011 One last time

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Our last play as Grade 10. I was on the way home and it was almost 6 pm. I looked up and the stars never failed to amaze me. I thanked God and smiled.

I will never forget the technicality of the play, it's the battle between me and the chord. Minutes before the play was about to start, the chord wouldn't just cooperate. I was sweating plus being nervous the whole time. The volume wouldn't go up and we tried different ways to make it work. And that's when I was really thankful for the people around me, our teachers. They approached me without hesitation and helped me. Of course, I won't forget them. 

It was just my second time to be technical and some of the competitors I know had been on the task for more than well, my second time. And this is really a memorable moment for me. I've been in love with editing since I think I married photography. Lol.

I remember the issues and problems that happened even the silent ones and realize we should have never doubted everyone's opinion because it really matters in the end. 

My tears couldn't bear the announcement of the group awards and even though they haven't mentioned the champ yet, I knew we would win. 

People didn't know the burden we were carrying the whole time. We knew we had to put in a lot of effort and be efficient because people were expecting a good performance from us. 

Yes, we might have encountered arguments, issues and even laziness but we gave our best in the end. People didn't know how tired our actors were. They were really practicing and I saw how tired they were or how their body was about to give up. Every practice, they were sweating so much. The lack of time for practice and everything is just so much for us to feel the pressure heating up. But all of those were worth it. We learned a lot from our previous experiences and from our own story. The feeling of being the champ and offering to God is the best.

My mind could still visualize the happiness we felt every time our play is mentioned for the awards. We jumped and screamed our hearts out and tears were flowing on my cheeks. I really cried that time. Maybe because of the thought that it's our last play. Last play as Grade 10. As our one fam.

Few months remain and some of us will journey to a new path. Now that I've said it, it is sad. The funny moments together with my fam will always be treasured. We are very thankful for our adviser because she was always there and we couldn't have won without her. She supported us until the end.

Thank you, fam. For making this one a memorable one. We inspired a lot of people. All of this for God.

One last play. One last time, we did it!

I ♡ y'all.

- Vy.

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