Episode 1 - First Step in Calamity

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*So a drone will be all the way up showing a while view of the island.*

*Then some random bird would crash into it, causing it fall into the ocean.*

Dylan: Man fucking stupid ass drone.

*He throws the phone to control the drone behind his back as he would look at the camera to see he was recording.*

Dylan: So, we're here in this beautiful island that I rented here in Fiji Islands where these contestants will be spending an incredible amount of weeks in.

Dylan: But what they also forgot is that the challenges we got over here will sometimes be a bit scary~ With some being dangerous as hell~ And some that could probably even kill you~

Dylan: I gathered at least 18 different contestants to spend 8 weeks at this so called "summer camp" where they will each battle for a prize of a million dollars.

Dylan: While the losing team must vote someone out, where that losing player will be taken to the dock of shame where the way home will be the UFO of Terror.

*An intern would be cleaning the dock as the UFO would start lifting him off the ground.*

???: OH SHIT!!!

*Then he would be taken in the UFO and off the island.*

Dylan: And I even had help to create some of the challenges. So what will happen on this show?

Dylan: What chaos will draw upon this island?

Dylan: Well I'm Dylan Dryden and you're about to find out on.... Total Drama... CRAZY ISLANDS!


*Cameras will pop out in a few places.*

*So then the camera will move, it'll go near Dylan as he would dodge it, then it would go to the top of the high slope.*

*Russell would be trying to snowboard down the slope, he would then hit a rock causing him to fly through the air.*

*Then Josie and Stefan would be seen sitting and relaxing while Russell is still flying in the air, while Josie takes a sip of her drink, she sees Russell.*

*Shocked, she spat out her drink to look and see she accidentally spat it out on Stefan as he glares at her with her being surprised.*

*Then Russell hits a tree causing an apple to fall down and Eliza ends up catching it, as she eats it.*

*Milo and Melanie would be going for a run, as he ends up knocking someone over, that being Frazer.*

*Frazer would be smirking at Milo who's just blushing at this point, then the scene goes to Rosemary reading a book as she then sees Isobelle playing with the ducks, teaching them to do tricks and giving them pieces of bread.*

*Then Edward and Charlie are doing some coin flip game, as Edward would flip a coin as it appears to be tails, and Charlie would be sad because he picked heads.*

*Meanwhile Edward is cheering as he would put a line on his iPad, which he brought with him.*

*Then in the cafeteria/canteen, Leroy would be using his cute/hot charm to attract Kate, Diana, and Bailey.*

*Martha would be eating some fried rice, as Jac would offer Eliza, a non alcoholic drink as Eliza would refuse.*

*Then it would cut to the dock is Tommie would be doing some dance, twerking and even doing a backflip, during the backflip, it would become night time, as Isobelle would be staring at Edward, as she in love with him.*

Intro Ends

*We would then go back to Dylan who is standing by the dock.*

Dylan: We're back y'all, sorry for the long wait.

Dylan: The campers have arrived.

Dylan: We decided to have them take separate boat trips, so only two people will show up each time.

*So the first boat would come as two guys about adults would come.*

Dylan: Welcome Charlie and Leroy.

Leroy: Hey.

Charlie: Sup cuz.

Dylan: Now Leroy, people are saying that you're just so hot, that a ton of girls fall for you every day?

Leroy: Yep metaphorically and literally.

Leroy would walk to the other part of the dock.

Charlie: Wow!

Charlie: That's awesome, I wish I could try the same.

Dylan: Ok, you're a gambler right?

Charlie: Yes, why?

Dylan: Here's some advice, this is not a slot machine, meaning if you lose, you can't try again, in other words you can't come back.

Charlie: I'm really good at this, and it's a game show, it won't be that hard.

*Charlie walks to where Leroy is.*

Dylan: Alright, next is...

*The second boat arrives with two other people one guy with crazy red hair and another looking like he came out an animation.*

Tommie: OMG Slay! This island gives off good vibes!

Edward: Uhh ok.

Dylan: Yeah you two...

Tommie: What's wrong?

Dylan:Nothing, just go over there. *He would point to where Edward and Tommie are.*

Dylan: Man, why the fuck, is there a Gen Z person here...? My god... He will be hard to understand... *He whispers to himself*

*Then the next boat would come.*

Stefan: Woah this island is bliss.

Stefan: This is one classy island you chose Dylan.

Dylan: Sure is, now go meet with the others.

Kate: I'm Kate, Kate Cole.

Kate: It's nice to meet you.

Dylan: Nice to meet you too, now why don't you guys stand over there.

*The next two would come.*

Jac: Hey I'm here.

Dylan: Hey Jac, I hope you remembered not to bring any alcohol here.

Dylan: I didn't, because I got non alcoholic drinks.

Bailey: Can I have some?

Bailey: Maybe it can fit with my outfit.

Jac: Maybe later.

So they would head near the other campers, as the other person would come.*

Bailey: Woah, who's that? *She blushes a little as she sees Leroy.*

Kate: Leroy~ He's so dreamy-

Leroy: I sure am~

Dylan: Uhh ok, Just stand over there. *He would point over there.*

*Then the next boat would drop off the next two guys.*

Milo: We're here!

Frazer: Yes, I can't wait Milo!

Dylan: Milo and Frazer, you two must be the guys who are in the same high school.

Frazer: Yep, we're both seniors.

Dylan: Interesting, why don't you two stand with the others? 

Frazer: Awesome, I can't wait to compete together!

*He would hug Milo*

Milo: Sure, together... *He says blushing a little and then they would both head to the other side.*

*Then the next two would come.*

Josie: Finally I'm here, hey.

Dylan: Uhh hey, you must be the basic girl.

Josie: Um, I'm sorry what?

Dylan: Yeah you are, no hobbies, no after school activities and you got basic ass friends.

Stefan: AHAHA! You have no talents, that's lame.

Eliza: You shouldn't say that to people, it's what's on the inside that matters.

Dylan: I guess you're the peacemaker here huh?

Eliza: Yes.

Dylan: Just go with the others... *The two would walk to the others.*

*The next boat would come*

Martha: Hey Dylan! What's up? How you doing? You look nice today!

Dylan: Hey Martha, Diana, right over there ok. *Points to the others on where they are standing.*

Martha: Oki doke. :3 

*Martha would go to the group as she is sipping a drink.*

Milo: Did you bring that drink with you?

Martha: Yep I got it, before I came here, I even made sure it was extra cold.

Frazer: Wow interesting.

Jac: How's that possible?

Martha: They make cups that keeps your drink cold for hours.

Stefan: I gotta buy me one of those.

Dylan: Sup Diana, you know I'm a little confused on why your last name is called "Church".

Diana: Idk either, you can ask my dad about it, he would tell you more since he got that name from his parents and which my mom's last name before was Allison.

Dylan: Diana Allison sounds way better.

Diana: Yeah I agree, but it's what my dad wants.

Dylan: Ok... *Diana would walk to the group.*

*The next boat would come.*

Russell: Ok I guess this must be it.

Russell: I sure as hell can't wait to win this!

Melanie: You seemed psyched.

Russell: Ofc! This is a big competition and I'm here to win!

Melanie: I sure am too.

Dylan: Love the attitude, you two. Why don't you go to the others?

Russell: Come on. *He would ask Melanie to come as they would meet the others.*

Melanie: I hope we get some good competitors on our team.

Eliza: Well, idk if I'm good competitively but I'm good socially.

Edward: I'm great at anything. 

Russell: Hmmm ok.

*The last boat arrives.*

Dylan: And finally, here comes our last two...

Dylan: Isabelle and Rosemary.

Isobelle: I just brought a ton of rubber ducks in my bag, so I hope you don't mind.

Dylan: Uhh ok. Just try not to lose them.

Rosemary: Who needs rubber ducks? I mean we're here to win this thing.

*The two would meet with the others.*

Dylan: Finally that's everyone.

Dylan: Now everyone follow me.

*So everyone would follow him as they would head to the elimination area.*

Dylan: Ok everyone, so in this game you'll be split into two teams.

Dylan: And you both will compete in challenges and whoever loses comes here and has to vote someone out.

Dylan: Now let's reveal the teams.

Dylan: People, if I call your name, stand on the cyan mat.

Dylan: Milo, Charlie, Melanie, Kate, Tommie, Leroy, Eliza, Frazer & Russell.

*They will move to the cyan mat*

Dylan: From this point on, you will be called "The Monstrous Rhinos"

Russell: That name is so sick! *He says in excitement*

Melanie: Yep, I can work with this.

Tommie: Me too!

Dylan: The others... Isobelle, Edward, Josie, Rosemary, Stefan, Bailey, Diana, Martha & Jac.

*They would go to the yellow mat*

Dylan: From now on, y'all are gonna be called "The Daring Gorillas"

Edward: That fits me so well.

Stefan: I'm not sure about the name, but I suppose it fits me somehow.

Dylan: See I told y'all their good names.

Dylan: Now here's the maps for where your cabins are. *Gives the maps to them.*

Dylan: I suggest you head there because you guys need to relax before we have a challenge.

The contestant: Ok!

Dylan: There's a confessional too if y'all wanna use it. It's the brown square on the map.

*So they would walk to their cabins.*

*With the Rhinos*

Eliza: *Happily sighs* I'm glad to be on a nice team with you guys.

Eliza: I'm sure this experience with you will be the best I've ever had.

Melanie: I don't think you should be saying that rn.

Melanie: Because later it'll be chaotic, and you would wish you'd be eliminated by now.

Eliza: I'm sure it won't be that bad.

Frazer: Yeah Melanie, stop making things negative for her.

Eliza: Anyways hi, there. I'm Eliza, what's your name?

Frazer: I'm Frazer.

Eliza: Awesome, I'm so glad to meet you.

Milo: Nice to know meeting new people.

Frazer: Yep, why you jealous? 

Milo: No, I wouldn't.

Frazer: Good to know.


Frazer: I have a crush on Milo. The thing is I think he knows, but decides not to mention it. So... I hope one day he'll confess his feelings to me.


Kate: So, what are you known for in school?

Leroy: Well I used an emo phase until someone saw my figure, and I decided to get rid of it, and people started to find me popular now.

Kate: Awesome. The thing is people, just don't like me because I look like a nerd. But when I take my glasses off and change my look, people just start liking me, it's weird.

Leroy: Well don't worry, I'm sure you look beautiful with or without the glasses~

Kate: ^////////^


Kate: Leroy is so kind. A lot of girls have fallen for him~ I can't blame him, he seems very nice~ 


Leroy: So in my high school, a ton of girls have asked me to go on dates with them, asked me to study with them, and even confessed their love to me.

Leroy: But I just reject them in the kindest way possible.

Leroy: Look, as much as I appreciate the love I'm getting, I just don't know who I wanna end up with.


Leroy: I heard you were a gambler, correct?

Charlie: Mhm.

Charlie: Oh nothing, my parents got this hobby of gambling and basically they convinced me to do it ever since I turned 21.

Charlie: I hardly do it ok.

Charlie: I mean I usually gamble on certain days.

Milo: Ok, as long as you don't get too hooked onto it right?

Charlie: Uh huh. I don't wanna lose all my money yk.

*Meanwhile... during the walk of the Gorillas*

Isobelle: Hey Edward, whatcha doing?

Edward: Nothing, just checking if I have all my handheld game consoles here.

Rosemary: I don't think you're supposed to bring these things with you.

Edward: Relax, I don't need video games, besides I'll just play it for a little.

Rosemary: Right...

Stefan: Anyways why are you on this show? *He turns to Josie.*

Josie: I just want to possibly try new things, besides I don't think I've done much in my life.

Stefan: Really?

Josie: Yes, this could help me if I ever think about my career.

Stefan: Interesting. Well I'm sure your parents will be proud to be with you on this show.

Josie: Oh... yeah they don't know...

Stefan: They don't. 

Josie: No I never told them.

Josie: If my mom finds out I snuck into this reality TV show and never even tried to survive the first elimination, I'm gonna be grounded as hell.

Stefan: Yikes.

Josie: Wait- How come you're being nice to me all of a sudden? You were mean to me earlier?

Stefan: Well I realized if I wanna survive the first elimination, I must try to befriend some of the people in order to keep me safe.

Josie: Oh, well ok. I'll be here if you need help with that.

Stefan: So what if you end up winning the million?

Josie: Then, I guess I will use it to save money for college and my career.


Stefan: Maybe Josie might be a classy person too.


Diana: I can't wait to be on this show, I mean I wanna win this for all my friends at church.

Rosemary: Wait are you a Christian?

Diana: Yes I am. 

Rosemary: Oh ok, because I don't see a cross on you.

Diana: My cross is in my pocket why?

Rosemary: Well...

Diana: Oh no... please don't tell me you're one of the people who judge what I'm wearing.

Diana: Look, I'm not wearing this while I'm in church.

Diana: I'm just wearing it so I can blend in with the island theme up in here.

Diana: We're on an island, besides, my parents aren't here.

Diana: They're not gonna scold me for wearing such revealing clothes.

Martha: Yk she does make a good point. *Martha says eating some snacks she brought with her.*

Bailey: Did you bring snacks here?

Martha: Yep, I was hungry and I thought that since we're on an island, we wouldn't have anything to eat.

Jac: Uhh there's a cafeteria, you don't need to bring snacks.

Martha: Oh. *Still eating the snacks she brought.*

*When the Monstrous Rhinos reach the cabins.*

Melanie: We're here finally!

Russell would walk inside

Russell: Woah, this looks lit!

Eliza: I think I can relax on this.

Kate: Totally.

Milo: This place looks nice!

Tommie: I mean this place looks kinda wack.

Milo: Wack? 

Frazer: It means it's lousy to him.

Milo: What?!

*When the Daring Gorillas made it to their cabin.*

Bailey: Ok not bad...

Isobelle: I think this place will work.

Edward: Yep, I'm gonna go play video games.

Rosemary: Already? We just got here.

Edward: Yep. *Goes to the top bunk on the bed and goes on his 3DS.*

Jac: I'm just gonna pour myself a drink.

Rosemary: What?! You brought alcohol?!

Jac: It's non alcoholic.

Rosemary: Thank god...


Rosemary: So usually I would be ok with this at a party.

Rosemary: But this isn't a party. And I know he'll be kicked out the game if they see him drink actual beer.


Jac: I don't have have some talent. But I just hope I can get farther in the show.


*Back with the Rhinos*

Tommie: I mean this place is straight up dayroom.

Milo: What does that even mean?

Tommie: It means it sucks, uninteresting as hell, learn some slang.

Frazer: Why don't we just go talk to someone else. 

*Then Dylan would say through the announcements.*

Dylan: Alright y'all! Head over to the cafeteria, where they will be serving brunch!

*So everyone would then head there.*

Aubrey: Look, I didn't feel like cooking today, so I just made French toast, enjoy.

Stefan: This looks classy.

Stefan would take his plate of French toast and a smoothie and go.

Martha: Will there be seconds?

Aubrey: No.

Then Martha would take her meal and go.

Russell: Love the choice of the meal.

Aubrey: Yeah idc go.

*After the other contestants got their food they would sit down and eat.*

Martha: Mmmm~ This is good.

Bailey: Yeah I know, this is quite interesting.

Stefan: Ok seems classy, not the type of stuff I usually have for breakfast in my house but it works.

Jac: She seems like a really good cook.

*Martha would finish her food as she would go to the chef Aubrey.*

Martha: Can I have seconds...?

Aubrey: No!

Martha: Awww.... *She would sit back down.*

*The contestants would continue eating as Dylan walks in.*

Dylan: How's the food?

Martha: I can't get seconds...

Dylan: She probably too lazy to make seconds, don't worry.

Aubrey: I heard that!

Dylan: Tomorrow we'll be starting your first challenge so be prepared.

*The others would be worried or determined.*

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