Chap 4 [Prt.1 Eyes of the serpent]

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Hay there, I'm just chilling here and I'm actually REALLY BORED!!!

So I need entertainment, please just anything


A gentle breeze brushed through the room, as (Y/N)'s ink brush glided against the paper, the words rushing through her head. Her story inspired by the 100 year war was about a fictional war and if the 'bad guys' had won, what would happen. Toph had been gettin into it recently and constantly was bugging (Y/N) about it.

Besides that, a couple weeks back since the small war between the earth kingdom and fire nation over Yu Dao, the students had shown off their skills. Now EVERYONE and their mother wants to become a metalbender, they even had the Yu Dao police chief come and visit them about it. So currently the entire place was in mehem, with people signing up and Toph taking classes. So when the Gaang came to visit and told them Zuko sent them a message to come to the fire nation, but due to everything they declined.

A lot had happened between then and now, like with Zuko and Aang coming up with the idea of making Yu Dao the Capital of the world and a place where everyone from any nation could live. Like some kind of idealistic place. The plans were so crazy (Y/N) and Toph decided to skip out on the council meetings and focus on their own things.

But because of all this Toph couldn't keep her word to help her find out what the symbol ment, it wasn't her fault at all but it just bugged her. That's why they came to a compromise, once the three original students were able to teach classes for themselves they could set off to go find information. But for now (Y/N) was stuck.

The sound of the door sliding open pulled (Y/N) to turn around to see Toph with a grinning face , she happily marched over to the desk with (Y/N)'s once focused frown pulled up into a smile "You seem happy, did class go well?" Toph pulled up an extra chair and sat on it next to (Y/N) saying "Well I think those Lily Livers are finally able to train a class while I'm gone." This was great!. (Y/N) placed the brush down and pulled Toph into a tight hug "Finally!!! Yessssss"

[Cactus juice are the drugs of the atla universe]

The Earthbender rolled her eyes and pushed the firebender off "all right all right, just calm down. It's like you're on Cactus Juice again" The firebender to excited to care about the comment jumped up onto the bed "Who knew that having that many students would be so busy" (Y/N) commented as she just looked up at the ceiling "Yeah I know" The Earthbender replied while sitting down next to the girl.

The wait was over. Finally she could figure out why this has been haunting her, it had to be something about that man she saw that day. His face flashed in her mind, the cold dark stare as his twisted black beard flowed with the wind, it sent chills down her back.


The arduous journey had begun since they hadn't had Appa to pick them up and drop them off at the Fire nation, so they had to trek all the way towards a small dock at the edge of the earth kingdom where they could find a boat to take them to their destination. As the two trekked through the dense forest they had much time to talk about the many students they had just gained and how bad some were. Because they could.

A brisk laugh bounced off through the trees as Toph held her stomach, eyes squeezed tightly together "I know right!? It's almost like they just found out that metal exists. 'I never knew metal could fly WOOOOOOOW~' " She mocked one of her students. The firebender joined in on the laughs as she wiped a small tear from her eye "Yeah, it's kinda surprising honestly". And then all went silent.

The sound of footsteps fill both their ears along with the various woodland creatures sounds and brisk wind sweeping through the forest. The rustle of leaves from that breeze crossing their paths, all was peaceful until Toph stopped in place and got into an Earthbending stance "Tiny? Do you feel something?". Her hardened glare towards the earth beneath her bare feet was more than enough for an answer, but answered anyways "Not just something, a couple someones."

Water came towards them and (Y/N) was quick to use her firebending to evaporate it, a set of knives came towards them Toph luckily metlabent the blades to face back to where they were thrown and then actually throw them in that direction. A scream of fear was heards as four people in black clothing and black masks "Bandits" (Y/N) mumbled as her and Toph were now back to back looking at the four.

They all looked as if they were from the water tribe and at least one of them was a waterbender, all came to a stand still as they all just stared at each other before one yelled "give us all your money!!, a-and you'll go on your way unharmed" (Y/N)'s perked up as she heard his voice. He sounded like a child. Having a closer look they all looked 10-11 years old, she tilted her head a little but just then Toph made a quick move to trap them all in earth p to their waits and trapping their wrists as well"Yeah sure, come on (Y/N) let's go" the Earthbender rolled her seafoam green eyes as she continued on her trek.

(Y/N) stood up slowly as the kids screamed for her to release them, of course Toph didn't listen and complained "shut your yaps!! Now come on (Y/N). Let's. Go." (Y/N) sighed and pulled out a couple coins and walked towards the waterbender "Does this suffice?" she held her hands out to the boy who looked down at the money and then back at her with joy in his eyes. With a small nod he took the money in the hand which he was able to slip out of the earth's containment and gave her a smile from under his mask.

Toph who was gobsmacked at (Y/N)'s actions yelled "Hey give us back our money, (Y/N) why did you do that?!" She metalbent the coins into her hand and held it tight "Because these are kids, why would kids become bandits Toph!!" "I don't know, let's just leave". She stomped her feet over to (Y/N) and dragged her along, she pulled out yelling "don't be so selfi-" a stream of water was wrapped around her neck and she was yanked back to the boy who grinned.

Toph growled to herself as she got into her earthbending stance "Well the kid act didn't work so let's try this, hand over the money and you get her back" (Y/N) eye's widened at the sight of the 11 year old, he seemed so sweet and innocent just a couple seconds ago. Toph of course not listening to his demands shot some earth at him to trap his arms once more, he yelled in pain as (Y/N) jumped out of his grasp.

The two ran from the scene as fast as possible, (Y/N)'s heart acked at the feeling of betrayal; it was like vulture-wasp had just stung her right through the heart. As the two settled down (Y/N) hung her head low as Toph began to speak "You're too kind (Y/N)....You almost got yourself hurt!" her voice gradually got louder and more annoyed. This caused (Y/N) to flinch at the noise and continue walking, the rest of the walk was silent.

Eventually the two set eyes on the dock and headed down to find someone to transport them, luckily they found an old man who was taking a couple tourists to the fire nation.The trip would only take a day or two until they got there. So they paid the fee and set off through the ocean.

Since the ride began the two hadn't spoken, neither wanted to anyways. They had a bit to think about and quite a bit to distract themselves on the ship, (Y/N) played some card games with fellow passengers while Toph just sat by herself and slept. Obviously.

Night soon approached and everyone brought their sleeping bags, all except Toph. So as everyone was getting ready (Y/N) pulled out her sleeping bag and laid it out flat on the ship's deck, she noticed Toph sitting in the corner, knees up to her chest and shivering a little. A small sigh passed through (Y/N)'s lips as she got into her sleeping bag facing away.

The chill of the night nipped at all of the passengers, (Y/N) included. But being a firebender has it's benefits of being your own personal heating, so she was actually quite comfy. With a muffled yawn she rolled over to spot in the darkness a shivering figure, she knew instantly that it was Toph, the girl was too stubborn for on good. So she slipped out of the comfort cocoon and stepped lightly over passengers sleeping towards the shivering girl.

Plopping herself next to her a bit further away so they weren't touching, unsure whether Toph wanted her close or not. The heat radiating off her was like a magnet to the poor cold Earthbender, so almost immediately she scooched over so they were at least touching their arms together. (Y/N) looked over to see barely in the darkness a small dopey grin plastered on her face and her closed eyes as she breathed a sigh of comfort.

They kept silent with each other still unsure whether or not to talk yet, (Y/N) was first to take initiative as her muscles tensed "Hey should we talk? About what happened this morning". For a bit silence was her only answer before Toph leaned into her shaking her head no, a small grumbly voice came from her indicating she was tired "Not now, if we're going to be mad at each other I'd rather just enjoy you warmth tonight" "I'm not ma-" (Y/N) was quick to cut herself off and just giving up, since she wanted it as well.

So she picked up the girl and carefully weaved her way through the sea of sleeping passengers back to her spot, she carefully sat down leaning against the side of the boat and placed the girl on top of her mumbling "Warm?". A lazy nod was all she got before Toph was out like a candle light and soon (Y/N) followed suit.

The following morning (Y/N) was first to wake and noticed the weight on her, before looking down to see Toph curled up against her and covered by the sleeping bag. A small smile passed her lips before she remembered that no they had to talk. Great. Only moments later the Earthbender was up as well, letting out a little yawn before sitting up "Mornin' " she mumbled out before rolling off (Y/N) and onto the floor into a starfish position.

A slight laugh came from the firebender as she noticed the captain was handing out food "Let's get some food and then talk", A small nod and a grin came for the Earthbnder as they lined up to get their food. It was nothing much, just mashed potatoes and some rice but it would suffice for now. As the two ate across from each other the silence between them was cut by the small chatters of the nearby passengers, (Y/N) looked up to her girlfriend and her half lidded eyes and messy hair still from getting up.

A quiet breath as taken before (Y/N) muttered "I really messed up" Toph just simply nodded as the silence returned, once again (Y/N) looked to Toph wanting to continue the conversation "Are you mad at me?". The Earthbender took a quick pause, spoon full of mash potatoes halfway to her mouth as she thought about her answer "no. I was but no, I'm more annoyed about the situation." (Y/N) just simply nodded fiddling with her fingers out of nerves.

Toph pushed her now empty plate away and let out a huge sigh "listen (Y/N) it's not that big of a deal, I know you're a very kind person and sometimes an idiot." She let up a little grin as she reached for (Y/N)'s hand "If I was angry I would have left back to the academy already, I'm just a little annoyed that's all okay." (Y/N)'s heart began to flutter, it had been awhile since she felt such sincerity from Toph. Of course Toph being able to feel her heartbeat pickup smiled and took that as an answer that she felt a little less anxious about the situation.

SHe pulled her hand back and smiled at the firebender "doesn't mean you're off the hook though, what you did was incredibly dumb" (Y/N) grmbled to herself contorting her face into one of pout, Toph chuckled and punched her arm "OW! Toph!!" (Y/N) punched her arm back causing Toph to only hit back harder. And then they got into a small fight.

Of course.

Once the two were separated from each other they laughed it off making the at first very concerned passengers more concerned, a yell from the captain was all they needed for their attention to be pulled to the mainland of the Firenation. The whole boat began to cheer and (Y/N) looked out towards the docs of the city. A hand grabbed her own as the Earthbender joined her side. It was time to find out just who she was.


The two had been walking through the fire nation lower town casually as they walked towards the palace, obviously they were recognised by some guards as they asked for entry into the upper ring of the city and so here they were in the fancy pants part of the fire nation. This was where the noble people used to and still live during the 100 year war. The place was very nice but that wasn't the main focus, the smell of street food was alluring but the call to answers were greater. They came towards the palace gates and (Y/N) took a deep breath "Alright here goes nothing."

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