Chapter 3

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"We'll spare you if you swear not to take the Hunter Exam again." Naruto heard a voice say. He had reached a clearing about five miles from where he had left Gon and Killua, and used his chakra to get there in about ten seconds. He inwardly snickered at the empty threat. Oh, he was going to love how this turns out. Staring into the clearing (that rhymed!!) with an amused expression on his face, Naruto spotted Kurapika and Leorio watching them as well, although for different reasons. Naruto was doing it for the hell of it, while they were doing it because they were too scared to move. He leaned against a tree trunk and watched some of the contestants make a circle around Hisoka.

"Sure." Hisoka said, making them all confused. Naruto rose an eyebrow, wondering what he was thinking.

"I'm passing the exam this year, so I won't need to retake it." Hisoka said. Naruto smirked.

'Nice. A slightly low blow, but a good one all the same.' he thought.

"Passing? Idiot. In this fog, it's impossible to tell which way the main pack went." said one of the men.

"Meaning, we've all failed the Exam." said another one. Hisoka chuckled.

"So that's why. Having already failed, you wish to play examiner. Hunters require prey. Why don't I play examiner and judge whether you are Hunter material?" Hisoka said, giving a small grin. Naruto sat down. He wanted to be comfortable when he was watching this.

Naruto watched, intrigued as Hisoka took out all the men but one with one attack, using just one card. He grinned as he felt the remaining man's fear as he fell backwards and began crawling away.

'Probably cause he knew his legs won't support him.' Naruto thought.

The man was trembling as he crawled.

"H-H-Help." he called, but his voice was against him, coming out as something even Naruto with his enhanced hearing had to strain to hear from where he was.

"He-" the man tried again, but was cut off by Hisoka's card embedding itself into his skull.

"Well?" Hisoka said as he retrieved his card, turning his gaze to Kurapika and Leorio.

"Care to participate in my little game of examiner?" he asked. They both stood still, staring at him. Naruto's ears picked up Kurapika's voice.

"Leorio. On my signal, we run in opposite directions." he said.

"What?" Leorio's voice asked.

"He is vastly more experienced in real combat. The two of us won't stand a chance against him. We cannot afford to squander time in a meaningless fight." Kurapika, the voice of reason, said.

Hisoka just took his time walking towards them, his -now clawed- fingers weilding a single card.

"Now!" Kurapika gave the signal and they both ran. Naruto nodded. This was probably the best thing for them to do in such a situation. Hisoka chuckled.

"A wise decision." he said, about to walk away.

"Hm?" he turned back to see Leorio looking thoroughly pissed off walking towards him. Naruto sighed.

'Idiot's gonna get himself killed.' he thought. Facepalming, Naruto decided it was time he showed himself.

He stood and stepped out of the shade of his tree and went towards Hisoka, who saw him coming anyway. A flicker of...something flashed in Hisoka's eyes, and he sent Naruto a blood thirsty grin.

"Ah, Naruto. Have you come to play with us? You passed earlier, I remember." Hisoka said. Naruto rolled his eyes.

"I've come to save this ass from getting himself killed. Though if he calls me a girl again, I'll be happy to hand him over to you." Naruto replied, looking -and feeling- suddenly bored at Leorio.

"I just can't do it. This may not be my fight, but I can't just close my eyes and make a break for it." Leorio said, and Naruto facepalmed, much to the amusement of Hisoka. Naruto gave Leorio a 'why the hell???' kind of look and then disappeared. He reappeared behind Leorio and gave him a chop to the back of the neck, knocking him out.

He sighed as he picked up his blue clad friend.

"Idiot. Going to the next site?" he said, directing the last bit to Hisoka, who simply smiled, which Naruto took as a yes. Soon, Gon came, as did Kurapika. They were instantly on guard when they saw Hisoka. Naruto huffed.

"I'm not dead yet guys. Calm the fuck down." he said, and the two relaxed some. Naruto made a handsign, and channeled Kurama's chakra into the area, then smirked.

"Found it." He muttered, and waited until two small foxes came scampering out of the forest. Naruto smiled as they came out and jumped on him, holding them up with materialized chakra, and grinned as one licked his cheek.

"Hey there guys, mind showing us to the next site? Kurama's got something he wants to give you afterwards." He said, and they sniffed him before jumping down and running into the forest. Naruto motioned for the others to follow, warning them that if they dare break the silence, Leorio wouldn't be the only one knocked out.

--TIMESKIP at the next exam site--

*Naruto POV*

"Thanks guys. Hold on, gimme a sec." I said to the siting foxes, kneeling and dropping Leorio on the ground, leaning his body against a tree. He should wake up soon. I then turned to them, and, when I was sure no one has looking, transported us to a spot behind a tree. I grinned, almost cooing as one of them made an attempt to yowl. I may be the jinchuuriki of the nine tailed fox, but both the prison and the prisoner are childish at times. I took a deep breath and focused my nature chakra. This was really hard to do; I hadn't been in sage mode when doing it, PLUS I haven't used nature chakra since I...died. There's no way you can say that without getting a feeling of pure inception...

I channeled the chakra into the air, and you could practically FEEL the difference it made. The air was purer, more breathable and just plain relaxing. I could tell this was near to the fox's den, so I made the vegetation better as well, and as a bonus, poured nature chakra into the foxes themselves, so they would grow strong and healthy, considering the creatures that dwell in this swamp. I gave them both a small grin as I left, and shunshined to the exam site, only to see a huge ass dude and a tiny woman -in comparison, at least- sitting in a building. I went up to Killua and Gon.

"What'd I miss?" I asked, and Gon 'eeped', as Killua sent me an annoyed look.

"Where've you been, little girlie boy?" Someone asked me, sneering. I gave him a cold glare.

"With your mother. Don't ask what we've been doing, it's sort of R-rated." I replied, making him get red. He charged me, and I simply stepped to the side, making him run straight into a tree. So he face PLANTED. Get it? A tree's a plant, and he...y'know...

... Okay.

"You'll start by cooking the plates I ask you for." The big guy said.

"Then those who qualify will have to satisfy me!" The woman said. I groaned.

"Sunuva barrel! I can't cook! I can hardly make tea without the damned thing catching fire!" I anime cried. Killua, Gon, Kurapika and Leorio sweat dropped.

"Should I ask how tea catches fire?" Kurapika asked, and I shook my head.

"I'm as confused as you are as to how the hell it happened." I said. Personally, I blame Kurama.

'Shut the hell up, Kit. Those tea leaves were out to get me, and you know it.' He said. I rolled my eyes.

'Yeah. Of course it was.'

"Roast Pork!"

... I'm sorry, what?

'Dude wants roast pork.'


I don't like killing animals since I am a sage and all now, but... Oh well.

I dashed into the forest and came head to head with a gigantic pig.

"Holy shit." I muttered, and charged it. I whacked its legs hard enough to make it topple and flip over. I dragged it, still squealing, back to the building where I was about to kill it (NOT roast it alive), had Killua not shown me that the other pigs were about to trample me. They quickly bagged the other pigs, and killed them. I did the same to mine, thought gently, by slowly but surely taking the life out of it. Like it died from natural causes, or old age. I may be a cold blooded ninja, but... I'm the sage of the six path's reincarnate, so to speak. I can't bear to kill an animal with a blade.

So, we killed the pigs, and I had Killua roast mine 'cause Kurama kept hissing every time I attempted to get close to the huge spit. And I can assure you, you do not want a nine tailed fox demon hissing inside your head. You don't.

Buhara, the big guy, he ate EVERY SINGLE MORSEL. there were like a million of us, how the bloody hell did he...? I'm confused.

"Hunters are amazing people..." Gon said. I nodded.

"In a way they are. Dear god, they are amazing in their very own ways." I muttered.

--Menchi's (the girl's) turn--

"I want sushi!" She declared, and I stuck a kunai into the ground.

"Fuck no, I'll be in that tree over there while you guys figure out what that death trap is." I said, and did just that.


"Isn't that too harsh, Menchi-kun?" I opened my eyes, only to see some old dude jump out of a blimp. I was impressed, he didn't even use chakr- oh. Chakra's kind of... non existent in this world. I keep forgetting... Well, the old dude landed perfectly on the ground under my tree, sent me a small smile, which it returned with a fake one, and then he looked back to Menchi.

"To fail all of them.. I couldn't help it. I lose my temper when it comes to cooking, and I was already angry when they spoke badly of it. I'm not suited I to be an examiner. Please, redo the second phase." She requested. I blinked, not having expected this at all. Eh? I jumped down from my tree, confused.

"What the bloody hell did I miss when I was up in my tree?" I asked Killua who gave me a 'you idiot' look. I huffed, not wanting to see his teasing face.

"No one passed, so this guy came. He runs the Hunter Exams, apparently." He quickly filled me in, and I nodded in response.

They spoke for a little while, then came to a conclusion, it seemed.

"Can you take us to that mountain?" Menchi asked. The old dude -whose name I found out to be Netero- nodded, a knowing look in his eyes.

--at the mountain--

"Holy shit. The mountain's LITERALLY split in half." I mumbled, making Netero laugh.

"Hence the name; Mt. Split in Half." There was a few seconds of silence, until I face palmed.

'Hunters are actually idiots, aren't they?' Kurama sighed, and I laughed quietly. Our attention was then brought to Menchi, who had taken her shoes off. She jumped off the edge of where the mountain was split, and Netero explained to us that she was going to get a Spider Eagle egg. I blinked as everyone nodded.

'Why is it I'm the only who doesn't know this?' I asked in my mind, and Kurama laughed.

'You and me both. But it doesn't matter does it? This whole Exam's just for fun anyway. Enjoy it until we go back to boredom, Kit.' Came the demon's response, and I nodded, shrugging. True, we just entered the Hunter. Exam to see if it would be any fun. It hasn't been, in case you were wondering.

Just running and cooking. Ah, the excitement... I hope you noticed the very heavy sarcasm there.

'Well, jumping off of cliffs seemed better than the aforementioned, so let's go.' I grinned, and Kurama 'hmm'ed in agreement. As Menchi came back up the cliff using an updraft, she told us to get an egg. Simple enough. I calmly stepped off of the edge of this cliff as if I was simply walking normally, and a small grin couldn't help but find it's way onto my face as I felt myself fall. Was this what flying felt like...?

I landed without any problem on a thread thing... I looked up to see I was pretty far down. Looking down, I noticed I was very high up. So...which was it? (Brain teaser :p) I walked to the end of the thread where it was stuck strongly to the mountain, picked an egg from where the nest was resting, and concentrated my chakra to walk back up the cliff. Might I add, no one else had gone yet...? I got odd stares as I dropped my egg inside the boiling pot next to Buhara, and send a dangerous smirk to the ones watching, they quickly looked away. Tsk. I was hoping it would have been scarier.

'We've gotta work on that, Kit.' Kurama said, chuckling. Almost as soon as he said it, Killua and the others jumped. I smirked; looks like my new friends weren't wusses. I knew Killua wasn't, since he seemed to have the scent of death around him, much like Itachi. Probably not as deadly, since Itachi did have the Sharengan, after all, but I could tell Killua had had his fair share of kills.


"To the remaining candidates, congratulations for passing the second phase of the Hunter Exams." My mouth was hanging open as I stared at the...creature before me. It was bean shaped, short and...speaking.

"Why the FUCK is there a talking bean in front of me?" I asked, and the bean shaped thing gave me an amused look, while everyone else stifled their laughter.

"Don't giggle like little girls, this thing's so... What the hell is it?" I was confused beyond belief, and eventually, everyone cracked up. I pouted at them. I was just curious and they go laughing at me. I couldn't help but join in as Killua literally fell to the floor, dragging Gon with him, who in turn dragged Leorio, who pulled on Kurapika, who grabbed onto me. We were now a dog pile on the floor with me at the top and Killua at the bottom. I was staring down at Kurapika, who was looking back up at me weirdly. I swear to god I just saw his eyes were blue, not grey. Was he wearing contacts?

"Naruto, stop staring at Kurapika like a creeper." Killua managed to choke out from under us all. I gave him a glare.

"Dumbass, shaddup." I muttered, standing. I held out a hand to Kurapika, who took it gratefully. I hauled him up with one hand without much difficulty, and he helped up Leorio. Gon stood by himself, but Killua just decided to lie there, sprawled out. I put a foot lightly on his stomach, and he gave me an annoyed look.

"Go kill someone else Naruto, I'm already kind of dying here." He muttered, and I grinned at him, giving him a hand, he stared at it for a split second before taking it hesitantly. I dragged him up, only for him to push me down instead.

Soon, Gon got pulled in somehow, and we were in an all out dust ball fight. When we were done, we were all laughing and on the floor. I hadn't noticed before now, but...

"Where'd everyone else go?" I asked, and Killua looked around, then shrugged. Gon didn't even bother looking.

"They all left since you three were busy." Leorio answered, smiling, as always.

"The next phase will begin once the airship lands wherever." Kurapika added, and I nodded while Killua 'oh'ed Gon stared up at the ceiling, already asleep from our banter. I smiled. Cute kid, reminded me of Konohamoru.

We had a short nap before we were all hyped up again, much to the annoyance of Leorio and amusement of Kurapika.

"Wanna go exploring?" Killua asked Gon and I. We stood, immediately ready.

"Yeah!" We said at the same time, then ran out of the room.

We explored the ship thoroughly, even the kitchen. Or... I should probably say especially the kitchen. We then entered the flight deck. There was a guy staring out in front of the ship, at the clouds.

"Oh, you're back, get me a cup of coffee, would you?"he asked. Killua and I grinned.

"How about this; I'll get you your coffee if you let me steer this thing for five minutes." He bargained. The guy spun around, and promptly kicked us out. Killua and I high fived, and turned to Gon to join in, but sweat dropped as we found him crouched and staring at the wall in a corner, all depressed.

"We got in trouble." He muttered, and we laughed awkwardly. Soon we got bored of exploring -and there was nothing else to explore- so we decided to sit down for a bit. Gon turned over in his chair, kneeling on it as he looked out the window behind it to the night sky.

"Woah, it's pretty!" He exclaimed. I smiled lightly at his childish expression as he stared with shining eyes.

"It's okay, I guess, you've never seen a night view like this before?" Killua asked, and we shook our heads.

"It looks like... A bunch of Pheonix Flower Jutsus at once..." I mutter, chuckling at the comparison I made in my own little world.

"Like...what?" Gon asked. I shook my head, gesturing the to continue with their conversation, which they did.

"Me, Killua, where are your parents?" Gon asked. Killua looked out at the night as he answered.

"They're assassins." He said. I blinked.

"Both of them?"

"Game night must suck."

Gon and I both voiced our own views at the same time. They both turned to look at me oddly.

"What? From what I've heard, you get really pissed off." I defended. Killua suddenly burst into laughter.

"You guys are weird. My charm is that people don't know whether I'm lying or not." He said, and I blinked.

"But you're telling the truth, right?" Gon and I asked at the same time.

"Wait...what charm?" I asked afterwards. Making him give me an annoyed glare. He ignored by my jibe and grew a poker face.

"Why do you think I'm not lying?" He asked.

"Just a hunch I guess." Gon said, making Killua sweatdrop. I just shrugged.

"Everything you do points to it. Your being an assassin would actually answer a lot of my questions. Besides, we have the same smell when it comes to that kind of stuff." I said, and he nodded.

"And? What about you, Sunshine?" Killua asked, smirking as he called me that. I ignored it, just pretending it was Sasuke calling me 'dobe'. No, wait, I feel worse now. I miss them...

"I'm a ninja." I said, and they both were silent.

"Like Hanzo?" Killua smirked.

"No. Hell no. That idiot is no ninja, I can assure you." I replied almost instantly.

"How are you a ninja?" Gon asked, I chuckled, knowing what he meant, even if it was worded rather oddly.

"We had an academy in my village where we trained until we were twelve." I replied, and he nodded.

"So you just decided right after that to take the Hunter Exam?" Killua asked, wrinkling his nose. I shook my head.

"No... I'm...I'm kind of not from here." I replied, and they gave me 'no duh' kind of looks. I sighed.

"I mean.. I'm not... I'm not exactly from this world...dimension...whatever." I said, and they were silent.

"How's it possible?" Killua mumbled. I just shrugged.

"I dunno... One moment I'm on my death bed at eighteen years old after killing someone who's at least a thousand years older than me, the next I'm ten years old with some dude named Ging." I replied, and Gon's eyes widened.

"Ging? Ging Freecs?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Wait... Eighteen? A person a thousand years older than you?" Confused Killua is confused. I nodded, smiling at his confusion.

"Yeah, I'll tell you later, though... I don't think we'll get the chance to speak freely right now." I said, just as we suddenly felt an insane amount of power being directed at us, and spun to see. There was no one there, so I quickly turned around again and had a kunai against the throat of whoever it was.

"Netero-san." I greeted, not relenting my position.

"Ah, you're good." He said as I reluctantly removed my kunai.

"You're pretty fast yourself for an old man." Killua said, and Netero put on what he assumed to be an innocent face. It didn't work, not after Tazuna.

"That? I barely moved." Came the reply, and I imagined lightning being shot from their eyes as they had a stare off. Gon, oblivious to the situation, spoke; unknowingly calming the tension.

"Netero-san, did you see someone coming from over there?" He asked, making Killua and I facepalm and give each other 'he's hopeless' looks.

"No." Came the short response.

"What do you want, old man?" Killua asked, I grinned as I thought of the third Hokage; I used to call him 'old man'.

"Id like to play a game." He said, and my eyes widened.

"NO, YOURE GONNA BE LIKE THAT POTATO MIME FROM SAW, RIGHT!?" I used my chakra to jump on the ceiling and stay there. They all stared at me like I had grown four extra heads.

"Woah, how'd you do that, Naruto?" Gon mumbled with sparkles around him and in his eyes.

"Idiot..." Killua muttered, while Netero simply shook his head, laughing.

"No, but would you like to play?" He asked. I slowly walked down the wall until I stood by Killua and Gon again.

"Yeah!" Gon said. I sighed.

"Killua?" I asked. He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and tugged on his collar playfully.

"We'll play. As long as I don't have to stick a razor blade in my eye. Chakra or not, that's gonna take at least a few goddamn years to heal." I said, muttering the last part under my breath. Netero smiled and led us to an empty room, where he had somehow changed into what looked to be training clothes without us noticing. Woah.

He had a ball in his hand, bouncing it. Wearing a confident look, he turned to us.

"Just get the ball from me, and you'll be made Hunters."


Aaaand that's it for this chapter. I hope you guys liked it, since it was really fun xD





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