Day 11: Sundae Funday

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I was shaken awake by Mal at the break of dawn as I looked at him confused and with a light blush. 

"Morning, Alejandro has some footage of my "Misdeeds" hidden somewhere in this hotel. I need you to help me find it." I nod getting up out of the bed with a yawn as I feel arms wrap around my waist pulling me against his chest. With a quick peck on the cheek, I was released. I blushed as I left the room to go search the other areas.

It was now officially light outside as I could hear crashing coming from the room. I looked up in concern as I was looking in the kitchen.

"Attention, punching bags! Please gather in the forest clearing, and bring  yer padded undies cause today's challenge is a butt-kicker!" Chris said as we were all outside to see Gwen get shoved off the back of the jeep.

"Hey, Gwen, how was your night on Boney Island?" Zoey asked as we all stood by her.

"Not bad, actually. A woolly beaver tried to eat me, so I climbed a tree to the top and slept in the canopy. Fell asleep looking at the stars." I smiled imagining what it would be like to lay under the stars with Mal... I blushed brightly at my own thoughts before realizing Courtney was all over Gwen in a hug. I blinked before being taken by the hand and escorted away by MikeMal.

"I found this on your nightstand, care to explain?" I look up at Mal to notice him holding my ring. I blink as tear come to my eyes at the memories of me and Cody. He gently wipes them away and places a kiss to my cheeks. "Who hurt you?" My eyes glance over to where Cody was walking ahead of us. I feel a squeeze on my hand and look at Mal to see a glare sent Cody's way. "I understand. Mal will take care of the pain." I blush as he let's go of my hand. 

We were walking for a while. "Hope you three got a lot of sleep, 'cause I'm feeling as strong as an ox." Scott said coming up to Zoey, MikeMal, and me and flexing. I blush catching his eyes on me.

"Don't you mean "strong as a rat"?" We all look at MikeMal confused. "Oh... you haven't seen Courtney's chart?" Courtney gasps as Gwen and her appear as Scott straightens up confused. Cody appeared with us confused as well.

"Huh? What chart?" Scott asked.

"This one!" MikeMal pulls out a chart with badly drawn pictures of Mike, Zoey, Cody, Gwen, and Scott in that order. Mike had a circle that was xed out with an arrow and a question mark, Zoey was just xed out, same with Cody, as was Gwen... who had horns and a goatee, and Scott had a rats tail and a check mark by his picture. "Great plan, by the way. Not how I want it to go down, but still." MikeMal said as I looked on the chart and realized. 

"Wait, why am I not on there?" I ask as Courtney looked at me then blinked a few times. 

"Guess I just forgot you were even in the competition."

/"How could she just forget about me?! I've literally been in every season, been in the finale three times, made it to the final elimination last season..." I was panting after the rant I just had before taking a deep breath. "I guess this is the power of a shy kid." I giggled lightly to myself.\

"Second last?! "Right to the end" my butt!" Gwen said as she walked away.

"I can explain!"

"You gave me a tail?! Wow!" Scott also walked away.

"Wait!" We were all walking away from Courtney at this point... well more like I was dragged by MikeMal.

"Oh, please. Even you can't talk your way out of this one." Gwen said she sounded hurt.

We arrive at where Chris wanted us as two interns stood by looking miserable and quite skinny. Chris was standing by a tv that had the island on it. 

"Behold, my sad skinny interns! I totally forgot to feed them this week." Chris said standing between the two as one hand was on the girls head and the other on the dudes shoulder. My eyes widened as I could imagine the hunger they felt. It gave me shivers of a past I hope to forget. I then hear MikeMal laughing as if it were a hilarious joke. My eyes shine as I elbow him swiftly and look up at him with a glare. He blinks in confusion as he looks down at me while rubbing his arm where I elbowed him.

/"I find pain humorous, but starvation isn't funny. Also Mal was blowing his cover as Mike would have never laughed." I say the last part to cover up the seriousness of my previous statement.\

Chris chuckles before noticing my glare. 

"So today's challenge is a race to make a delicious sundae and serve it up to good ol' what's-his-name and whose-its over here." Chef then comes over holding onto some bowls. "So, to make this fun-for me. You'll have to travel to the most dangerous areas on the island." Chris steps out of the way of the tv. "To procure the ingredients of this dessert. Your ice cream awaits at the top of the diving cliff, which the ice machine has been making nice and slippery all week; The maraschino cherries are perched on a rock in the swamp; You'll find crushed peanuts in the old cafeteria, and the final ingredient, chocolate sauce, can be found in a pool surrounding a recently-planted mutant fire flower."

"You're sick, McLean," Gwen said as Chef was handing out bowls. I hold mine and look at it before looking at the interns... who fell down in a pile.

"What can I say, prison changed me-for the better! Ha ha! The first person to have their sundae consumed by the interns, wins. On your marks..." He then blows the air horn as no one leaves. "What are you waiting for, they're hungry! Scram!" He then blows the air horn twice as the others run off. I walk over to him.

"Give me two more bowls." He raises a brow confused. "One bowl won't be enough to feed them, plus I have a gut feeling there's a twist." 

"You know that puts you at a disadvantage." He said. I looked at the interns and smiled.

"I don't care." I say with so much assurity as he shrugs providing me with two more bowls. I thank him with a quick peck on the cheek... and a blush as I rush off to catch up with the others.

I managed to speed up and catch up to MikeMal and Zoey. "Mike, I have to know. Why did you expose Courtney in front of everyone like that? It was just so, you know... mean," Zoey said as I speed up just a bit.

"I did it for us! For you, really. I want you to win. But without Cam, we're equal to them. Plus Cody seems to be flying solo. Courtney, Gwen, and Scott are too powerful together-we have to break them up. And you gotta admit, she kinda had it coming." MikeMal said before catching up to me as I was a bit ahead of them. He looks at me with a look that says we need to talk has me gulping in fear. But then Scott goes by us and that was my chance to speed off. If by no other excuse other than one of us has to win.

We reach the cliff as we climb through snow. 

"This just in, Scott is first to reach the ice-cream!" Chris said as I arrived second and heard Scott's scream. Normally Mal would be here to stop me, but since he's not, I find myself walking over to the edge and holding a hand out for Scott.

"Need a hand?" I say with a light blush.

"Gwen has scooped up first place!" Chris announces as I look at Scott again as he reaches for me only for me to be snatched up by the back of my hood with a yelp and dragged away from the edge.

"Get your ice-cream and let's go," Mal said as I nod hearing the tone of his voice made me shiver. We both scoop up our ice-cream, me three times, and go down the side. "All clear!" He said as we passed Zoey.

We were running towards the swamp to catch up to Gwen when he stops me and looks at me. 

"What's wrong?" Mal asked this with the utmost concern in his voice.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have helped Scott, but-" A kiss cuts me off.

"I'm not upset about that." He said, but I could tell that wasn't completely true.

"It's nothing, we should get back to the race or Gwen will win." I say to drop the subject.

"Not until-"

"Gwen's first to the cherries!" Chris said as Mal growls.

"This isn't over," He said before we both go racing off.

"Will she keep her lead? Not if "Snappy" has anything to say about it." Chris says as we arrived.

"Wait here I'll get the cherries and get Gwen out of first," Mal said as I nodded.

"And Mike, plus Kaylub, take the lead!" Chris said as Mal pops up and drops three cherries, one in each bowl, before we take off.

Once in a far enough lead he stops me again with a look that says you better start talking

"You were blowing your cover... so I got involved." It wasn't a total lie, but I was slightly fiditing and I could tell he didn't believe me. He plants a kiss onto my lips and looks me in the eyes as I sigh. "It's just... I know how the interns feel and I don't find that funny, so yeah... I got upset when you were laughing, because what if it was me?" I looked up at him with slightly teary eyes as he softly smiles and places a kiss on my cheek.

"I would never laugh at you in pain, and you would never feel that way with me for I take good care of what's mine." I blush scarlet as he chuckles running ahead as I nod catching up.

/"If anyone's wondering how I'm carrying three bowls of Ice cream... I worked as a waiter at a restaurant for a while between seasons two and three so it's quite easy." I was saying that to hide the fact that I was really in the confessional to let out the squeal inside my head at Mal's words.\

"And Mike and Kaylub are the first to enter the crushed nuts zone, where they'll face off against the newly rebuilt Total Drama Machine!" Chris said as I already put the topping on one of my sundaes.

"The what?" Mal said in his Mike voice. I look around only to get a shiver behind me and turn to see the robot, but with a red eye and busted wires... and a hammer on one hand. "Finish getting your toppings I'll distract it," Mal said dodging the machine and getting his topping as well. I manage to finish my last bowl when Gwen arrived.

"Gwen watch out for the robot!" I say loud enough for the robot to hear and turn around going after Gwen as MikeMal comes over to me, wraps an arm around my waist, and whistles his tune as we walk out. I was blushing with a smile. 

"That was some nice work you did there," he said to me as we were running. I blush and look away.

/"I mean I did it so he would get a chance to get away, since he helped me get my nuts first... it was just repaying a favor." I was blushing and smiling.\

"And the opposites duo is the first to reach the chocolate fire zone," Chris said as I blush by the name. 

"Sweet," Mal said.

"But Gwen is hot on their heels and fueled by rage, so it's still anybody's game!" Chris said as Gwen goes by us muttering stuff to herself about friends. We were situated behind boulders at a safe distance.

"Whoa, it's huge!" Gwen said as we both go over to her.

"Yep. Toxic waste: The most terrifying growth hormone money can buy!" MikeMal said as I nodded. It's true. Then the fire plant decided to fire at us as we duck. It then decides to go after only MikeMal as I pick up some chocolate for my bowls as does Gwen.

"Yes." She then goes racing ahead as I tap the fire flower causing it to retract from firing at MikeMal.

"Gwen exits the chocolate fire zone and retakes the lead." I get pulled back behind the boulders by Mal who seems irritated by the flower.

"Did you get all the chocolate you need." He asks me as I nod. "Good, go on ahead and beat Gwen... I'll deal with this flower." I nod again getting up, but before I go I take a bit of chocolate for the road in a cup that i had in my coat fearing I'll never get to taste this again knowing Mal. I rush off after Gwen.

I soon catch up as the others soon arrive as well. "Run faster! I don't care who wins, as long as it's not Courtney!" Scott said as Courtney then appear out of nowhere.

"Short cut!" She gets in front of Gwen as I add an extra boost of raw energy to my speed and manage to tie with her. "I win! Heh heh! Eat it, interns!" Courtney says shoving her sundae in their faces as it looks completely disgusting.

"Surprise! Change of plans. You have to eat your own sundaes! And Kaylub can give his extra two to the interns." We all cheer except for Courtney. "First to finish wins immunity-everyone else is on the chopping block. So, dig in!" I hand my extras to the interns who graciously eat it as I start to eat mine. My only problem is... I have a small stomach.

"Ahh! Brain freeze!" Gwen cried out. Scott laughs. "Easy to laugh when you have no brain to freeze.

"Pfft! You're just jealous 'cause I'm almost done!" Scott said as I continued to eat only to start to gain a stomach ache.

"Finished!" Zory called with a mouth full of ice-cream.

"Boom! Just like that, Zoey wins the challenge and immunity!" The others grown as MikeMal cheers. "Not so fast. Everyone has to eat their own sundae, 'member? You won't get anything else to eat until you finish the sundae you thought was good enough to feed my interns. I wouldn't feed them that!" Chris said making me smile as I realized he really cares for his employees... just shows it weirdly.

"It's not my fault. Mike ruined the chocolate on purpose!" Courtney said as I looked at him. 

"But you're the one who put it in your sundae!" Chris said walking away from us, but not without a smile my way.

"What was I supposed to do, skip the chocolate sauce?"

"Yes!" Chris and I say in unison in the exact same tone and volume of voice.

"Well... now I know for next time?" I shake my head at her.

It was elimination time as we sat by the fire. I sat with MikeMal as he and Zoey were looking at each other. "Elimination time. Tonight, Zoey got immunity and Cody and Courtney are on thin ice. Cody, you finished dead last, and you're all out of allies. Courtney, backstabbing your friends and trying to poison my interns... really? It's time to vote!" 


"All right. I've tabulated the votes and tonight's loser,  with four votes to three, is Courtney!" Chris said as she was already in the toilet.

"You can't flush me yet, I'm still eating!" Courtney said still holding her bowl of Ice cream.

"That's the spirit. Never give up!" Chris says before flushing her. "I know, we're all gonna miss her." I shrug as the others agree with me. "Congrats on making it to the final six! Zoey, Kaylub, the spa hotel is all yours because..." he starts walking away, "from now on, winners can't take anyone along with them." My eyes widen as I bite my lip looking at MikeMal.

"Oh no! Really? Sorry, Mike," Zoey said.

"No worries. You deserve it!" MikeMal said as Zoey smiled. I started to walk away only to be grabbed roughly by the arm. I wince slightly before the grip loosens. "Don't let her find that dvd." He whispers into my ear as I nod. He sighs and holds me in his arms for a minute before calming down. "I'm sorry for scaring you." He says into my ear as I blush and nod. "You know you make me feel better when I'm around you." He says as I smile to myself and blush.

"I-I should go f-find the dvd." I stutter out as I hear him chuckle which sends shivers down my spine. He kisses my neck and then bites it as I yelp due to shock.

"Just to finalize the fact that you're mine." He says with a kiss to the spot he bit as he walked away whistling his tune again. 

/"Did he really mark me?" I ask as truth behold there was a dark mark on my neck right where Mal bit me.\

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