Episode 1

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"It's been 15 years since our show hit the airwaves and now we're back where it all began." A voice said as the sky view of a familiar island came into view. "The restored Camp Wawanakwa in Muskoka Canada! We've got the old cabins, the hungry bears, the scary bugs, smelly outhouse where contestants confess their secrets, and the unique disgusting taste of Chef Hatchet's food!"

Multiple scenes show the two cabins, a roaring bear, a large web with spiders, the old outhouse confessional, and the mess hall as Chris McLean walked into view.

"Today, 17 new contestants will arrive to battle to be the last one standing for the grand prize of One! Million! Dollars!" Chris said as a million dollars in cash rained down on him. "Now someone better clean this up before it goes missing!"

Grabbing a small wad of the money, Chris smirked as he placed it in his shirt and patted his chest.

"But this prize won't be easy to win! Because not only is this a reboot, it's a reBOOT to the face!" Chris said as he gestured to his face. "We've got crazier challenges, deadlier dares, and an insane writing team of angry monkeys that want nothing more than to destroy humanity!"

Scenes go by to show an intern driving a motorcycle with a bomb, an intern crossing a lava pool holding an anvil, and a group of monkeys looked in a war room while one was close to pushing a big red button before it changed back to Chris.

"I'm your host, Chris McLean!" He said as he walked in the dock of shame, the full island behind him. "And this is TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!"

-Opening Sequence-

Hey what up? I'm here to slay!

A new Camp Wawanakwa comes into view as Chris and Chef land a helicopter with Chris holding the prize money.

Don't know why the rest even bother to stay?

The camera moves to the cliff before jumping off, into the water.

I know the game and I've brought the skill!

Nicelle, Axel, and Priya are swimming away from a shark while Scary Girl/Lauren rides via the fin. Caleb swims up, making the shark stop and admire him as Scary Girl/Lauren is sent spinning off.

Crushing players dream!

Static changes to show MK hacking the camera before ducking, showing Ripper chugging a pot of beans while Zee, Wayne, and Raj watch/cheer. Ripper finishes before tossing the pot and burping/farting loudly, sending Zee flying!

Yeah you know the drill!

The camera moves to Bowie and Millie, the former watching the latter writing notes before Julia backed up while on her phone and bumped into Millie. Causing both to fall.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous!

Marcus and Chase were sparring as Damian and Emma watched. Chase threw a punch that Marcus ducked before he threw a kick to Chase's chin and made him fall to the ground, getting a wince from Damian and a cheer from Emma.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous!

Chef and Chris, who was holding a plate of marshmallow, stood before the campfire pit as everyone sat around them, the camera panning out toward the show title on a sign. Everyone but Marcus, Scary Girl/Lauren and Axel whistles.

Total Drama Island.

-Opening End-

"Welcome back! Now it's time to meet the victims-I mean CAMPERS for  this season!" Chris said, standing on the dock of shame before a speed  boat came into view.

An intern was driving it while a young,  chubby teenage woman who had a dark skin complexion and puffy dark brown  hair. She wears a short, leather jacket over her pink dress, turquoise  pants, and gray boots as she stood with her rolling luggage in hand.

"First up, is Millie." Chris said.

/Millie's audition tape/

"Back  when my parents were my age, the best way to get famous was to write a  novel, win an award, or cure a disease like Polio." Millie said,  standing in a home study before holding up a tablet. "But my generation  can just get famous live-streaming themselves doing crazy stunts like  eating hot peppers and vomiting."

The tablet showed a video of a black teen vomiting into a bucket with tears falling from his eyes.

"All  you need is lighting and WiFi to get famous these days. So I though,  why not go to Total Drama Island of all places to study just how poorly  most of my generation is compared to the previous one?" Millie said,  walking through a college/university with a notebook.

/End of tape/

"Welcome,  Millie. Right over here please." Chris said as Millie walked off the  bit to the right of Chris. "Next up, here is Axel."

The next speed  boat had an angry looking lightskin girl with her hair tied up in a  ponytail and two earrings along with a piercing in her eyebrow. She was  wearing a green tank top under a dark pink sports top, green cargo  pants, and brown military boots was crouching on the front of the boat,  holding a pair of binoculars.

/Axel's audition tape/

Axel was running through an urban neighborhood on a cloudy day.

"I  am a survivalist with a primitive survival right of 9.7 out of 10."  Axel said as she ran into an alley. "So when the zombie apocalypse  arrives, I will show no fear."

Three zombie standees popped up,  making Axel act fast as she smashed on with a bat, slashed one with a  shovel, and beheaded the last with a crossbow.

"I will make the zombies show fear." Axel said, smirking at the camera.

/End of tape/

Axel threw a green duffle bag full of weapons on the dock and jumped on with nunchucks in her hand.

"You came prepared, huh?" Chris asked, looking at the weapons.

"You can never be to sure." Axel commented.

"Okay...over there please." Chris said, pointing to Millie. "Next up is Priya."

A  speedboat containing an Indian-Canadian girl who had a dark skin  complexion and dark brown hair. She was wearing a light blue tank top,  blue jeans and orange shoes with a yellow backpack on as she waved in  excitement.

/Priya's audition tape/

"My  parents are HUGE fans of Total Drama and have been training me for this  my entire life for a reboot!" Millie said, standing in a hall of  trophies and awards. "My very first time training was in the mountains  doing a bungee jump with my own umbilical cord, craziest birthday ever!  From that point on, I have trained in all kinds of scary challenges and  against all types of players. There is nothing I won't be ready for!"

The  rest of scene from her childhood from climbing the monkey bars to a  rock wall while being chase by a bear to even sparing with her father as  he was dressed as Owen.

/End of tape/

"Next up, a laidback fun guy named Zee." Chris said as Priya walked to the others.

The  next speedboat had a tall lanky dude with brown skin and a black hair  ponytail while wearing a green cap, yellow T-shirt, pink pants and white  sneakers. He was leaning back against the boat engine with a brown  suitcase.

/Zee's audition tape/

"Yo,  what's up? People just call me Zee because my full name is Hezekiahus.  Cool, right?" Zee said, looking in a fridge full of orange soda.

He took it back to his room and laid in bed.

"Breakfast  soda." He said before sipping it. "I know I'm not the smartest or the  fastest or really the most try hard dude or remember my point but I can  be in it to win it, whatever it is."

/End of tape/

"Chris, dude. Excellent to be here, bring it in." Zee said, stepping off the boat to hug Chris.

"Nope." Chris said as Zee graciously stopped. "Our next camper is Ripper."

Another  speedboat drove to the dock containing a chubby white guy with brunette  hair wearing a yellow and red shirt with cargo shorts and sneaker,  currently giving the intern driver a noogie.

/Ripper's audition tape/

"In  my opinion, only two things make a man look weak. Caring about others  and non spicy chicken wings!" Ripped said, standing near school lockers.  "I care about nobody and always order the spiciest wings a place has!"

The next scene showed a toilet with fire coming out of it.

"Did  you know that you can get arrested for pooping in a purse while riding a  bus?" Ripper asked, walking to a city bus stop before the driver closed  the door.

Next was a scene where Ripper was getting his mugshots taken.

"You  can't do that but if you poop in your own pants, it's fine? Who even  makes these kind of laws?" Ripper asked, standing outside of a  courthouse. "If I knew, maybe I wouldn't technically have a criminal  record."

/End of tape/

"Time to go beast mode!" Ripper said, standing on the dock and ripping off his sheet!

He began growling and flexing as the girls looked disgusted and Zee just took a sip of another orange soda.

"Oh dear." Priya said.

"Ew." Millie said.

"Take it all in, ladies. Once I win, I'll be out of your league." Ripper said, walking to them.

"Ripper, was that your only shirt? Because I don't see any luggage." Chris pointed out.

"Oh dang fart nuggets!" Ripper said, slumping.

"We'll find you something. Trust me." Chris said before turning to the next speedboat. "Next up is Damian!"

The  next speedboat had a guy with a dark skin complexion with a short  goatee and hair. He was wearing a yellow cap, a dark blue leather jacket  over his dark yellow vest, dark blue pants and white sneakers. He was  carrying a red backpack.

/Damian's audition tape/

"Yo  yo yo! Damian here!" Damian said, standing in school science lab. "I've  never heard of total drama but my friends dared me to make an audition  tape for the reboot."

The scene changed to show Damian's friends, grinning and containing their laughter.

"I  was suspicious at first but when they said the prize money would be  1,000,000 I was all in! How hard could it be?" Damian asked, grabbing a  boiling test tube.

The bubbling solution suddenly caught fire and Damian ran around to try and put it out.

/End of tape/

"Hey man, what's up? I'm here for that million. Where is it?" Damian asked, looking around.

"Um, you have seen this show before right? We don't just give you the million." Chris said, chuckling a bit.

"Not really, but it can't be that hard, right?" Damon asked with a shrug.

"Oh  hohohoho, you are in for fun time." Chris said with a sinister chuckle.  "And speaking of fun, our next contestant is Lauren!"

The next  speedboat carried a pale skinned girl with purple hair with red  highlights wearing a black Victorian style dress with puffy short  sleeves, matching wrist gloves, black and pink stripped socks, and black  shoes. She was giggling creepily as she sat on the boat engine.

/Scary Girl's/Lauren's audition tape/

"I  want to come on the show and make a bunch of new friends. Then watch  them get really, really, REALLY hurt." She said, standing in a  carnival/fair near a funhouse.

Scary Girl then pushed down a pump trigger, setting off an explosion off screen.

"Yeah, that would be great!" She said as a flaming clown shoe fell next to her.

/End of tape/

"Welcome, Lauren." Chris said to her.

"Thank but I think you shouldn't look me in the eyes." Scary Girl said, taking a step forward with a chilling grin.

"Okay  then!" Chris said, covering his eyes as Scary Girl/Lauren skipped to  the others. "Let's welcome our next contestant, Marcus!"

The next  speedboat showed a guy with pale skin, blood red hair and dull grey eyes  wearing a black hoodie, gray cargo pants, and red shoes. He also had  black stud earrings as he stood with his hands in his pockets and a  black duffel bag on his shoulder.

/Marcus's audition tape/ (Voice is Vanitas from Kingdom Hearts)

A boxing gym was show as Marcus was throwing jabs at a punching bag, bouncing on his feet.

"I've  been an orphan for as long as I can remember and I've gotten into  fights since my first day of preschool. When I reached about 10, I  decided to join the local training gym near the orphanage and sharpen my  skills." Marcus said as the scene changed to him grappling with someone  on a wrestling mat. "I've got a black belt in judo, sambo, and  capoeira, with years of experience in boxing and grappling. My dream is  to become an MMA champion and I think the million would be perfect to  help with that. I also dropped out of school and got my G.E.D. so I can  put all of my focus on it."

The scene now shows Marcus sitting on a bench with a water bottle in his hand.

"Besides,  I've seen the previous seasons and I don't think anyone or anything in  this new one will be all that challenging. I'm pretty confident." He  said before taking a drink. "Who's a better contestant than a guy with  nothing to lose?"

/End of tape./

"Welcome, Marcus. Glad to have you here." Chris said with his hand out.

"Whatever." Marcus said, shaking his hand quickly before walking past Chris.

"Sup, dude?" Zee asked.

"Hello." Scary Girl/Lauren said, getting too close to Marcus.

"Personal space." Marcus said, pushing her back a bit.

"Jeez, ball of sunshine this guy." Chris said, rolling his eyes. "Next up, we have Bowie!"

On  the next speedboat was a tall guy with dark skin, blonde short hair,  three white studs earrings in both ears, and a pearl necklace, and four  gold wristbands. He wore a blue shirt with a purple corset designs that  shows his stomach, green pants and purple shoes. He also wore pink heart  shaped sunglasses as he carried a blue backpack.

/Bowie's audition tape/

"I'm  Bowie and I am honored to be Total Drama's first openly gay  contestant." Bowie said, jogging in a school gym before catching a  basketball. "Just so you know, I am very competitive. Last year at Prom,  I was prom king AND queen."

He made a perfect basketball shot as the scene changed to show a year book with Bowie as the prom king and prom queen.

"You  can never have too many crowns, so I am going to be coming for that  crown, Total Drama." Bowie said, spinning another basket ball on his  finger before making a backwards shot, nothing but net.

/End of tape/

Bowie stepped off and walked to the others as another speedboat came, this time with the contestant water skying behind it.

"Oh! He comes Chase!" Chris said with glee.

"WOO  HOO!" He screamed in glee; a hispanic guy in a yellow shirt, red  hoodie, green pants and blue shoes with spike slicked black hair.

/Chase's audition tape/

Chase was flying a red helicopter over a city with a helmet on his head.

"What's  up, party people! You probably recognize me from my livestream series,  Three Guys and Girl in a Beach House." Chase said before correcting  himself. "Except now it's just Three Guys in a Beach House."

The scene changed to show a girl with white skin and blonde hair in a ponytail glaring at Chase.

"Cuz  my girlfriend, Emma, dumped me for now reason! Anyway, we do wicked  pranks, dare each other to do crazy things, and do wicked stunts!" Chase  said as he jumped out of the helicopter! "WHOOOOO!"

Luckily, he landed in the beach house pool, in a splits on a crocodile floaty!

"UGH! Don't forget to like and subscribe." Chase said as the floaty sunk and the helicopter crashed in the background.

/End of tape/

"Chris McLean! You're a legend man!" Chase said, walking on the dock with a bright green backpack. "I'm ready to do this!"

"Glad to hear that because next up is Emma!" Chris said as Chase looked shocked!

"Wait what?!" He said, looking at the next speedboat.

In  the passenger seat, was Chase's ex girlfriend wearing a beige shirt  under a green sweater and white skirt with white sneakers.

/Emma's audition tape/

"Hey  there, I'm Emma and I would be awesome on Total Drama Island." Emma  said, bouncing on a trampoline in a kitchen while making a smoothie. "I  used to be on a livestream with my boyfriends doing all sorts of crazy  stuff but I'm not doing that anymore since my stupid boyfriend, Chase,  is now my stupid EX!"

The scene changed to an archery rang with Chase's photo on a target and Emma holding a bow with arrows.

"And  now, I want to complete because o never want to see his stupid face  again!" Emma said, firing threw arrows at the target and getting one in  the middle of Chase's face.

/End of tape/

"What is he doing here?!" Emma shouted, stepping off the speedboat with a pink roller luggage and glaring at Chase.

"Babe?" Chase asked nervously.

Emma jumped at him before Chris caught her, stopping Emma from hurting him.

"Oh, feisty." Bowie said as Ripped looked confused. "I like her."

"Yikes. Such intensity." Chris said, walking Emma over to Bowie. "It's almost like we PURPOSELY brought you here."

He winked at the camera to show this WAS the reason.

"Up next, we have Mary Kate!" Chris said, looking to the next speedboat.

Standing  behind the driver was a short young, Asian-Canadian woman with long  black hair under a light black beanie and wearing a green shirt under a  red hoodie, gray pants, and green sneakers. She had a black satchel on  her shoulder.

/MK's audition tape/

"Heyo!  Call me MK for short. Most people think you win Total Drama by being  strong but you got it all wrong. You don't show your strength." MK said,  standing outside of a juice bar before sitting inside. "If you wanna  win, you gotta have an ace in the hole, wanna know mine?"

A couple on their phones walked by as MK smoothly moved her arm from the table before moving it back up.

"Hey, what happened to my wallet?" The man asked, outside of the juice bar.

"Hehehehe,  I'm always underestimated and that is my ace." MK said, pulling out the  man's "missing" wallet. "Get ready Total Drama because that prize money  is mine!"

MK returned the wallet, without the money, before she left the juice bar.

/End of tape/

"MK, over there please." Chris said as MK walked past him. "And now for-

Chris sighed dreamily as he stared in awe of the next contestant.

"Caleb." He said.

The  next speedboat brought a tall, handsome, and strong looking guy with  dark skin, blue eyes, and curly short hair with stud earrings and a  necklace wearing an open pink shirt, blue jeans, and white flats. Caleb  gazed at the camera with a smile.

"Oh my." Priya said, putting a hand on her heart.

"Hehehe, wow." Emma said as she and Bowie looked mesmerized.

Even the fish were mesmerized as they gaze at Caleb. The intern driver too before she crashed into the dock!

"Oh, I-I'm sorry! I've just...never seen someone like you before." She said.

"No  worries, happens all the time." Caleb said, putting a hand on her  shoulder and making her blush. "At least we're both uninjured."

"Wow, I think it's pretty clear who's gonna win this thing. 20 on him." Zee said, pointing to Caleb.

"Why would you bet against yourself? It seems kind of wrong." Priya said to him.

"Disagree,  girl. If I win, I get the million but if I don't win and he does, I  still get 20." Zee said, making Priya look confused.

"That is completely idiotic." Marcus said, shaking his head.

"Harsh, dude." Zee said to him.

"Our  next two contests are a package deal! From Northern Alberta, give it up  for Wayne and Raj!" Chris said, pointing to the next speedboat.

Standing  together we're two guys, one with light tan skin and orange hair under a  red white cap while the other had caramel skin and black hair. Both had  on white jerseys with owls and hockey sticks in them while Wayne had on  brown shorts and carried a dark green hockey bag and Raj had on blue  shorts while carrying a light green hockey bag.

"Dude, just imagine in winter when this lake is frozen solid." Raj said, looking at the water.

"It'd be the biggest ice ring ever, dude!" Wayne said before they both laughed.

They both stepped off the speed boat, Wayne wearing boots and Raj wearing green sneakers.

"Sup, man? Glad to be here." Raj said, greeting Chris.

"Hey, boys. Your team is over there." Chris said, pointing to the side with Bowie, MK, Emma, and Caleb standing together.

"Great, thanks coach!" Wayne said as they rushed over before stopping before the other team. "So this must be the other team."

Standing together was Scary Girl, Marcus, Millie, Priya, Zee, Chase, Ripper, Axel, and Damian.

"What do you thin Rajjie?" Wayne asked his friend.

"Hmmm, I'd say they look as fierce as a clogged toilet." Raj said.

"Oh yeah, well you're-You're gonna-Look out cuz-" Ripper fumbled over his words.

"Dude, just stop." Marcus said, shaking his head.

"Hahaha, looks like this one needs a new brain, Wayne. His is broken." Raj said as they put their bags down. "Hehehe."

"Aw be nice, Rajjie. Maybe it's his first day thinking with his mouth hole!" Wayne said before they both laughed.

Ripper growled as he marched towards them before Marcus pulled him back.

"Let me go!" Ripper said.

"Save it for the game, shirtless." Axel said to him.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Ripper said to her.

"GRRRR!" Axle growled, glaring at Ripper.

"I'm gonna save it for the game." Ripper said, stepping back.

"Our  next contestant is a pretty big deal! Give a hand for Nichelle  Ladonna!" Chris said, gesturing to a dark skinned woman with dark skin  and long orange braided hair, wearing a pink sleeveless shirt and beige  pants with white flats.

"Nichelle Ladonna?!" Bowie said in excitement, putting his hands together. "Star of "Hot Teen Ninja Detective Squad.""

"I loved her in "Gorgeous People High."" Emma said as MK looked over Caleb in awe.

"Play it cool, play it cool." Priya said to herself before going fangirl! "OMG! I AM LIKE YOUR BIGGEST FAN!"

"Cool." Nichelle said, looking at her nails.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"That was so embarrassing." Priya said, sad and ashamed of herself.

/End of confessional/

Marcus just rolled his eyes at the celebrity while Scary Girl turned to him.

"Not a fan?" She asked, still smiling.

"No. Not really. The movies are fine but I'm not into unrealistic action." Marcus said.

"I am a fan of ALL action because it could always end in blood." Scary Girl said, clapping her hands.

"Whatever." Marcus said, not exactly creeped out as she looked back to him.

/Scary Girl's outhouse confessional/

"Usually  people are offput by me, yet he's not somehow. Interesting." She said,  tapping her fingers together. "VERY interesting."

/End of confessional/

"And last but not least, is Julia!" Chris said a s the final speedboat came.

Sitting  in the front with her leg propped up was a young girl with long,  strawberry blonde hair and light skin wearing a shell necklace, a simple  white tank top, cut jean shorts, and lime green flats.

/Julia's audition tape/

"So,  a little info about me. I think Toal Drama could be the perfect  platform to share my personal light and positive energy with the world."  Julia said as the scenes went from meditating in the forest to sitting  in her room to a sitting in a hot tub to meditating in a Japanese  imitation garden to being in a dressing room.

"Influencer, Andy  Bellview brand ambassador, and a proud sister of Mother Earth." She  said, going from a catwalk fashion show to watching a sunrise with  sunglasses before she was live-streaming down the sidewalk. "I can't  wait to embark on my journey of self discovery in Total Drama Island.  Live in the sunshine, swim in the ocean, drink the wild breeze. Crystals  are real. Prayer hands and prayer hands emoji."

/End of tape/

"Welcome to the island, Julia. You can-" Chris was cut off as Julia put an arm around him and held a peace sign.

"Sorry, just one second." She said before taking a selfie with her phone and typing. "Growing. #MyJourneyBegins."

"Um,  Julia. Do you remember the legal contract you and all the others  signed?" Chris asked, pulling out a Manila envelope with a copy contract  inside. "There was a specific part that said no phones on the island."

"But how am I suppose to let my followers in growing as a person without letting them know?" Julia asked.

"That  sounds more like a "you" problem and could be solved by them just  watching the show." Chris said before a large black man wearing a purple  shirt, dark purple tie, and khaki pants with black shoes walked up with  a cardboard box. "Give Chef your phone."

"Fine, I'm stronger than you think." Julia said, dropping her phone in the box.

"Wonderful." Chris said as Julia walked away. "Now give Chef the REST of your phones."

Julia stopped walking before groaning, turning back and pulling out two more phones from her person.

"There, that's all of them. Swear to Gia Earth." Juli said with her hands up.

"Really?" Chris said, pulling out a metal detector and scanning Julia before finding another phone. "Give."

"Ugh."  Julia said, pulling a fourth phone form her shirt and dropping it in  the box. "Don't worry, babies. Mama will get you back before you know  it."

(Julia's phone count: 4)

"Worry not. Your phones will be save...at the bottom of the lake!" Chris said!

"HURAH!" Chef grunted, throwing the box like a shot-put, sending it miles away before crashing into the ocean.

"AAAAAAAH!" Julia screamed.

Everyone flinched from the foul move, even Marcus as his eyes flinched for a second.

"That  was the coldest move I've ever seen. I feel like you could hang ball  caps on my chest." Wayne said, gesturing to his nipples.

"Moving  on." Chef said, walking to the first group (Priya, Millie, Zee, Chase,  Ripper, Marcus, Axel, Scary Girl, and Damian) and throwing them a red  flag which Zee catches. "This team will be known as "The Ferocious  Trouts."

The flag unfurled to show an angry red trout head with sharp teeth in a circle.

"And  this team will be known as "The Frogs of Death." Chef said, throwing a  green flag to the other group (Bowie, Wayne, Raj, MK, Julia, Emma,  Caleb, and Nichelle).

The green flag unfurls to reveal a shadow frog with a skull and crossbones on its body in a circle.

"Your teams will compete head to head in challenges and if your team wins, you will be rewarded and safe." Chef said.

"The  losing team however will attend a marshmallow ceremony at the fire pit  and be voting for someone." Chris said, sliding from behind chef. "And  that loser will be eliminated from the island, walk down the dock of  shame, and take the new elimination method home. The Drone of Despair."

A  clip was shown of a tall intern mopping the dock before a large, green  drone flew over and grabbed his head with a claw before flying him away.

"Ahahahahaha,  I love this job. It fills me with such invigoration seeing you all hurt  yourselves for my entertainment." Chris said.

"Excuse me but um, how exactly are we getting hurt?" Damian asked as Scary Girl smiled at him.

"Have you seriously really never seen this show?" Marcus asked him.

"No, why?" Damian said to him.

"Oh you poor, poor child." Chef commented with his arms crossed.

"Anyway,  you'll find your cabins marked with your team flags that way." Chris  said, pointing towards the cabins as the left one was for the Toads of  Death and the right one was for the Ferocious Trouts. "Go get moved in  and meet at the beach in one hour for your first challenge. Any  questions?"

"Right here." MK said, holding her hand up. "How come the trouts get nine players and we just get eight?"

"Because  that's how it is. If you watched previous season, you'd know that in  some seasons have uneven teams too. So deal with it." Chris said with a  smirk. "Any other non-stupid questions?"

The Toads of Death were quit as the Ferocious Trouts asked several questions.

"What are the sleeping arrangements?" Ripper asked with a grin.

"Can I vote for someone off now?" Axel asked.

"Do challenges get postponed due to weather?" Millie asked.

"Can I switch to the team with "death" in the name?" Scary Girl asked with a grin.

"Are we seriously getting hurt?" Damian asked, worried.

"Oh man! What if I don't have a question?!" Zee asked, sort of panicking.

An air horn went off, shutting everyone up as they covered their ears.

"No more questions!" Chris said with earphones on, gesturing to the cabins. "Get unpacking."

Ferocious Trout Cabin

On the girls side, Priya had picked a comfortable bed.

"This one is perfect." Priya said, getting a bunk bed next to the window.

"I'll take the top bunk." Axel said, throwing her bag of weapons and making the bunk cave in.

"AAH!" Priya said as she jolted up. "Actually, I think I'll find another bunk."

"Whatever." Axel said as Priya walked to another bunk.

She sat down on it with her bag before Scary Girl peaked her head out from above.

"Question, do you scream in your sleep?" She asked as the light gave her a creepy shadow.

"No. Not unless I have a nightmare but that's normal for some people." Priya said, leaning back.

"Oh. Goodie." Scary Girl said, leaning back to her bed.

Feeling uncomfortable again, Priya moved to the bunks between the wood stove and the window on the other side.

"Oh yeah, this one is just right." Priya said, laying in the bed before it SNAPPED shut like a book! "UH!"

"Do you need help?" Millie asked, writing in her notebook.

"Please, thank you." Priya mumbled out.

On the boy's side of the cabin, Zee was taking a bed by the window.

"Hey! I called dibs on that bed!" Ripped said, now wearing a blue short sleeve shirt with a long white undershirt.

"Oh sorry, dude. You want the top of the bottom?" Zee asked.

"I call the top." Marcus said, walking over and throwing his duffle bag to the top bunk.

"Hey! I wanted that bed! I'll fight you for it!" Ripper said to him.

Marcus glared at Ripper, making him shiver before he backed down.

"N-Nevermind. I'll find another bed." Ripper said before quickly waking away.

"Yeah, me too, bra. You seem like a dude that likes his privacy." Zee said, smiling calmly as he walked to another bed.

"Whatever." Marcus said, shrugging as he jumped up and laid on his new bed.

/Ripper's outhouse confessional/

"What the heck was that? I'm suppose to be the Alpha Male. Not some emo wannabe." Ripper said, crossing his arms with a frown.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"Seems like I was right, nobody here seems to be that challenging." Marcus said, his arms on his knees.

/End of confessionals/

Toads of Death cabin

"Both team had some real hotties, eh?" Wayne asked, laying on a top bunk.

"For sure, man." Raj said, picking the bunk under him.

"Okay,  okay, if you guys wanna talk about me, I'll just give you some  privacy." Bowie said with a grin, throwing his bag to a bunk and walking  away.

Meanwhile on the girl's side, Julia was setting up some flowers in a vase.

"There,  perfectly aesthetic. Flowers really do brighten up a room." Julia said  as MK sat on a bunk, subtly reaching for her pockets.

"Oh yeah, they sure do." MK said, smirking as she stole a gold necklace and another phone from Julia.

(Julia's phone count: 5)

"So, tell me about your ex. What's all that about?" Bowie asked, sitting on a top bunk with a frowning Emma.

"Ugh! I can't believe this is happening, this was suppose to be my competition. Not Chase's." Emma said, crossing her arms.

"That's it, let it out. Tell me everything." Bowie said to her.

"I  don't want to get into it. Oooh! I just want to win and donate half the  million to an animals hospital." Emma said, holding her head.

"Wow, that is the most selfless thing I have ever heard." Bowie said, smiling at Emma.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"Everyone  knows an alliance starts off with at least two people. I like Emma  already, so why not make an alliance with her? She's athletic, got a  good vibe, and a little spicy. That's the perfect friend and alliance  member to me." Bowie said with a smile.

/End of confessional/

Suddenly, the loudspeaker came on as a bird fell from its nest."

"Alright, campers! It's challenge time!" Chris said.

The Beach

Both teams assembled on the beach on colored carpets.

For the Trouts, left to right: Chase, Axel, Ripper, Zee, Marcus, Damian, Scary Girl, Priya, and Millie.

For the Toads, left to right: Wayne, Raj, Bowie, Caleb, Nichelle, MK, Julia, and Emma.

"Ferocious Trouts, Frogs of Death, welcome to your first challenge." Chris said as he and Chef stood before them.

"This  Challenge is about learning to work with and trust your new teammates.  Two players will be tied by the waist before navigating the prepared  obstacle course. Your goal is to grab two buckets of nasty chum. Then  you will return to the built tower and place your buckets on a pulley  system platforms." Chef explained.

"Nice. This sounds super easy." Zee said, pulling out an orange soda and opening it.

Marcus just shook his head as Zee look confused at him.

"Zee's right. This IS super easy, unless you hear that the course is louder with booby traps!" Chris said happily.

"Hehehehe, he said "booby."" Wayne said as he and Raj chuckled a bit.

"Shh! Shh! Not too loud." Raj said.

"Your  obstacles will be randomly scattered posts, lobster traps, deep mud  puddles, nest of murder hornets, pits of hot coals, and so much more!"  Chris said before pulling out blindfolds. "And to make it even better,  both bucket carrying duos will be blindfolded."

Everyone looked surprised/worried/excited about this.

"Blindfolds. Makes it so you gotta use everything else." Ripper said, taping his forehead.

"They do." Zee said before sipping his soda.

"Wait, where did you get that soda?" Ripper asked as Zee stopped drinking.

"Huh, I have no idea." Zee said, looking at his soda.

"Wow." Millie said, writing in her notebook.

/Millie's outhouse confessional/

"So  anytime someone in my generation does or says something dumb, I make a  note of it for my novel." Millie said before shaking her left hand.  "Which is surprising since it's day one and my hand is already  cramping."

/End of confessional/

"Each  blindfolded duo will listen to the voices of two other teammates from  the top of the towers to navigate the obstacle course. Once they have  the buckets and bring them back safely, they will be placed on the  platforms and the remaining members of each team will raise them up. Go  too fast and the buckets will fall, meaning you will lose today's  challenge." Chef explained to them.

"The team that wins this  challenge will have a dinner of pizza and wings tonight." Chris said as  Wayne and Raj fist bumped. "And the losers will be sending someone home.  Decide who does what, you've got 2 minutes."

Two minutes later and the jobs were decided.

For  the trouts, Ripper and Chase were the blindfolded duo while Millie and  Damian would give them directions as everyone else waited by the right  side pulleys.

For the frogs, Wayne and Nichelle were the  blindfolded duo while Bowie and Emma would give directions and everyone  else waited by the left side pulleys.

"Campers! On your marks! Get set!" Chris said, standing at the starting line with a starters pistol. "Go!"

With a blank fired into the air, both blindfolded duos took off running.

"Straight right, 3 footsteps! Then go left!" Emma shouted at Wayne and Nichelle.

"Go straight! Straight! Good, now head left!" Millie shouted at Chase and Ripper.

Chase and Ripper ran before Chase stopped, making Ripper.

"Dude wait, she said go left." Chase said.

"You got it backwards! Her left is our right! Come on!" Ripped said, going right instead of left.

"No no no! I said go left!" Millie shouted!

It was too late as Ripper and Chase ran right through a pile of lobster traps.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow!" They said, covered in pinching lobsters.

"OH! Now that looked painful." Damian said.

Chase and Ripper quickly shook off all of the lobsters before one was left.

"No pinching!" Ripper said, grabbing it from his pants and yanking it off.

This in turn ripped Ripper's shorts and exposed his butt to everyone!

"Uh! Gross!" Millie said as she covered her eyes while Damian looked shocked.

"Hahaha! Booty." Zee said, pointing to it while looking at the camera.

"Dude." Marcus said, shaking his head.

Chase and Ripper began running again until Ripper made them stop.

"Hold up! I think my shoes are untied." He said, reaching down to tie them and exposing his butt again.

"UGH!" Millie and Damian said, looking away!

/Damian's outhouse confessional/

"Nononono! That is not right! Something like that can't be allowed on TV!" Damian said, shaking his head.

/End of confessional/

"Looks like the Frogs of Death have taken the lead!" Chris said as Wayne and Nichelle approached the murder hornets nests.

"Stop! The hornets nests as right in front of you!" Emma shouted at them.

"Murder hornets, Emma. They get made if you leave out the "murder" part." Chris said, wagging his finger.

"Duck low and keep moving!" Bowie shouted as they ducked low and moved slowly under nests.

"If I get stung, can you guys make sure it's not on my face?" Nichelle asked.

"Um...we have no control over that." Chris said, his fists on his hips.

As he walked, a hornet landed on Wayne's finger and stung him.

"OW!" Wayne screamed, jumping into a nest and getting his head stuck! "Aah! These things have teeth!"

Nichelle screamed as she and Wayne ran forward with the hornet nest still on his head.

"Chase! Ripper! 45 degrees forward!" Millie shouted at them.

"Talk normal, nerd!" Ripper shouted back.

"She means this way, come on!" Chase said, leading them.

Suddenly, Ripper stepped on a rake and got hit in the face before collapsing to the ground with his butt in view!

"OOOH!" Bowie shouted as his glasses shattered before covering Emma's eyes. "Shield you eyes! Do not look at Ripper!"

"Why?" Emma asked as she moved his hand and looked away. "EW! Turn around!"

"What, why?" Nichelle asked as she and Wayne stopped running.

"Not you, Ripper! His pants got torn and everyone can see his full moon!" Bowie shouted.

"Ohohoho, seriously? That is awesome, Ripper!" Chase said as Ripped stood up holding his face. "High five!"

They tried and ended up slapping each other in the face.

"Ow!" They said.

/Millie's outhouse confessional.

"That's another entry!" Millie said, writing in her notebook.

/End of confessional/

"The teams are neck and neck now!" Chris said as Ripper and Chase were ahead.

Wayne and Nichelle weren't far behind until Wayne stepped on a rake and got hit in the face while Nichelle crashed into him.

"Guys! Focus! Slow and steady wins the race!" Bowie shouted at them.

"Exactly." Emma said with a nod.

"I actually think we should go faster to catch up." Caleb said, flaunting his beauty.

"...Caleb's right. GET MOVING!" Bowie shouted!

"Let's hustle!" Wayne said as he and Nichelle ran through a field of scattered posts until he ran crotch first into one! "UGH!"

"OOOOH!" Bowie hissed in phantom pain.

"HEHEHEHEHE! Ouch." Chris said with a chuckle!

"You okay, Wayne?!" Raj shouted.

"I'm good, Rajjie. I'm wearing a cup." Wayne said, pulling back and punching his pants twice to reveal the hidden protection.

"Ripper, Chase! Mud puddle dead ahead!" Millie shouted as they stopped. "Chris said they were deep, so go around it!"

"Deep? Please, I'm sure he was joking." Chase said as he and Ripper walked forward. "We'll be fi-"

He suddenly got mud in his mouth as he and Ripped quickly sunk in the DEEP mud puddle.

"Idiots." Marcus muttered.

"Hehehehehe." Scary Girl chuckled while clapping.

"I told no lies. Unlike Julia's social media, this puddles ARE deep." Chris commented.

"Wow, you're so funny." Julia said, sarcastically.

Swimming back up, Ripper and Chase came to the other side and coughed up mud as they were also covered in it.

"Just keep going, guys! You can do it!" Millie shouted!

"They could've drowned! Why are you so calm?!" Damian asked her.

"Keeping going straight, you're doing great!" Emma shouted at Wayne and Nichelle.

"Thanks, babe! Love you!" Chase said, confusing it for him.

"I  wasn't talk to you and I do not love you! We are not together anymore!"  Emma shouted at him, pointing at him. "So do not all me "babe"  anymore!"

"Why are you so made at me?" Chase asked.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Emma shouted, turning red with anger.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"Ooooooh!  This is it! She's going to reveal what he did! Bowie said as he clapped  his hands. "I beat he kissed another girl and lied to her about it.  Straight couples, right?"

/End of confessional/

"YOU CUT THE BREAKS ON MY CAR!" Emma shouted for all to hear.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"Straight couples cannot be this crazy, right? They can't be." Bowie said in surprise.

/End of confessional/

"I can't believe you're still mad about that." Chase said as he and Ripper were running.

"How could I not?! Your stupid prank made me crash into a pet store!" Emma said, holding her eyes in guilt.

"I'm sorry, what?" Bowie asked in surprise.

"Slight right!" Millie shouted as Damian looked at Emma in shock.

"That's why I want to win the million and donate 25% to pay for the damages and to an animal hospital!" Emma said.

"Wait, hold up. I thought you said you would donate 50%." MK said to her, smirking at Emma's restatement.

"It's still a lot of money!" Emma shouted back at her.

"Um,  I hate to say this but the other team is winning." Caleb said, pointing  to Ripper and Chase as they return with two buckets of chum.

"Chase and Ripped pants have placed their buckets in the flat boards!" Chris said.

"Nichelle! Wayne! Run!" Bowie shouted at them.

"Run, are you crazy?" Nichelle asked, covered in hornet stings from earlier as she and Wayne held the chum buckets.

"Give  me your bucket and climb on my back, I can hoof it back for both of  us!" Wayne said, kneeling in front of Nichelle. "I'm a piggyback champ!"

"A piggyback champ?" MK asked, confused.

"It's true! Wayne is like a human horse! He's won the Prince Albert Piggyback Tournament 3 years straight!" Raj said.

As Nichelle hoped on Wayne's shoulders and let him run, the Ferocious Trouts were steadily pulling their buckets up.

"Steady. Steady." Axel said to everyone, pulling a rope with Priya and Marcus.

"BOOP BOOP!" Wayne said like a vehicle as he ran.

"Almost." Marcus comments as he pulls with Zee and Scary Girl.

"Oh no! You guys are heading for the hot coals! Stop!" Bowie shouted at Wayne.

"No, keep going! You can make it! Just jump when I tell you!" Emma shouted, wanting to win.

"Say what?!" Nichelle shouted.

"Pull!" Alex said to her team as they pulled the ropes again.

"JUMP!" Emma screamed.

Wayne  took the chance and jumped, Nichelle screaming as they made it over two  coal pits but not the last one as Wayne landed on it.

"AAAAA!" He screamed in pain, knocking Nichelle off his back and his blindfold off.

He ran off as their ties broke and a chin bucket landed on Nichelle's head.

"Ahhh! Hot and gross!" Nichelle screamed as she rush after Wayne but still couldn't see.

The trouts finished raising their buckets as Damian and Millie grabbed their handles.

"And with that, the winners are the Ferocious Trouts!" Chris said.

"Wooo!" Axel cheered.

"Yeah!" Priya shouted.

"Sweet!" Zee said as Scary Girl clapped.

"Yay!" She said.

"Hmm." Marcus hummed with a nod.

"Hehehehe yeah! Wooo!" Ripper and Chase cheered.

"Ferocious Trout, you can head to the mess hall for a victory feast." Chef said as Wayne and Nichelle ran into a mud puddle.

"Frogs  of Death, get cleaned up and meet me at the fire pit tonight. Because  one of you, is going home." Chris said to the Frogs as they wallowed in  defeat.

"Oh man, game over boys. Game over." Wayne groaned as he and Nichelle swam out of the mud.

The Mess Hall

Just as Chris and Chef said, a feast of pizza and wings waited for the Ferocious Trouts as they rushed towards the food. There was multiple type of pizza like pepperoni, Italian sausage, bacon, American bacon, ham, cheese, and supreme while the chicken wings were normal, mild, hot, spicy, and Diablo. They even had boneless wings too. There was no drinks however but Zee was happy enough to give everyone some cans of orange soda, which he still had no idea where he kept them.

"To the Ferocious Trouts! The first of many victories!" Priya said, holding her can up.
"YEAH!" Everyone but Marcus cheered, raising their cans.

They all began eating and talking, bonding as a team and friends. Such as Priya, Millie, and Damien sitting together; Ripper, Chase, and Zee pour extra hot sauce in their wings with Axel watching them, and Marcus sitting at the far end of a table with Scary Girl/Lauren joining him.

"Mind of I sit here?" She asked, sitting next to Marcus.

He glanced at her for a moment before focusing back on his food.

"Sure. Do whatever you want." He said, taking a bite of his pizza.

"Yay!" Scary Girl replied, grabbing her chicken wings and taking a bite of her chicken wings.

You could hear loud crunching in her mouth as Scary Girl was easily eating the bones in her wings somehow. It genuinely surprised Marcus before he kept focus on his own food.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"Huh, maybe there are some people who can challenge me here." He said, referring to Scary Girl/Lauren.

/End of confessional/

The Campfire Pit

After  a long and shameful end of the day, the Toads of Death arrived at the  pit and sat in the eight provided chairs. On the top row was Julia,  Bowie, MK, and Nichelle. In the bottom row was Wayne, Raj, Caleb, and  Emma.

"Frogs, welcome to the first elimination ceremony of the  season. I almost hate to say it but one of you will be heading home  tonight and will not be able to come back. Ever." Chris said to them as  Chef stood beside him holding a platter of marshmallows. "Who goes?  Nobody knows. Chef, take it away."

The large man nodded to Chris before pointing out the flaws of the team and who should be on the chopping block.

"Emma,  you let your negative emotions towards Chase cloud your judgement and  it cost you all the lead." Chef said, pointing to her.

/Emma's outhouse confessional/

"Okay,  I admit being angry at Chase didn't go so well. But from now on I will  focus on helping my team win and not on my stupid ex." Emma said with  her hands on her lap.

/End of confessional/

"Nichelle,  Wayne was willing to risk everything to help you both win but you  slowed him down because you cared about your looks more than the  challenge." Chef said as Nichelle looked nervous at Wayne, who looked  back at her.

/Nichelle's confessional/

"Okay,  that may be true but I was giving it one hundred percent to win!"  Nichelle said before gesturing to her butt. "I got a burnt butt and  crazy hornet stings from this challenge!"

/End of confessional/

"You've  all cast your votes and made your decisions. When you get a marshmallow  , you safe. If you do not, your short time here is up and you must  immediately leave the island. Let's begin." Chris said, taking the  platter of marshmallows from Chef.

"Who did you vote for, bro?" Wayne asked Raj.

"You man, no one else." Raj said with a smile.

"Thanks dawg, I voted for you too." Wayne said as they bumped fists.

"Guys, you're suppose to vote for who you want to lose. Not win." Chris said to them.

"Oh sorry, coach. That's our bad. Won't happen again." Wayne said as he and Raj nodded.

"Sorry, coach." Raj said.

"Okay,  let's begin." Chris said, picking up the marshmallows and tossing them  to the safe ones. "Nichelle, MK, Bowie, Julia, Wayne, Raj. You all are  safe."

Everyone caught their marshmallows with smiles of relief, all but Emma as she was worried and Caleb as he was confident.

"Caleb,  Emma; you two are the last ones and I have only one marshmallow left.  If I do not call you name, you just head to the Dock of Shame and take  the Drone of Despair off the island." Chris said as Emma looked more  nervous while Caleb still looked confident. "The final marshmallow goes  to...


















With a toss, Emma caught the marshmallow with a smile as Caleb looked shocked by this.

"What?!" He said, sitting up straight.

"YES!  In your handsome face!" Emma shouted, pointing at Caleb before stopping  and rubbing his shoulder. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean it like  that-Wow, you are really strong. Um, I know this is weird but could I  give you my numb-"

"Caleb, the dock of shame awaits." Chris said, interrupting Emma's flirting.

Dock of Shame

"I...I  just don't understand. How could they vote me off? I'm smart, I'm  strong, I'm kind." Caleb said as he and Chris walked down the dock,  stopping at the end. "This is garbage! I'm gonna give them a piece of my  mind be-"

Suddenly, the Drone of Shame caught him by the shirt  and lifted him away as Caleb screamed. From a bush near the docks, Bowie  stuck his head out with a smirk on his lips.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"A  little song bird might have told everyone. that booting off Caleb was  the right thing because he looked too strong of a player. Guess what,  that little song bird was me." Bowie said, checking his nails before  looking at the camera. "Like I said before, I am coming for that crown."

/End of confessional/

"Whoooooa!" Caleb screamed as the drone carried him over the water.

"Wasn't  sure that drone was gonna work but I am so glad it did!" Chris said  before looking at the camera. "What is in store for the next challenge?  That's for me to know and for you to tune in next time in Total. Drama.  Island!"

Review, Fav, and Follow for more.

Elimination Order: Caleb

Ferocious Trouts: 9

Frogs of Death: 7

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