Chap 1 [Prt.1 of The Promise]

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Hey yo guys I have 5 chapters written since the last two were so hard to do, but here we are guys the first chapter to the next chapter of (Y/N)'s life. 

How ya'll been I wanna see some familiar and new faces here!!!, come talk with me here-------------------------->

Anyways lets'a go!!


Empty. That's what the place was like for a week now, nobody had signed up to the academy yet and it seemed to be getting to Toph slightly. She never said it but it was obvious to (Y/N), the past months with her were nice. Being able to bond with her more and reading (Y/N)'s stories , but as stated before Toph was not too pleased about not finding any recruits.

Luckily she figured out that the space bracelet would be able to detect metalbenders out in public, usually when someone was highly emotional. So today was the first day of going out and trying to find some people. Currently (Y/N) was being pulled out of bed by her Earthbending girlfriend " Toph stop~ I'm tired.", there was a huff heard from the side of the bed and the annoyed voice of Toph said "I know, but please!!". (Y/N) smiled softly and laughed a little, she sat up stretching a little with her legs dangling off the side.

The Earthbender was dressed in her Earth Kingdom outfit with hands on her hips and a big grin resting upon her face, the view alone made (Y/N) feel as if she were still asleep but the memory of being woken up just a couple seconds ago pulled her back. She pushed off the bed and gave the girl a quick peck on the cheek "Okay you head outside while I get ready" "What, it's not like I'm going to see anything". (Y/N) gave her a small bonk on the head as the earthbender laughed and rubbed the sore spot "OW! Okay okay I'm going."

After a couple minutes (Y/N) walked out in her Earth Kingdom style clothes except with more reds than Greens, she noticed Toph's back to her and quickly snuck up behind her. A small laugh stopped her in her tracks and earth shackled her ankles to the ground "How long will it be until you understand you can't sneak up on me". (Y/N) pouted as the earth around her ankles broke off "I'll get you one day, I promise" determination filling her voice and face once more. A laugh came from the Earthbender as the two walked down to the bustling town below.

As the two walked for hours they became more and more hungry, it was lunch and so the two were looking for the usual place they ate. It was a small but popular noodle house and just in the center of town, so the hungry couple dashed towards the place before taking a seat. The table they sat at had them sitting across from each other, so they took the opportunity to talk. It was unfortunate that they haven't found anyone yet and Toph was getting more and more frustrated.

Obviously they ordered their food and began to chow down "Man this place has great Ramen" Toph said with a mouthful of noodles hanging out of her mouth, this caused (Y/N) to giggle at the scene "Yeah, I wonder why we don't come here as often". Toph had just finished her bowl with a satisfied sigh pushing it to the center of the table, a clatter of bowl hitting the floor and a yell pulled both of their attentions to the scene.

A young man on the hefter side stood up covering his mouth with his ramen bowl upside down on the floor with noodles and broth covering the once clean floor, Toph's eyes widened as as felt the metal of her bracelet shiver the tiniest bit. The boy was still stepping back saying "ACK! Doom!. I swallowed a mouthful of doom!", (Y/N) was confused as he rambled on about swallowing doom and thought he just had a bad bowl of ramen.

Her attention swiveled back to Toph. She had rolled her sleeve up and checked out the bracelet that rested comfortably on her bicep, with a chuckle (YN) joked "I know you're strong but you don't have to flex in front of everyone". She was met with silence as she finally took the hint and looked at the Boy once more "Wait you think he is-" "a metal bender". A grin rested upon Toph's face once more giving (Y/N) the signature look.

Long after they had finished their meal they waited for him to finish up before leaving and paying for their food. He was walking home head tilted down as Toph speed walked in front of him and said "Hey kid!" He briefly stopped as he noticed the smaller girl, he looked around and said "Are you talking to me?". (Y/N) walked up beside him and said "Yeah, just listen to what she has to say." He nodded gently as he looked to Toph once more "I'm Toph, I just started a metalbending academy and I think you have what it takes to be one" THe poor boy looked flabbergasted and said "Wait! Me!?" The smaller girl nodded as he seemed to think it over before smiling "Okay, I guess I can try".

On the outside Toph Seemed fairly calm but on the inside she was definitely celebrating, (Y/N) took the liberty to ask him some basic questions "Well what's your name young man". He jumped a little and smiled bashfully before rubbing the back of his head "My name is Ho Tun" (Y/N) smiled at him and Toph said "Alright Ho Tun!see you in 3 days bright and early for your first lesson." HE nodded and quickly walked away, and as soon as he did Toph hugged (Y/N) out of nowhere almost knocking her over "WE DID IT!!", (Y/N) was quick to hug back and smiled "Yeah definitely".

As the week went on they were able to recruit two more people, a young girl by the name of Penga. Who loved shoes so much she would have a tantrum when she couldn't have them and of course she came from a wealthy family,she wore her short brown hair up into a bun and always had very nice shoes and clothes. She was also relatively small being around Toph's bicep in height, while convincing her was easy her parents were a little more stiff but eventually agreed.

Finally they found a young slender man dressed in all black and also having black hair to match, he had very strong emotions on hating the world he was slightly shorter than Ho Tun but still relatively tall. He went by the name 'The Dark one', something was up with his name. Who knows she might get his real name out of him eventually. While it took even more convincing to get him aboard she was able to pull him along.

Now the lessons began.

-time skip a couple months-

It had been around a year now since the 100 year War had ended, (Y/N) was quietly writing out her next story on her desk illuminated by the natural light coming from the window next to her. It had been a bit now since Toph began training the three and they hadn't moved a single bit of metal yet, it was pissing her off.

Currently they were training in the hall and (Y/N) hadnt had her break yet so she went to have a look, the three were currently staring out a window mumbling to themselves. (Y/N) slinked in next to them saying "You know when Toph gets back you guys are going to be in trouble". The three of them jumped and Ho Tun was quick to answer "We couldn't help it, there's something happening at the city gates!!" (Y//N) looked out to see a crowd of angry people out the front, yelling was definitely heard from up here and so a concerned face slowly painted itself onto her.

But then the sudden shake of earth was heard next to her as the three students went flying into the air while screaming, a very angry Toph walked up to them "How are you lily livers gonna learn metalbending by staring out a window?! Get back to practice!" (Y/N) chuckled and she said "I can't believe you were encouraging them (Y/N)" she sounded a little hurt and (Y/N) walked up to her "I think we have bigger things to worry about".

The students explained the situation as Toph stood by the window "They're right, I can hear something is going down", (Y/N) smiled and rested a hand on her shoulder "Wanna check it out?". A roar was heard as the two impulsively looked up, Appa was flying in the sky (Y/N) and Toph both grinning "Looks like we're not the only ones" She said while taking her hand.

The two rush out with Toph yelling to her students "We'll be back soon! Stay put and do your forms! If you don't, you're really gonna get it when I get back!" They either complained about not being able to go, not wanting to be doomed or how much they hated the situation. As the two get to the edge of the cliff Toph shot them both up with an Earthbending pillar, (Y/N) grinned, not feeling this great in a while.

As they got closer to Appa (Y/N) peaked over at Toph who seemed to be enjoying herself just as much, the two landing on the rolled up stuff at the back of Appa's saddle. It seemed that Katara, Momo and Sokka were the only ones on and they jumped at the sound of the two landing on the things. They quickly turned to see the couple jump down "Toph! (Y/N)", (Y/N) grinned and said back "Hey Kat, Hey Socks been a while" ''Please don't call me that" The pony haired boy grimaced.

They were both brought into a breathtaking hug, Katara was the first to say the line "I can't believe how long it's been!!" Toph smiled saying "Yeah Yeah I missed you guys too" The group sat down on Appa's saddle, the two were very excited as (Y/N) leaned on Toph "Hey, I heard you two opened a Metalbending school!!" Sokka said grinning ear to ear. Toph was quick to explain "The Beifong Metalbending Academy! You guys just flew over it! We heard Appa, so We had to drop in and say hi".

The group looks out towards the Academy as Sokka asks genuinely curious "Wow! your own school! How's it going?" Toph shrugged as (Y/N) answered for her "It's going okay for now". Now it was Katara's time to talk with the whole group focusing on her "I'm so glad you two are here. Aang needs all the support he can get right now, because of what we might have to-" Toph was quick to cut her up stating "Where is Twinkle Toes anyway?"

It took a bit for (Y/N) to notice but he was meditating on Appa's head with some beads in his hands "Oh that's where arrow head is" (Y/N) mumbled "Where did you pick up all these nicknames (Y/N)??" Sokka asked tilting his head a little "When you live with Toph long enough you learn Socks". (Y/N) stretched a little questioning "Well why exactly is there a riot outside? Do you guys know?" Katara looked a little angry but worried as well "Zuko has changed his mind on the harmony restoration movement" Toph and (Y/N) dropping to one of annoyance "You're kidding" Toph mumbled out.

Sokka continued on with the explanation, talking about how Zuko is holding himself up in the city and not allowing anyone in or out (Y/N) sighed and said "So that's what's going on, maybe I need to knock a little sense into him" she raised her hand into a chopping hand as Katara pushed it down "That's not needed (Y/N)". "Zuko' starting to act like his old man Ozai then" Toph said to Sokka but he shrugged saying back "No, we don't know that yet.

As they got to the ground the chants of the people were heard, it went something along the lines of Fire nation out!!! Harmony now!!!. This made (Y/N) feel a little uneasy but with the comfort of Toph pushed through, they landed and the two had a bit of time to hug and say hi to Aang. He of course hugged Toph first but then hugged (Y/N) "I missed you arrow head" she mumbled as the younger boy laughed a little "I missed you too (Y/N)" Toph tapped her foot a little impatiently as the two eventually let go.

As they walked towards the crowd Smellerbee noticed Aang and now they were all cheering for him, he didn't bother (Y/N) it was more the looks she got from the crowd around her. She felt so out of place there, but she knew she was raised in the earth kingdom, but so did the people in the town. It was confusing. Toph seemed to notice (Y/N)'s rapid heartbeat and mumbled "Hey are you okay" (Y/N) shook her head no not bothering to lie since she'd pick it up anyways.

With a solemn nod she grasped her head and went shoulder to shoulder with her, they walked forward.The giant wall and gate to the city was shut tightly and had two guards placed out front. They heard Aang talking to a fairly large guy named Sneers who seemed to be one of the leaders in the rally. Aang already had a plan to fly his glider in with Katara, so Aang swiftly looked towards Kat saying "You ready sweetie?" "I'm ready sweetie." And with that, they were off.

The crowd looked up towards the sky as they sailed over the wall with ease, Toph sighed and said " 'Sweetie'? Seriously" almost Gagging at the nickname Sokka with the same expression said "I know right? Sooo oogie" (Y/N) rolled her eyes and kissed Toph's cheek saying "It's not that bad" She quieted down and Sokka gagged "oh come on We're not that bad" he shrugged and sighed "I'm just tired of it"

It had been a little bit of time since Aang and Katara left, the crowd was beginning to become rowdy Sokka tried to calm them down and so did (Y/N) but they both received a rock to the face. This did not bode well with Toph as she made a giant pillar and yelled "That's it. DON'T YOU DUNDERHEADS KNOW WHO I AM!? I AM TOPH THE GREATEST EARTHBENDER OF ALL TIME!!!. WHEN MY FRIENDS TELL YOU TO CALM DOWN, YOU CALM DOWN!!" (Y/N) grinned and said "I love this girl" to herself.

Toph then earthbenders out a huge boulder from her pillar continuing to yell "NEXT PERSON TO THROW ANYTHING--OR SAY ANYTHING-- GETS A BOULDER STRAIGHT TO THE NOGGIN! GOT IT?" The crowd silenced in seconds as she held the boulder over them, she grinned to herself as (Y/N) said "as a resident here myself I'd rather not wipe you all. Since we are on the same side" Sokka grinned saying "Besides it was a good thing you listened to her folks! I was about to burst out Mr. Boomerang"

Someone in the crowd mocked Sokka and his boomerang and (Y/N) yelled "Hey Sir you better duck" "Wha? Wh-" Just them he got hit in the face with the boomerang. Toph lowered herself down to the floor as Sokka caught his Boomerang, (Y/N) strutted over to her and smiled "You're the best Toph". A proud smile rested on the Earhbender's face as she held her hand once more "I know, besides I'm the only one who gets to pelt you in the face with rocks" "how romantic" (Y/N) joked as the two laughed it off.

A sudden gust of air brought their attention to Aang and Katara landing down on the ground "So how'd it go?" (Y/N) asked, grinning a little at the couple "Did you have it?" Toph asked, a little more concerned. Aang shook his hands and said "No. no!" A small igh came from the three as Smallerbee asked "So what's going on, then? What are we supposed to do now?" Aang explained that Kat and him were headed to the Earth King to arrange a meeting and try to convince Smellerbee to tell the protesters to go home.

A brief silence pondered through the air as smellerbee thought it out, she hummed in thought before looking to Aang "The Earth Kingdom has waited over 100 years to be rid of those Ash makers. We'll give you four days, Avatar. After that, The freedom fighters will figure out a solution of our own." (Y/N) stepped forward and said "Listen do you mind not generalising all fire nation people, I'm a firebender and calling me an Ashmaker when I'm trying to help you is just downright awful" she stepped back eyes wide and said "S-sorry, I didn't know". (Y/N) huffed as she walked back to Appa fuming a little.

Appa flew through the sky as (Y/N) still being huffy sat in the corner of the saddle "I'll show them Ash maker" "Come on (Y/N) don't be so huffy over a dumb nickname" Toph said shaking her head a little "You're supposed to be on my side!!". She was totally ignored as they talked about why they had to talk to the earth king.

(Y/N) wasn't paying much attention until she felt a body move next to hers, she peeked to see the tiny Earthbender tucked next to her with her chin on her shoulder. This made (Y/) relax a little as she looked at Katara and Aang hugging while saying some sappy stuff to each other. Of course Sokka ruined the moment by saying "Um, Aang? Katara? You're giving me the Oogies over here!" (Y/N) chuckled as Katara yelled while blushing "AAGHH!! I am so sick and tired of hearing about your stupid oogies Sokka! I don't even know what that means!!" (Y/N) felt a shift as Toph moved to Katara. She was planning something.

She held out her hand saying "I can explain Katara, give me your hand". Hesitantly Katara placed her hand on Tophs just before she pulled it up to her mouth and gave her hand a Big lick. Katara was freaking out of her mind yelling "OOGIES!!!" as she yanked her hand away and wiped it on her clothes. Toph, (Y/N) and Sokka were losing their minds on how funny it was "Toph that's disgusting!!!" She yelled as Toph retired to her spot next to (Y/N) "Well I get it whenever this one does Sappy stuff to me, I don't need any more" (Y/N) looked offended and punched her arm for a change "Rude." "But you love me," she said in a sickenly sweet voice. With one final sigh she looked to her blind girlfriend and said "Of course I do".....

"OOGIES!!!!" Sokka yelled.

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