The Foresty Escape

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You sit on your bed in your cage as your captors replayed the footage on their game show and edit it,You've been doing it since you were 3 years old and now you're 5 years old and this was one of the most famous shows that aired.It was like the WWB,but it was real,The pain and torture that you suffer that you forgot how to feel pain and Fear all together.You were there for a while until you heard a Scream and a knife went through a window in the room and landed on the floor.You pick it up and hide it among your shabby Clothes that they gave you.You had these clothes on for awhile but they edit Fancy Clothes on you when they put you on the Wheel.
Captor:Y/n Come over here
You heard a Click and someone opens the door.As you step outside,you see one of your Captors lead you to a room which you knew as the "Game room",You knew it was this one time to escape so you Hit your captor with the Knife and grab a Keycard.You've went to a door and did what they did whenever they went outside,you get out side and run as your Shabby shoes hit the ground finally after 2 Years it has been since you felt The grassy ground.
Captors:Get back here you Brat
You run as fast as you could into a forest nearby,you Heard them behind you and run faster,Then you see a house to hide in but when you made your way there,you tripped and fell down.You get up but was pushed down again
Captor:Where do you think you're going Brat?
You saw him holding a whip with the others nearby him but what you saw was his body dropping and the others in fear of something,you stand up and look at his body and sees a hole in his chest then you saw one by one them get teared apart,then you saw a women who looked tall with a Business suit and Pale white skin standing there,while carrying the bodies of your captors,you walk up to her and pull on her pants,when you did this,she turned her attention to you
Y/n:Thank you Miss
She then kneaded down to your height
???:Get out of this forest and don't tell your parents or I will ki-
Y/n:I don't have any parents,those People Snatched me up and killed them
Slenda's POV
I stared at this kid who surprisingly wasn't afraid,I looked into his eyes and saw something,Something that held great fortune in the future.
Slenda:You can come live with us if you want
Slenda:yes really,Btw what's your name?
Slenda:Mines Slenda,now follow me
Y/n's POV
I Follow Slenda through the Woods and then a body fell from her tentacles,I grab the body and Pull it along the grass
Time skip brought to you by you and Sally playing Tag
We make it to a rundown mansion with some tears and wears on it but I didn't care at all,Slenda opens the door and no one is in there but Slenda checks her phone and sighs,She leads you to a room and opens the door and in front of you was a nice and fancy room with a Flatscreen tv,A queens bed,and a Lamp
Slenda:this is your room,you should get some rest now.
You lay on the bed and sleep then you heard a "Good night" from Slenda
Slenda's POV
Slenda:Oh what am I going to do when the come back
I pace back and forth as I think of an idea,Then I come up with the only option left.I grab a paper and a pencil and wrote on the paper:Do not come in this room or you'll be punished-Slenda. I then grab some duck tape and put the Paper and Duck tape on the door to Y/n's Room,I then remember the bodies so I Grab them and strip them of their Kidneys and place them in the Basement for Future uses.Then I hear a Door bell and ran towards it and sees everyone with bodies over there shoulders,It seems like they killed a ton of people,then we went into the kitchen and I strip each of them of their Kidneys
Slenda: So how was your killings
Everyone looked at me With confusion
Eyeless Jackie:You've never said that before,are you hiding something Slenda?
Benny:Are you sure?
Slenda:Yes!,Now if you excuse me,I got dinner to do.
I got Dinner done for everyone and it was peaceful until Jess asked a question
Jess:So Slenda,do you have a boyfriend?
I blush at the question
Slenda:n-no,Anyways it's time for sleep everyone
We all get up and go to our rooms and change and go to sleep.I wait till everyone is asleep,then I sneak into Y/n's Room and check on him and to see if he's ok,after that I quickly went back to my room and sleep,but what I didn't know was that Benny was in the Tv
Benny's POV
I Sneak into the Tv and travels through them,then I found Slenda in a room checking on a Human kid??,I wait till she was gone and see why she was hiding this Kid.I jump out of the tv and Check on the Human then I found out when I put up his shirt,he had Scars,Burns,Cuts,and Etc.Then I feel kinda bad for this Kid so I Jump back into the Tv and Text everyone except Slenda that shes Hiding a Human child in the Room with the paper,After that,I Drift off to Sleep.

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