Toshiro X Pregnant Reader

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(Y/N)= Your Name

(H/C)= Hair Color

(H/L)= Hair Length

(E/C)=Eye Color

(Y/N)'s POV:

Early in the morning, I wake up from a peaceful and dreamless sleep to feel someone's arm wrapped around my waist. That someone was none other than my wonderful and handsome boyfriend, Toshiro Hitsugaya the captain of squad ten holding me protectively close to him as he still sleeps in his peaceful slumber.

Suddenly, I felt a tight feeling in my stomach like I was going to be sick. I quietly without waking Toshiro up got out of bed and ran to the toilet to throw up.

'What was that about, maybe it's just the flu and if I get some sleep I'll be fine?' I asked myself five minutes later as I walk out of the bathroom to go back to bed.

As I get back into bed and lay myself down on my pillow, Toshiro stirs as he opens his breathtaking turquoise eyes, looking down at me worriedly with his hand caressing my cheek.

"Hey," he says in a still sleepy voice.

I smile at him,"Hey,".

"(Y/N), are you feeling alright?" Toshiro asks me as I look up at him.

"I'm alright, I'm sorry did I wake you?" I asked sweetly as I thread my fingers through his messy white hair, he nods at me.

"No, you didn't wake me up but before you came back to bed. I was about to go in and ask if you were ok?" Toshiro answers me softly with still just a little hint of worry in his voice.

I stopped to think for a minute about why I ended up getting sick. I was feeling fine yesterday and I didn't eat or drink anything that could've gotten me sick, so that wasn't the cause. Then, I suddenly realized that my time of the month (period) hasn't started yet.

'C-could I be pregnant, I should go into the market to find a pregnancy test and find out. I don't think I should tell Toshiro where or what I'm going to do because I don't want him to be worried about me. So, I'll just tell him that I am going to rest here for a while, and when Toshiro leaves to go into the office, I'll go and do my errands.' I thought to myself as I figure out my situation.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)?!" Toshiro calls out to me as he gently shakes my shoulder, breaking me out of my thoughts. I shake my head and brought myself back to reality.

"Oh, sorry Shiro, I didn't mean to space out like that," I apologized, feeling bad that I spaced out when Toshiro was worried, asking me if I was okay.

"It's alright (y/n), you don't have to apologize but are you sure that you are okay? I could always stay home from the office to help take care of you, or if you want me to just go to the office and let you rest here for a few hours before you come into the office that's fine with me too?" Toshiro sweetly asks me as he pulls me closer to him and starts playing with a few strands of my (H/L),(H/C) hair.

I gave Toshiro a soft smile, "Thank you Shiro, but I'm okay. I'll just stay here and rest for a while and I'll be in the office in a few hours," I whispered reassuringly as I kiss Toshiro on his cheek and snuggled closer to his chest.

Toshiro wraps one arm around my shoulders and lays his free hand on my head. "Are you sure?" He asks me one more time as he plants a kiss on the top of my head.

I looked back up at Toshiro and gave him a confident nod, "Yes, I'm totally sure," I said as I let out a small giggle, trying to lighten up the mood.

Toshiro lets out a calm sigh and slightly chuckles, "Alright, then," he says then leans down and kisses me on the forehead.

I lay back into my pillow and got myself comfortable on my back, while followed by Toshiro leaning his face only a few inches closer to my face, causing me to blush madly like the shade of Renji's hair.

"Get some rest (y/n), and I'll see you in a little while. If you ever need me for anything, just send me a hell butterfly, okay?" Toshiro says as he leans just a little bit closer.

I just let out a silent 'okay' and with that, our lips collided with a soft and gentle kiss until Toshiro and I said our I love yous and goodbyes.


A half an hour later after Toshiro went to the office and I got some good sleep. I finally walked into a store in the market to buy a pregnancy test and once I bought one, I immediately went into the store's restroom to do my business. After about five minutes in the bathroom, the results came back as positive.

As I walk back towards Toshiro's office, I was feeling happy and excited that I was carrying Toshiro's child, our child. We are going to be parents but then I suddenly felt a wave of anxiety run through me as I began questioning myself a lot of things, such as. 'Are we ready to become parents? Will I be a good parent? What would Toshiro say, think, or do if I told him I was pregnant?' I said as a lot of thoughts ran through my mind, as I walk down the hallway that leads into Toshiro's office.

I approached myself in front of the office and nervously knocked on the door, which was then followed my a muffled 'come in,' by Toshiro. I slide the door open to see Toshiro sitting at his desk working on some paperwork, with no sight of Rangiku anywhere in the office to help him with his ginormous piles of paperwork, of course.

I walk into the office, " Good Afternoon, Toshiro, I'm sorry if I'm a little late."I say in a soft voice.

"Good Afternoon (y/n), and there is no need for you to apologize, I gave you permission to rest until you felt like you can come in and work, so everything is fine." , Toshiro kindly forgives me as he continues to do his work.

"Thank you, I really appreciated that," I said, trying to sound happy but my nervousness was still present in my voice.

Toshiro must've heard me stress because he looks up at me from his paperwork with a worried look in his eyes, stands up from his desk and goes to stand right in front of me by the couch.

"Y/N, How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?" he asks as he gently grabs me by the shoulders.

I nodded as I looked down at the ground, "I slept well and I'm feeling a bit better," I said.

"Well, that's good to hear. I was beginning to worry about you." Toshiro says and sighs in relief.

I knew that I'm going to have to tell Toshiro now before I let it slip away.

"Umm, Toshiro?" I said grabbing Toshiro's attention.

"Huh, what is it?" He curiously asked. I grabbed Toshiro's hand walked over to the couch and sat down with him.

I looked down at the ground, knowing that I'm gonna have to tell him about what I did today but I'm so nervous, I can't find the words to start. "I.uh.." I tried to say but cut myself off.

I felt cold fingers underneath my chin and tilt my head up so that my (E/C) eyes were looking directly at a pair of turquoise colored eyes that belonged to Toshiro, "(Y/N), what's wrong? I'm here for you, just tell me." He says encouraging me to tell him.

"Alright," After I told Toshiro about my day. I finally said as I took a deep breath, "Toshiro, I'm pregnant," I announced with a soft happy voice. Toshiro stared at me shocked for a minute, which made me kinda nervous but then a big smile etches across his face.

Then, before you knew it Toshiro picks me up from the couch, starts spinning me around before he puts me back down on the ground, but still holds me close to him in his arms and gives me light kisses on my face causing me to giggle.

I pulled Toshiro into a warm embrace and buried my face into his chest, as I felt a wave of happiness wash over me, making me shed tears of joy and started crying.

Toshiro gently pulls me away from him to see my crying face, "(y/n), BabyGirl, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" he sweetly asks me as he cups my face in his hands.

"I'm sorry Shiro, I'm not crying because I'm sad. A wave of happiness come over me and I just started crying. To be honest, Toshiro, when I found out that I was pregnant. I didn't know what you would think or do if I told you, I got scared thinking that maybe ,you wouldn't want to have a child with me and you didn't want to be with me anymore. But now I know that we're both happy, I feel very happy about that now." I spoke honestly to Toshiro, not feeling so nervous anymore.

Toshiro looks at me firmly, still holding my face, "(y/n), you should know that I am more than thrilled to have this baby with you, and you know I would never leave you, not now, and not ever. I want to be here for when the baby comes and I'll still be here no matter what." he said as he wipes the tears away from my eyes.

I rest my left hand on Toshiro's right cheek, "I'm so glad, thank you Toshiro. I love you so much," I said, lovingly stroking my thumb against his cheek.

Toshiro wraps his right arm around my waist and keeps his left hand on the right side of my face, "I love you even more, (y/n). Let's raise this baby together." he says, then pulls me closer to his face and once more. Our lips collided into an icy kiss that was filled with so much love and passion.

From that day forward. Not only did we find out that we were expecting our first child. It was also the day that we became, a family.

Author's Note:
Omg, omg, I finally finished my first one-shot! I am so sorry that I took me so long to update this! This is my first one- shot, so let know what you think of it! This chapter was a request for AmberxRaven !! I hope that you will like! :)

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