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From one hand to another; for the love of money.

"Excess of liberty, whether it lies in state or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery."  



"Move! Sharp sharp, time no dey (quick, there's no time to waste)!"

The words were accompanied by the lashing of whips on their legs. Leticia's tears were flowing already.

The men bound her and Hannah's hands together with chains, one was in front dragging them by the chain while another was behind, whipping them to move faster. As though they were animals.

Leticia did not need a soothsayer to tell her that what was going to happen next would be something scary.

She had no idea where they were taking them, all she knew was that the place was far, as they had been walking in the bush for quite some time.

Shortly after, the men halted their movement.

A rusty container stood amidst the rotting grasses, the ground beneath her feet was dry and charring. Just like her throat.

There was a creaking sound coming from the container, then three men emerged from behind the... It could be called... Well, a door.

It seemed like all the able-bodied men in the world were packed in that place, as she hadn't seen even one man lacking in the vigour department there. A huge problem, because it was useless to try escaping such an environment.

The men from the container strode to where she, Hannah and the accompanying men were.

They gave each other a kind of handshake, then dragged the women to their midst.

Each of them inspected her and Hannah. Hannah seemed indifferent about it-at least that was what her facial expression looked like.

A cold sweat broke out on Leticia's forehead, her legs were trembling- an effect of both hunger and fear. The men assessed their features thoroughly, including their breasts and backside. She thanked her stars that they hadn't groped any of them so far.

"So na the babes be this? How we go balance am? (So these are the girls? How much are we paying?)" One with a defined jawline and deep-set eyes asked.

The ones that brought them nodded to each other, then they all walked away, leaving only Leticia and Hannah.

"How were you so calm?" Leticia could not help but blurt out the question that had been bugging her.

"I'm used to it." Was Hannah's short reply.

The answer kept echoing in her brain. "Have they done it to you before?" She asked again.

"Yes. And even worse."

At that point, she decided that it was best she dropped the question. She was sure she was not going to like the remaining answers from Hannah.

"Come with me." Another man with long dreadlocks packed in a ponytail commanded.

As they got to the inside of the container, the men that brought them left. Then the others put them in a cubical room. It was so small that it could not accommodate anyone who lays down.

Not only was the room small, but it was also cold.

Leticia leaned on the wall, with tears leaking from her eyes. Shortly after, her tears became sobs.

The situation was overwhelming. Never in her wildest imaginations would she have thought she would ever be in that kind of place.

She was hungry, mentally and physically exhausted, then the uncertainty of what was going to happen next gnawed at her insides.

What was her crime? Who did she offend?

A while later her tears dried up. The only feeling left was that of dejection.

How she wish someone would come to rescue her from the dreaded place.

She had heard stories of people that we're kidnapped, but she did not understand how it felt. Now she knew better.

"Honestly, crying won't solve anything. I'm speaking from experience. If it would, I would have been out of here a long time ago. When I was sold, I was so scared. I would cry myself to unconsciousness and continue when I wake up. Until I realised that I was wasting my strength. I understand how you feel, but I would advise you to save yourself the stress of crying, instead, conserve your strength. You're going to be needing it."

Leticia let Hannah's words sink into her head, but it was difficult.

"But why?" She whispered.

"So that you can get out of it alive. You have no idea what these men are capable of doing. They've bought us, and they might probably sell us still. So brace yourself. Just pray we don't end up in the hands of 'Angel.'"

She whipped her head up to look at Hannah. "Who's Angel?"

"Hmm... Trust me, you don't wanna know. Angel is the devil's incarnate..."

"That's ironic."

"It is. He's a psychopath. He tortures people- women especially, for no reason. It's just his hobby. His victims don't survive, and if they do, they'll still end up taking their own lives because of the horrible things they've faced. No one can live with it. It's too traumatic to even speak about."

Hannah's explanation left her flabbergasted. Why exactly was his name 'Angel' if he was so evil?

She voiced her thoughts and Hannah replied, "because he's so beautiful. He can't be called handsome, he surpasses that. Everyone that has met him says the same. He has the features of an angel, when you see him you cannot believe he can do what he does."

Leticia leaned forward, straightening her slouching posture. "I believe that people that do evil will be known at second glance."

Hannah chuckled, shaking her head. "That notion will be destroyed when you meet Angel, which I earnestly pray is never."

"Is he Nigerian?"

"Nope. He's... Arabian. Yeah, I think so. But he's not based there, he doesn't have a base. Many countries' crimes squad are searching for him, but he's like a chameleon and a catfish at the same time." The more Hannah spoke, the more her curiosity was heightened.

"Why do you say so?" Her hunger and fears where long forgotten. Right then, all she needed were answers.

"When they get him, he blends with the environment - I can't explain that. Then he slips out of their hands when they're about to get him again. He's also very influential."

"Woah. That's crazy. But why do you think we might end in his hands?"

Hannah snapped her fingers, shifting close to Leticia.
"He buys women frequently. He sells some too; not whole though, their organs in the black market. Then he tortures the ones he likes. If we're unlucky, he would be inquiring about Nigeria's trafficking market, then if he finds out we're available, he'll buy at a high price.  That's why these guys like him. He will give money for a thousand women that others pay for just one."

Leticia's face pulled into a grimace. Sell body parts? That was the highest form of inhumanity. She felt goosebumps appearing on her skin as a certain sentence hit her.

They were passing their fellow humans from one hand to another, for money. She wondered how people could live without conscience and sympathy. It was incomprehensible to her.

Judging from how money hungry they were, If they were the only ones available, they would be sold to Angel.

Images of her mutilated body appeared in her head and she gagged, banishing away the thoughts instantly.

"Let's just pray hard. If not we're in trouble," Hannah said.

Leticia could not help but wonder how Hannah could say those things without showing fear. The girl was a very strong one.

"How can you say these things without flinching?"

"I'm used to it."

That statement again. Only God knew what Hannah had seen and heard. She didn't want to ask for she feared the response.

Once again, dread-filled the pit of her stomach. "Is Angel the worst that could happen to us?"

"Yes. We won't end up with Angel, don't worry. Let's just keep praying," Hannah said.

"I pray so too. I really do," Leticia whispered.

I'm stopping there please 😩 I'm tired, having a severe headache that I so wish would leave my head alone🤧🤧

So what do you think about the chapter? It's too short, right? I know, I'll try to make it longer. I had to force myself to write because of how lazy I was feeling😵

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Thanks for coming this far. I wouldn't have been here if not for you readers. Thank you🥺

See y'all next time.

❤, Chubiley😊

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