You work here?

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I just got off work and head over to a ice cream spot across from where I work.

"Hey Kira!" Izzy comes up from behind me with her boyfriend Owen.

"Hey." I wave and get into line.

They then walk towards the pizza place. I order myself a fudge swirl and eat it as I walk through the mall. I spot Bridgette and Geoff making out on a bench. I roll​ my eyes as I pass by and head out. I spot Lindsey, Heather, and Beth as well while they shop in Victoria's secret. Just then, I get a call.

"Hello?" I answer it

"Hey Kira, sorry to say this but, I need you to come back in." My boss responds

"How come?"

"Ayalla is out sick so, I need someone to come in for her."

"Okay. I'm close by so, I'll come in."

I then hang up.

I then head back to work stocking the shelves. I put in my ear buds and listen to Guns n Roses as I do so.

Thirty minutes later
I continue to stock a shelf as I feel a tap on my back.

"Hey, I need t- Kira?" I turn to see Duncan.

"Hey Duncan. Need something?" I ask him

"I didn't know you work here and, yeah I do." He responds

"Whatcha need?" I ask

"I need to return this shirt. I kinda grew out of it." He respond rubbing the back of his head.

"Sure thing. You got a receipt?" I ask and he pulls it out of his pocket.

"Cool. Let me go get you your money back." I say and go get it.

I then come back and give him his money.

"Thanks." He grabs it.

"Have a nice day." I say and start to walk away.

"I'm not leaving yet." He says

"Oh okay. Do you need help finding anything?" I ask

"I'll let you know if I do." He winks and walks away.

Why has he been winking lately? Its so weird. I then walk away and continue to work. He looks around but, mainly keeps eyeing me. I try to ignore him but, he ends up 'needing' me a few times. Why is he trying to bother me? I really don't know but, that doesn't matter. I change my music to Butcher Babies and Metallica. I then go on with my work. A while passes by and I tell Duncan that he's gonna have to buy something soon or else he'll have to leave. He ends up buying a black T-shirt with a skull on it and a Metallica CD before leaving just as I have to leave.

"Hey, you wanna grab a pizza?" He asks me as we walk out.

"Sure. Why not?" I shrug my shoulders

We head to a pizza spot in the mall and eat a pepperoni pizza together. We take our seats at a table and eat.

"So, toots. Ever been to juvie?" He asks

"Maybe." I lean back and smirk

"Hard but to crack, aren't ya?" He furrows his brow.

"Yup." I say and eat a piece of pizza.

"Who's the gordo now?" He chuckles

"Still you." I laugh

"So, you gonna answer my question?" He asks

"Fine. I almost went to juvie once for trespassing." I tell him

"How'd you get out of it?" He asks me and scarfs down a slice of pizza.

"My dad. He payed a fine." I tell him

"Daddy huh?" He drinks his soda.

"Hey don't get the wrong idea. I'm not the type of girl who has daddy solve all my problems." I tell him with a glare

"Whoa. Easy girl. I wasn't assuming anything." He gets defensive.

"Good." I say to him and then eat more pizza.

"Why did you go to juvie?" I ask him after a few minutes

"The first time was for auto theft." He explains.

"Why did you steal the car?" I ask him

"I was bored." He shrugs

"Wow." I laugh at him.

"What can I say? I'm just that bad." He smirks.

"Mhmm sure you are." I roll my eyes sassily

"What?" He furrows his brow.

"Nothing." I say and we finish our food.

We then leave after eating. I end up giving Duncan a ride home. He insisted that he could just walk but, its too cold tonight so, I made him get in. I was about to put in my Green day CD when he asked me to try listening to one of his favorite bands. Their called Get Scared and I fall in love with them instantly. Especially, their song Sarcasm.

"Which way do I turn?" I ask him

"Go left." He points and I turn onto his street. He then tells me which house is his and I drop him off.

"Night." I wave

"Night Kira." He waves and winks before walking into his house.

I then drive home and head into the house.

"I'm home." I say and drop my stuff on the couch.

"Good. Can you help me with the dishes?" Chef asks and I do.

Afterwards, I head upstairs and takes a shower. Then, I go into my room and change into my black silk pajamas and lay on my bed.

"Oh, how I've missed you." I flop onto my bed and 'hug' it.

I then go Instagram and have a new Pm from Duncan.

Duncan: hey ;)

Me: Tsup? :p

Duncan: watching the football game.

Me: cool

Duncan: What about you?

Me: Laying in bed

Duncan: Oh really?

Me:  Get your head out of the gutter.

Duncan: Whatever you say toots

Me: Stop calling me that

Duncan: Why?

Me: I'm not your toots.

Duncan: Fair enough

Me: Yeah. So, how you doing?

Duncan: Meh

Me: Lol

Duncan: So, you got any plans tomorrow?

Me: Nope

Duncan: Wanna hang?

Me: You don't have a date with Courtney?

Duncan: Nope. She says she only does dates on Friday's and the occasional Saturday.

Me: Isn't that kinda annoying having her plan everything?

Duncan: Yeah but, she's hot so I let her.

Me: Wow

Duncan: I have no shame.

Me: Whatever

Duncan: So, you wanna hang then?

Me: Sure

Duncan: Cool

Me: Well, I'm really tired so, I'm going to bed.

Duncan: Sweet dreams

Me: Night

Duncan: Night

With that I put my phone on the charger and go to sleep.

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