Chapter 3: A Big Secret.

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Everyone was sleeping in the cabin, well almost everyone, Zoey, Courtney and Heather were wide awake, Heather was about to walk out of the cabin, when Courtney walks out first

Heather: What are you doing?

Courtney: Trying to get into the mansion

Heather: Well i'm getting in first.

Zoey: how about we all get in there then, there's probably enough room for the three of us.

Courtney and Heather nod and all three girls sneak out of the cabin. over to the walls of the mansion.

Courtney: Okay...we are all trying to get into the mansion, so here's the plan, sneak past chef and get in, then get in quietly. okay?

Zoey: Got it.

Heather: Let's move it.

Heather and Courtney managed to sneak by Chef but Zoey tripped on the last step.

Chef: *Sleepy* How come all the kids get ponies *Falls asleep*

Heather, Courtney and, Zoey all sneak inside the huge mansion and look around.

Courtney: Now this is where i need to sleep every episode.

Zoey: Wow.

Heather: I call dibs on the big bed, you girls can take the couches.

Courtney: aren't there other beds here?

Heather: Chris probably has them for himself.

Heather quietly opens the door and finds Nick sleeping in the bed.

Heather: *Blushes* Oh.

Courtney: What did you fin- Wow.


Heather:(Confessional) Forget Alejandro! i have a new partner now.

Courtney:(Confessional) And his name is-

A/n:(Confessional): JOHN CENA!

Zoey: *Opens door* Um who are you?.

A/n: *Runs away*

Heather, Courtney and Zoey slowly move to the bed.

Nick: *Wakes Up and yawns* Ah nothing like a good sle-AHHHHHHH!

Zoey: Nick it's us!

Nick: *Stops screaming*

Courtney: We were um wondering if you need some company so Chef let us in.

Nick: Why would i need company?

Heather: just look so lonely in this big mansion.

Nick: Not really, i have my games.

Zoey: Someone's coming!. what do we do.

Courtney: we need a place to hide!.

Heather: Under the covers!

Nick: What, no!

Zoey: Please!.

Courtney: Just for a few seconds.

Heather: Come on!.

Nick: *Sigh* Alright...don't make a sound

The girls get under the covers and the door opens.

Chris: Yo dude, do you mind keeping it down, i need my beauty sleep.

Nick: I'd say more beast than beauty.

Chris: Dude, i'm totally gonna steal that joke. thanks. wait, what's under your covers.

Nick: Nothing.

Chris: Doesn't look like nothing.

Chris pulls up the covers.


Zoey: We...we snuck into the mansion and told Nick to hide us under the covers.

Nick: You said Chef let you in.

Courtney: I'm not fit to sleep in a crappy cabin

Heather: Yeah if anything i should be the on-

Chris: ENOUGH! you three, get back to the cabin and be prepared for the next challenge.

Heather, Courtney and Zoey leave the mansion and walk all the way back to the cabin


Chris: (Intercome) Wakey Wakey campers, today's challenge is the awake-a-thon

Geoff: Dude, that challenge sucked.

Chris: It was supposed to be a key hunt around the mansion but I found Courtney, Heather and Zoey sneak into the mansion and hide under Nick's covers.

Alejandro, Duncan, Scott, Mike: What!?

Chris: And Nick gets to sleep in, the last one left awake gets to share the mansion with him.

Mike: Zoey, did you really do that.

Zoey: Mike i can explain-

Dakota: You can't come back from that *Smiles at camera crew*

Sierra: This is awesome my chat is blowing up right now.

Duncan: you really did that?

Courtney: I don't deserve to sleep in a disgusting cabin.

Alejandro: So that's why when i woke up you weren't there.

Heather: Oh just shut up.

Geoff: Okay dudes, let's just all chill down.

Sierra: Hey guys, look what i found out about Nick. 

Everyone looks at Sierra's laptop. she finds photos of Nick in France, Italy, and Paris.

Girls: Wow.

Sierra: look at this one.

Nick was in a blue suit holding out a blue rose making all the girls blush.

Lindsay(confessional) I think i finally found Tyler.

Carrie(Confessional): Wow...just wow.

Emma: What's this Video?

Sierra pulls up a video of John Cena slapping a fist across Nick's face so hard...Nick gets knocked out.

Nick: Let's talk about this man.

John Cena: In the name of salmon and macron the day is mine. *Slaps Nick with a fish*

Everyone starts laughing. 

Duncan: Look at his face *laughs again*

Gwen: Looks like yours.

Duncan: What?

Trent: Gwen just got you, guess she wants me.

Gwen: Ugh! I Can't stand it anymore.

Nick: Hey, what's everyone watching

Nick wasn't wearing a shirt, and all the girls started to blush again.

Bridgette: What happend in this video?

Nick sees the video of him getting knocked out by a fish.

Nick: Ah, i was knocked out for 3 minutes. now if you'll excuse me, i wave some waves to catch.

Bridgette sees a surfboard.

Bridgette: You surf?

Nick: Yep...i brought it to surf if we were going to be surrounded by water.

Bridgette: Can i try it out?

Nick: Knock yourself out.

Bridgette runs down to the shore and goes out to sea away from everyone and Nick followes her and she starts surfing, doing tricks and flips.

Nick: Awesome.

Bridgette(Confessional): Yes, he's being impressed, this is great...i mean i have a boyfriend!.

Bridgette starts to blush them outta nowhere like an RKO, a shark comes out of the water and grabs Bridgette, Nick dives into the water and punches the shark in the nose, grabs Bridgette and swims back to shore.

Nick: Don't you die on me Bridgette, not yet at least.

Nick starts doing CPR on her and she's able to breathe again.

Bridgette: Nick? you-you saved me!

Nick: I win!

Bridgette: *Smiles* Thanks 

Nick: What are you doing?

Bridgette pecks Nick on the check.

Bridgette: Giving you a reward.

She goes to peck him again but he moves away.

Nick: Listen Bridgette, i like you as a friend, you are one of my favorite contestants on the show, well my favorite girl anyway, but you are with Geoff, Not with me.

Bridgette: Bu-

Nick: I suggest you go back before the others start wondering where you are.

Bridgette: Ok.

She turns around and give Nick another quick peck and heads back to the others, Blushing.

Emma: Where were you?

Bridgette: Can you girls keep a secret.

Courtney and Heather act like they are asleep. 

Gwen: Sure.

Bridgette: I might have Kissed Nick

Zoey: What? Why did you do that.

Bridgette: Well he was out by the water and i saw that he had a surfboard and i asked if i could give it a try, he let me and i was taken out by a shark but he swam out and saved to thank him i kissed him on the check.

Carrie: Bridgette, you messed up, what happens if Geoff finds out.

Bridgette: Hang on, so here is the funny thing i went to kiss him again but he stopped me, telling me i was with Geoff and not with him, so i shouldn't be kissing him.

Zoey(Confessional): Wow, he really does pay attention to every detail.

Emma: So what now, all the boys are asleep?.

Bridgette: How about we all go asleep at the same time so nobody wins.

The girls nod and they all go to sleep, except Bridgette.

Bridgette(Confessional): I've got a confession to make.

Sierra(Confessional) So putting this on my blog.

Chris: And the winner of the awake-a-thon is...Bridgette.

Gwen, Emma, Carrie, Zoey, Dakota, Sierra.: What!?

Geoff: You aren't really going to right Bridgette?

Bridgette: Geoff can you be happy for me?

Geoff: *Sighs* Yeah.

Bridgette: *Smiles* Thanks Geoff.

Courtney and Heather had wicked smiles on their faces.

Chris: And that's it for this episode, Will Courtney and Heather tell all? and who's gonna take the first fall? Find out next time on Total Drama: Couples style. 

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