66: You Want To Join The Student Council

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"You want to join the student council?" Kaede had asked Itsuki as they stood alone in his office of finances.

"Yes." She had replied quickly. "Haven't you seen the previous donation rankings? That should prove my resolve."

"You should back off." Kaede didn't even look up from his laptop. He really didn't even have an interest in this first year girl at the moment. He saw no use for her.

"What?! Why should I?"

"It's obvious you're only after the privileges student council members get." Itsuki stumbled as he spoke, still not looking at her. "I don't blame you. I admit, it's true that the current council's authority is staggering, and the chance to interact with the Princess daily is it's own stellar benefit. We can wrest all the money and prestige we want from the students. Nobody can resist. With her help, the student council rules over every facet of this academy."

"I know that perfectly well." Itsuki had replied. "There are tons of people who want to join the student council. But I happen to have money. I'm someone who can contribute to the student council. If necessary, I can get you even more. AND I don't have the slightest interest in even meeting the Princess!"

"As expected, you don't get it. The student council rules this school. And the princess rules us. You must be interested in her. As the council, it's bound to assume responsibility for all facets of this academy." She was shocked at how he had still yet to look up at her. But then, his dark brown eyes met hers. And the severity was carried across. "Do you know how many alumni are now central figures in Japanese society? They have high expectations for this schools. They are watching us closely. And this includes the Emperor. If we let them down, it will mean the end for us. You should assume that every path to your future life will be blocked. The student council carries all that on its shoulders. Are you prepared to take that on?"

She had gasped.

"If I've gotten through to you, leave. You're better off as an ordinary student. Others of us have more... important positions that they must... research."

How to undress a woman in the sexiest way possible?

How to turn a woman on with just a kiss?

How to find the right shade of lipstick?

How to make the first time the best time?

Kaede had continued typing madly into his computer. Yesterday had been the first day you asked if he had would be interested in taking off his shirt for you and he was wildly unprepared. Never again. He would do anything for you.

"I want to become student council president." She had reported, forcing him to pause and glance up.


"My father has ordered me to become a member of the student council. But I don't want to be just a member. I want to be king. And I can risk everything to achieve that. We can't let the alumni down?! Assume responsibility? Bring it on, I say! I'm willing to do anything to become student council president! Is that still not enough for you?"

"We're the same... you and I." Kaede smiled, a plot had instantly formed. "True, it's a hefty donation. Your record is impeccable, too. Fine, then." He closed his laptop. "I'll recommend you to the others... You and I will become kings. I hope you're prepared, Itsuki Sumeragi. Because you need to say yes to one last thing."

"What is that?" She scrunched her eyebrows.

"Be my practice girlfriend. I must improve for the Princess."

She had gulped, This man is dating the Princess?!  But she had seen her way in.


AN: Cruising along here at lightning speed because we've finally made it to the place I've wanted to be since chapter 30! My favorite episodes! I wonder if we'll hit 100 chapters? Thank you to everyone who has kept reading and voting!

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