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Friday morning
I woke up kinda early today so, I already took my shower and got dressed. I'm wearing black tights, a red and black skirt, and a black tank top along with a red cardigan. Right now, I'm straightening my hair. I hear my phone ring and put it on speaker.

"Hey Kira." Bridgette greets me

"Hey Bridge."

"Whatcha doing right now?" She asks

"Straightening my hair."

"Okay. Well, I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast at Denny's with me?"

"I'd love to."

"Sweet. Meet me there in twenty minutes."


"See ya Kira."

"See ya."

I hang up and finish straightening my hair and then go brush my teeth. I then put on my makeup for today. I decide to go full out on it today. I wear some concealer,foundation, bronzer, and a lot of eye-shadow along with my usual makeup. I also add red lipstick. My overall hair and makeup now looks like this:

Once, I've finished my makeup I put on my combat boots and grab my stuff.

"Hey Kira." My dad greets me as I come down the steps.

"Morning dad. I'm getting breakfast with Bridgette this morning." I let him know and kiss him on the cheek before, I leave.

"Okay. Have a good day munchkin." He waves as I leave.

I Then get into my truck and head to Denny's. I drive there listening to Nickelback and sing along to the music on the way there. I then hop out of my truck and walk into Denny's once, I get there. I look around for Bridgette until I notice a thin white arm wave in the air and walk over to it.

"Hey Kira" she greets me in her usual  cheerful mood.

"Hey Bridge. Wattsup?" I ask her I take a seat across from her.

"Not much." She responds skimming the menu with her blue eyes.

I pick up a menu as well and skim it as well, thinking about what I want to eat. After, a few minutes we get a waitress over here and order our food.

"What do you want?" She asks us

"I'd like an order of eggs and bacon with pancakes please." Bridgette orders

"How would you like your eggs?" The waitress asks

"Sunny side up please." Bridgette smiles and the waitress turns to look at me.

"I'd like a plate of hash browns with mushrooms in them." I tell her

"Alright. What would y'all like to drink?" She asks

"A cup of OJ please" Bridgette answers

"Coffee please." I Tell her

"Alright your meals should be here in a few minutes." She tells us and goes to the kitchen.

"So, how'd you sleep?" Bridgette asks

"Great actually. My dad has me taking these new meds for my ADHD that helps me sleep." I tell her feeling wonderful.

"That's good." She smiles at me

"Yeah, it feels nice to get a full night's rest." I tell her

"So, how are you doing?" I ask her

"I'm good." She responds

"That's good." I say and the waitress brings us our drinks.

"Thank you." We both say in unison.

"So, how's your dad doing?" I ask Bridgette

"He's alright. He's been really tired lately though." She responds.

Her dad was diagnosed with colon cancer a week ago. He's gonna get surgery on Friday.

"I hope the surgery goes well." I take a sip of my coffee

"Me too." She frowns

"Don't worry Bridge. Your dads a tough guy. I'm sure he'll make it." I comfort her

"Yeah, your probably right. Thanks Kira." She smiles again

"No problem." I tell her

"So, are you gonna go to Homecoming this year?" She asks me

"I don't know. I mean it's not even happening until next month." I respond.

"True." She says and takes a sip of her OJ.

"I'm guessing you and Geoff are going together." I giggle and she nods her head smiling.

Just then, the waitress's gets here with our food. We immediately dig into our food and chow down.

"I love Denny's." Bridgette says after swallowing up her eggs.

"Damn. You sure did finish those fast." I laugh

"What can I say? I'm really hungry." She chuckles and we continue to eat.

Once, we're finished we split the bill and head out.

"See ya at school." Bridgette waves as she hips into her light blue pick up truck.

"See ya Bridge." I wave back and hop into my truck.

I then drive to school listening to Of Mice and Men.

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