Day 9: Mining for Chris

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It was late one night as I was standing on the porch that Alejandro decided to enjoy the hot tub near me. I was blushing as he took notice of me and ushered me over. I shook my head and gazed out over the railing to the stars above and gave a pleased sigh. I made out the visible constellations before hearing motion next to me. I look over to see Chris in nothing more than a towel and my face instantly heats up. 

"Hey, roomies. Since my house got destroyed, it looks like I'll be staying here." My eyes widen as my blush deepens. "Hey, it's no fun for me either!" He then takes off the towel, that hits Alejandro, as I look away in an instant. "I lost everything, including my swim trunks!" I hear the splashing of someone getting in the water. I hear his chuckle and something hitting the ground. I hear Alejandro get out. "It's safe now, he's gone." I hear Chris whisper. I blush and giggle softly as I look over to him. "I always keep a spare pair of swim trunks in the hotel." He says as he users me over. I take off my hoodie to reveal that I was wearing my swim trunks all along as I climb in the hot tub as well.

"T-thanks for the save." I say softly as I sat on the opposite side of the hot tub. I hear him chuckle as I blush a bit more. We sat this way, in a comfortable silence, till I start to get light headed. I feel the water move around me, then arms lifting me up. I hmm softy at the feeling before falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up in my bed feeling refreshed and quite happy. I blush remembering how I got here. I get up and get ready for the day with a smile. At breakfast the question finally arises in me.

"Why did you pick me?" He raises a brow. "I mean seriously."

"Well, mi príncipe, it's all due to the fact that you're the only one I can trust." I blink at this. "I'm in love with Heather and the only reason I'm still here is to win the million for her." I nod. "Also I figured you could use a moment away from Mal." I blush and that ends the conversation.

"Challenge time! Proceed to the McLean spa library, pronto!" Chris said over the speaker as we were finishing eating. We both get up and head down there.

Soon the others arrived as we're in the surveillance room. MikeMal was standing close to my side as I blushed lightly feeling his hand around my waist. Cody was standing by and I could feel his eyes on me.

We wait a few minutes. 

"Where's Chris?" Courtney asked.

"Just hush up! You'll see in a minute." Chef then takes a swing from his cup. 

Then a screen turns on and Chris blows a noise maker as confetti falls around him. 

"Welcome to episode 100 of total drama!" He moves away to show a table covered in snacks and a large cake. I smile. "To celebrate, I have an extra special 100th episode challenge." Chris then pulls out a list as I notice he has a birthday hat on...and something in the background. "I hope no one is allergic to rhinoceroses... or fire... or poison, smallpox, glutton-" Then we all get a good look at the person in the background... Ezekiel

"Is that...?" Gwen started to say as I was shivering in place.

"Urea-formaldehyde, terror, tree nuts..." Chris continued to list off as he he couldn't hear the breathing of Zeke right behind him.

"Look out! Look! Look!" We all called out different warnings as my heart started to race and every instinct within me was telling me to get to him now, but the arm around me prevented me from leaving.

"Please don't interrupt, I'm-whoa!" He was then sack napped as Chef spat coffee all over the screen causing the console to fiss out, losing all visual. I start shaking like crazy.

"I... that can't... aggggg! New challenge! Find Chris!" Chef said as I was about to leave already knowing where to go, but, again, the hand on my hip keeps me in place.

"You want us to hunt for Zeke?! No way! He's psycho-crazy!" Gwen brings up.

"Hey! If no one saves Chris, there ain't no show. Which means no winner and no million dollars!" Chef said.

"What?!" MikeMal said.

"That's not fair!" Courtney said.

"Hold on." Alejandro starts. I look to him in hope he says something that might set me free. "We accept this challenge," Yes, just the words I needed. "But only if the one who finds Chris gets immunity for the next vote." He adds.

"And permanent residence in the spa hotel for as long as they're in the competition." Courtney added.

"And they get to send one person to Boney Island." Cameron said as that shocked me.

"Fine! Can we go find Chris?!" I snap out. Everyone looks at me. "Zeke lives in the mines so that's where he took him." I say as Chef.

"To the mines."

We get to the mine and the first thing is that it's still sealed off. 

"Huh. Looks like it's still sealed up." MikeMal said as I looked around.

"There must be another way." I say more to myself then to the others.

"Then find it! I'm heading back to the hotel to see if I can get the monitors working!" Chef said as he handed us all flashlights before rushing off. I manage to slip away from the others as I go looking for a way in. 

After a while of searching I hear Alejandro screaming. I come around a rock to see he has his boot stuck in between two rocks. 

"Need a hand?" I ask as I step onto one of the rocks. He looks at me confused as I raise a brow at his confusion.

"Shouldn't you be glued to Mal's side at this moment?" I blush at his words before turning away.

"Guess you don't need any help." I say about to leave.

"N-no, help me and I could help you get rid of him," Alejandro said as I looked away.

/"Mike could still be in there along with Vito and Manitoba Smith. I don't want to get rid of them as well... but Mal..." I sat there pondering what to do.\

I helped Alejandro get unstuck, and keep his shoe, as we both entered the mine via waterway. I was blushing slightly from being around him as I clutched my necklace and looked around with my flashlight.

It was a while before I heard a familiar whistle. In The Hall of The Mountain King. I shuddered as I looked around before feeling arms around my waist and a hand over my mouth snuffling out the sound of my yelp as I was pulled back into someone's chest. 

"It's been a while since we last saw each other." Mal whispers into my ear in his deep voice as I shuddered and blushed brightly watching Alejandro's light get further ahead. "What were you doing with him?" Mal asked letting go of me to look me in the eyes with his. 

"W-we were just w-working t-together to f-find Chris." I stutter out not looking him in the eyes. He raises my gaze to meet his, which has softened, with his hand under my chin.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed that you didn't come with me," He said as he looked from my eyes to my lips and back. The moment was quick and had me breathless as he closed the gap between us and placed his lips over my own. I was stunned but soon melted into his hold.

He smiled at me when we separated as I blinked and looked away still blushing. "Come now... I have some unfinished business." I followed him knowing it would have been unwise to do otherwise... and I was still dazed from the kiss. I watch as he picks up a big boulder and puts on his Mike impression while walking towards a hole. "Cody, buddy, you still there?" He said with his Mike voice. "You won't be for long." He dipped into his deeper voice. "Well that's one problem down." He said placing the rock down as I covered my mouth in shock. Then out of nowhere MikeMal's  gone as I heard a hiss. 

"Mal... Mike... anyone?!" I call out for a minute before hearing a cry for help similar to Chris' voice. I take off in a sprint. 

I instantly arrive well above the others. I look down to see Chris hanging upside down over a pool of toxic waste as two rats are chewing on the strings, and in a cage the rest of the contestants minus Cameron and Gwen. I instantly growl  as Chef appears from behind the throne. He has his bazooka as he drops it to go help Chris. He gets rid of the rats as Zeke gets the bazooka and fires at Chef knocking him out.

"Zeke... zeke... let's talk about this." Chris said as I was about to drop in.

"Yoo-hoo looky-looky I'm a big distraction!" I hear Cam say as I look to see Gwen behind the throne. Zeke then spits up something towards where I was as the whole fondation comes down and I jump landing by the pool as Gwen cocks the bazooka.

"This is for Cameron." She fires it at Ezekiel as I get Chris down placing him on his feet and untying him before racing after Gwen to help her get Cameron out of the rubble. 

"Come on, we gotta get outta here before Zeke..." Chris started from behind us as I look over to the throne.

"He's already gone." I say as the others gasp. We free the others and make our way out of the mine.

I was chilling with Gwen as we waited for Cam to come out of the infirmary when MikeMal came over and took me away. Gwen looked at us confused as I blushed looking back at him. 

We were by the confessional where we saw Chris go in. Mal smirked as he went behind the confessional and after a while scared Chris out of there as he cried for help. I bit my lip to fight a vocal giggle as I shuddered in laughter. I looked at him to catch the fact that he was looking at me as well. I blushed darker when I heard his deep chuckle close to me. I felt arms wrap around me as a kiss was placed gently on my lips as I looked up into his brown eye. He smirks and takes my hand leading me towards the fireplace.

"Kaylub and Gwen win our never-to-be-repeated or spoken-of-again challenge. They saved all of us, but more importantly, they saved me. So I'll honor the deal Chef made- The spa hotel is yours, you two. Who's heading for exile on Boney Island?" Chris said as we all sat by the fire for elimination time. Gwen and I share a look before both nodding.

"Alejandro." We say in unison as I look out the corner of my eye to see MikeMal smiling slightly at me in approval.

"As for who goes home, no vote is required. Cameron is too injured to continue, so as rules and my cruel streak dictate, he must be flushed." Zoey was the first one up to say goodbye as I went before MikeMal.

"Heal and keep safe okay?" I say.

"Good luck Kaylub." He says while slightly muffled. I nod before heading back to the spa hotel.

"So, what happened between you and Cody? He's been acting different since the challenge in the Fun Zone." I shake my head as Gwen and I walked together. I felt tears come to my eyes at just the thought of Cody. I feel arms around me as I cry into Gwen's hold.

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