Day 1: Split In Two

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After a year break, I got an email saying I was staring in the next TD season called Total Drama All-Stars. Dad and I both fan-boyed over the news.

 I was sitting in a military copter with Mike, Zoey, Lightning, Jo, Cameron, Sam, Scott, Courtney, Gwen, Duncan, Cody, Heather, Lindsay, and Sierra. All of the original cast was looking at me as I was sitting next to Scott and Mike, me being a blushing mess. I looked up to see Sierra looking at me with such a look that I can't describe between upset, giddy, and fan-girly. I then decide it's best to just return my gaze to the ground.

We then stopped as Chef, dressed as a military officer, opens the door and starts to line us up...Mike goes first followed by Zoey, Lightning, Cameron, Sam, Scott, I jump after him since I had a feeling something was in the water, Jo follows me with Courtney starting the line of originals, Gwen follows with Duncan, Cody, Heather, Lindsay, and Sierra cannonballing into the water. Ezekiel is then dropped as everyone gasped, but Ezekiel is promptly pulled away before being blasted off.

We all swim for shore and once we arrive...everyone else is tired and in pain. I was fine as I saw Chris come over to us followed by a robot. "Greeting old friends," He said with his smile as I blushed and Heather coughed up a starfish.

"I am not your friend," Heather said as I watch Lindsay go over to her.

"Aw, somebody misses her hunny bunny," Lindsay said hugging her head.

"Who, Alejandro? As if!" Heather then pushes Lindsay. "I'm glad he isn't back, that handsome jerk," She said as I turn at the seeing movement towards Chris. Courtney was up to him looking pissed.

"You're going to pay for my dry cleaning." She said as I walked over.

"No I'm not. New contract 'member?" He said pulling out one of the new contracts. He then puts it away before looking at everyone. "In fact, we've got a lot of big changes this season. For one, the island in now 100% toxic waste free."

"What? I only came back to get up close and personal with some toxic goop, so I could become a kick-butt mutant like my gal Dakota," Sam said as I smiled at the cuteness.

"Gee, too bad, guess it's going to be all pain no gain for ya, huh?" Chris said laughing a bit. "On the upside, I've upgraded your accommodations." He then walks over to a tv that the robot brought over. "This season, the losers still have to sleep in a stanky old cabin." The others groan and complain. "But the winners get to stay in the all new, eco-friendly, McLean spa hotel, complete with butler, hot-tub, and 24-hour masseuse." Everyone cheered at that. "And in honour of your all-star status, I'm dividing you into teams based on your past performances: Heroes vs. Villains. Heather, Duncan, Lightning, Jo, Scott, Courtney, and Gwen...from now on, you're the Villainous Vultures!"

"Sha-Team!" Lightning said as I was confused of how Gwen was on the villains team.

"What!? Why am I on the villains team?" Gwen asked.

"Because you stole my boyfriend and became the new Heather?" Courtney said pissed.

"Yeah, what she said," Chris said.

"But she's done so much good. She's not a villain. Also the boyfriend stealing was a lie." I say as Chris shrugged.

"Kid, Mike, Zoey, Cameron, Sam, Cody, Lindsay, and Sierra, You are now the Heroic Hamsters."

"Excuse me? How are hamsters heroic?" Courtney asked.

"It was either that, or the heroic hippos."

"Hamsters it is." Courtney said.

"Wait a minute. They have eight people to our seven. No fair!" Jo said as I tilted my head.

"I needed the seat on the plane for that Ezekiel prank and Kid is a definite hero as are the others." Jo was not appeased. "Fine, you can have the robot." He pressed a button as the robot went over to the villains and stood close to Heather.

"I thought your robot could talk," Scott said with a smirk.

"Meh. The communication chip kakked while I was in the hoosegow," Chris said as the others were confused.

"Was that english?" Lindsay asked.

"Yes, he said the chip broke while he was in prison," I said as the others nod.

"This years challenges all nod to classics from the past, but with harsh new twists to make this the toughest Total Drama season ever! Your first challenge? Find the key to the spa hotel, and you'll do it an homage to Total Drama's first ever challenge: Cliff diving into water infested with ravenous sharks!" I look over to Scott with concern as he looked terrified. Chris then proceeded to tell how to complete the challenge with a video showing interns doing it first. "First team to unlock the spa door wins, and someone from team loser will be going home tonight. Meet me at the base of the cliff in 15 minutes. Chop, chop!" He then goes off in a jeep.

"Wait, shouldn't we change into our swimsuits or something first?" Mike asked.

"Sorry! No time!" Chris yelled back as I shrugged and we started off towards the cliff at a steady pace. I was walking in front of my team.

"So, Sierra, what brought you back?" I hear Sam ask.

"I wanna win for Kayody, or now for Kike or Kott both are equally cute. I just really wanna be able to blog for my new found ships," Sierra said as I jump into the trees with a light blush.

/"Doesn't she know that Mike is with Zoey?" I ask holding the necklace of the two personalities Mike gave me.\

We arrive at the beach and stand behind two carriages with different colors. 

"Greetings, all-stars!" Everyone was coughing as Chris was descending in a jet pack to land in between the carriages. "Here are your carriages: Blood red for the Villainous Vultures, and purest gold for the heroic hamsters. You've got 30 seconds to pick your carriage drivers,!"

My team stands around for a bit. "Ten seconds." Chris reminds us.

"You should do it," Cam said to Zoey as I nodded along with Mike.

"Maybe you should do it," Zoey said to me as I shrugged.

"I'll do it!" Lindsay says rushing over to the carriage. I blink.

"Okay, everyone but Jo and Lindsay up the cliff you go," Chris said as we go.

We all make it up with Lightning being first and us being the only ones not panting out of breath. Sam collapses on Cam. I go over to the edge with Scott, Zoey, and Mike looking into the water to see Fang pop out of the water and wave. 

"Ahhhhh! Fang!" We all say in unison as I growl shortly after.

/"That darn overgrown sushi isn't in a containment center somewhere? If all the other mutants had to go why is he still here?!" I yell as my eyes glow.\

"Who?" Gwen and Cody asked peeking over.

"Who's the best key spotter? And who's dead in the shark-infested water? Find out when we return on Total Drama All-Stars." Mike was holding Zoey as Scott took a hold of me visibly shaking as I blushed brightly. 

"Places, people! It's divin time!" Chris laughs as Scott lets go of me as I go over to my team looking at Scott with concern as he hugs himself looking terrified. "One diver per team at a time. The next diver has to wait until their team's carriage returns. Ready, set..." he then blows an air horn as I cover my ears.

"Woo! Lightning strikes!" Lightning said jumping off as Cody followed. Soon both reamerge as Lightning gets in the cart first with Chris flying down to talk to my team. We all wait as Sierra walked over to Gwen and Duncan. I follow.

"You know, a lot of my blog readers were mad about you guys hooking up, but then I noticed the clip and we all instantly forgave you two. It was that dumb Tyler's lie. I wanted to apologize for what I did on the show. Friends?" Sierra asked as I look on.

"Sure, friends." Gwen said. Then Jo returns and Duncan jumps. He resurfaces and soon they were gone as Lindsay finally arrived and Sierra jumps.

"For Kike and Kott!" She said jumping off. I blush at her call off.

"Uh-oh. Think she's okay?" Mike asked as I busted into a brighter blush from him being close to me.

"S-she's fine." I say as she pops up with a key.

Soon the villains are back and so are Lindsay as Mike's the next one with Gwen. 

"Good luck." Zoey says to Mike with a peck on the cheek that sends him and Gwen over. Sharks appear as Zoey and I grab stones and knock them on the nose sending them all back into the water. The others are impressed by us. Soon the two emerge as Mike and Gwen both return. 

Sam and Heather go next as Sam gets attacked. Both returned with no luck. I look over to see Lightning trying to pry Scott off the rock. 

"It's you or the robot and I'm pretty sure the robot isn't waterproof!" Duncan said as I walked over. 

"Send the darn robot, I will not let you send him back to Fang!" I yell at them as I push the robot in the water and jump after it as I go for a key and jump out landing in the cart as Lindsay struggled to push.

We make it to the hotel only for the key to be wrong. "Time to go back," but then Jo pushes by us and in the cart is a male who looks vaguely familiar from somewhere. I hear Lindsay gasp.

"Jalapeno?! When did you get here?" Lindsay says as Jo carried the male up the stairs.

"Silly Lindsay...I've been here the whole time." He said in a familiar spanish accent. Alejandro from season three? I think with a tilt of the head. He tries the key and it opens. "Finimente!"

"Finally." Jo said exhausted.

"The door is open! The Vultures win!" Chris said coming over in a jet-pack. Lindsay and I groan as I look up to see the male looking at me as I blush looking away.

We then go to the elimination ceremony where the villains happen to be sitting in a peanut gallery. 

"Welcome to our first elimination ceremony. How do you like the new peanut gallery? Huh?" He asked more so the villains then us. "Now, winners can watch their opponents give someone the boot before they head to the spa hotel for a deluxe dinner." I watch as Gwen tries to mend things with Courtney only for her to support her with the villains even though the two were on the same team.. "Before we begin, I need one winner to volunteer for a special reward." Lightning is the first one. "Great! Your reward is... spending the night in exile on Boney Island with all the hungry wild animals!"

"Aw, how is that a reward?" Lightning complained.

"Because, there's a McLean statue of invisibility hidden somewhere on Boney Island! Find it and you're golden. This year you get to vote by placing an "X" over on the 8 by 10 photo of the person you want to eliminate. Now, get voting!" We go to the confessional where I "x" Lindsay. She wants to leave so I'll help her. 

"Okay, the following people are safe: Kid, Cameron, Sierra, Zoey, Mike, and Sam. Lindsay, you're on the chopping block for your terrible driving skills, and, Cody, you're on the chopping block for doing nothing for the challenge," Chris said.

"Yeah, what's the matter with you?" Lindsay said as I fought back a giggle.

"And the loser is..." he builds up the tension as normal. "Lindsay!" He said tossing the marshmallow to Cody.

"Thank goodness! Wait... do I have to ride that scary catapult thingy?"

"Nope! This year we've got a brand new elimination device." My team heads down to the dock of shame to see a giant toilet. Lindsay gets in. "Behold the flush of shame! patent pending." The others shiver feeling gross, Sierra takes a photo, and I shrug.

"Well, see ya guys, it's been..." Then Chris pushed a button causing the toilet to flush leaving Lindsay screaming. There's a water spray as a gust of wind sent the water away from my team.

"Who will be flushed into the history books next? Find out when we return on...Total Drama All-Stars!" We then all head off to bed as I get the bunk above Mike and Cameron sleeps under Sam. Cody sleeps on his own bunk.

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