Chapter 2

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"I didn't know you were coming today." I leap from my seat and latch onto him like a leach. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," he says, steadying himself from falling. He laughs so hard I feel the vibration ricochet through my body.

"When did you get back?"

"A few hours ago but I can't stay for long."

I pull back. "Why? You just go here. What's the rush?"

August takes both my hands in his. The mood suddenly changed, he purses his lips looking for words. "I don't know how to say this. If Mom and Dad knew I came straight to you, they'd have my head."

"Well spit it out."

"Jena—I, um." He stops breathing the moment panic settles in the pit of my stomach. "They need proof of your marriage to Jin."

"Didn't they come for the wedding? Who walked me down the aisle and looked over my shoulders as I signed the marriage documents? Do I need to have them in my home to make them see proof?"

He chuckles, flashing his signature gummy smile and a crinkle in his eyes. "Not that kind of proof. It's more like they need security."

I sigh. There is a kind of weight on my chest all of a sudden. Two years, I have been married, and I've received voicemails, and surprise visits from either of them trying to see if Jin and I were still together. Now they want security? I free my hands of August's grip and place them on my chest.

"What kind of security?"

He scrutinizes me for a moment. He doesn't want to tell me, I can tell. What kind of security would make my brother uncertain about telling me something?

"Look, ever since you told me about you and Jin," he starts, "and the agreement you are both on, I've been trying to keep them away. It gets harder every day, Jena, especially since you tied the knots. You know how they are, they want to know every bit of what's going on."

"Of course. That's our parent, isn't it?" I start trembling at this point. "What is their definition of security?"

"They—they are coming to New York in two days. Dad just needs to get his affairs in order then —"

"Please. Just answer my question."

"You have to get pregnant, Jena."

I scoff, finding the couch as though I have just been made blind by my brother's words. I feel as light as a feather and as hot as a stone in the sun. Suddenly, my heart is in my ears, fast, suffocating and unsettling. Words clog my throat. Words that I can't interpret or form.

"Jena?" August squats in front of me, concern lacing his demeanour. "What are you going to do?"

"What can I do?"

"I think you should talk to Jin. Maybe you both can find a way to just—"

"You're talking like you've forgotten everything I've been telling you these past few years."

I bury my face into the palm of my hands, sobbing. My parents have always been the way they are—a meddling, extravagant, and lousy set. It doesn't matter the amount of times I shut them off, they will always find ways to creep back into my life.

My wedding to Jin wasn't one my father wanted to keep under the veil even though he didn't like Jin or his family for any reason. He is the perfect ambassador for if you've got it, flaunt it. He spared no expenses in trying to give me the perfect wedding with the most perfect guests. Both he and my mother needed to let the world know of their perfect daughter's wedding. They had taken the liberty of inviting the wealthiest of their friends.

Jin was irritated when a bunch of snubs started making lousy comments about him and his side of the family. The worst he did was not talk to me the rest of the night. It was not his dream wedding, neither was it for me. We both knew what we were getting into when we decided to get married.

"Here," August says, handing me a tissue. "I know you're scared."

"Terrified." I wail.

"Terrified," he agrees. "But I still stand on you telling Jin. Maybe when you tell him, you can both find a solution."

Nodding, I glance over to the clock on the wall. Jin will soon be done with the meeting. I can't let him see me like this. "You don't think he'll cut me off?"

"He needs you as much as you need him, Jena. At this junction, it might be a little too difficult to let go of each other."

"You're right. Thank you, August."

"Sure. I wish I could stay but I have to leave now since mom hired someone to follow me around. I had to sneak out of my hotel room to lose them." He places a quick peck on my forehead and then smoothes my hair. "I'll call you, okay? I promise."

Mustering the courage, I smile at him. Another peck to the forehead and he heads for the in-office elevator. I make a quick wish that he and Jin don't catch each other by mistake then reach for my table. I take out a compact from my bag and begin to reapply my makeup.

• • •

It takes a few touches here and there but by the time I'm finished, Jin comes in. "You're back early. How did it go?"

"I think it went better than expected," he says in a low tone that mimics the look on his face. It's analyzing and especially condescending. Did I not reapply well? Can he sense something is wrong? Bile threatens to erupt from my throat.

"Goodness," I beam, trying to conceal my distress. I stand from my seat and rush to give him a subtle embrace which he doesn't return. I missed instantly when it was me and him in the elevator. Maybe that was just him in need of comfort and now that the moment has passed, what is the point? "Well was there any comment?"

Dropping a file on the corner table, he answers, "They certainly didn't see a single thing wrong with the company's records for over the past decade"

"See, I told you, didn't I? When are they leaving?"

He chuckles a bit. "Relax. According to the Auditor-in-charge, they will be staying to observe for a few days then we'd be free of them."

"Perfect. I think we should go out to celebrate."

He raises an eyebrow. "Actually, I wanted to discuss something with you."

My stomach instantly recoils forcing me to pull back, abandoning his perfectly lean waist. I am sure he wants to talk about what happened in the elevator and how much of a mistake it was. I don't want to hear it. I didn't want him to drag me out of the thought that something could ever happen between us. "Can I say that I don't want to discuss this something with you?"

"Then you'd agree that we shouldn't ever mention it and act like it never happened?"

"What—? But we have done it before, haven't we? It's not like it's anything new."

"That was different, Jena. It was for the wedding. It was for show."

It didn't feel like a show in the elevator, Jin. It felt very much like a man who wants something real but knows he can have it, I thought.

"You're right. It was."


And Chapter 2 is up and running. Thank youuuuuu

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