Getting comfortable

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The next day Duncan and I wake up all tangled up in the blankets. Duncan gets up first and goes to take a shower. I just stay on the couch and sleep a little longer.

"Hey. Babe, wake up." I hear Duncan's voice and he's shaking my shoulder.

"Uggghhh I don't wanna wake up." I groan and roll over onto my other side.

"Come on baby. Don't you want breakfast?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I respond and slowly get up.

"Ohhh so you'll wake up for food huh?" He chuckles.

"Shut up." I punch his arm and walk over to the kitchen.

I go to the fridge and open the door to grab some O.J. I chug some of the juice before putting it back into the fridge. Then I grab some milk and cocoa puffs to pour a bowl of cereal. Duncan also makes himself a bowl and he sits across from me.

"Sleep well princess?" He asks

"Yeah...  Don't call me that though." I say grogilly.

"Yup. She's awake." He says to himself under his breath.

I just chuckled and continue to eat my breakfast. I love how he can always make me laugh. Even when I just woke up.

"So whatcha wanna do today?" He asks me.

"Ummm... I don't know yet." I shrug my shoulders in response.

"You wanna catch a movie at the new cinema nearby? I heard they serve full on meals while you watch the movie." He tells me.

"Sure. What movie should we see?" I asked him.

"Not sure. Let me go online and see what movies are playing." He says before checking his phone.

I just continue eating as he checks the website. I soon finish and put my bowl in the sink. I then walk over to the couch and clean up our mess from last night.

"I just checked and there are a few movies playing around the next three hours that we might like." Duncan walks over to me and shows me the options on his phone.

"Hmm... What about Antman and Wasp?" I ask him.

"Sure thing babe. Since it starts at 4, what do you want to do till then?" He asks

"Hmm.. lemme think a bit." I say

"Alright." be sits down on a recliner and I just fold the blankets that are on the couch.

I wonder what would be fun to do today? Maybe go dancing? Nah, I wanna keep it chill. What would be a chill thing to do though? I think about it a little more while I clean up. After about 5 minutes of picking up trash and putting blankets away, I got take a shower and change. I put on some black jeggings and an oversized Bring Me the Horizon t-shirt with some band bracelets. I then put my hair in a low ponytail and walk back out to the livingroom.

"You look cute." Duncan gives me a half smile as soon as he sees me.

"Thank you." I blush a little and walk over to him.

I kiss him on the cheek and then sit on the table in front of him.

"So do you know what you want to do yet?" Duncan asks again.

"Yeah, thought about it in the shower." I play with a bracelet

"And?" He raises a brow at me.

"I was thinking we could go to a small park that's about a mile away. I used to play there a lot during vacation in middle school." I tell him.

"Cool. Let me just grab my jacket and wallet." Duncan says.

With that I go put on the shoes that I wore the way here (my black sneakers) and throw on a red flannel for warmth as well as a beanie. I then walk back out and Duncan is ready.

"Ready to go?" He asks me and I nod my head.

So we go get in the car and head to the park. The weather actually feels nice. It's just a bit chilly today and the it's cloudy with just a small ray of sun peaking through the clouds. It's what I call the perfect 'Instagram' weather. I say that because this is what it looks like in every Pro Instagram model's photos. I laugh a bit to myself to where Duncan can't hear. We have the radio on on the classic rock station and the windows are down. Right now it's ACDC's TNT playing. One of my all time favorites hands down. It brings me back to sixth grade when I would listen to nothing, but ACDC, bands like PTV, or K-POP. Yeah, I used to enjoy K-Pop a lot. I still enjoy it from time to time, but I'm natural as big on it as I used to be. Anyways, I listen to the song and sing a little, but not too loudly.

"You've really got a nice voice there. Ever thought about becoming a singer?" Duncan asks.

"Eh, I don't know if I'm cut out for that life." I say.

We come to a stoplight and Duncan just gives me this 'are you kidding?' face.

"All because my dad is famous doesn't mean I know how to act famous." I roll my eyes at him.

Duncan just puts his hands up in defeat, with a smirk plastered on his face. The light then turns green and he continues to drive.

"... Really though, I'm still not sure what I want to do career wise. Most likely something with art or music though." I say with a quiet tone.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. Don't worry about it too much." He smiles at me and immediately looks back at the road.

A few minutes later, we're finally at the park. We both get out and walk into the park next to each other. I look at the swings and grab his hand, bringing him toward the swingset. There's not really many people here right now. Only a small family and an old asian lady. We go to the swings and just start swinging next to each other.

"So you used to come here a lot?" Duncan repeats my statement from earlier.

"Yeah, my dad bought that vacation place when I started middle school so I'd always beg to go to the park so I could relax on the swings. Sometimes I would just straight up sneak out to come here." I chuckle.

"Kira? A badass really?" He says sarcastically.

I just punch his shoulder and continue to swing till I get to high for my comfort. We just chat for a while as we swing together. Then, we start walking around for a bit.

"So, what's your favorite animal?" Duncan asks. We've just been asking each other random questions.

"Either a bat or a cat." I say.

"Ooh that rhymed." He says in a funny voice and I laugh.

"What about you mr.sarcasm?" I ask

"Snakes." He says as he walks in sync with me.

"Okay. Ummmm, what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" I ask him.

"Ah, so personal. Well, I guess rocky road." He smirks at me.

I roll my eyes at him and just smile as I keep walking.

"What bout you cupcake?" He smirks at me.

"Chocolate chip cookie dough." I say

I then look at the time on my phone and it's 3:00.

"We should probably start heading to the movies now." I say to Duncan.

He nods his head and we drive there. We order our tickets on the machine in the theater as soon as we're there, and head into the line for the movies.

"Ah. A place where I can eat a steak and watch a movie." Duncan says as we get in line.

"Yeah, Can't wait to eat. I'm actually really hungry now." I say

"Same here sweetheart." Duncan nods in agreement.

We then give our tickets to the lady and head to the room we're told. We walk in and the commercials are already on. I look at my menu as soon as I sit down and think of what I want to eat. After five minutes we both order our food and wait.

"You having a good day?" Duncan grabs my hands and looks into my eyes with his green ones.

"Yeah." I smile.

He smiles back at me and leans in for a kiss. His hand cups my face and I rest my hand on his waist as he kisses me gently. His soft lips taste sweet and feel so warm against my own. Duncan then pulls back still holding my hand and winks at me before looking at the screen. I just lay my head on his shoulder while we wait for our food. When the food gets here the movie begins and we eat. Duncan got a steak with fries of course, and I got a spicy vegan wrap with a soy milkshake. This place actually has a pretty diverse menu. I just watch the movie and eat, enjoying every second of my weekend with this crazy dude. I think I really am in love.

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