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Hey mom and dad I'm doing fine

Samey was running away from something, until she was shot by a ball of spaghetti into Topher. They fell over and smiled at each other.

You guys are on my mind

Scarlett was reading her book on the beach, while Trent played his guitar and Dawn watched.

You asked me what I wanted to be

Justin stood at the top of the cliff, about to dive in, until the camera knocked him off his feet into the lake.

and now I think the answer is plain to see

Katie and Sadie sat on the beach watching Justin. Katie jumped up and began running as Sadie stood up, looking pissed

I wanna be famous

Ella stood on top of the cabin roof. She slipped and fell back. Rodney ran and caught her. They smiled at each other.

I wanna live close to the sun

Duncan was shown pulling a hood over his head. Dave got covered in spaghetti. He was running around, freaking out. LeShawnna walked over to him and handed him a towel.

Pack your bags cause I've already won

Lindsay threw her bags on a bed. Sugar grabbed her bags and threw them outside into a mud pit. She received an angry glare from Lindsay.

Everything to prove, nothing in my way

Staci walked up to the confessional. She gave a sly smile and slammed the door.

I'll get there one day

Courtney walked up to Scott, chocolate box in one hand, stuffed teddy bear in the other. He turned away from her and she threw the bear at him.

Cause I wanna be famous

Chris and Blaineley was on the docks arguing. Chris pushed Blaineley and she fell off the side of the pier. Chris only shrugged.

Naaa na na na na na na na na nana na na naaa

Jo and Brick began arguing. Brick began getting really mad, and Jo punched him.

I wanna be

B had made a small robot. It ran in circles before getting close to B and exploding.

I wanna be

B got blew back into Dakota. She stood up and turned into the Dakotazoid. She picked up B and through him into the lake.

I wanna be famous

Katie and Sadie was arguing. Katie pushed Sadie, Sadie pushed Katie. They then began hugging each other.

I wanna be

Rodney and Ella was sitting beside each other on the beach, smiling. Beside them, Sammy and Topher had out a picnic and was making out. Izzy jumped down in front of the camera and licked the screen.

I wanna be

Scott walked up, kissed Courtney, Courtney pulled out his phone and slapped him. Trent and Dawn, who was down the beach, gasped.

I wanna be famous

Noah and Cody sat down. They smiled at each other. Sierra jumped up behind them and picked up Cody, running off. Noah gasped and ran after her.


"Wait, what just happened?" Lindsay asked.

So, the picture at the top of each chapter will show who was eliminated in the previous episode. And if you want to watch a video my friend made for the story, here's the site:

For some reason it wouldn't let me add it as a video so you'll have to copy and paste. (Sorry guys.)

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