His Possession

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"You can't leave." Xavier slams me up against the wall grabbing my wrists in a death grip and holding it by my face, his muscular body is up against mine so tight I can feel his warmth seeping through my clothes.  

"Why?!" I seethe glaring my blue eyes at his forest green ones. 

His grip tightens on my wrists but I refuse to show any hurt that flashes through my eyes.  

"Because you're fucking mine." He spits through clenched teeth as his breath scans my face.  

"I'm not an object." I grit out. 

His jaw clenches as his eyes flash with anger. 

"Don't. Fucking. Test. Me. Addison." He growls out leisurely. My confidence starts to deflate and replace with fear as his eyes flood black and face hard as a rock. I build up the last amount of confidence I have. 

"Bite me." I bark out. Ignoring the horrible pain in my Delicate wrists.  

Suddenly Xavier's cold hard sneer turns into an evil sly smirk that sends chills down my spine. "I'd love to." He quickly throws me onto the bed to the side making me bounce slightly on the mattress. Fear and panic runs through my Veins. "I Told you not to test me Addison." He spats as he rips off his shirt.  


Addie White is a rogue. She ran away from her pack after she found out how the Alpha couldn't find his mate and is making her get married to him as a replacement. Disgusted and scared she packs her bags and leaves never looking back. But sadly fate takes a turn for the worst for Addie as she stumbled into the land of the BattleScar pack. They're evil and mean, They're warriors and is what mostly every child had nightmares of back in her old pack. She heard horrible story's about Alpha Xavier when she was younger. She quickly tries to run off their land but fails as she gets captured by their beta. But when the Alpha comes to see the rogue he has to kill and torture his eyes lock with Addie's frighten ones and growls one words that changes her life forever. "Mine.

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