Episode 2 - Shore Thing Showdown

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Dylan: Last time on Total Drama Crazy Islands!

Dylan: 18 contestants arrive at the island to get to know the place before the chaos starts.

Dylan: We have a lot of unique personalities, people and hobbies they've done.

Dylan: The only question is, who will be the first eliminated?

Dylan: What will our first challenge be?

Dylan: And what twists will arrive in our show?

Dylan: Find out on Total... Drama... CRAZY ISLANDS!


*Cameras will pop out in a few places.*

*So then the camera will move, it'll go near Dylan as he would dodge it, then it would go to the top of the high slope.*

*Russell would be trying to snowboard down the slope, he would then hit a rock causing him to fly through the air.*

*Then Josie and Stefan would be seen sitting and relaxing while Russell is still flying in the air, while Josie takes a sip of her drink, she sees Russell.*

*Shocked, she spat out her drink to look and see she accidentally spat it out on Stefan as he glares at her with her being surprised.*

*Then Russell hits a tree causing an apple to fall down and Eliza ends up catching it, as she eats it.*

*Milo and Melanie would be going for a run, as he ends up knocking someone over, that being Frazer.*

*Frazer would be smirking at Milo who's just blushing at this point, then the scene goes to Rosemary reading a book as she then sees Isobelle playing with the ducks, teaching them to do tricks and giving them pieces of bread.*

*Then Edward and Charlie are doing some coin flip game, as Edward would flip a coin as it appears to be tails, and Charlie would be sad because he picked heads.*

*Meanwhile Edward is cheering as he would put a line on his iPad, which he brought with him.*

*Then in the cafeteria/canteen, Leroy would be using his cute/hot charm to attract Kate, Diana, and Bailey.*

*Martha would be eating some fried rice, as Jac would offer Eliza, a non alcoholic drink as Eliza would refuse.*

*Then it would cut to the dock is Tommie would be doing some dance, twerking and even doing a backflip, during the backflip, it would become night time, as Isobelle would be staring at Edward, as she in love with him.*

Intro Ends

So in the cabin, Edward would be playing some games.

Isobelle: Hey Edward, I see you're still in here playing games.

Edward: Yeah honestly, I just feel like it.

Isobelle: So do you plan on coming outside?

Edward: No, not really, to be honest I'm just trying to finish a few levels.

Isobelle: Well can I try some levels?

Edward: Uhh sure...

Isobelle would playing a level as she ends up dying a few times.

Edward: Uhh you might wanna stop I'm at 4 lives rn, I don't wanna lose more.

Then Isobelle would die once again in the game.

Isobelle: This game's too hard. She would put the game console down and leave the cabin.

Edward:It's just Super Mario Bros 3D Land, what's so hard about that?

Then Isobelle would leave the cabin as she sees Josie is there.

Isobelle: Uhh hey, bored too?

Josie: Yeah, I mean I thought we'd have a challenge by now and there isn't any. What if this whole thing was a scam?

Isobelle: If it was, we wouldn't be here at all.

Isobelle: Well actually we'd probably have to take a boat back.

Josie: True...

Then Edward would be thrown outside.

Edward: Ow!

Rosemary: This isn't no time to be gaming, just come outside and enjoy the place here!

Edward: I was just almost done with a level!

Rosemary: Well you're about to be almost done when this game when you're the first voted off.

Rosemary would hold his 3DS and close it and throw it back on his bed.

Edward: Ugh!


Edward: I hate when people tell me to go outside and touch grass or whatever.

Edward: I can go outside when my ass feels like it.


Meanwhile on the Rhinos team...

Russell and Melanie would be alone in the woods.

Russell: So why did you ask me to meet you in the woods?

Melanie: I was wondering if you'd want to be in an alliance with me?

Russell: An alliance?

Melanie: Yes with this, we can make it very far in the game, maybe into the final 2.

Russell: That would be great.

Russell: But wait there might be a problem with that.

Russell: If one of us gets eliminated, then the other will be eliminated soon enough.

Melanie: Then I guess we'll have to choose someone to join our alliance.

Milo, Frazer, and Eliza would be walking as they see them.

Eliza: Isn't nature great?

Milo: Yeah it looks amazing with the wonderful trees, plants and fruits.

Frazer: Let me go get one.

Frazer would climb up the tree as he would grab three apples for them.

He would get down and throw one for the two.

Milo: Thanks.

Frazer: No problem.

So then as they would walk Melanie would grab Milo as he would be dragged behind some trees and to Russell.

Milo: What the- What do you guys want?

Melanie: Do you wanna join our alliance?

Milo: I don't know if I wanna join one. I just got here.

Russell: Come on bro, this could help you.

Milo: Well......

Melanie: Just at least until final 4, then you can leave the alliance.

*Milo sighs*

Milo: I guess I'll join, can I get back with my friend and his friend now?

Melanie: Sure, we can discuss stuff later.

Milo would head back with them.

Eliza: Uhh hey, you kinda walked off while was talking.

Milo: Yeah sorry, I was just thinking about something?

Frazer: Oh ok...

Frazer's Mind: I bet he was thinking about me~

Eliza: Frazer?

Frazer: Oh sorry, I was distracted.

Frazer: What were you talking about?

Milo: Just the nature here. 

Frazer: Oh ok.

Tommie would then be heard panting as he would be shown running. He would end up falling over as he is breathing fast.

Milo: I think you should take a break.

Tommie: I know. *Continues panting*

Frazer: Why are you running so much anyways?

Tommie: I wanna explore... *pant*  the island. *pant*

Tommie: It's so big, I wonder how they found this? *still panting*

Eliza: I don't know.

Tommie: Ok. I'll just lie here for a minute. *He would lie there so he can catch his breath*


Charlie: Ok see one day at school, I noticed that I have a huge F on my history class ok. 

Charlie: And it was almost the end of the quarter meaning when they finalize my grades, that F will appear. 

Charlie: So I asked my history teacher on what I can do to bring my grade up.

Charlie: And well he said that there's nothing. Unless I beat him in a game of Black Jack.

Charlie: And well we played a game of Black Jack and I ended up winning and my grade went up to an A. 

Kate: Isn't that irresponsible?

Charlie: Not at all, my dad did the same thing sometimes, so it's fine.

Leroy: Besides there's no other way to change them you know.

Kate: Just please promise me, you'll study for your test next time.

Charlie: I promise Kate.

Charlie: Besides I don't gamble a lot.

*Back with the Gorillas*

Stefan: Ahhh~ What a wonderful place to sit down and feel the water in my feet~

*He would move his bare feet in the water*

Stefan: Honestly this island isn't so bad.

*Then Jac would see Stefan as he would come over to him*

Jac: Can I sit next to you?


Stefan: I guess.

*Jac would take off his shoes and socks as he would sit next to Stefan as his feet would feel the water of the ocean.*

Jac: So I heard you come from a rich family, what's that like?

Stefan: Well my parents are nice and they are usually like helping the community.

Stefan: I mean they got me to help homeless people, so they're amazing.

Jac: Wow that's nice. Honestly I thought you were rude and annoying.

Stefan: Nah, that's not me. I just have this habit.

Stefan: See I sometimes like insulting people, and well my parents get concerned so, instead of getting mad at me, they just try to talk to me about it.

Jac: Oh well that's some gentle parenting.

Stefan: It is, I think I like the way they parent me.

Jac: I see.

Stefan: I mean let's be fr, my parents want me to have a successful future. And being successful means having a great career, great reputation and a great wife.

*So then Bailey would come*

Stefan: Because I think this will be a start on my career.

Bailey: You're starting a career?!

*The two guys would jump in fright*

Stefan: Where the f—k did you come from?! Anyways yes, I wanna be a social media influencer.

Bailey: Can I help? I make videos where I talk about fashion designs.

Stefan: Not the thing I wanna make videos about though.

Bailey: I talk about other things.

*Later... Diana would be focused on herself as she would make a confessional*

Diana: Come on Diana... You need to show your dad, that you are the best... you have to do it to impress him and the name of God.

Diana: You can do this challenge...

*Ending confessional*

Diana:.... Now when is this challenge? *She would wait for a bit*

*Then Dylan would say on the intercom...*

Dylan: Contestants head to the beach for your first challenge!

Diana: Here we go...

*Then all the contestants would head to the beach.*

Dylan:Alright y'all so as you know we got a challenge today.

Dylan: Me and Aubrey did some thinking.

Aubrey: I did most of the thinking.

Dylan: Here's what y'all have to do.

Dylan: You guys will be scavenger hunting for 5 different beach related items.

Dylan: They will be hidden around the island.

Dylan: You must then place them on the tables y'all have in front of you.

Dylan: The first team to do so will win immunity, while the other team must face elimination.

Aubrey: Here are the items you must find.

Aubrey: A seashell that's either yellow or cyan.

Aubrey: A piece of driftwood that had your team's animal on it.

Aubrey: A beach stone that's painted your team color.

Aubrey: A brightly colored beach towel with your team's color and logo on it.

Aubrey: And finally a coconut with your team's logos on it.

Aubrey: Now get to searching. 

*Both teams would plan on who will look in which area to go look for their items.*

*With the Rhinos...*

Russell: Ok y'all so I think each of us should split up to look for each item.

Russell: I'll go with Melanie to find the seashell.

Russell: Charlie will go with Tommie to find the driftwood. 

Russell: Milo will go with Frazer to find the stone.

Russell: Kate will go with Leroy to find the towel.

Russell: And Eliza will go alone to find the coconut.

Eliza: Sweet.

Charlie: Uhh question?

Charlie: What if we find an item someone else is looking for?

Russell: Doesn't matter, let's go.

*So they would all split up looking for their items.*

Jac: Here, I'll go find the shell myself.

Jac: Isobelle and Edward find the driftwood.

Jac: Josie and Diana, find the stone.

Jac: Stefan and Rosemary, find the towel.

Jac: And Martha and Bailey will find the coconut.

Josie: Ok, awesome let's win this challenge.

Stefan: Wait! Why am I working with Rosemary?

Jac: Uhh idk, I just randomly assigned you guys. It won't be that bad.


Stefan: Bro are you kidding me? She always scolds us for our "bad manners".

Stefan: She came at me because I was putting my elbows on the table.


Rosemary: Ok... so my teachers say that I shouldn't act so laidback and carefree. Because that might get me nowhere.

Rosemary: So I'm acting like a responsible and mature woman. A mother figure to them. So far I think it's going well.


*So the contestants would start looking for their items*

*Eliza would be wondering around the island looking for their team's coconut.*

Eliza: Wow this island is awesome! I wanna stay here for the entire season! 

Eliza: But then again, I have to try and make it far. That might be hard. 

Eliza: Huh I guess I don't see any coconut trees, yet any coconuts anywhere.

Eliza: I guess I'll keep looking.

*With Leroy and Kate...*

Leroy: Alright, where to find that towel?

Kate: Yeah it should be around here somewhere.

Leroy: Hopefully we'll find it. I'd love for us to win the challenge.

Kate: Me too. Winning this could be a great start for us.

Leroy: We could try searching the beach that's where towels usually are.

Kate: Bet so, or maybe the cabins.

Leroy: I don't think so, it's not like they snuck one in our cabins. *They would go looking on the beach*

Kate: No...

Leroy: *Sigh* 

Leroy: I'm sure it'll show up.

*With Russell and Melanie...*

Melanie: Hmm... *She would look for the seashell on the ground of the forest as she can't seem to find it.*

Melanie: Ugh, Russell... I can't find the seashell.

Russell: Yeah that's because seashells are in water or sand.

Melanie: How did you know that? You lived in Minnesota and the place you lived has a ton of snow around.

Russell: Well I moved here because my parents didn't like the cold. And I guess I started to come to the warm. 

Russell: It's really hot sometimes.

Melanie: No sh-t. Maybe wear warmer clothes.



Russell: I like wearing these though... and I didn't really bring any sleeveless shirts.


Russell: Well I have a long sleeve under this.

Melanie: Bro, seriously? You're gonna sweat a lot here.

Russell: This is the only thing I have besides my swim trunks and... My snow clothes.

Melanie: I might need to fix that.

*With... Charlie and Leroy*

Leroy: Geez, we've been looking for about 45 minutes.

Charlie: Ay, this is just like slot machines, it takes a while for you to get a jackpot or a good score.

Leroy: Right....

*Then Charlie nearly trips on something*

Charlie: Hey! What was that?

*Charlie would then find the driftwood.*

Charlie: OH MY GOD! I found it!

Tommie: Found what?

Charlie: The driftwood for the challenge!

Tommie: OH MY GOSH YES! 

Tommie: Let's go put it on the table.

*They would start running as they would head to the beach to find their teams table and put the driftwood on the table, they also will run past Frazer and Milo.*

Frazer: Looks like they found one of our items.

Milo: Yep.

*They would end up finding their team's stone as they would start walking to the beach.*

Frazer: Wow! I can't believe we found it so fast!

Milo: Yeah, I think we're doing good so far!

*Then they make it to the beach as they would put the stone on the table.*

Frazer: We're having some luck.

Milo: Yep, I wonder how the other team is doing?

*The other team is still looking for their items with Martha and Bailey having trouble.*

Bailey: We'll never find that coconut.

Martha: Yeah, besides I'm really hungry...

Bailey: We'll get food later just wait.

Martha: Aww... 

Martha: But I don't like waiting for my food when I'm hungry...

*With Stefan and Rosemary*

Rosemary: You need to be more positive.

Stefan: I am positive.

Rosemary: Not positive enough. How about I bring you into my alliance?

Stefan: What's the catch?

Rosemary: If you start being better to people then, I'll make sure you're safe from the bottom two.

Stefan: That sounds fair.

*Stefan finds the towel.*

Stefan: Let's go.

*So the two of them would start walking to the beach when Josie and Diana see them.*

Josie: Did you find something?

Rosemary: We did; Chop-Chop you two.

*The two would head over to the beach, as Isobelle and Edward would go over to Josie and Diana.*

Edward: They found something?

Josie: They did, look we can't give up, I know we can find them easily.

Isobelle: Yeah I mean stones are usually near other stones and driftwood is near wood.

*Meanwhile with Dylan.*

Dylan: With two items from the Rhinos and one item from the Gorillas, I think they might catch up.

*So everyone would keep searching for their items as some people would manage to find them.*

*Melanie and Russell would find their team's shell after it washed the sand up and revealed itself.*

*Martha and Bailey would find their team's coconut under a palm tree.*

*And Jac would find his team's seashell underwater.*

Dylan: That's 3 items from both teams.

*Eliza would find her team's towel*

Eliza: Wow, that's a nice hiding spot for a towel.

*Eliza would put the towel on the table.*

Dylan: The Monstrous Rhinos only need one more item and they will win today's challenge. Edward: Oh no....

Edward: Come on girl, we need to go find the remaining items!

Isobelle: I'm coming! *They would both start running to the forest.*

*Leroy and Kate would then find their towel.*

Leroy: Yes! Let's go hurry!

Kate: Right behind you!

*They both would start running.*

*Then Isobelle would find the driftwood.*

Isobelle: We got the driftwood let's go!

Edward: Ok!

*So both teams would start running to the beach where they must put their item on the table.*

Isobelle: Hey! We got our item! *She would put it on the table just as Kate and Leroy would put their towel on the table.*

Edward: Did we win?

Dylan: No fam, there's only 4 items on your table.

Kate: Wait but there's 5 in ours meaning.... We won!

*Leroy and Kate would celebrate.*

Dylan: That's right. The Monstrous Rhinos have won the challenge, meaning you daring gorillas must meet me at elimination where one of you will be released from this island.

*Later at the Daring Gorillas cabin...*

Rosemary: Ok so we lost unfortunately... Meaning we must vote someone who did the worst in the challenge.

Edward: You're right and well if I'm correct I didn't see Bailey or Martha find their item.

Rosemary: Yeah why didn't you...?

Martha: I was really hungry and I was having a hard time finding it because I wanted to eat something.

Bailey: Yeah so we decided to take a break from the challenge.

Stefan: Why didn't you come back to do the challenge? *He says looking angry*

Bailey: I guess I forgot.

Edward: You have to be kidding...

Martha: Sorry my guy, I just wasn't aware, anyways can someone open this coconut? I can't find Aubrey to do it and I don't know if we're allowed in the kitchen. *She shows her coconut as it happens to have a yellow sticker of their team's logo.*

Stefan: Wait... That's our team's logo! You had it the whole time!

Martha: Oh whoops, I guess no one told me I had it.

Stefan: Ugh.....


Stefan: Bro I can't believe this... Wasn't Bailey with her, why didn't she say anything about it?!


Bailey: I saw Martha had a coconut and well she wanted someone to open it, I was too distracted on trying to get it open that I didn't even notice the logo on the coconut.

*Later at the elimination ceremony*

Dylan: Welcome you guys, so this is your first elimination, so I'll explain how this works.

Dylan: So in the confessional, Aubrey has made your own personal cards. In the confessional you must hold up the card to the camera so I can get your vote.

Dylan: Now get going.


Bailey: Look, I'm voting for Rosemary because I didn't know who else to vote for.


Stefan: F—king Bailey needs to go down...


Edward: I'm voting for Martha, honestly I don't know how you didn't see our team's logo on the coconut, when the label is like this big. *Makes a circle with his hands*


Dylan: Here's the deal, get a marshmallow and you're safe. Don't get one and you can bring yo -ss to the dock of shame where the UFO of Terrors will await. *Aubrey would hand him the platter of marshmallows*

Martha: I hope I get one.

Dylan: Let's get started!

Dylan: First safe is Stefan! *Throws him the marshmallow as he catches it*

Stefan: Yes!

Dylan: Next safe is... Josie. *Throws her a marshmallow as she catches it.*

Dylan: Diana

Dylan: Jac *Throws him the marshmallow as he catches it*

Dylan: Isobelle and Edward *They would both catch their marshmallow*

Isobelle & Edward: YEAH!

Dylan: And finally...




Dylan: Rosemary! 

Rosemary: Don't throw it, I'll get it myself.

*Rosemary would head over to Dylan as she would grab a marshmallow and goes back to her seat.*

Dylan: Now Martha and Bailey, this is the last marshmallow of the night.

Dylan: And the last marshmallow goes to....

Martha:..... *Worried that she'll leave hungry*

Bailey:....... *Worried she'll be eliminated over one mistake*


Dylan: Martha *She would open her mouth as he would throw it in there.*

Bailey: WHAT?! 

Rosemary: Maybe next time, you'll think about the challenge instead of taking a break and forgetting to get your item...

Bailey: This is unbelievable! I thought I was gonna make it far...

Dylan: Bailey, it's time for you to go.

*Bailey would get up and start walking to the dock of shame as the UFO would take her away from the island.*

Dylan: Well that was a great first challenge and elimination, Will Martha manage to redeem herself next challenge? How will the alliance on the Monstrous Rhinos go? Who will be the next to go? 

Dylan: Find out right here... on TOTAL... DRAMA... CRAZY ISLANDS!

With the Monstrous Rhinos...

Russell: Congratulations guys, we got our first win.

Eliza: Thanks Russell, It was great to be on a team with you guys.

Tommie: Yeah slay!

Melanie: Let's make sure to get another win tomorrow.

Milo: You got it!!!

Hope you guys liked my second episode, sorry this took so long. I just got lazy with writing this on Wattpad.

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