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HEY HEY, MY PUG ARMY!! Thanks Mis Apple_Lyn for your comment on the last thingy-ma-bob! And you are all now my army of pugs!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA *dry cough* sorry too many skittles.....ANYWAY HAPPY LATE MAY THE FOURTH!!! Well in my time zone like a hour and a half until May the Fourth is over so....yeah. OH OH I SAW AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON YESTERDAY AND OH. MY. GOSH. JUST OOOHHH SWEET HEBBY-JEEBBYS!! It was a great movie, like that special effects though. No wonder they took so long. But what I hated was that Quick Silver and Scarlet Witch were twins. LIKE NO. JUST NO. PEDRO(Quick Silver)IS OLDER THAN WANDA(Scarlet Witch), GET YO FACTS STRAIGHT PEOPLE!!!!! Sorry I'm a big Marvel fan...I'm obsessed. But not DC...*squinty face* I don't like DC.

Any-who buggy2222 FINALLY got to Blood of Oylmpus, and she's reading Reyna's first POV right now. Guess what she said to me? She looked at me and was like, "Do you ship Nico with someone?" And I replied, "Well...not really." Then she says, "I think I'm starting to ship Reyna and Nico." Like who didn't start shipping Nico and Reyna during Blood of Oylmpus?! I shipped them. Like why not? They're kinda perfect for each other, but you guys have your opinion. Soooo....

Moral of this was Avengers Age of Ultron was AWESOMELY AMAZING(BUT THE FIRST ONE WAS KINDA BETTER), I ship and I bet we all shipped Reynico, you guys are my Pug Army AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST; HAPPY MAY FOURTH!! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YA!!!

Question: did ya or did you not ship Reynico while reading Blood of Oylmpus?
I already told ya, shanks! :P

ⓛΩv̤̈є: Եo⃣h༙p̶P͙u̠g͞͞

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