Take Me Away Satyr

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JUST URRGGGHH!! I'm so sick of this! I'm sick of people judging me!! I swear, I just wish I could just stay in my room and read, alone, in silence, WERE MY SISTERS CAN'T FIND ME! I think I like books better than people now. They don't argue, they don't make me feel bad about myself, and they keep me company.

SATYR GET YOUR FURY BEHIND OVER HERE AND TAKE ME TO CAMP HALF-BLOOD!!! OR CAMP JUPTIER...I DON'T CARE!!! Just take me away from reality and away from these people who judge me. I might just be paranoid, but JUST TAKE. ME. AWAY. NOW. PLEASE! I'd rather be fighting monsters, my life would be WAY more interesting and less boring. But I'd end up dying a horrible death.

So here's the reason why I'm being an emotional-wittle-girl.

I'm trying to change my hairstyle to more fun look, which is the emo/scene hairstyle. But I don't want all the piercings and dye. So I'm just over there trying to get the hang of keeping my bangs and stuff in check. You know, looking at myself and fixing my hair to make it stay and not get in my face. AND ALL MY SISTER(Peace134567)DOES IS MAKE HER Ew, what the heck did you do. LOOK. AND THAT BLOODY MAKES ME MAD!!

Also I'm mad(more paranoid)about is that I like these songs and I want to buy them, but NO ONE of my family knows who sings them or knows the songs. And in my family that's a BIG no no.

You see, my sister hooks her IPod to the car and we listen to our music. So when you introduce a song no one has heard and BOOM they're gonna judge you! Also when you listen to a different genre than what they listen to your going to be judged.

AND I FEEL LIKE I'M NEVER NOTICED OR THAT I HAVE TO MUCH ATTENTION!! I know that kind of makes me sound like a brat, but dudes! So I've got a bigger-than-your-average-family that is super LOUD. And I try to make a joke and be funny but no one laughs!! Then they practically ignore me. But when my siblings make a joke, THE WHOLE BUGGIN' WORLD LAUGHS!!!!!! Then when I go to my room(WHEN THERE NOTHING FOR ME TO DO)they think I'm being emo and hormonal. Like people, stop. Please.

One time my dad confronted me and asked if anything was wrong. Well, yeah I'm a high functioning fangirl, but nothing is wrong! Just emotionally unstable from fictional characters!

So, all in conclusion; I want a satyr to come and take me away to the world of Percy Jackson. THEN I CAN FINALLY BE CLAMMED AND MEET FRANK AND ALL THE OTHER DEMIGODS!!!

Question; If one characters from the books could burst through you door right now, who would it be?
BlackJack. So then he could fly me away to camp before school tomorrow.

L⃣o⃣v⃣e⃣: T⃣o⃣p⃣h⃣P⃣u⃣g⃣

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