Room mates!

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Maddie: omg! I roomed with sky!, Zoey!, Gwen!,Kitty!, and Emma! Woo! Omg! This is awe to the some!
Emma: h-hi? Can I help you!
Maddie: you you you just talked to me?!
Emma: uh yeah! Oh your our roommate!
Maddie: first I meet my fave character sky! Then my second one talks to me! Best day ever!
Zoey: I'm guessing your a fan.
Maddie:  yeah! Im probably the biggest! Me and my group of friends own 12 normal td and tdrr blogs! And we're in 8 fan clubs and every Tuesday we play my fav game! Td and tdrr trivia! And I know almost everything about you guys cause.......
Kitty: cause what?
Maddie: cause your too awesome!
????: hey Maddie.N.B guess who?....???
Maddie: Chloe!
Chloe: yup! Apparently were 1 room down from you!
Jenny: and me and Chloe are roommates!
Abbey: yup, looks like we're all really close together! Wait a sec! We all got our fave characters except Jenny who got her second! Oh man! You got kitty!
Maddie: o.m.g! I need to tell merida! Calls her I have her, yes I do, no I'm not kidding! Cool bye! Hangs up!
Abbey: well we should be going on out of here! Well bye!
Chloe: bye!
Jenny: bye!
Me: bye guys! Oh sorry about that guys, I'm just so excited!
Kitty: it's fine! Oh and who is Merida?
Me: one of your fans I met!
Gwen: eh.
Me: hey Gwen! You are one of my fave characters!
Gwen: what ever!
Me: uhhhhh.......sniff I'm gonna sniff go over their!
Sky: it's ok, she's just mad that she doesn't get to see her parents cause Chris took her phone away for a week!
Maddie: oh, that's so-
Chris: over the speakers guess what! It's time for a school assembly describing what we shall do this year and we will hand out schedules! Plus you will have 11 school hours every day but Friday! That day you will have 12 and Saturday and Sunday you will have 2 hours of school! This will soon all be explained! Bye victims- oh I mean students!
Maddie: uh oh! I don't like the sound of that!

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