Episode 13- Five Nights at Chris McLeans

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"Last time on Total Drama Island, our lovable losers got hitched and had some... interesting cake flavors. After some grueling dishes, Courtney and Brick and Izzy and Owen came out victorious. In a bridal carrying race to the finish, Courtney and Brick came out victorious, and both got to choose a special reward.

"Courtney chose to get special candy from Japan. But get this, it's not even hers." Chris laughed. "It's hilarious when these people are nice to each other. Anyways, Brick saw a crying Ella and Rodney, and brought Rodney back into the game. During his farewell however, Brick revealed some interesting stuff about farmboy."

-Clip from previous episode-
"BRICK! What was you gonna say back there?!" Courtney yelled.


"Turns out, Scott is still with Hailee, behind Courtney's back. Whatever will happen next, I'm sure it'll be a scream." Chris laughed, manically.

Scott knocked on the girls door. He held a small teddy bear in his hand, and a box of chocolates in the other. Scarlett pulled back the door and answered with a angry, "What?"

"Woah, calm down red. I wanna speak to Courtney." Scott said. Scarlett pursed her lips.

"One, Courtney doesn't wish to speak to you. Two, I don't have to speak to you, seeing as I can shut the door, and you cannot come in, seeing as we can overpower you. Three, she's ticked off more than you think, so teddy bears and chocolates aren't gonna work." Scarlett said. She took the box of chocolates from Scott and dumped them out, over the railing.

"What do YOU know about relationships Scarlett?" Scott asked. "Oh nothing really. I just get human interaction." She said turning around. "But one more thing."

"What?" Scott asked. In one movement, Scarlett pulled her hair out of its bun and spun around, grabbing his shirt. She growled at Scott. "IF YOU EVER HURT MY FRIENDS AGAIN ILL PERSONALLY MAKE SURE YOU'RE THR NEXT PERSON TO BE ON THE BOAT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" He nodded. She let go of his shirt and pushed him over the railing, and walked inside.

[Confessional- Scott]
"Note to self. Never make her mad again." Scott said, his white shirt covered with stains from the chocolate.

[Confessional- Scarlett]
"What can I say? He made me mad." Scarlett said, pulling her hair back into its bun.

Rodney smiled. He had a surprise for Ella. He had wanted to get her something special, and his first elimination gave him the chance. He slid the small, rectangular box into his pocket. He decided to hand it to her after the challenge.

Ella walked over to him and smiled, before planting a kiss on his cheek, causing him to blush. "I'm glad you're back." She cooed.

"Well... I... Uh... Surprises! Uh... And so pretty... And wonderful!" Rodney blurted out. Ella giggled.

[Confessional- Rodney]
"It's great to be back! I'm just worried I'm gonna look like an idiot in front of Ella..." Rodney said, sighing.

[Confessional- Sammy]
Sammy smiled. "I can't believe it! Here I am, without Amy. I have a hot boyfriend, great friends, and nobody calls me Samey anymore!"

[Confessional- Courtney]
"Am I gonna be upset over the whole, Hailee and Scott thing still? No. I have to move on from Scott. I should've last time, but I just felt so compelled to go back. I dunno." Courtney rubbed the back of her head. "I wish Gwen was here. I'd kill to talk to her, assuming she forgave me..."

[Confessional- Dawn]
"I have a bad feeling about today. My tea leaves have told me that today will be horrifying, and something about... 'Being ready for Freddy'..." Dawn said, puzzled.

[Confessional- Sierra]
"I know that Codykins-stealing Noah is after my man still, and this women is not letting him touch one little hair on my Codykins's perfect. Little. Head." Sierra growled.

[Confessional- Noah]
"I don't know why that psycho thinks I'm in love with Cody. I'm not. He's a good friend, sure. But I'm not into him." Noah said.

"I KNOW YOU ARE!" Sierra screamed from outside the confessional. Noah blushes. "NO IM NOT!" He yelled back.

[Confessional- LeShawna]
"I hope the challenge today is an easy one. LeShawna has had enough of this. I miss my little Harold." She said, sighing. "But I'm in it to win it."

[Confessional- Izzy]
"Izzy watched Hosty set up the challenge today. Izzy watched Ms. Blondey play the game today. Ms. Blondey screamed and fell over. HAHA!" Izzy screamed into the camera.

[Confessional- Staci]
"I need to step up my game. If I want to win the million, I gotta think like Jo told me to. I gotta do some manipulation." Staci said. "AHAHAHAHA-" Staci wrapped her hands around her neck and started choking. "I THINK I SWALLOWED A FLY!"

[Confessional- Dakota]
"I'm doing so well this season!" Dakota cheered. She grinned. "And I plan to continue winning. As long as we win, I'm safe."

[Confessional- Duncan]
"I never thought I'd say it, but I missed these losers. Mainly because prison sucks. I'd even hang with Courtney now." Duncan said. "Courtney... I can't believe Scott would mess around with that girl behind her back."

"Hey Duncan." Chris said over the speakers. "Need I remind you of a certain pale, goth girl you cheated on Courtney with?"

"HEY SHUT UP!" Duncan yelled.

[Confessional- Trent]
"Man, Dawns a great girl. I'm glad we're together and to be honest, I'd gladly go home tonight, as long as she still loves me."

"Sierra and Noah are driving me crazy. My two best friends are fighting over me, and it's seriously starting to get annoying. I mean, I know who I like, but I can't tell the one, since it'd hurt the other." Cody said with a sigh.


Topher stood in front of the mirror and pulled the brush through his hair, upwards, causing it to form a spike. "Finally. My trademark hairstyle is done. He said, setting the brush down.

"HEY! What are you doing in my cottage?" Chris asked, walking into the room. Topher turned and grinned. "Oh hey Chris. I'm just working on my trademark hairstyle." Topher said, laughing. "The mirrors in the communal bathrooms aren't as good as these though."

Chris glared at Topher and snapped his fingers. A butler came in, bowed to Chris, and picked Topher up. He threw Topher out of the mansion window, into a puddle of mud.

[Confessional- Topher]
"Okay. Chris is gonna pay! He ruined my trademark shirt! Plus that's not a cottage, it's a mansion!" Topher complained.

"THANK YOU!" Courtney yelled from outside the confessional.

"Welcome campers." Chris said. "Today you'll be playing with a neat little device called the Oculus." Chris said, pulling out a black thing made of plastic. "This bad boy will let us play some of your favorite games in 3-D." Chris laughed.

[Confessional- Cody]
"YES! Oh my god! I've heard of the Oculus but I've never actually used one."

"Here to demonstrate how it works, Sam and Harold." Chris said. Harold had the Oculus over his eyes, and appeared to be in deep concentration. Sam appeared to be terrified under his. He screamed and pulled the goggles off, setting them on the table.

[Confessional- Duncan]
"Pfft. Whatever game we're playing can't be that hard." Duncan said.

"Today's game of choice? Five Nights at Freddy's." Chris said. Cody gasped.

Staci raised her hand. "What's Five Nights at Freddy's?" She asked. Chris laughed. "Glad you asked. All I gotta say about it is that you'll need some luck for this game. Haha!"

Night 1- 12:00

Everyone pulled the goggles on.

Cody sat perfectly still in the office, not touching anything, not wanting to lose power.

Staci clicked the camera and saw the animatronics first. She gasped. "I've played this before."

Scott closed both doors. "No way that creepy bunny is getting in."

"What's Pirates Cove?" Courtney asked Chris, who didn't answer.

"After the place has been throughly cleaned and bleached?!" Noah asked.

"Bite of '87?!" Scarlett asked. "CAN LIVE WITHOUT THE FRONTAL LOBE?"

"OH MY GOD IT MOVED!" Dakota screamed.

"Oh my god!" Izzy cheered. "This game so fun! So spooky!" She laughed. "Chica's gonna get me!"

[Confessional- Izzy]
"Of course Izzy's gonna know their names! Izzy's just so smart!"

"Uh... That chicken is really close man... Where's the bunny though?" Trent asked.

"Oh no! I haven't been conserving power!" Sierra exclaimed. "I'm at 30%!"

"AAAAAH!" Staci screamed, falling out of her chair. "THAT BUNNY IS OUTSIDE OF MY DOOR!" She screamed, hitting the door button.

"Hey Kyle, what do I do when I see the bunny?" Lindsay asked. She screamed and pulled the goggles off. "Did you know that bunny screams in your face?"

"Yep." Chris laughed.

Night 2- 2:00

Died: Lindsay

"Oh god..." Dakota sighed. "There's four!"


"I... I can't do it!" Ella sighed. "I'm too nervous. I'm sorry team..." Ella pulled off her goggles.

"Ella!" Rodney pulled off his goggles and ran to her. "Are you okay?"

"And both Rodney and Ella are out!" Chris said. The two shrugged and walked away.

"Did they both teleport or something?!" Courtney screamed, shutting the door in Bonnie's face. "That chicken is really close too."

"THATS IT I CANT!" Scarlett screamed. "I'm at 10% power and it's only 4 AM." Scarlett took off the goggles.

"And Scarlett's out too!" Chris cheered. Scarlett glared and walked back to the cabins.

[Confessional- Scarlett]
"Eh. At least now I can read my new book." Scarlett said, pulling out a copy of The Fault in Our Stars.

"Oh crap..." Staci whined. "I'm out of power. Wait, where's that music coming from? Oh my god there's a face in the door! AAAAHHHHHH!" She screamed, falling out of her chair.

[Confessional- Staci]
"Yeah, I wasn't ready for Freddy..."

"And Staci died at 5 AM. Anyone else going down too?" Chris asked.

"NO! Bad chicken!" Sierra said. "Why isn't my door working?! OH NO!" She screamed, throwing off the goggles.

"And Sierra goes down too!"

"Crap!" Topher and Sammy yelled in unison, throwing the goggles off. That stupid bunny got me." Topher said.

"Me too." Sammy told him.

"And Bonnie claims both Sammy and Topher." Chris laughed. They shrugged and walked off.

Night 3- 2:00

Died: Lindsay, Ella, Rodney, Staci, Sammy Topher, Sierra, Scarlett,

"AAAHHH!" LeShawna screamed, throwing her goggles off. "That fox got me!"

"No!" Courtney screamed. "I forgot to shut my door."

[Confessional- Courtney]
"That fox is terrifying." Courtney exclaimed.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Dawn said, closing her door before checking the hall. She shrieked as Foxy ran to her door and began to hit it.

Scott screamed and threw off his goggles. "I ran out of power and that stupid bear got me." He said, frowning.

"ARE YOU KIDDING?!" Duncan screamed, yanking his goggles off. He began to break them when Chris tapped his shoulder. "You break it, you buy it." Duncan frowned.

"So, Courtney, Scott, Duncan, and LeShawna are out." Chris laughed.

Night 4- 3:00

Died: Lindsay, Ella, Rodney, Staci, Sammy Topher, Sierra, Scarlett, Courtney, LeShawna, Duncan, Scott

"Uh oh." Dawn said as she lost power. She screamed as Freddy popped up in her face. She pulled off her goggles. "The tea leaves warned me." She sighed.

"OH COME ON!" Noah screamed as he died. "I only had two hours left!"

"Crap." Trent said, taking his goggles off. "That stupid bunny got me. Bonnie, right?"

"Okay, Noah, Dawn, and Leonard are out." Chris said. Trent frowned. "Seriously Chris?"

Night 5- 2:00

Died: Lindsay, Ella, Rodney, Staci, Sammy Topher, Sierra, Scarlett, Courtney, LeShawna, Duncan, Scott, Noah, Dawn, Trent

"It's down to Izzy, Dakota, and Cody. These three have been destroying this game. I honestly expected everyone to die on Night Three." Chris said, giving a small laugh.

"Hey Chris. I'm bored." Izzy said. She pulled off her goggles. "This game was boring. I wanted to play a fun game." She laughed and ran off.

"Uh, so it's just Dakota and Cody." Chris said.

"Trust me, I got this." Cody said. "Just give up now."

"Not if I win." Dakota replied. "Which I will. Thanks Sam." Dakota screamed. "Why was that bear gold?" Chris laughed. "Doesn't matter, you're out."

"Ugh." Dakota sighed and pulled off her goggles. "And the win goes to Team Alligators!" Chris announced. "Cody, you can take the goggles off now."

"One sec, I'm about to beat the game." Cody said.

"Congrats Crocs. May I say, you eliminated the one person I wanted out." Chris said laughing. LeShawna, Courtney, and Scarlett gulped.

"First marshmellow goes to Staci." Chris said, throwing her a marshmellow. "I just knew I'd be safe." She said with a laugh.

"Next one goes to Duncan." And one for Courtney." He said, throwing them each a marshmellow.

"One for Sammy, one for Topher." Chris said, throwing them each one.
"Yes! Babe, we're safe!" Topher cheered, kissing Sammy.

"One for Dakota, and one for Scarlett." Chris said, throwing them marshmellows. They both let out a sigh of relief.

"Scott, LeShawna. I have one marshmellow left on this plate. Scott did decent in today's challenge, but still lost. Same for LeShawna." Chris grinned. "By a total of five votes, our loser is..."
*cue dramatic tension*
"LeShawna." Chris said, throwing Scott the last marshmellow. "YES!" The farmboy cheered. "What?! You voted me off?!" LeShawna screamed.

"Hate to interrupt... Who am I kidding, I love to. Anyways, you're out." Chris said, pushing LeShawna in the Boat of Losers, with Sam and Harold.

"YOU JUST LOST YOUR MOST LUSCIOUS PLAYER!" LeShawna screamed as the boat took her away.

"That was, eventful." Chris laughed.

[Confessional- Staci]
"Why LeShawna? No clue. She wasn't a big threat to me, yeah. But it roused the least amount of suspicion. Of course, I had to change the votes." Staci said, grinning. "I hope I'm doing evil right."

[Confessional- Scott]
"That was close. Next time, it could be me on that boat. I just need to make sure that doesn't happen again."

[Confessional- Chris]
"Oh trust me, tomorrow will be a great day for you Scott." Chris said, laughing.

I hope you liked it, and I'm sorry to any LeShawna fans. Trust me, if I write another story, she'll be back. Anyways, what do you think of Staci being a villain?

Also, if you like FNaF(Five Nights at Freddy's) and would like a story about it, leave a comment telling me so. I got really into it recently, if this chapter is any hint. If I do, I'll probably put my Pokemon story on hold for now (seeing as that I still have things I have to work out for the story) and work on it. If you do want to know what it's about, please message me on WattPad and I'll gladly tell you.

If you was curious as to this episodes picture, it's my original cast for All Stars 2, but I decided on more characters who are more popular or have made it far, but not won yet, for the most part, the exception being Duncan, who came in late.

Yes, Rodney didn't give Ella her present. Why? He forgot.

One last thing, I'll be working on Episode One, Part One next. And by that, I mean I'm fixing any errors I see. The main plot for that chapter will stay the same however. So have a good day, and watch out for the next episode.

Bye guys!~

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