me your name -or you don't want to, whichever it is. Maybe it's both- I'll just call you... uh..." I thought for a while. "I got nothing. But I'll ask around for your name, I guess. I mean, you don't mind, do you? I'd find it weird if someone was going around asking who I was." I blinked. "Okay, yeah, that would be really creepy."

The creature huffed, standing as I stood, but not looking aggressive at all. That was good, yeah?

"I'm gonna go now, but it was fun talking. I've gotta get Killua to come back, everyone misses him." I frowned, crossing my arms and leaning on the tree. "Really, he's an idiot. Leaves us all because some dumb brother of his told him he didn't deserve friends." I scowled at the branch before shaking my head, dismissing the thoughts.

"Anyway, I'll see you around, oka-"


I blinked, looking to the east where the voice came from. The creature's ear twitched and it looked from me to that direction, flicking it's tail.

"Oh, is that your name?" I asked with a smile. "Cool! Bye, Mike!" he turned back to me. "I'll see you later." I said, waving at him before jumping into another tree. Continuing towards the house atop the mountain, I hummed in thought.

"He was cute." I said, stopping to peer down at a small pond below, and Kurama grunted. "What? He was! He was fluffy and huge. Kinda like you."

'...Shut up, kit.'

'...Are you jealous, Kurama.'

'Shut. Up. Kit.'

"Oh my God this is perf-" I was cut off by orange chakra seeping out of me and purposefully melting the branch I was on. I fell into the pond and sputtered, frowning.

"Dude!" I complained, standing on the water and wringing out my shirt. "Ugh, why isn't there a jutsu for drying." I grumbled, sighing as I pushed the wet hair out of my face and looked around. Guess I'll go on foot from here, this place looks really peaceful.


"I'm going back to the trees, this place is not peaceful." I glared down at the sixtythird animal that tried to eat me, and jumped up into the canopy above.

Moving on, I was relieved to find that the house was only a few minutes away if I continued at this speed. There wasn't much of a need to hurry, so I kept the leisurely pace.

Once there, in about five minutes, I looked up at the front door. Even that was huge. I knocked on it a few times, the sound echoing throughout the house and back to me. It then opened to reveal a man in a tux scowling down at me. 


"Uh. Hi." I said, raising a hand. He eyed me up and down before telling me to come in. I did, and he closed the door behind me.

"Wait here." he said, walking off and leaving me alone at the entrance. I puffed my cheeks as I waited, rocking back and forth on my heels, attempted a headstand against the door, fell, and just lay there until someone came.

"And who're you?" came a deep, gravelly voice. I scrambled to get up, coughing into my fist in embarrassment. This guys was...big. Very big. His hair was silver and reached about mid back His eyes were a weird colour and were colder than I'd seen in a while. 

"Uh. Hi, I'm Naruto. Here to murder Killua for leaving us after the Hunter Exams. Are you a family member? Can you tell him he's an idiot? Cause he is, he's an actual moron." 

I worked years on keeping my mouth shut, where was my brain to mouth filter?!

After a few moments of silence, he laughed. That didn't make me feel any better.

"Come in, Naruto. Would you prefer to go see him yourself, or have him come to you?" he asked, leading me into a sitting room. 

Waiting here with this dude? No thank you.

"Uh, if it's alright, I wanna go get him, thanks." I said, and he 'hmm'ed in response before going over to the wall to his right and ringing a bell. A few seconds later, a woman in a long, poofy black dress entered the room.

"Sylva-sama." she greeted.

"Show young Naruto to Killua, would you?" he said, and I narrowed my eyes slightly. This was too easy.

"Yes, Sylva-sama." she said, turning around and waiting. I followed her out the room and through a long hallway. She stopped at the fourth door.

"Here is Milluki-sama's room. Killua should be being tortured as of now. Please do not interrupt, and wait until it is finished." she said, then left. I blinked.


Of course I'm gonna interrupt if he's being tortured! What even is this family?!

I knocked on the door once and entered.

"Uh... anyone home? This lady was all 'he's being tortored and don't interrupt' but I don't know how I feel about that." I said, peeking inside. Suddenly,  a whip came in my direction. I jumped to avoid it, and looked around. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I saw Killua hanging by his wrists, covered in cuts and bruises. In front of him was a chubby kid, holding the whip and glaring at me.

"Whoa re you? Who let you in here?" he asked. Before I could answer, I heard a soft sound, and almost burst out laughing.

"Killua you- are you sleeping right now?" I asked, going up to him. The whip came at me again, but this time it hit Killua, who blinked awake.

"Huh? Oh, hey Milluki." he said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm here to get you. C'mon, let's go." I said. His eyes widened, and he stared at me like I was a ghost.

"Naruto?" he asked, and I made jazz hands.

"That's me. Has been for quite some time. Everyone else is waiting for you, c'mon." I said, jerking my thumb to the door. He 'oh'ed quietly, looking quite lost.

"Who's this?" came a new voice. An older guy, from the sound of it. Turning around, I saw I was right. Most likely the grandfather...?

"Ah, Killua. Your father would like to speak with you."  he said, and Killua nodded, pulling his hands free from the metal shackles, easily breaking them. 

"C'mon Naruto, you can wait in my room for now." he said, and I nodded, shrugging.

"See you later, Milluki." I said, and then turned to face him directly once Killua was out of the room and talking to himself, thinking it was me.

"And, uh. I may not know how this family works, but...Killua's my friend. I don't take too well to people who hurt my friends." My voice distorted and became deeper, almost demonic. Then I grinned at him. "Later dude!"

I stopped, halfway through the door.

"Zeno-san... You remind me of someone. He was really cool." I said, thinking of Jii-chan. Then I left awkwardly. Why exactly did my brain think it a good idea to just say that randomly? Ugh.

I found Killua giving me a deadpan look, and shrugged.


"I've been talking to myself for three minutes." he said, and I sweatdropped. 




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