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Y/n's POV
Zalga:You heard me,Join us
I was so confused when she talked about Me joining her.I realize that this wasn't a joke as her face says it all.I laugh extremely hard at her Suggestion
Zalga:If you don't,I'll kill Her
She snapped her fingers and Puppeteer and Zero dragged Racheal into the room and threw her on the floor
Y/n:What are you going to do?
Zalga:Like I said,Kill her
Zero held a knife to Racheal's Neck
Y/n:Don't do it!
I struggled with the Straps but it was no use at all
Zalga:Just join us and we'll let her go
Your mind was clouded with Thoughts Should I do it? Maybe if I struggle enough,I can get her and run away?
Zalga:There's no use in struggling Y/n
Y/n:Then let us go!
Zalga:I'll let Her go only if you join us
Y/n:Crap,if I refuse,She'll kill her and god knows what will happen
Y/n:I-I Acc-Accept
Zalga:Good Boy,Now get this pathetic trash out into the forest alive
Zero and Puppeteer:Alive?
Zalga:Yes,Now throw her into the forest
Zero and the Puppeteer nodded and walked away with Racheal's Body
Zalga:Now let's make a mark to show that you are mine
She held an Ironing stamp with a Stamp and put the ironing stamp on my stung a little but it wore off quickly
Zalga:Shhh now go to sleep,Get some rest
I felt doozy as I feel something hit my neck.i see it's a Sleepdart
Y/n:Every dang time
I go limp as I fall asleep
Time skip brought to you by Me
I wake up as the sleep dart effects wore off
Y/n:So that's what happened to me?
I get off the bed that I woke up on and looks around the room for clothes since I was only in boxers.I see a drawer and open it up and finds my stuff inside the drawer with some clothes inside too.I put the clothes on and sit on my bed.
Zalga:So you didn't leave?
Y/n:If I left,You would of killed me ya know?
Zalga:True,anyways time for you to meet your new teammates
She opened the door and walked out.I follow her out of the room and into a Red and black hallway.she walks down the black and red hallway with me following into the Living room where everyone was in
Zalga:Say hi to my son everyone
Doctor Smiley:You already know me
Zero:My names Zero and don't forget it
Scarecrow:Scarecrow or Scaria
Nina:Nina the killer or just Nina
Heartless Jinx:My name is Heartless Jinx or just Jinx
Suicide Sadie:Suicide Sadie or just Sadie
Judge Angel:Angel or Judge Angel
Stripes:Hey there,my name is Stripes
Bloody Painter:Bloody painter or Helen
Puppeteer:The Puppeteer is the name or Jacklin for short
Zalga:now who are we missing?
???:Hi t-there
I looked to my left and saw a little girl with long brown hair with a bow near the end in a Red dress with Red eyes to match holding a Blue and purple bear but his Left eye was missing
Zalga:Oh right,meet Lazari Y/n
Y/n:hi there
Lazari:H-hi Mi-mister
Zalga:now you get along now you two since you both are technically Brothers and sisters
Me and Lazari both looked at eachother then at Zalga
Y/n:What!? How is that even possible,Dad was the only person you have ever loved!
Zalga:I sculpted her and now she does my bidding
Y/n:well isn't that Fanta-
I look to my side and sees everyone gone
Lazari:Big Bro,want to play a game?
Y/n...Fine,what is it?
Lazari:It's called let's mess around with Stripes!
Y/n:It will be payback after all the things she did to me
Lazari:So are we doing it?
Y/n:sure,But I think we need to get buckets of water?
Lazari:Mommy always has buckets in the basement
Y/n:Thanks lil sis
We both walk down to the basement to grab the buckets.I look inside and see a Red liquid flowing through it.we grab them and lift them upstairs and I notice it was Blood
Y/n:Better then nothing
We pull them into the Kitchen after searching for stripes everywhere and we see her and we both hid behind a Table.We sneak up behind her and pour the Buckets of Blood on her
She landed on the ground with Blood all over her.She stood up and looked at with anger in her..well it's hard to say because she has goggles on
Stripes:get back here you bastard!
She leaps at Me but I duck under while grabbing a knife from the Table.
Stripes:Rough huh?
Y/n:Do you know how to handle those claws or are those for show?
Stripes:I'll show you Prince
Y/n:Go back to your movie,Disney villain
Stripes:You'll pay for that
She runs at you in a offensive stance and you run at her too until you both were picked up by someone
Zalga:Always acting like kids,Didn't expect my first in commend and Son would fight
Y/n:Well she over here got mad because I poured Blood over her
Zalga:I am disappointed in you Y/n,Stripes get cleaned,I'll talk to Y/n
Stripes:Ohhh you're in trouble
Y/n:Shut up Simba
Zalga:Stop both of you,Everyone out of this room now
Everyone:Got it
Everyone left the room including Lazari .
Zalga:Now Y/n,I have a mission for you.And I need you to do it
Y/n:Is it to kill someone?
Zalga:Not exactly,I need you to kill a member of your old team...
That's exactly the same thing.Ohhh Drama,BTW if you're wondering why Zalga is acting like this,It's because It's a scam to get in touch with her Son then-Message Terminated

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
