Episode 4- Token Troubes

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AN: Have you guys ever wrote or read a chapter and thought, "This sucks and I hate it." Well meet Episode 4... I honestly hate this and wish I could skip it. But I can't, seeing as that would disrupt the story, so if it feels short, that's why. Ugh. I just hope you guys enjoy it.

"Last time on Total Drama All Stars 2, our contestants hid from Izzy, who had Chef's water gun from season one. While some contestants had good hiding spots, others not so much... Brick hid from Jo, and Katie and Sadie had an argument which led to Sadie's elimination.

"Sadie also gave our lovebirds a little help. So now Courtney likes Scott, who likes her back, Ella and Rodney are a thing now, and Topher got some okay advice from Courtney.

"Today's episode will be a simple yet difficult one as our losers have to try to find a hidden token. Which team will win and which team will send someone home again, on Total Drama All Stars 2?!"

Chris said.


Ella and Rodney walked to the challenge arena. Everyone stood around Chris, who had been announcing the challenge. "And so that's today's challenge. Just find the token for your team and you'll be the winner. "

Everybody ran off, except Ella and Rodney. Ella grabbed Rodney's hand and walked off away from where everyone had ran.

[Confessional- Rodney]

"Me and Ella are finally going out! I'm so happy! But we still gotta keep our head in the game if we're gonna win!"

Dawn and Trent ran off to search around the beach. Trent started digging in the sand while Dawn looked around the beach. Trent started digging holes while Dawn overturned rocks.

[Confessional- Dawn]

Dawn sighed. "I need to tell you guys something. That night Trent was playing his guitar in the woods... I was listening to him. I kinda had a crush on him when I saw him on the first day. But I can't say anything. I've checked my tea leaves, but I can't decipher them!" Dawn said, blushing. "I just need to keep working and hopefully he won't say anything."

[Confessional- Trent]

"Don't think I forgot about the person in the woods. It's starting to become all I can think about. Maybe I could ask Dawn!"

"Hey Dawn." Trent said walking over to her. "Oh. What is it Trent?" Dawn asked.

"The other night I was playing my guitar and someone overheard me and it's all I can think about. Do you think you could find out who was listening to me?" Trent asked.

"Oh um... sure Trent no problem." Dawn said.

"Ok. Thanks buddy!" Trent said, returning to digging.

[Confessional- Dawn]

Dawn sighed. "Really? Buddy?! Oh what am I going to do? He wants me to find out who was listening to him and I can't tell him it's me!"


Courtney and Scott made it to the Slingshot of Shame.

"Why'd you pick here Scott?" Courtney asked.

"It's a good spot to hide something. And I need to tell you something." Scott said.

"What is it?" Courtney asked.

"This." Scott said as he pulled Courtney in for a kiss.

[Confessional- Scott]

"I missed her so much!" Scott smiled like a dope.

[Confessional- Courtney]

Courtney was smiling. "Does this mean we're back together?" She started to smile wider. "I hope so! I missed my little Scotty."

Scott broke away. "So whatdoyah say Courtney? Do you wanna pick up where we left off in All Stars?"

"Let me think. Yes!" Courtney said, kissing Scott again.


Justin had snuck away from everyone else. He'd promised to meet Katie by the campsite. He sat down on the ground beside the fire pit. He hit his foot on something. "Huh?"

He pulled out the Alligators Token. "Justin?" he heard someone say.

[Confessional- Justin]

"That's Katie! I gotta think! I can't let them win!"

Justin threw the idol in the fire. Katie started walking towards Justin. "Hey Katie." Justin said looking at the fire where the alligator had caught fire.

Unfortunately for Justin, Katie saw it. She grabbed a stick and knocked it out. "Justin... how could you?" Katie asked.

"I... I can explain!" Justin said.

"No. We're through. You tried burning my team's one chance at winning." Katie said running off.


Katie took the idol to Chris. "And we have a winner. Katie brought me the token and now, the Crocs lose their third team member!"


"Ok campers, it's voting time! Vote for whoever you want to say bye to." Chris explained, even though most of them knew how this worked.

[Confessional- Courtney]

"I vote for Dave. He snapped last season, so he might again."

[Confessional- Justin]

Justin sighed. "I vote for Topher. He's too close to my beauty."

[Confessional- Dave]

"My vote goes to Topher."

[Confessional- Sammy]

"I vote Dave please don't vote out Topher!"

[Confessional- Topher]

"Dave. He's nuts!"

[Confessional- Izzy]

"I'm still here! Explosivo like boom boom!"


"Okay so I tallied the votes and it's a tie between Dave and Topher..." Chris started, until Sammy interrupted him. "Wait what?! You guys tried voting off Topher?!"

"Sammy you interrupt me again and I'll send Topher and you home. Now as I was saying, Dave and Topher got equal votes... but we reviewed the footage and we're eliminating Justin. He tried to sabotage the other team by burning their token. So it's bye bye Mr. Cheater." Chris said.

"Oh come on! You never eliminate cheaters!" Justin said.

"Blaineley's idea, not mine." Chris said as he lined Justin up with the Slingshot of Shame. "Oh and Justin, we ran out of helmets, so hope you don't die!"

Chris pushed the button and Justin was sent off.

"Well that wraps up another episode of Total Drama All Stars Two. Next episode will go out with a blast!" Chris said. "See yah guys next time on Total. Drama. All Stars 2!"


"Sammy." Topher said, running to catch up to her.

"Oh... hi Topher." Sammy said.

"So what'd you mean back there at the campsite when you said... you know..." Topher asked. "I mean, yes Topher. I want us to you know, be a thing." Sammy said, blushing.

"Really?!" Topher asked shocked.

"Yes really." Sammy said, grabbing his hand.

"So now that we're a thing, what would out couple name be? Tommy?"

"More like Sammer."

"How about Sampher?" Topher suggested.

"I like it." Sammy said, as she kissed Topher.


Ok so I dislike this chapter mainly because I just don't really think it's all that important. I think I made it a little bit better with the ending, but other than that I dislike it. So anyways as a recap, Sampher is alive and Kastin is dead. (Kastin is Katie and Justin, if you have a better name leave it in a comment.) Anyways if you enjoyed this chapter you could leave a comment or favorite it. Thanks for reading guys! Bye!

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