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“The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for...”

—Tucker Max


It was in the middle of the night. The whole house was so silent that the sound of a pin drop would not only be heard but will reverberate through the walls.

"Walk fast," Hannah whispered, beckoning with her hands to Leticia who was tiptoeing behind her.

Leticia halted her movement with a deep breath. Earlier in the day, Hannah had drawn a rough sketch of how the structure of the building looked. In total, there were about ten rooms on the basement floor which was where they were placed.

Their room had four windows that were not so high up the wall, and there was a big gate adjacent to the windows on the left. The issue was that the gate was locked with fingerprints so that was out of the escape options. If they were to pass through the window, they would land in the bush.

Since they had no other choice, the plan was to crawl out of the back window quietly into the bush and find a way out.

It made no sense quite alright, but it was the only option they had.

Leticia felt her stomach rumbling, trying not to imagine what would happen if they got caught.

Currently, Hannah had been able to unlock the window sill so they could climb out fast.

"Leticia walk fast!" Hannah whispered harshly.

She tiptoed with quick steps towards Hannah, then they made it to the edge of the window.

"I'll climb out first, then you follow. If the coast is clear I'll softly knock the window. If I don't knock just know that I've been caught, okay?"

The plan was crazy and very dangerous. However, Hannah was determined to get them out of there. She had tried to talk her out of it, all to no avail.

She considered it and saw that it was not that bad an idea, especially because Hannah had a manageable plan.

"Are we good?" Hannah asked.

She nodded, then helped Hannah up the window. She heard a soft thud, then silence.

Her heart started to lurch fast in her chest as she considered the possibilities of Hannah being caught because of how noiseless it was.

After a little while, she heard the soft knock. A relieved breath made its way out of her mouth, then she climbed and rolled out too.

The night air was chilly, and the presence of the tall grasses was not helping matters. There were probably some wild animals or reptiles in the equally dangerous bushes, but that was only a probability.

The most important thing was to get out of the hands of those men.

Hannah manoeuvered her way through the bushes, leaving a path for Leticia who was behind her. Together, they walked and walked through it, wondering if there was dry ground anywhere close.

Their movement was steady and uninterrupted; no guards to dodge so far, no noise that anybody was awake to find out their schemes, causing Leticia to wonder why she was even so scared in the first place.

Until they heard the sound of two hands producing sounds did they freeze.

The sound was loud and clear. Whoever it was wasn't a big distance away from them.

Leticia gasped, curling her trembling hands into fists. She could feel the goosebumps that spread on her skin like rashes, and the cold sweat starting to drip down her forehead. Her whole body trembled as she tried to swallow the saliva stuck in her throat that had nearly started to choke her.

The next thing she felt was the working of her body, as though it had a mind of its own when the word "run" reached her ears. Her leg muscles ran warm, blood flowing into her limbs and air biting into her lungs.

Several more thrusts forward and her legs were showing signs of giving away beneath her, but she had to keep pushing. It was either run or die.

"Gottcha!" the thick baritone exclaimed, grabbing her by the biceps.

She shut her eyes right, trying to stop her tears from flowing. This was just the beginning of the end.


"If I were you, I'd start saying my last prayer."

The thick British accent did not go unnoticed by Leticia who rose her head to stare at the person that spoke.  The first thing she noticed was the multiple piercings on his ears and nose. Then his low cut ginger-coloured hair.

He gave her a small smile and dragged the chair beside him until he stopped before her.

Adjusting the cuff of his black checkered shirt, he cracked his neck and straddled the chair with his heavily built body. He rested his bulging biceps on the back of the chair, using his thumb to scratch his light stubble.

"So..." His forest green eyes stared from her to Hannah, and back to her again.

"Who brought up the idea?"

"It was me!"

"No it was me, I brought up the idea," Hannah countered with a straight face. There was not an ounce of fear written on her face, rather, she looked so nonchalant as though she didn't care about whatever happened next.

"Aye, aye. Don't play the blame game bullshit on me," he warned. His lips were curled on one side into a fine smirk, but his eyes told a different story.

"So who brought the idea? Believe me, it's not beneficial for you to lie at this point. Maybe if you tell the truth you'd be pardoned and the issue will be silenced like it never happened. So who was it? Leticia? Hannah?"

Her eyes widened when she heard the names. He knew their names!

Fear was something that had become a part of her, but it was gaining new heights daily.

"You know what? Just forget it, I'll let the boss handle you himself. He should be here by now," he said, rising from the chair after checking his wristwatch.

"See you... Later. Probably in the torture heaven." With one last grin, he swaggered out, leaving them in the empty room.

Leticia let out a shaky breath, gathering her legs closer to herself. She dropped her head on her knees, rocking her trembling body back and forth, struggling to keep deceiving herself that all will be fine.

After they were caught attempting to escape, the security guards were alerted and they were kept in a cold, empty room. Sleep was not even an option that night.

"I'm sorry," Hannah let out in a trembling voice.

She let out a small chuckle. On a sincere note, the thought of blaming Hannah had not crossed her mind even once. All that was in her head was how to keep her sanity.

"It's not your fault, Hannah. Don't blame yourself." And she meant every word.

Looking at it from an opposite angle, if they were successful in their escape, she would have been thankful to Hannah because it was profitable, so blaming Hannah for trying to escape just because it was not a success would be borderline selfish on her part.

"I'm selfish right? I caused it all, I should have listened-"

The door was thrown open, interrupting Hannah's speech.

A very appealing masculine scent wafted through their nostrils, then the click-clack sound of footsteps filled the room.

Leticia sighted the shiny polished black shoe, taking leisurely strides further into the place.

Slowly, she lifted her head.

Her mouth fell open at the sight before her.

The man was in another dimension of beautiful. His lush black hair was parted in the middle and combed neatly to the back.

His eyes were a mesmerizing shade of blue, crystal clear like the pictures of the oceans she used to see in her father's collection. His thin lips twisted to the left, revealing his deep, round dimples.

The man stopped like five feet away from her, standing tall like a warrior, in a pure white shirt with his hands buried in the pocket of the equally white trousers.

Taking out one hand from his pocket, he snapped his fingers and four burly men scampered into the room with a sky blue cushion, setting it behind him.

With a satisfied nod, he lowered himself on the chair, maintaining eye contact with Leticia.

"We're doomed!" She heard Hannah whisper and a cold shiver went down her spine.

She needed no soothsayer to tell her that they had come face to face with the demon himself–Angel. And well, the description she was given did not measure up to his actual looks.

After studying them for a while, during which Leticia felt like she was going to pee on herself, he finally spoke up.

"I must say that both of you have got nerves," he started, his smooth, silky voice flowing out like a fluid without particles. The bobbing up and down of his Adam's apple did not evade her sight either.

"For trying to double-cross me, by escaping. I kept you in a palace; you were fed well, clothed well, and treated well. What more did you want?"

Leticia could only feel the cold sensation travelling in and out of her nerves.

Angel stared at Hannah with squinted eyes for some time, then gave her a full smile.

"You will be duly punished..." He leaned on his seat properly, crossing his elongated limbs and balancing his hands on either side of the chair, like a king on his throne.
"However, today is my happy day and so I'll do you both a favour."

He snapped his fingers again and was presented by one of his men with a new iPhone 6s plus phone, which was the latest in the market.

"Here," he threw the phone to Leticia. She caught the phone immediately, not wanting it to hit anything else she pays with her life.

"I'm giving you that phone. Call any of your family members and ask them to rescue you from my hands. If they come, you're free; I'll let you go. But if they don't, I'll have you all to myself." After finishing his statement, he sat back awaiting their response.

"Do we have a deal? I don't break my promises, let's see if you would break yours."

Making the deal meant that a family member must accept to help if not they were stuck with him.

She glanced at Hannah. The girl was glaring at Angel with pure, unadulterated hatred.

Did she not fear for her life? Leticia thought.

Before she could think any further, she found herself spilling the word "Deal" from her mouth.

A deal indeed. A deal with the devil.

Finally, 😩 I've been able to post this update. Last week and this week have been really busy for me. Have resumed lectures so... you can imagine.

Lectures are stressful, from morning till six pm most times so I hope you can understand my late updates. Thanks for understanding 🥺🥺

By the way, I completed my first book (Giordana) on Sunday, so please check it out and tell me what you think 🤗🤗❤

Thank you for sticking to this story so far, I appreciate, no jokes.

Don't forget to state your opinions and click on the Orange star down there😉😘😘

Good night guys, see ya when next I have the time to update ❤❤❤❤❤

Check out my character aesthetics made by @Stardust_Wendy in the next chapter and please tell me what you think😉😉

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