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Maddy: o m g! ( oh my Grojband!) omtd! (Oh my total drama!) today I get to see my Schedule! I hope we get some classes guys!
Sky: matters, are you advance or not?
Maddy: I'm ultra advance!
Sky: then we might have a few classes together!
Kitty: yeah! Like electives! Or lunch! Or math since it's hard to get into the ap's!
Maddy: what's your guys schedule?
Gwen: no one knows, except Emma!
Emma: cause advance classes are all at a specific time!
Maddy: well I better go! Bye guys!opens the door and sees Merida a foot away!
Merida: maddy! I got huge news! One of my roommates brother knows you and abbeys name and is going after you!
Maddy: are you serious!
Merida: mmhm!
Maddy: who?!
Merida: John!
Maddy: oh.....phew!
Merida: huh? What do you mean by, phew!
Maddy: it's just a rival of ours!looks at her phone! Omcn( oh my Cartoon Network!) we only got ten till we get our schedule!
Merida: let's move!
Chris: ok! Merida! Abbey! Danae! Laney! Maddy! Harvey! Chloe! Jenny! John, Corey! And Jacoub! You eleven have advance math for your first period! also you have Emma, scarlet, Courtney, Cameron, Noah, Cody, Harold, Dave, Dawn, and Sky! Meet your teacher who will give you your schedule! Mrs.sameri!
Mrs.Sameri: ok, hi students! In my class you will have ten pages of homework! 4 questions on each page! And you'll have manny projects but I'm fun yet strict! First week we'll be talking about the rules of class and the rules of math! Lay low, try your best, and study are the steps you'll need to survive in my class! Understood?!
My first class and me: YES!!!!
John: hi mady!, smirks evilly! Looks like I'm in your class!
Maddy: ugh, what's your plan John?!
John: to do this! He-
Me: Boom! Done! Cliff hanger! That's all for now!!!!

                                                                                                      -Mg2868 out!!!!

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