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Chanyeol's POV-

She's looking at me with a rage in her eyes I have never seen before. She has come absolutely unhinged.

She's standing in front of me while two of her guards have me backed up against the Econ building, pinning each of my arms to the wall while a third guard stands behind her.

Her guys grabbed me as I was leaving class and brought me to this alley. I didn't even know the campus had alleys.

As soon as I was out of the crowd and in the shadows, both men started throwing punches. Each of them landing blows on my rib cage, the side of my head, my stomach, everywhere.

It wasn't until I heard her start asking questions between every punch that I realized what this was. She showed up with the intent to beat the answers she wants out of me, but I legitimately didn't know the answers to any of the questions she was asking.

She's demanding to know who Jungkook is. How he has such high connections in the military. Who his mother is, who is father is, who is grandparents are, how and where I really found him and why I brought him into Yoongi's life. I couldn't answer any of it which just made her more angry.

"I heard you might have fallen out of the loop with Yoongi's life. It seems that it might be true. I bet Taehyungie will be better suited to get my information from. He seems to be Yoongi's shiny new toy. His new favorite."

When she finishes taunting me, one of the guards throws a few more punches into my side before they push my arms off the wall harshly. I fall forward as I hold my stomach with one hand and support my weight with the other, trying not to fall flat on my face.

I'm breathing heavily, every breath bringing more pain to my body than the last, as I continue to spit out blood. My ears are ringing and I attempt to lift my head but I'm unable to do so.

She crouches down and places a few fingers under my jaw to raise my head. "I'm sorry Channy, but this is now a war, and you chose the wrong side."

My right eye is almost completely swollen shut but I still have some visibility through my left. I'm extremely dazed, I did just get the shit beat out of me after all, but I don't fail to see her eyes tearing up despite her trying to hold onto her unemotional mask.

She lets go of my head and it drops back to where it was hung as she stands up. She turns away and then two men that were holding me follow closely behind her with the third walking ahead of them.

As soon as I see them round the building out of the alley I slowly move myself so that I can sit and lean my back against the wall.

I don't even have the strength to reach into my pocket for my phone to call for help, not that I'd be able to talk if I got ahold of it, but I have to talk to Taehyung. I have to warn him.

This just went from bad to worse.

Taehyung's POV-

"This is bad Yoongi. Even Seulgi is worried about what Irene is going to do."

"I'm sure you're both just being dramatic. She can't do anything without the media finding out-"

"Okay, let me stop you right there. Famous rapper Suga's ex girlfriend, pop sensation Irene, tried to have his current boyfriend murdered, who then ended up living and was in a coma for two months.

"Then after waking up, had amnesia and didn't remember his boyfriend, the famous rapper Suga. Sounds like a media field day to me, yet I didn't see a single article about it. Or did I miss something?"

He's silent after this. I know I am being harsh but I really need him to raise his panic level even just a little higher on this situation.

"There's no way she would try anything with the military now involved."

I poke the inside of my cheek with my tongue as I try to calm my rising heart rate.

Welcome back delusional Yoongi. You have not been missed.

"Have you heard from Chanyeol?" He asks while I am in the middle of trying to strategize my next point to argue with him.

"No. I tried to call him earlier but it went straight to voicemail."

Which sucks because I could really use his help right now. Even after all I've done, not that I'm comparing myself to Chanyeol, but even with everything that's happened with Yoongi and I, he still doesn't trust me like he trusts him.

He always has his phone on him. The guy is the most accessible person I've ever met except for today of all days. Really?

I'm going to beat his ass when I see him for not helping with this.

I'm about to start in again to tell Yoongi to increase his security at least when my phone begins to buzz.

I pull it away from my ear to see that it's Suho.

Weird. I haven't spoken with him in a few weeks, and when I have I've been the one to reach out to him.

I hurry and switch the call to answer Suho before he goes to voicemail and tell him to hold on a sec before I get back on the line with Yoongi.

"Hey I'm getting another call so I've got to go."

"It's not Chanyeol is it? I haven't been able to get ahold of him." He huffs over the line in mild annoyance.

He isn't answering Yoongi either?

"No it's not. I'll talk to you later. Please think a little more about what I told you. This just went from bad to worse when that letter got delivered. The game has shifted, and not in our favor."

I cut the line with Yoongi and switch back to Suho's call.

"Hey wha-"

"I'm going to give you an address and I need you to be there as soon as you can. I don't really have time to explain everything but Chanyeol is hurt badly. He is asking for you and he says to not mention anything to Yoongi."

I hurry into my room and dig through my bag for a paper and a pen.

"Okay. What's the address."


The house, mansion rather, was about forty five minutes outside of Seoul.

As soon as I am out of the car I run up the stairs to get to the large double doors.

Not long after I knock Baekhyun comes to the door. My initial observation is that he looks exhausted and has wet cheeks but I don't get long to take in the rest of his appearance before he pulls me into a large hug and begins to sob.

"Baek? What's happened? Where is Chanyeol?" I ask as I return his hug.

He pulls away and looks at me with tears still streaming down his face.

"It was Irene! She... they..." He breaks into sobs again, unable to continue.

"Hi Tae." Suho comes behind Baekhyun and pulls him away from me gently. He wraps his arm around his shoulder as he looks at me. "Can you follow me?"

I nod as I step inside the house, still completely confused on what is going on.

I follow them past a flight of stairs and down a long tiled hallway. It's been silent the whole walk and this isn't a small house.

I see them start to slow their pace as they approach a certain open doorway. Baekhyun heads inside and Suho waits for me to catch up.

"I don't understand. What did she-"

I peer through the doorway to see a bandaged, bruised, black eyed Chanyeol.

I turn to Suho in horror. "Irene did this?"

I hear a low half chuckle half cough from the room. "Not personally. Come on, I could have fought her off if it were. Give me more credit than that."

I turn to Chanyeol with wide eyes as I walk into the room. "How did this happen?"

"She showed up with a few body guards and pulled me into an alley as I was leaving one of my classes."

"This happened on campus? In the middle of the day? The school has alleys?" I fire off my questions as I take a seat in the free chair next to him.

He chuckles again before flinching. "I don't know it did either."

"Why did she do this?"

"She wanted to know why a group of soldiers showed at her door with a Cease and Desist letter."

"And this is how she tried to get the information?" I gasp in disbelief before I avert my eyes away from him and say a little more quietly, more so to myself than him. "Seulgi was right."

"She's going to come to you next. She wasn't happy that I didn't have answers but she knows that if I don't have, Yoongi's new number one will.

"Right now she has no idea exactly how much you know, but if she finds out from Yeri or even Seulgi that you know even a portion of the information that she wants to know, I don't know what she'll do. She's lost and Irene doesn't lose. She told me this is now a war."

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