81: Always So Beautiful

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"Always so beautiful..." You remarked on the women around you. "For whose benefit is that, Midari?"

You had decided to drop by after school to discuss with her the prospects of having that time with both her and Kaede together. However, she didn't even get to respond to that question before some familiar faces burst in.

"Hmm? Do you have permission to be in here?" One of the election observers, Inaho Yamato you thought, spoke. "Oh!"

She must have seen you. Of course you had permission to be in here, the school was practically yours.

"OOOOOH! IT'S YOU, YUMEKO!" Midari shrieked.

"Long time no see, Ikishima-san." Yumeko greeted her. "And hello to you as well, YN."

"Eh-heh! What're you doing in here?!" Midari was vibrating and flitting around in excitement and you scowled, your moment to ask having been destroyed by Yumeko's presence. "Ahh I don't care. Did you hear? Huh? Did you?!"

"Hmm? What about?" Yumeko inquired politely.

"About the election, you dumbass! This is totally ideal, isn't it?!" Her face became manic and you went over to hug Ryota. He rubbed your arm and sighed with you. This was going to be ridiculous. "C'mon! Let's do it! Let's gamble!!!! C'mon, just a little! Let's do it!"

"I've never seen Yumeko look so peeved..." Ryota whispered to you as you nodded. Yumeko slunk behind you both, shielding herself from the crazy girl.

"Eh-heh! Don't be such a stick in the mud!" Midari scolded her as she leaned against the wall of muscle that is Ryota, holding up a hand to block Midari's tongue from reaching her face.

"All three of us can play." Erimi Mushibami, the small gothic lolita spoke. "We can do that with the game I've got. We'll be using this..."

And with a few snaps and clicks, a strange device opened up.

"Uh... Huh? What on..." Ryota mumbled as he sweated nervously.

"YES! I call it the finger-cutting guillotine!" Erimi shouted. "The rules couldn't be easier. Each player sticks her finger into a hole. We'll take turns cutting one of the twenty strings... only one is the 'winner'. Even if you cute the 'winner' you're still in the game... but the blade will fall. There's only one way to end this match-- whoever removes her finger from the hole first loses! In other words... It's a game of chicken-- remove your finger, or get it sliced off! Whoever's the most gripped by terror loses the bet!"

Poor Erimi... You thought. You chose the wrong opponents for this game.

"I love it!" Yumeko smiled. "It's great!"

"Totally!" Midari agreed "The rules are one thing, but this rig is awesome! The idea of getting your finger lopped off with a single mistake!"

"I've waited for just this thing!" Yumeko's flushed face was getting you a little bothered, you had to admit. "I've always wanted a gamble like this! And such an extreme match-up!"

Midari waved her hand by the blade.

"Yeow! Damn, this is real. Yumeko, look! Just brushing past it cut my finger! It's sharpened to a fine point!"

"Isn't it amazing, Suzui-san? YN?" Yumeko had stars in her eyes and Ryota looked ill.

"Hey look at me!" Midari complained.

Erimi, however, did not look pleased.

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