Ibarra & Rin Ending

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AN: Long ending for chapter 100!!!!! Also this pairing 😵 I apparently love it. It's more than 16 chapters worth of writing. I hope you all love it too, bummer I didn't cover them in the main story. Also, there's a lot of weird mistakes, so try not to be distracted haha I tried to fix them as I saw them (Even came back in 2021 to fix it more)

It hadn't always been you three together. It had started off with only Ibarra.

This was how the story went:

You wiped the condensation from the bathroom mirror and leaned close, applying your mascara in the small window you'd made on the glass. The tiny room was full of steam and the smell of shampoo and soap.

"How can you take a hot shower in this weather?" you said, capping your mascara and leaning in even closer, scrutinizing your face. You'd had a shower a half hour ago and could already feel a thin film of sweat on your back; it was going to be another boiling hot day.

Ibarra made a sleepy noise, turned the water off and slid the curtain back with a metallic zing. He reached for a towel and you glanced his way, letting your eyes wander over his naked body, his skin pink from the hot water. You'd been together four years, and he never failed to make something else stir inside you, something warm and alive—all he had to do was smile and you'd feel it all through your body.

"Morning, baby," he said smiling, wiping the water from his eyes with the towel. He looked sexy with his long black hair dripping onto his wide shoulders, his chin just a little shadowed with dark whiskers you knew he wouldn't bother to shave off.

You turned when he stepped out of the shower and you exchanged a quick kiss. you felt the vague rush of arousal at his naked body and all the familiar details—the intricate black tattoos that covered his neck replacing the necklace of his childhood, the silver curls of his hoop earrings, the deepness of his voice. And his eyes—so bright and expressive and cunning.

"Morning," you said, dragging your eyes from his face. "You'd better hurry—it's almost quarter to."

You left the bathroom, finished dressing and returned five minutes later to find Ibarra brushing his teeth lazily, staring at his reflection as he did, looking for all the world like he was ready to go to bed, not start his day.

"I'm leaving without you if you're not ready in twenty minutes," you said with genuine irritation.

He made some noise around his toothbrush, acknowledgment or argument, and watched you as you took a few minutes to check your hair, arranging the hair that hung around your face.

You looked your body over, smoothed your blue skirt, and turned around to consult the full length mirror on the wall behind you. It had taken forever to pick the right outfit—something professional looking without being boring, and light enough that you stood a chance of getting to work without being soaked with sweat.

Ibarra moved to the sink and you couldn't help watching his body from behind as he bent to rinse his mouth. He'd barely dried off and you could see the beads of water on his skin. You wanted to run your finger across his back, joining them like a dot-to-dot. You wanted to feel the smooth warmth of his skin underneath yours, crawl back in bed and make love instead of going to work.

He straightened, running his hand through his hair carelessly, and saw you looking. He smiled and you felt it inside; a tug of desire that anchored in your belly and pulled like a tide between your legs. Hastily, you returned your attention to your reflection.

He turned, watching you scrutinize your outfit in the mirror. "Do I look...professional?" you asked uncertainly, turning to view yourself from the side, hoping your ass didn't look too big beneath the linen fabric of your skirt. "Can I convince important people?"

"You could convince me," he said, stepping beside you and taking your arm, pulling you away from your reflection. "To do all kinds of things." He brought you close, his hands slipping to your waist. you knew the water from his skin was soaking into your clothes, and were almost annoyed, but his lusty eyes held yours and your annoyance was quenched by excitement. Only a few seconds of contact and you were already growing warm and aroused. He kissed you softly, with an open mouth, his tongue slipping over your lower lip; all animal appetite, no subtlety. "Especially very naughty things," he said in a low voice. you laughed, even though you didn't want to. "Wicked things."

He kissed you again and you felt a tingle in your stomach, felt your body wanting to yield, to let it happen.

He pressed you against the bathroom wall and started hiking up your skirt. If you let him, he'd be inside you in a matter of minutes, pushing hard in that needy way he always had, like he hadn't fucked in years, though it had probably been less than 24 hours since you had. You loved that—even when he caught you off guard. You loved his needy desire; it never failed to get you wet.

But you couldn't be late to work this morning.

Reluctantly, you pushed his hands away. "Ibarra, don't." You turned your head away from his kiss but he just slid his open mouth to your throat and you sighed, despite yourself. You pressed your hands against his bare chest and pushed him hard, but it only made him press against you more. "Come on—I don't have time for this today."

He ran his tongue over your skin, up to your ear, and sucked your earlobe, earring and all, into his lips. "Just a quick one?" he said, bringing his mouth back to yours. you were still pushing against him, but with much less effort. "For good luck?" you moaned as he searched your mouth with his tongue and for a second did nothing as his hands pulled your skirt higher, his hot palms cupping your ass.

"Oh, fucking hell," said a voice from the doorway. "Don't you two ever stop?" Ibarra's older brother Rin stood in the doorway, scowling sleepily. Quickly, you pushed Ibarra's hands away and smoothed your skirt. Ibarra just sighed and stepped back, his cock half erect and pointing comically in his brother's direction. "Jesus, Ibarra what's your problem?" He looked away pointedly, radiating irritation. "Just get out, already."

You felt embarrassed to have been caught, but more than that, you felt bad for Rin. His wife of five years had broken up with him almost a year ago and he'd been miserable ever since. But Ibarra loved giving Rin a hard time and irritating him on purpose—not maliciously, but he couldn't help himself. That was just how Ibarra was, and it drove Rin crazy.

You felt bad for him because he was a good guy. You could tell he was as embarrassed as he was annoyed, and you knew it had to be hard to see his brother and you together when his romantic life had pretty much dried up since the break up.

"Sorry, Rin," you said quietly as you squeezed past him and ran downstairs.

The accessories and shoes you wanted for your meeting were in the downstairs wardrobe, naturally.

Ibarra came down to join you as you were putting on your shoes; he was looking sexy and totally at ease in his casual pants and t-shirt. He patted your backside as he passed behind you in the dressing room.

"I feel bad for Rin," you whispered. "He's so depressed."

"He's not," Ibarra said casually. "He just needs to get laid."

You rolled your eyes, not bothering to look at him. "Sex isn't the solution to everything, Ibarra."

He didn't answer, but you knew he was smiling at you, probably even ogling your ass. You turned your head after a minute and sure enough his eyes were sweeping down your body, a little smirk on his face.

"I wish we could do something for him," you said, ignoring Ibarra's stare. "We could at least be more careful."

This morning wasn't the first time Rin had happened upon you and Ibarra making out. Ibarra was impulsive and if not always horny, he certainly didn't take much persuading to get in the mood. He found it nearly impossible to not touch you when you were near enough, and once he touched you, he had a hard time not moving closer, touching you more, seeing how quickly he could get you turned on and undressed. You had a little more self-control than he did, but once he started kissing you, not much more.

"You could sleep with him," Ibarra said as he mooned over you getting ready. You looked at him sharply, your incredulous reply coming swiftly.

"What did you say?"

"I said you could sleep with him; that would cheer him up."

"Oh shut up, Ibarra," you said laughing.

"I'm serious, YN. He should be over her by now, it's almost been a year. His ego's taken a beating; if he got laid, he wouldn't be so bitchy."

You laughed again, staring at him. "You really think, don't you? Sex would make everything better?"

"Not just sex, YN. Sex with you." His tongue darted out from between his lips to wet them. "If he got laid by you, he'd snap right out of it."

"You're not serious," you said, but you knew he was. "Tell me you're not."

Ibarra leaned a little closer to you, his voice dropping slightly—for effect, you thought, certainly not because he cared if the help heard.

"We could break up, me and you, and you could go to him for comfort, do some hot rebound fucking." you stared at him, in disbelief. "And after you guys are done, we could get back together." He let his mouth stretch in a smile and raised his eyebrows meaningfully. "You know how good make-up sex is."

The thought of sleeping with Rin was in your mind— you'd never thought about it before, but you couldn't deny the appeal of the idea.

"There's something wrong with the way your brain works, Ibarra," you said decidedly.

"Think of how good that would make him feel, YN, to be pursued by a woman again," Ibarra continued, now sounding like he only had his brother's happiness in his mind. "And if that woman is you..." Now he was stroking your ego. "Mmm, I think getting to fuck you—that would be one hell of a boost to his self-esteem."

You continued to stare at him, at the expression on his face that told you he was serious. He leaned a little closer, and dropped his voice a little more so it slithered warmly into your ear.

"Besides, it would be so fucking hot—the two of you together. You fucking Rin..."

"You're serious?" you laughed, but it was a nervous laugh, one that couldn't hide an excitement you suddenly felt. "What—do you want to watch or something?"

He smiled, knowing he had your interest, and nodded slowly.

You weren't about to admit it to him, but the idea was exciting—You'd never thought of being with anyone else but Ibarra, not since you met, but suddenly the idea of being with Rin was very intriguing, but you weren't so sure about having an audience.

"You're such a perv, Ibarra." you weren't able to hide your amusement.

He smiled again and looked at you levelly. "I'm dead serious, YN."

You stared at him for a few seconds as he watched your reaction, a smile frozen on his face. It wasn't really that surprising that the idea turned him on, you realized. Most things turned Ibarra on, and his tastes definitely leaned toward the voyeuristic, but watching you have sex with his brother? Of course you had approved of allowing him to live with you both, if only to prevent loneliness between the brothers, but what if it was for a more nefarious reason?

"You're crazy," you said finally, shaking your head like you were trying to shake the attractive image that had leaped up uninvited, of Rin, shirtless and messy-haired first thing in the morning. "Now move, I have to try to get this bill passed."

He shifted, kissed your cheek as you passed. "Good luck at the meeting, baby." He gave you a big, sincere smile, and made sure his hand made contact with your ass as you slid past him, his smile turning to a smirk as you walked out.

The next two weeks, Ibarra kept bringing it up-- slipping it into conversation and whispering in your ear, as you were having sex. At first he played on your ego, building up his brother's attraction to you, but eventually he became explicit about how much he wanted to see his brother and you together.

You didn't exactly tell him to stop, but you didn't encourage his fantasies when he brought them up either. You kept telling him he was crazy, laughing it off, but now you were noticing Rin in a way you hadn't before. He was Ibarra's older brother by only a year. Physically they were remarkably similar. They had the same sloping shoulders, the same long limbs, and they moved the same—with an easy, loping stride, filling any space they were in with their personalities as much as their bodies. Rin didn't have the same athletic build as his brother. He was more slender, less muscular, but the differences were secondary to the similarities, making him look like a slightly smaller version of them. They had the same deep-set eyes, same jaw and thick hair. And they laughed the same—and laughed often. You found Rin attractive if only because he looked like Ibarra and you found Ibarra irresistible, but you had to admit he was attractive because of the subtle difference between them, things you couldn't even put your finger on or name.

And then there was the way he looked at you.

Ibarra had been right; Rin found you attractive. You had no doubt once you started noticing—his eyes were often too slow to look away when you caught him watching you. It thrilled you to your very center; stirring up an excited curiosity when he was around. You didn't tease him, but Ibarra did—with your body. If Rin was around Ibarra would find some way to draw attention to you, to your body, sometimes flat out remarking you looked sexy in whatever it was you were wearing at the time, asking Rin if he agreed. More than once, he left the bedroom door open while you were having sex, knowing Rin was home and could walk past at any moment.

On the Friday you got the call that the bill passed, you called Ibarra at work, and he said he'd take you out to celebrate after work. He took you to your favorite bar and did his best to get you drunk while he continued to try to convince you sleeping with Rin was the solution to all the world's problems.

Between your elation at having gotten the bill passed and the numerous beers you'd had, you were feeling pretty good—confident, a little reckless—and Ibarra knew it, but he still looked surprised when you finally said you'd do it.

"Let's go," you said, moving to stand, wobbling a little on your heels. "Let's go home right now and I'll fuck his brains out."

For a second Ibarra just gaped, then he grinned like an idiot and you were out of there like a flash.

You hadn't been entirely serious. You'd assumed Ibarra liked the idea of you sleeping with his brother but would stop it before anything actually happened. That he'd get off on the taboo, and that would be enough. So, you played it up on the walk home— telling him how hot it made you to think of him watching you fuck his brother. It was a game and you were playing along, but when you got home it became obvious he'd been serious and was now more determined than ever to see it happen.

He pinned you to the door before you went in, and kissed you with so much passion it hurt. His hands were everywhere, grasping and stroking, finally settling under your skirt to tug at the waistband of your panties. He bent and quickly slipped them down your thighs, making you lose your balance and fall against him. He stripped them off and straightened but didn't push you against the door again to fuck you like you thought he would. Instead, he steadied you and slid your panties into his pocket, grinning, kissed you once more and fumbled with the key to unlock the door.

The house was boiling hot, but you could hear the fan going in the living room. you could hear the TV too, which meant Rin was home. Ibarra led you toward the sound, his fingers gripping your hand tightly, and you found a shirtless Rin sitting in front of the fan, watching TV. He barely reacted when you came in, only lifting his eyes once without saying a word. you noticed there was a small collection of bottles on the floor beside him; you weren't the only ones a little drunk. Ibarra met your eyes meaningfully and led you to the other chair, pulling you onto his lap as he fell into it. You landed with your legs over the arm of the chair, your feet dangling above the floor. You kissed for a few minutes, softly and wetly, and you wondered if Rin was watching, surprised to find how much you hoped it was true. Ibarra's hand moved to your knee and pushed it down so one of your legs fell atop his, your thighs parting. He drew your skirt up and slipped his hand right over your shaved pussy. You gasped against his mouth and for a second was lost in the kiss and light touch of his fingers on your skin before you remembered Rin. Was he watching?

You turned, drawing your mouth from Ibarra's and shivered at the look on Rin's face—his gaze locked on your open thighs and the movement of his brother's fingers. you wondered how much he could see from his vantage point. Did Ibarra's hand block his view or was he watching his brother's finger slip between your swollen labia? You sighed with pleasure at the touch and the thought that he was watching. you closed your eyes and when you opened them again you saw Rin looking at your face. He looked away quickly, but not before we'd both seen the other looking. you sighed again, thrilled far more than you had expected you'd be.

"Mmm baby, you're so wet," Ibarra growled into your ear, his voice low enough you were sure Rin couldn't hear it over the TV and the fan. He slid his finger along the length of your slit, picking up the wetness and spreading it over your skin. "So fucking wet."  He kissed your neck and slid his finger deep inside you without so much as a cursory circle at the entrance. You groaned and squirmed against him. "Did you see?" Ibarra hissed. "He couldn't look away." You groaned again and looked at Rin again. He was staring resolutely at the TV, the muscles in his face and neck tense as if he was trying very hard not to look our direction. "What a naughty tease you are." You could hear the smile in Ibarra's voice. "Showing off your pussy to your brother-in-law like that." He moved his finger slowly, drawing it out and pressing it in again, his breath hot on your ear. "You're so wet, YN. You're so hot for it—aren't you? You've been thinking about getting fucked by him for a while. You know you have. You know you want to him to touch you like this, like I'm touching you right now." He drew his finger out and entered you again, pressing two fingers together and filling you fast. You groaned and arched your back, your eyes glued on Rin. "Do you want him, baby?" Ibarra's breath was a little faster than it had been a moment before. "Do you want Rin to fuck you? Hmm?"

You squirmed and, to your complete surprise, moaned out, "Absolutely."

Rin turned his head quickly, his eyes landing first between your legs where Ibarra was slowly, methodically, and with great restraint filling you again and again with his fingers. When he lifted his eyes, they met yours and drilled right to your center, penetrating you with a spiraling heat.

"Oh fuck, yes," you moaned. You heard Ibarra gasp against your ear and then he pulled his hand away and pushed you up, off his lap and over the arm of the chair where you caught yourself, teetering unsteadily for a second before you got your balance and looked up at Rin.

You walked toward him, moving slowly through a fog of arousal and alcohol, and staring at his bare chest, impulsively lifted your own shirt up and over your head. you heard a stereo intake of breath from Ibarra and Rin on either side of you. You let the shirt fall to the floor and in a few seconds was directly in front of Rin whose eyes were glued to the sight of your bare breasts. The air from the fan cooled your sweaty skin and a shiver ran through you from the excitement of what you were about to do. The look on Rin's face emboldened you—his expression of lust and confusion; you could feel how much power you had at that moment, his full attention on you. You wouldn't have been surprised to hear the crack of discharged electricity when your knee touched Rin's. You felt the thrill all the way through you, feeling dazed as he looked; your head filled with a sudden and overwhelming desire to touch him, to make him want you. You slid your knee against his and reached out to steady yourself, hands on his hot shoulders, as you climbed onto his lap. Your skirt hid the view, but you could feel your wet pussy opening as you straddled him, and the thought of how close to his cock it would be once you settled into his lap made your head swim.

Rin's mouth hung open slightly, incredulity showing on his face. "What..." It wasn't a protest, just a declaration of disbelief, and you silenced it with your mouth, pressing your open lips to his and kissing him the way Ibarra often kissed you—deeply and with unrestrained desire. He reacted after a second, and his returned advance made your lust surge. You kissed him harder, more passionately. He made a strange noise against your mouth and you realized he was trying to talk and kiss you at the same time. you drew back and the sight of his face made your stomach tighten excitedly; it had been a good kiss. Rin had thought so too.

"What the fuck?" he said, eloquent as ever. "What is this?" He looked at Ibarra and you followed his gaze, surprised to see Ibarra was just watching—not stroking himself, though from the look on his face and the bulge in his pants, you knew he was enjoying this.

He shook his head, grinning. "It's fucking hot, brother, that's what it is. Just enjoy it."

You looked at Rin, who was still staring at Ibarra uncertainly. Worried he was about to protest or to push you from his lap, you leaned close to his ear, making sure your lips touched his skin, and whispered, "I want you, Rin." He tensed, holding still, and you ran your hands over his shoulders, shifting your legs slightly, settling down into his lap more, your open pussy now making contact with the rough fabric of his cargo shorts and the hardness beneath that had to be his cock. You drew back and turned his head to yours again. "I want you to fuck me," you said, looking him in the eyes.

He exhaled suddenly. You felt the heat of his breath against your mouth and the tension shift through his whole body. You kissed him again and felt the heat of his hands as he laid them gently on your hips. You shifted until your torso was level with his head. you watched his face as you moved closer, and you both moaned as you delivered your nipple to his mouth. He opened it and your moan turned to a gasp as he closed the gap between, pressing his open mouth to your breast. Running your hands over his head, threading your fingers through his short dark hair, you were thoroughly messing it up as he very carefully, almost hesitantly, explored the surface of your breast with his tongue. You turned, bringing your other breast to his mouth and watched with delight as he gave it the same careful treatment.

Ibarra had never been this gentle or slow, not that you had ever minded his lusty need—I just hadn't known moving so slowly could be such a turn-on. But you were definitely turned on.  Rin's hands moved up to grasp your breasts, and for a few more minutes he moved from one to the other, his tongue tracing slowly all around and over your nipples before he sucked them, one after the other, applying more pressure until he had you breathing fast. When he drew back, you relaxed back onto his lap and he looked over at Ibarra again. you looked too, noticing Ibarra's hand had moved to the front of his jeans, but he still hadn't drawn his cock out yet. you marveled at his restraint—it wasn't something he often showed.

He shook his head, grinning drunkenly, but you knew it was lustful drunkenness at this point, not from the alcohol. "Oh baby, you're so fucking hot," he said looking at you. "Don't stop."

Rin gave you an uncertain look, clearly not sure what to do next however. You returned your hands to his face quickly, and gave him a long, soft kiss, pressing your tongue against his lower lip until he opened his mouth. You searched for his tongue, found it, and you kissed with increased intensity as you slowly slid from his lap. The fan blew your skirt, flipping it up over your ass, the cool air soothing your throbbing pussy. This spurred a noise of approval from Ibarra; he loved your ass. And since he'd taken your panties in the hallway, he had an uncensored view of everything you had to offer.

Running your hands down Rin's chest again, you drew back letting your mouths part with a wet sound and reached for the button at the waistband of his shorts. His eyes went wide and he made a gurgling sound of desire deep in his throat that you couldn't help smiling at.

You knew what he wanted to hear, what all men wanted to hear, and you bent toward him, seeing his eyes were on your breasts, and said in a soft voice once your fingers reached the button and began to undo it, "I want to suck your cock." Adjusting your posture slightly to get access to the zipper and you waited until he looked up at your face in disbelief. "I want to suck you off, Rin. I want to feel your cock sliding into my mouth," you moved one knee back, lowered the zipper. "My lips wrapped around it..."  He stared, his eyes wide and starting to gain a more animal look to them. "I want to feel it go deep." you were laying it on, thrilled by his silence and disbelief, and thinking with some delight that Ibarra would soon be coming in his pants if you kept it up. "All the way in—deep." You moved one foot to the floor, drew your other knee from the chair and stepped between his legs, bending at the waist to lower the zipper all the way. You could see the shape of his erection, held tight to his body by the dark blue briefs he was wearing, and swallowed excitedly. Reaching for the elastic waistband as you slowly sank to your knees, and with great care—one hand lowering the fabric, the other slipping into the gap— you drew his cock out and into the light.

There was something you definitely knew. Every man wants to believe their cock is the most beautiful, the biggest, the thickest you have ever seen. Every man wants to believe that as you begin to suck them, you live for nothing else but the chance to get as much of their cock in your mouth as you can. Every man wants to hear you exclaim what you exclaimed with complete honesty at that moment. "Oh God, you're so big." You mentioned. He was. His cock was huge. Not freakishly huge, not porn star huge, but certainly the largest cock you'd ever seen. And it was beautiful—long and smooth, a slightly lighter shade of skin than his body, with a subtle curve at the middle, so that when you drew it all the way out and held it erect in your hand, it seemed to lean toward you, as if searching for your mouth.

You stroked it gently as you kept easing his briefs as low as you could, wanting to see the whole package. you knew he must be proud of his cock and you wanted him to think you were impressed—which you were, in fact. you let your eyes go a little wide as you slid your hand in and under his scrotum, cupping it in your palm for a second before you brought it out, pushing the tight fabric of his briefs down underneath it. You looked up at him. He looked completely shocked, but with obvious excitement under his surprise. He wasn't stopping you, so you stroked his cock and gently kneaded his balls in your palm. You looked over at Ibarra, who had shifted in his seat and was watching with anticipation. "Go on," he said excitedly. "Suck him, baby."

You couldn't believe the thrill that ran through you at his words, but it ran through like a violent shiver and made you turn your head back, your mouth opening as you did, wanting nothing more than to do what they both wanted. "Oh fuck," Rin breathed as you turned back to him, your eyes now focused on the blunt tip of his cock, drawing it toward your lips. you let your tongue poke out slightly and then extend, moving forward to meet him and slid the head right into your mouth, cradling it with your tongue, keeping your lips soft.

"Holy...fuck," Rin swore as you eased your mouth down over the whole flared head and several inches of his thick shaft before you closed your lips and with your tongue moving like a wave against the underside, drew your head back until you were at the tip again.

He groaned and you saw his fist clench and unclench on the arm rest of the chair.

You rolled your tongue in a circle over the tip of his cock, closed your lips to suck, and brought yourself forward again, letting him slide into your mouth slowly and as far as you could. He groaned again and you brought your mouth back up, licking and stroking with your tongue as you did. you took him deep a few more times concentrating on taking it as slowly as you could, wanting to make it last.

You held him between your lips and reached up with both hands to grab the fabric at his hips and tug. He automatically lifted his hips so you could lower his shorts, and when he did his cock slid further into your mouth, making him swear loudly.

Once you had his shorts to his ankles you sat up a little and stroked him, twisting your hand around the shaft of his cock while sucking the head. you looked at him and was delighted to see that look of utter amazement men get when they're being blown—like they'd died and gone to heaven. you smiled, knowing how completely you had him.

"Do you want to fuck my mouth?" you asked, extending your tongue and letting your lower jaw drop slowly, bringing your mouth to his cock as if your question needed visual support, as if he hadn't already had the idea himself. you swirled your tongue over the head, licking up the fluid the leaked from the tip.

"Oh, fucking God," he moaned in disbelief as you cradled his cock in the trough of your tongue. you took that as a 'yes' and adjusted your posture so you could begin a steady bobbing over him, enveloping his cock with your mouth, relaxing your jaw and focusing on the motion, feeling the thick head going deeper with each downward motion, until it hit the back of your throat and you both made a noise of excitement.

Rin groaned and you closed your eyes, imagining Ibarra watching—both of them watching as you slid your mouth up and down Rin's shaft. He shifted his feet, removing them from the tangle of fabric around his ankles and as his thighs parted, you moved closer, settling against him, the prickly heat of his thighs beneath your arms, relaxing as you found your rhythm, sucking and stroking, a low moan coming from your throat as the thrill of what was happening built.

You drew back after a while and looked up at Rin's face. His look of desperation made you shiver. You stroked him and glanced at Ibarra, who groaned when our eyes met. you could tell he wanted you to continue—they both did. you brought Rin's cock to your mouth again and, still watching Ibarra, sucked the head between your lips. Rin groaned, Ibarra groaned, and you felt your head spin with excitement. You held Ibarra's gaze as you bobbed slowly, just taking the head of Rin's cock in your mouth, sucking and licking as you did. He looked like he was going to explode as he stared.

You turned your eyes back to Rin, paused, and took him deep into your mouth, deeper than before, and held him there for a second before drawing back and doing it again. you wanted him to come, you decided that as you sucked him and felt his body tense every time his cock head hit the back of your throat. Each time he groaned, swearing loudly, exciting you in turn so that each downward thrust of your head was a little more enthusiastic, a little quicker, more forceful. You felt his thighs tense beneath your arms, spared a moment to look up and recognized the expression of a man on the verge of orgasm. It thrilled you to your center, you felt it deep inside you, in the tissue of your breasts and the swollen flesh of your labia. you stroked and sucked, wanting his cum, then held still as he pumped his hips, fucking your mouth with his cock.

He groaned loud, panting, and you clutched at his hips, pulling him toward you, bracing yourself, waiting for the sudden flood of heat on your tongue. you heard Ibarra on the other side of the room, encouraging his brother in an excited voice. "Fuck her mouth, Rin. Fill it up."

You squirmed as pleasure rippled through you and then a second later had to swallow as Rin came—his cock jumping as his semen coated your tongue, so much in one spurt it threatened to leak from the corners of your mouth. you swallowed, drawing your mouth off, catching the next jet of cum on your tongue. "Fuck!" he swore, staring as his cock jumped again and again, emptying into your open mouth. you drew back, making sure he was watching, and swallowed. He made an indescribable noise between pain and delight, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his face pure disbelief.

Ibarra was on you in a second, lifting you from the floor, his hands coming around to cup your breasts, his mouth against the back of your neck. you felt the heat and hardness of his cock as he thrust, his cock pressing against your ass.

"Oh baby, that was hot," he said, moving one hand between us to lift your skirt and move his cock lower, seeking the wet treasure between your legs. "I've got to fuck you right now, I can't wait." You could feel the rough fabric of his pants against your thighs as he positioned himself. He found his target in a second and thrust it home, filling you roughly, making you cry out. you fell forward, catching yourself before you fell onto Rin, and braced yourself with your hands against the back of Rin's chair while Ibarra fucked you hard. Rin stared up at you, your breasts bouncing in front of his face, his hand on his now limp cock, and for a few seconds he held your gaze as his brother fucked you, grunting and swearing, his hips slapping against your thighs, pushing a breath from your lungs with each forward thrust. Ibarra stopped suddenly, draping himself over your body and wrapping his arms around your waist. you felt him quivering against you, knew he was on the edge of coming, but wanted to stop. His breath was fast, and you could feel his heart beating against your back. "Oh baby," he whispered. "That was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen..."

He straightened after a moment, pulling you with him. He lifted the front of your skirt and with his cock still inside you, brought his hand down to part your pussy lips with his fingers, exposing you to his fingers and his brother's hungry eyes. You whimpered with pleasure as Ibarra's fingers circled your clit, Rin's eyes widening, his hand moving over his cock as he stared. you brought your hands up to stroke your breasts and closed your eyes for a few seconds while Ibarra circled and stroked you, drawing sighs from deep in your chest, each one making you more aware of the presence of his cock inside you and the taste of Rin's semen on your tongue. "I loved watching you suck his cock," Ibarra growled. "And you let him come in your mouth..." He pushed himself against you and you gasped with pleasure as his cock pressed inside you, touching somewhere deep inside you, a new sensation spreading through you. "He came in your mouth, YN. Fuck, that was...so goddamned sexy." You opened your eyes and saw Rin's rapt expression. "I want to see you come too," Ibarra said, his finger moving more rapidly over your clit. "I want to see you come on my brother's cock."

You groaned, squirming in Ibarra's grasp. "Holy shit," Rin breathed. His hand was moving over his cock, which you noticed was starting to get hard again.

"I want him to fuck your pussy." You groaned again, clutching your breasts. "I want him to fuck you and make you come." His voice was savage, excited, and he rocked his hips slightly, sending subtle ripples of pleasure through your pussy as he did. "Mmm, baby. I want to see you get fucked."

 You squealed, and Rin gasped, clearly excited by this exchange. Ibarra stepped back suddenly, his cock slipping from your pussy so roughly you squealed again. He grasped your arm and pulled you toward the couch. you looked at him as he pushed you down—You'd never seen his face like this, so excited, so completely driven by lust. He looked to his brother who had shifted in his seat but hadn't stood yet. They stared at each other for a second and something wordless passed between them. Ibarra took a step away from you and Rin stood, both them looking at you, their cocks in their hands. You weren't sure what to do then. you waited, still sprawled where you'd fallen on the couch, your skirt up around your waist, your legs open. Rin approached you, his face now confident, all the disbelief gone from his expression, and you watched him stroke his cock as he came toward you.  "She's already wet," Ibarra said to his brother. "Just fill her up and fuck her."

For a second you were nervous—he looked so intent, his dark eyes even darker under his drawn brow, but when he reached for you he lifted you gently, turning you so your head was at the back of the couch, your hips at the very edge. He knelt in front of you and brought his cock to your open sex. "Oh God," you said excitedly as he pressed the thick head into the opening of your vagina. It was as much the thrill of what was happening as the pleasure you felt as he slowly eased his way inside you.

He was bigger than Ibarra—and while you'd never had a complaint about Ibarra's cock, the sensations as your pussy stretched and yielded were so new and different you felt them in a way you never had before. you clutched the seat cushion beneath you and groaned as he worked his way deeper, filling you completely, bending your knees back so your feet were in the air. He let out a long cry of pleasure from deep in his throat. "God," he groaned, his head rolling on his neck as he pushed his hips against you, burying himself as deep as he could.

Ibarra moved onto the couch beside you. He'd undressed completely now and was stroking his cock as he watched his brother draw himself out and push it deep again. He brought his hand down and spread your pussy lips open with his fingers, making all three of you moan. "Look at that," he said. His voice was thick with arousal. "Fuck. You have the most gorgeous cunt, baby. Look at your hard, little clit." He ran his finger over it and your hips bucked involuntarily, causing Rin's cock to hit deeper, making you cry out.

Ibarra looked at you with an expression that was like a caress, so soft compared to his lusty expression of a moment before. you shivered and he bent to kiss you, swiping his tongue across your lower lip. "I love you, YN. You're so fucking sexy." He sucked your lip and made circles over your clit while Rin started to move, drawing his hips forward and back, filling you slowly and completely. Ibarra kissed you until you were breathing fast. His finger was circling faster, and Rin was moving more quickly, filling you more suddenly, his face red, his expression wild.

"Oh God, I'm gonna come again," he groaned in disbelief.

"Oh baby—he's fucking you," Ibarra said in awe. "Filling you up...oh God...you're gonna come too, aren't you?" Ibarra sounded on the verge of coming himself. you glanced at his face and he tried to smile, but couldn't, clearly, he was more turned on than he'd ever been. He looked back to your pussy, and you looked too, moaning as Rin adjusted his hold on your legs, and started to move more quickly. He had a determined look on his face, sweat gathering at his hairline as he fucked you.  Ibarra's other hand was on his cock, stroking in the same rhythm as Rin's thrusting hips. "Come on, baby," he said, watching your face. "You're close...come on Rin's cock."

Rin swore, looking up at us, dragging his eyes reluctantly from the sight of his cock plunging into you. "Jesus," he said in breathy pant. "So fucking hot..."

"He's fucking you, baby. So hard." You writhed, pleasure building to a painful intensity. "Come on his cock," Ibarra said roughly. "Come on my brother's cock." When your orgasm hit you were clutching the couch cushions desperately, staring up into Rin's sweaty face, straining to reach your peak from Ibarra's relentless stroking. you looked at him, saw him watching too, and felt your insides clench. "Oh baby," Ibarra groaned, recognizing what was happening. "Yes, YN, you're gonna come. He's fucking you so hard. He's making you come."

You gasped and whimpered as the pulsing began, your pussy clutching at Rin's thick cock even as he continued driving into you with force. He echoed your cry of "Oh, God" and stopped for a second while the muscles of your vagina spasmed and pulsed around his penis. "YN..." he said in an awed voice. Then his attention was drawn to Ibarra who was still stroking his cock, clearly very close to his own orgasm. He swore and began thrusting into you again, quickly reaching a fevered pace, breathing fast as he fucked you.

Ibarra's excitement was palpable. "Fuck her, Rin," he encouraged, still stroking himself. "Fuck her hard." Rin needed no more encouragement—he lifted your hips and held them as he thrust. He was going to come again; you could see it in his face. You held onto the couch, your legs bobbing above you, your whole torso folded uncomfortably as he angled his cock to drive down into you from above. Crying out as he moaned, you felt a savage thrust that brought a growl from deep in his chest as he came. He shook against you, thrusting a few more times, his breathing erratic, sweat streaming down his face. He stayed inside you for a few seconds after his cock had stopped pulsing, and then slowly drew back.

Ibarra was on you in a heartbeat, grabbing you greedily and pulling you toward him on the couch. He was inside you the next instant, pressing you down into the cushions with his weight, his body hot and slick with sweat. "You looked so sexy," he said with a growl. "Getting fucked like that." He went up on his knees, pulling your hips with him, and started to thrust in a steady rhythm. He wouldn't last long; you knew it would only be a matter of seconds before he came. He'd waited all this time, postponing his orgasm so he could come inside you. "Oh, baby," he gasped. His face was full of emotion, mostly lust, but there was tenderness there too—somewhere under his animal need to fuck the shit out of you. "Baby, you feel so good."

Rin was still kneeling on the floor, recovering from his orgasm and watching his brother plunging his cock where his own had been just a moment before. He moved toward you and to your surprise, he bent his head and kissed you softly on the mouth. Ibarra's thrusting made your whole body jump, but Rin held your head still and gave you a deep, soft kiss that you felt all the way through you. He slid one hand to your breast and circled your nipple with a light touch. Ibarra swore, thrilled by what he saw.You lay completely passive as the two brothers' attention clashed and overlapped, confusing you with sudden jolts of solid pleasure that were layered with a more subtle sensation of warmth building inside you. you moaned and sighed, your eyes moving from Rin's face to Ibarra's.

"Oh don't stop," you said suddenly, realizing how intense the sensation inside you had grown. "Don't stop—I want to come again." Both of them moaned in reply. Ibarra slowed his thrusts, but you could see it took some effort for him to hold off. Rin moved his mouth to your breast and licked and sucked your nipple, his hand moving to cover the other breast. you ran your fingers through his hair again, pressing his mouth to your breast, and stared up at Ibarra.

"YN..." he whined. "Tell you when...tell you when you can move." You sighed as the action of Rin's tongue sent sparks of pleasure zipping through you. You twisted your hips looking for the magic position, making Ibarra groan. He moved a hand to your clit and trapped it under his thumb. He pressed hard, making slow circles against the erect flesh. You squirmed, arched your back, dug your fingers into Rin's scalp, and gasped.

"Now, Ibarra—"

The words weren't even all the way out of your mouth before Ibarra's hips drew back and slammed against you. your body bounced and Rin's teeth closed over your nipple, making you cry out so shrilly it was nearly a screech. Ibarra howled and your pussy clenched again, milking his cock as he held himself tight, his cock spurting deep inside you. You cried out in chorus, a tangle of curses and praises, both of us throbbing against the other, our pleasure joined in the most intimate pulse. Rin brought his mouth back to yours and kissed you softly before sitting back on his heels. You looked at him and he smiled, making your heart swell. Ibarra panted, shaking his head so his long hair hung over his face. you watched his chest and belly rise and fall in a quick rhythm. He shivered once, made a keening sound, and slowly relaxed his hold on your hips, letting them sink to the surface of the couch again. He drew himself out and collapsed on top of you, pressing his sweaty face to your neck, panting as he kissed you. Ibarra rested there for a second and you felt his hammering heart gradually slow. When he pushed up on his arms to look at you, a grin spread across his face. He looked you over for a few seconds and then turned his head, looking at Rin who was still kneeling on the floor by the couch. "You just fucked my wife," he said grinning.

For a second Rin looked uncertain. Then he smiled too, his face reflecting his brother's like a mirror. "I told you it would cheer him up," Ibarra said, grinning. He ran a sweaty palm over you, closing it over your breast. His eyes flicked from your face to his brother's and his smile grew wider, his voice full of amusement when he spoke. "Want to do it again?"

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