48: Please Listen To Me

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"Please listen to me," Kaede pleaded as he approached you quickly.

"No." You turned your head and went to walk towards the large screen that the other women sat in front of.

"Bug, please!" He raised his voice, drawing your attention and your ire.

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me." You gave him a royal look of irritation.

"You have no right to be upset with me for this long!" His voice didn't lower one decibel and he blocked your path with his arm. "You were not monogamous with me, nor did you ask me to be monogamous with you! Never did I lie to you. While you were off with anyone and everyone that you pleased, I practiced with one singular other person and got better for you. Did that not pay off? Did I not ask you time and time again for monogamy?! Answer me!"

"Yes." You whispered.

"And yet, I put up with it! I only finally came to talk to you when I found out that you were interested in seeing another man. And instead of being able to talk to you, these women here decided to out my relationship, if you could even call it that, with an ex-student council member. Because I chose to talk to you when it wasn't 'my time'. And you have refused to talk to me since! Not a word!" Kaede looked you in the eyes. "Now I won't take it a moment longer."

"And you won't have to." Your eyes teared up, humiliated, with all of your friends and council members watching. "I'm going home."

"No." He stood firm, towering over you. "I want to talk to you! And we can go somewhere else, or we can go home together, or we can sit here and talk, but you are not going to run away from me right now!"

"Kaede Manyuda, if you do not remove yourself from in front of me this minute," you steadied your voice, "Not only will I expunge you from the student council, but I will never, ever, speak to you again."

Everything went quiet. It wasn't often that you asserted your full authority, but right now your brain was in fight or flight mode and having lost your flight option, it was time to fight.

Kaede's eyes and resolve wavered and slowly, he removed his arms. He took a step back.

"I just want to be able to talk to you." He lowered his voice. "You aren't treating me fairly."

"No one ever said I had to. Leave me alone." You looked away from him, embarrassed of your own actions as well. You heard what he had to say and you recognized your own faults. But you couldn't admit them here and now. "Perhaps another time."

Kaede's eyes snapped to your face, searching for some semblance of hope, but upon seeing the frown, he too frowned back. And he left the room, sensing that he was no longer going to be welcome.

Luckily for you, this meant that you were free to now enjoy what was left of the show.

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