Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen
The Past

My uncle tried talking to me that night concerning my eating patterns but I remained unresponsive; pretending he wasn't there until he gave up. "Sorry I'm keeping you up," he said with a sigh. "Just know if you ever want to talk. I would be there to listen."

The next day at school which was Monday the principal assigned some of us in SS3 prefect roles. Tiara was one of the library prefects. I noticed she was more reserved and cold than she would normally be. She didn't talk to anyone as usual but did not respond when spoken to (like she would). There were no sassy comments from her when Chimankpa made crude sexual remarks trying to be a bad boy, or when Nekpen would hit the back of her head playfully. She brushed Ivie off when she asked what transpired between her and Adesuwa. I was torn between asking her what was wrong and leaving her to be alone.

During chemistry class, she sat at the back as usual but she stared out the window— not paying close attention like she normally would. I knew Mr. Afolarin noticed it even though he didn't say anything because he gave her his teaching notes to read— something he seldom did. Adesuwa confronted him jokingly, "Sir you said you don't trust any of us with your notes. Why did you give her?"

"Sekunmade is different," he used Tiara's surname. "She's calm unlike you all. She's not a rascal in my class."

"I heard she was naughty in Junior Secondary School," Adesuwa said. "Bad habits die hard o."

Mr. Afolarin did not respond to that.

On Tuesday she was back to her old self— a tad bit meaner. It seemed like everyone's existence bothered her more than usual. She snapped at Chimankpa when he came too close to her. "You reek, stay away from where I sit," was what she said. When Nekpen came into the classroom and it was just us she said, "Whoever you're looking for to disturb is not here. Get out."

"What's doing you?" He responded in an irritated manner. "Are you still sulking because of Adesuwa and Mary?"

She gave him the coldest look I'd seen on her face and walked out, making sure to bump into his shoulder.

"What's wrong with your friend?" Nekpen asked me. "She's acting like she's the owner of this world."

I shrugged and walked after her, towards the library. "You have the key?" I asked, seeing her unlock the door.

"Yes," she snapped. "Problem?"

I recoiled in annoyance but tried not to let it show. "What happened to the librarian?"

"She's a youth corper. Whenever she has government service stuff to do Rita and I are in charge."

"What's wrong with you?" I asked then repeated Nekpen's words. "Are you still sulking because of Adesuwa and Mary?"

"Fuck. Off."

I could have sworn I heard her voice break but I was too annoyed by her behaviour so I walked away. At the closing of school, she dropped two paper bags on my table. "Give one to Kainye. The other is for you. My mom made meat pies yesterday. I recommend microwaving it. I also would appreciate it if you ate it instead of giving it to Ugonna or throwing it away. Then again, the choice is yours."

She stormed off before I could say thanks.

I went to the school's snack shop and was thankful they had the doughnuts Kainye loved and purchased three. When I got home I popped the pies meant for me in the microwave and ate two out of the three. They tasted more amazing than the ones I had at home but the moment I got upstairs, I chugged down a glass of water with laxatives and threw it up.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth then went to Kainye's house to drop off the pies. I sat at the TV while he went up to take a shower, thinking I wouldn't notice he had been in the same clothes since Sunday.

The TV was turned on to Channels News. They spoke of my mom. She was taking my father's business to attain impossible heights and had managed to be the richest woman in Africa.

I didn't know whether to be annoyed she'd abandoned me for the pursuit of riches. She hadn't called me to ask about my well-being, nor had she visited. It was like she had no fear that something bad would happen to me here.

"Hey," Kainye said from behind me. I almost jumped out of my seat.

"You scared me."

"You smell nice by the way," I told him. He smelt just like my dad but I didn't say that.

"Uh thanks," He replied flying over the couch.

"How do you all do that?" I laughed, admiring him. "I haven't got the strength."

"I don't have the strength either," he shrugged then smiled. "I just can."

"Prolly 'cause you're lightweight," I responded, a little envious.


"Did you just shower?" I teased him.

"Would you like some meat pies?"

"No thanks," I grinned. "I have my answer."

"I would do that too," I said patting his arm.

"I guess."

I don't why he did, but he kissed me. I was frozen by fear and uncertainty. My mind replayed moments with Dele. I pushed him back gently and told myself he was not Dele. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

I'm not sure when my aunt and his mom came in but they were both furious. My aunt kept hitting me with a belt. The metal hook pierced through my skin leaving wounds but I was numb to it.

Luna whimpered running around my aunt as if trying to plead on my behalf. Dele watched from the corner, a smirk on his face and my uncle came downstairs on hearing the commotion. He snatched the belt from my aunt's hand furious with her. I walked away to my room and sank on my bed in exhaustion— the white sheets were stained and a slice of pain shot through my skull. I rolled onto my back, groaning and wasn't prepared for what I heard and later saw.

You know you can always talk to me.

It was my father's voice. His rich baritone resonated in my ears and I jumped up in surprise ignoring the pain I felt.

He was there— quite in the flesh.

I wanted to touch him but he held his palms out to stop me. "What's the matter?"  He asked.

"Is this real?"

"Do you believe?"

"I don't know what to believe." I looked at my palms in shame. "I'm sorry, it was my fault."

"You should be." It wasn't my father that spoke this time around. It was Clarence.

He leaned against the door, his eyes were cold and calculating; the soft look and smile he always had when he spoke to me was gone— replaced by something I couldn't place; thirst for revenge maybe.

"I guess." I studied him. I looked for the bruises and bandages that would tell me it was him but there were none. His face was spotless, save for that one scratch on his jaw he had long before I was born. His cheekbones were chiselled, and his eyes were dim and hooded— just like my father's. He wore a white singlet with his favourite pair of beach shorts.

I turned to my father. There was also no sign of the accident.

Adjusting my eyes towards the door, I noticed there was a piece of glass— shaped like a knife in Clarence's hand— it was dripping red. Now I could see his head wrapped in bandage— his right eye oozed yellow with stains of wine colour. He scared the hell out of me.

As Clarence advanced towards me, a determined look in his eyes, I turned to my father seeking help. He too had also morphed into the version of himself the last time I laid my eyes on him. His hands were charred from the fire that occurred after the crash with the truck. His chest was dented a little and the skin there was rotten. His eyes sockets were hollow— only blood flowed down freely, and his legs— one was completely gone.

I looked out the window, calculating my survival rate if I jumped out to escape them. Could I escape this?

Coward. Clarence spat as if he could listen to my thoughts. You deserve to die.

I could only think of one thing as my world slowly turned blank.


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