Episode 11

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"Last time on Total Drama Island." Chris said as a clip of a bib wearing bear about to enjoy a picnic basket was shown. "Players went head to head in a fusion of a stand off and pole vaulting!"

Clips of the last episode were shown with Bowie "sneezing," Marcus jumping off for 10,000 dollars, and Scary Girl/Lauren jumping in rage to Emma.

"Emma had a bone to pick with Marcus and kept badmouthing him the entire episode, leading to the scariest moment we have ever seen from Scary Girl. And this, she won invincibility and sent Emma packing home." Chris said as it showed Scary Girl/Lauren drop kicking Emma into the water before showing Emma walking down the dock with a pizza box. "But at least Emma got pizza as a consultation prize and some truth from herself about needing some help with her bad relationship history."

The scene changed to show Chris standing on the Dock of Shame before the camp.

"Wanna know something else that's going to be shocking? Stay tuned and find out here on." Chris said as he pointed to the dock. "TOTAL. DRAMA. ISLAND!"

The camera panned to show the whole island before cutting away.

-Opening Sequence-

Hey what up? I'm here to slay!

A new Camp Wawanakwa comes into view as Chris and Chef land a helicopter with Chris holding the prize money.

Don't know why the rest even bother to stay?

The camera moves to the cliff before jumping off, into the water.

I know the game and I've brought the skill!

Nicelle, Axel, and Priya are swimming away from a shark while Scary Girl/Lauren rides via the fin. Caleb swims up, making the shark stop and admire him as Scary Girl/Lauren is sent spinning off.

Crushing players dream!

Static changes to show MK hacking the camera before ducking, showing Ripper chugging a pot of beans while Zee, Wayne, and Raj watch/cheer. Ripper finishes before tossing the pot and burping/farting loudly, sending Zee flying!

Yeah you know the drill!

The camera moves to Bowie and Millie, the former watching the latter writing notes before Julia backed up while on her phone and bumped into Millie. Causing both to fall.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous!

Marcus and Chase were sparring as Damian and Emma watched. Chase threw a punch that Marcus ducked before he threw a kick to Chase's chin and made him fall to the ground, getting a wince from Damien and a cheer from Emma.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous!

Chef and Chris, who was holding a plate of marshmallow, stood before the campfire pit as everyone sat around them, the camera panning out toward the show title on a sign. Everyone but Marcus, Scary Girl/Lauren and Axel whistles.

Total Drama Island.

-Opening End-

Mess Hall

Priya and Millie were having breakfast together at a table while Bowie and Julia were having breakfast at another one.

"No way, you made me a friendship bracelet?" Priya asked as she had a wrinkled and colorful band on her right wrist.

"Yeah, I know it not perfect but do you like it?" Millie asked.

"Heck yeah I do! I even made on me do you too!" Priya said as she pulled out a friendship bracelet made of multiple types of blue colors.

"No way!" Millie said, smiling as she held her head.

"Yes way!" Priya said as Millie put on the bracelet.

"No way!" Millie said as they both jumped up and bounced in joy of their friendship while holding hands.

From her table, Julia was holding her ears and wincing from how loud their friendship was being.

"How about you both find your WAY out of the mess hall?!" Julia said with a twitching eye and uneasy smile. "Ahahahahaha."

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"Friends are like zits or pimples in a way." Julia said as she checked out her nails. "I don't have any, I don't want any, and I HATE seeing other people have them. But luckily, zits are easy to POP."

Julia had a sister grin on her face as she put her hand down.

/End of confessional/

Julia made her way over to her table and looked over their friendship bracelets.

"Wow, Priya. I'm impressed. You put a lot of work into making this." Julia said, looking over the bracelet on Millie's left wrist. "It's amazing!"

A close up was shown to prove how neat and well made the multi-blue colored bracelet was.

"Oh! Well, thank you, Julia." Priya said with a surprised smile.

"And Millie, your's is a bit "rough" around the edges but I can tell you did you best. And that's what counts sometimes." Julia said as she looked over the bracelet on Priya's wrist.

The bracelet was even more wrinkled up close with an orange, yellow, and blue uneven pattern.

"I guess I did, thanks." Millie said, giving a nervous smile.

"But wait, what about Marcus and Lauren? Didn't you guys make bracelets for them?" Julia asked with a fake gasp. "Do you not see them as friends?"

Both Priya and Millie looked at each other in worry, having not considered making bracelets for their other alliance members. Speaking of, the mess hall door opened and Marcus was walking in with a towel on his neck.

"Speaking of, Marcus! Come see the amazing friendship bracelets Millie and Priya made for each other!" Julia said, waving him over.

Marcus glanced at them before coming over, examining the bracelets for a moment.

"Cool." He said before heading back to get his breakfast.

"W-Wait! Don't you want one too? I mean, it IS a symbol of a strong friendship." Julia said as Priya and Millie looked at him.

"I've never had friends before, at least I think. I just think that them being my friends is enough and I value that." Marcus said, getting his bowl of brown mush and turning around. "It's alright if I don't have a symbol of friendship. I know they're my friends and that's enough."

Millie and Priya smiled happily at this while Julia frowned, slapping her forehead.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"I feel so stupid for forgetting that he never went to school. He's basically clinging to any good relationship he can get! He's basically a nerd! No wonder he's dating the scariest teenager in the world!" Julia said as she crossed her arms.

/End of confessional/

Marcus walked to a table and sat down to eat, glancing up to see Bowie was right in front of him.

"What? Got a problem?" Bowie asked.

"Don't start anything or say anything and we won't have a problem." Marcus replied with a small glare.

Bowie rolled his eyes before focusing on his breakfast.

"Whatever." Bowie said.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"Ever since honey mountain, that MMA wannabe has been after my head. It's bad enough that Emma is gone and our alliance is even more outnumbered, but if I can't find a way to win today, I might be next off the island!" Bowie said in worry. "Maybe I should go back over Millie's notebook or the other confessionals to find a game changer."

/End of confessional/

Bowie finished his breakfast and left the mess hall, right as Scary Girl/Lauren skipped inside with her hands behind her back.

"Good morning, everyone!" She said before stopping by Marcus. "Especially you, my sweet killer."

"Hey, Lauren." Marcus said before they shared a kiss. "You seem happy this morning."

"Probably because she liked booting out Emma." Millie comments.

"Very true but I'm also happy because I have gifts!" Scary Girl/Lauren said as she walked over to Millie and Priya, showing them the gifts. "Friendship bracelets!"

In her hands, Scary Girl/Lauren presented them two friendship bands made with black and blood red colors with small 6 metal studs all around.

"Whoa!" They said in surprise, taking the bracelets and looking at them.

"Wow, Lauren. These are amazing." Priya said, putting the bracelet on her left wrist.

"But we don't have anything for you." Millie said with a frown, putting it in her right wrist.

"It's fine. Just knowing you have them is enough for me." Scary Girl/Lauren said with a normal smile, holding up her right hand to show she also had one. "I made for myself, so people can tell."

/Scary Girl/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

"This is honestly the best friendship I've ever had outside of the circus back home. I don't usually get along with normal people but I'm glad I found some here. Maybe even after the season, we can keep in touch." She said before looking at her friendship bracelet.

/End of confessional/

Seeing this, Julia growled as she took her leave and left the four person alliance in the mess hall.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"Ugh! Bad enough those two nerds and emotionaless bruiser are friends, but that gothic nightmare is too far! I need one of them gone." Julia said, tapping her chin. "Gotta get with Bowie before the challenge."

/End of confessional/

Seeing this, Julia growled as she took her leave and left the four person alliance in the mess hall.


The speakers outside roared to life as Chris gave them the usual signal.

"Attention to the six remaining campers, it is time for a challenge!" Chris said.

Forest Clearing

Julia, Bowie, Marcus, Millie, Priya, and Scary Girl/Lauren walked through the forest to Chris as he stood in front of a flat screen tv with a stand on a small stage.

"First, I would like to say congratulations to all of you for making it to the final six. And I would like to apologize for the torture you're about to feel." Chris said before turning to the tv and pulling out a remote, turning it on. "Thousands of cases a year, people have been hurt by one thing and one thing alone. Taking selfies with dangerous, exotic, wild animals."

It presented a clip show of a hospital and various people getting hurt while trying to take selfies/pictures with rare/dangerous animals.

First was a light skinned man in front of an angry bull. He was smiling and unaware of the glaring bull.

Second was a tan skinned woman with a white baby seal biting her head. She was screaming in pain.

Third was a dark skinned man with a snake biting his whole face.

"Hihehehehehe!" Priya and Millie shivered.

"Huh!" Bowie and Julia gasped.

"Wow." Marcus said, shaking his head.

"Hehehehehehe." Scary Girl/Lauren giggled.

Chris shut off the tv as Chef walked over with a box under his arm.

"I'm telling you, this is NOT a good ideas." He said, pointing to Chris. "It's dangerous for both people and animals!"

"I know and it's today's challenge!" Chris said, turning to the contestants with his arms out.

"What?" Millie asked in shock.

"Did you not hear-" Bowie was shut off by a green phone hitting his face.

"Hey, wait! That's one of my phone!" Julia said, recognizing it!

"Didn't Chef throw these into the lake in first episode?" Marcus asked as he caught a red phone.

"Yes he did. But we retrieved them, dried them all in rice, and wiped them clean. Reduce, reuse, and recycle." Chris said as he pulled out a yellow phone from the box. "Now, they're your tools for today's challenge, "Injury Your Selfie.""

"Each of you gets one phone and on them is a list of animals you will get points by taking selfies with." Chef explained as Priya got a pink phone and Millie got a yellow phone, checking the phones. "The player who gets the most points from their selfies, wins immunity."

"A bear is 8 points? A rhino is 11? A velociraptor is 12?!" Priya said, reading the animals and points.

"This is gonna be fun!" Scary Girl/Laurne said as she caught a black phone. "Dark Midnight, nice color."

"It is, Scary Girl. Because the more dangerous the animal, the more points you get!" Chris said as Chef walked up to Julia, looked in the box. "So in a way, this is helping you."

"Now remember, these have to be SELFIES. So nobody but you and the animal have to be in the shot. Got it?" Chef said as Julia picked a light blue phone.

"We know! Don't explain selfies to teenagers." Julia said before pointing to the box. "I can get these back after the season, right?"

"Maybe. Also, you all only get one phone. Lost or break it, you are done." Chef said.

Everyone looked at their phones, worried or determined.

"To start you all off, I'll give you a hot tip. There's an easy 10 points right beyond that tree line." Chris said, gesturing to the trees nearby. "You all have one hour! Go!"

Chris pulled out an air horn and blew it into the air!

"Go go go!" Priya shouted as she began running!

"RAAAAH!" Millie screamed as she ran too.

Bowie and Julia ran with them as Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren stayed behind, gazing at each other.

"Go off on our own and get points?" Marcus asked.

"It's a date." Scary Girl/Lauren said with a nod.

The two run off in the opposite direction.

Priya and Millie

They were slowly walking through the forest with Priya leading and holding hands with Millie as she was looking at her phone.

"I wonder what this mystery animal is?" Millie asked.

"We'll be the first to find out." Priya said.

"But still, what could be worth more than a bear or a crocodile?" Millie asked before they stopped before a bush. "Priya?"

Priya quickly covered Millie's mouth and pointed forward, making Millie look and gasp behind her hand. A head of them was a trio of male lions, sleeping near/on some large rocks like in the Savana.

"Shhhhh." Priya shushed before she and Millie prepared to take selfies.

"Hello, ladies." Julia said as she walked up to them.

"SHHHH! Be quiet!" Priya whispered to them.

"Why?" Julia asked.

Priya simply moved them over and pointed ahead, making Julia gasp at the sight of the male lions.

Priya and Millie then went back to try and get their selfies but Julia got in their shot. Julia tried to take hers but Priya and Millie did the same as she did to them. They tried over and over until suddenly, Millie was standing on top of a sleeping lion!

"Millie, stop. Move VERY slowly." Priya whispers as they notice this.

From another bush, Bowie was watching the trio by the lions and wincing.

"Oh shoot! They're in the way. How am I gonna do this?" Bowie whispered before remembering something. "The animal points. Chris sent them in a group text, so if I reply to everyone...Sorry, Julia but this brother has got to win."

With a push of the button, Bowie sent a text right as Millie stepped off the sleeping lion.

"Phew." The girls let out in relief.


Until all of their phones got Bowie's text, going off and waking the lions.

"ROOOAH!" The lions roared!

"AAAAAAH!" Priya, Millie, and Julia screamed as they ran off.

The lions chased after them as they climbed/jumped into a tree, Julia was holding the base of the tree while Priya and Millie clung to a strange branch near Julia.

"ROOOAH!" The lions roared, jumping to bite or slash at them but they were out of reach.

"Huuuuu." The girls let out in relief.

"Nice hustle, Millie." Priya said with a smile.

/Millie's outhouseconfessional/

"fear can be the ULTIMATE motivator." Millie said with wide eyes. "Especially when it's the fear of death."

/End of confessional/

"Noice. Time to get that pic." Bowie said before standing up, taking the selfie with him and two lions.


The lone male was walking away and looking at his phone, gazing at all the points he could collect.

"Good start but I better steer clear of the more dangerous animals and work my way up." Bowie said as he came upon a new animal. "Raccoons, 3 points. Better check by the dumpster near the mess hall."

Suddenly, Bowie got a notification about his points and the loudspeakers turned on afterwards.

"Congratulations to Bowie for being the first in the board with 10 points." Chris said over the speaker.

Clearing with Flat Screen TV

The two co-hosts were sitting in lawn chairs while gazing at the flatscreen.

"Oh! and what's this? Julia, Priya, and Millie have gotten on the board as well!" Chris said as he saw their selfies.

Julia was smiling as a lion jumped at her from below.

Millie was scared as a lion was close to clawing her.

Priya looked terrified as a lion almost jumped her from behind.

"That's ten points for everyone but Marcus and Scary Girl. I wonder where they ran off to." Chris said before two new selfies.

The first was Scary Girl/Lauren riding a rhino with the camera angled from above.

The second was of Marcus holding a bear in a headlock on the ground with the camera in front them.

"And that is 11 points for Scary and 8 points for Marcus!" Chris said as their face icons appeared on the tv with the point values next to them.

1st: Scary Girl/Lauren, 11 points

2nd: Bowie/Julia/Millie/Priya, 10 points

3rd,Marcus, 8 points

"Scary Girl is in the lead while everyone else is tied for second and Marcus is dead last!" Chris said with a grin. "It's still anybody's game!"


"Oh crud! I better hurry!" Bowie said as he rushed off!

Mess Hall: Bowie (10 points)

Bowie made it to the mess hall and ducked behind a bush, glancing over to see the dumpster was a few feet away.

"Alright, time to check for some raccoons." He muttered as he looked for some rocks.

Finding some on the ground, Bowie quickly picked them up and threw them at the dumpster!


The dumpster began to shock as chittering and growling was heard inside, showing that the raccoons were already inside it.

"Alright, Bowie. You got it. Just one more." Bowie said before picking up another rock and throwing it!


This one hit the hardest as the raccoons opened the lid and looked around for who did that. Seeing them, Bowie shot up and took a selfie, giving a small smooch as the raccoons turned to him.

"Yes! Now to get out of here!" Bowie said before running, being chased by the angry raccoons.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

He wiped some sweat from his forehead.

"Phew! Those raccoons are fast little suckers. But, I got 13 points and in the lead." Bowie said with a smile, holding up his green phone. "Better hurry and keep it before the girls get out of that tree or the gruesome twosome get ahead somehow."

/End of confessional/

Clearing with Lions: Priya (10 points), Millie (10 points), and Julia (10 points)

Julia, Priya, and Millie were still in the tree as Julia was trying to convince Priya and Millie into joining their alliance.

"Okay, so I know we're sort of enemies right now but if you look at it from this point, Bowie is our real enemy since he sent the text and sent us all up this tree. So if we all band together, including Marcus and Scary, we can vote him off, what do you think?" Julia said.

Priya just looked annoyed while holding and laying on the branch while Millie looked worried and grabbing on to the leaves.

Priya and Millie glanced at each other before looking at Julia.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"Mmmmm, what's worse? Listening to Julia or jumping to the lions?" Priya asked while gesturing with her hands.

/End of confessional/

"I have to stay, you put up a strong argument but you missed one key detail." Priya said with a smile before frowning. "We don't like you."

Below them, the lions tried to stack on top of each other to reach them but were too heavy and couldn't balance properly.

"You are by far the biggest schemer and backstabber in the entire game. Even more than Bowie, that makes you the biggest threat and sure fire as the next one off this island." Priya said as the lions fell to the ground.

"UH! How dare you?!" Julia said, offended.

"She's not the only one who dares. It looks like the lions fell asleep from your "convincing" argument." Millie said, looking at Julia then down at the lions.

"Sleeping" soundly again a few feet away from the tree.

"We can get down now, come on!" Priya said, jumping down from the true.

She landed safely on the ground while Millie stumbled her landing, falling on her but before Priya helped her up. Julia jumped down last and already started running off.

"Wait, Julia!" Millie called out.

"Yeah?" Julia said back, looking hopeful.

"If we run into Bowie, Marcus, or Lauren; we're totaling telling them your plan." Millie said with a grin before running off. "Bye, girlfriend!"

"Hehehehehe, oh! Nice burn, Millie!" Priya said before running after her.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

Julia scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, I don't need them. I don't need them. I'll just win immunity without any help." Julia said before looking shocked. "Because I have no choice anyone."

/End of confessional/

Forest: Marcus (8 points) and Scary Girl/Lauren (11 points)

The "gruesome twosome" were currently on the hunt for a new animal to selfie with, slowly walking to some bushes before pushing them apart. 10 feet ahead of them, a large goose with sharp teeth was sleeping in its nest.

"A goose is dead ahead. How much is it worth?" Marcus asked, keeping an eye on the goose.

Scary Girl/Lauren checked her phone before seeing it.

"A goose is worth 12 points. Oh wait, it's a Canada Goose." She said with a small smile.

"Oh yeah, I know that bird. I did a report on it for my GED. It's a much bigger and more violent predatory version of a normal goose." Marcus said before pulling out his phone. "Let's take the selfie before it wakes up."

Scary Girl was about to move before Marcus held her back.

"Don't. Its sense of smell is comparable to a bloodhound. This far enough." Marcus said before turning and getting a selfie with it.

Scary Girl/Lauren quickly did the same, making a rock and roll sign before they both rush off.

"That makes 23 points for me and 20 for you! We've got this in the bag!" Scary Girl/Lauren said loudly with a wide grin.

Too bad for her, the Canada Goose was awoken from her shouting. Its red eyes glaring at their direction before honking loudly and taking took the air!

Hearing this, Marcus came to a halt and looked back to see the Canada Goode was gone.

"Hmmm." Marcus hummed with a glare.

"Mar-Mar? Is something wrong?" Scary Girl/Lauren asked as she noticed him stopping.

"...No. Everything is fine, I thought I heard something." Marcus said before running back to her.

River: Priya (10 points) and Millie (10 points)

They looked at the river and saw air bubbles escaping to the surface.

"What do you think it is?" Millie asked.

"Not sure. The water is too murky. Priya said, kneeling before the water. "What are the points for animals that swim?"

"Let me check." Millie said as she checked her phone. "Fish are worth one point, otters are worth two points, and-"


Priya jumped back as a large crocodile jumped in front of her!

"Crocodile!" Priya said, letting go of her phone and having it land against a rock.

It somehow took a selfie for Priya before the crocodile bit her friendship bracelet! She screamed as it dragged into the water!


"PRIYA!" Millie shouted before dropping her phone and jumping in!


Seconds later, Millie and the crocodile rose from the water while the former had it in a headlock! Thinking fast before it could snap at her, Millie used the friendship bracelet Priya have her and SNAPPED it over its jaw and snout! She pulled back as the crocodile whimpered, turning to swim away as Millie glared at it!

"That's right! Get out of here, ya croc!" Millie shouted.

Behind her and holding on to the shore, Priya was watching in shock with her jaw dropped.

/Priya's and Millie's outhouse confessional/

Priya said on the left while Millie sat in the right.

"Millie, that was amazing! You saved my life!" Priya said, holding her hands close to her chest.

"Of course I did. I'd never let anything happen to my best friend!" Millie said with confidence before getting a text. "And you managed to get a selfie! That's 8 points!"

Millie showed her phone to the camera, revealing that Priya's total score was now 18 points. This made Priya smile wider and brighter.

/End of confessional/

New Clearing: Bowie (13 points)

After wondering the island for several minutes, Bowie gasped in awe before hiding behind a large rock. In a small clearing with some bushes and other large rocks, stood three high value animals for the challenge! All grazing together as they are grass and or leaves.

A moose with a unibrow (13 points,) a rhino (11 points), and a bull (10 points)!

"A moose, a rhino, AND a bull all together?! This is the best thing to ever happen to me! I can rocket myself into the lead with just one photo! Invincibility, here I come!" Bowie whispered as he pulled out his phone.

"Boo." A voice said.

"AAH-" Bowie jumped but quickly covered her mouth, turning around to see Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren standing behind him.

"Hehehehehehe! Gotcha!" Scary Girl/Lauren said with a giggle.

"Ugh! You two? Now? I am just about to win and I don't need you two getting in my way!" Bowie said before turning back to the animals. "Those animals are mine."

Bowie got ready to take the picture before the animals noticed him, before suddenly running off?!

"What?! No! Come back!" Bowie screamed as he turned around.

"That's odd. We didn't even do anything, so why are they running?" Scary Girl/Lauren asked, confused.

"I'm not sure but it would have to be-"


A soft hissing cut Marcus off, making the trio slowly turn around to see the Canada Goose standing behind them.

"An even worse predator." Marcus said.

The Canada Goose flew at them, making Scary Girl/Lauren tackle Marcus away as the Canada Goose attacked Bowie!

"AAAAAAAH!" Bowie screamed as he was forced to fight the goose'

"I could've handled that, you know." Marcus said as Scary Girl/Lauren was on top of him on the ground.

"I know but I wanted an excuse to do this during the challenge." Scary Girl/Lauren said before kissing Marcus on the lips.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

Once again, his face was covered in purple lipstick as he had a small grin on his face.

"I don't mind, actually. And afterwards we did managed to find the moose, so that's 23 points." Marcus said with a shrug.

/End of confessional/

Forest: Priya (18 points) and Millie (10 points)

The dream team stood before a bush with a strange and small brown tail sticking out of it. From another bush, Priya and Millie watched it with caution.

"What do you think it is?" Priya asked.

Millie checked her phone again and found something that makes.

"It could be a bunny but it's only one point. Still better than nothing." Millie said with a grin.

"You got around front and I'll scare it out." Priya said.

Millie nodded as the two of them rushed over, Priya stopped in the back while Millie stopped in front. They nodded to each other Priya jumped onto the bush!

"YAAAAH!" She screamed as she caught the bunny's tail. "It got it!"

"Woohoo!" Millie cheered before the bush crumbled apart.

The "bunny" wasn't actually a bunny at all, it was actually a brown bear! And it did not look happy.

"Oh no." Priya said as she and Millie stopped smiling.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"Surviving a beat attack is pretty common knowledge. And I don't mean that usual, "brown bear means lie down or black bear mean attack" thing. Brown bears just want to be left alone, so just calmly walk away and leave it alone...even if you ACCIDENTALLY attack it." Priya said nervously at the end.

/End of confessional/

"Grrrrrr." The bear growls as it approaches Priya and Millie, who back away.

"Hehehehe, hey buddy. Sorry about that, didn't meant to disturb you." Priya said as she looked away. "Just walking by with no eye contact."

Millie did the same and looked away until the bear grabbed Priya's leg!

"WAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Priya screamed as the bear slammed her back and forth to the ground!

"Somebody help!" Millie shouted.

"Allow me!" Julia said as she appeared.

Timing it just right, Julia got her selfie with the bear behind her and Priya completely covered.

Clearing with Flat Screen TV

"Incredible! Julia's amazing timing gets her a whopping eight points!" That brings her up to 3rd place with Priya!" Chris said as the scores were shown.

1st: Scary Girl/Lauren, 46 points

2nd: Marcus, 43 points

3rd: Priya/Julia, 18 points

4th: Bowie, 13 points

5th: Millie, 10 points

"Uh, shouldn't we go help them?" Chef asked.

"With what?" Chris asked, confused.

Forest: Priya (18 points) and Millie (10 points)

Julia had left and Priya was still being slammed around like a ragdoll. Deciding enough is enough, Millie spoke up.

"H-Hey, fuzzy! K-Knock it off!" Millie shouted nervously.

The bear stopped and dropped Priya, who groaned and twitched in pain as she was covered in scoff marks and has a black eye.

"Grrrr." The bear growled as it turned to Millie.

"Oh wow, it worked." Millie said before the bear walked up to her. "Oh crap, it worked."

"ROOOO-" The bear was silenced as Millie stuck her phone in its jaw, stopping it mid roar.

As the bear struggled to close its mouth, Millie rushed over and helped Priya up before escaping the bear. Right as it clenched harder and crushed the phone in its mouth before spitting out the pieces.

"Grrrr!" It growled before running after them.

It ran past a large bush with two rocks in front, completely missing Millie and Priya as the former peaked out to see if the bear was gone. She went back in and checked on Priya, who was head first on the ground with a goofy smile.

"Priya! Priya can you hear me?" Millie asked.

"My phone? How is my phone?" Priya asked.

Reaching into her pocket, Millie flinched before pulling out the broken pieces of what used to be Priya's phone.

"Not good." Millie comments.

"No, it's fine. See. There's enough for us to share." Priya said before she leaned up and threw the phone pieces into the air. "See? Enough for everyone. Heheheheh."

"Ooooookay. You might have a concussion. Let's get you back to camp." Millie said with an uneasy smile.

The loud speakers came on as Chris spread the news.

"This just in. Priya and Millie are out of the game due to broken phones. Guess they're both lucky their phones were the only things broken." Chris said.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

She was still covered in bruises with her black eye and had a bucket next to her for some reasons.

"We may be out but I don't mind. Millie really stepped up today and saved my life TWICE!" Priya said before she patted the bucket. "Thanks again, bestie."

/End of confessional/

Forest: Julia (18 points)

She was walking near a tree before she looked up, seeing an eagle sitting in its nest.

"Bald Eagle, 3 points." Julia said before aiming down, winking as she took a selfie with the next above her.

She then walked to a river and grabbed a stick, waving it around in the water quickly before something bit it. Julia pulls it out and sees three piranhas biting the stick.

"School of piranhas, 6 points. Sweet." Julia said before posing with the stick on her shoulder, taking a selfie.

Julia then threw the stick into the water and walked away, until she noticed the crocodile that attacked Priya with the friendship bracelet around its mouth.

"A croc with a friendship bracelet? Cute!" Juli said before taking a selfie with the croc. "Eigh- Wait, seven points?"

The loudspeakers came on again.

"Had to deduct a point cause of the bracelet." Chris quickly said.

"Eh, I'll still take it. This is easy! I'm up to 34 points." Julia said as she checked her score. "Bowie is as good as gone. Hmm, where to next?"

Julia looked around for her next animal to selfie before seeing a cave close by.

"Bingo." Julia said before walking to the cave.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"Apparently, people used to use caves as houses. And I was like "Whoa!" when I found out." Julia said before shaking her head. "No thank you, I don't care if people were cavemen back then. I am staying in a hotel, not some cave."

/End of confessional/

The Cave: Julia (34 points)

Julia in and looked around for an animal, but paused when she saw various discarded foods and trash all over the cave floor.

"Ew. Who lives here, a sad frat boy?" She asked before looking ahead and gasping.

Right in front of her was a velociraptor, sitting on a dirty lazy boy chair with its head lying on a side table. This wasn't just any velociraptor, it was the very same velociraptor that Julia verbally tore into a few episodes ago. She has been in a depressed funk ever since.

"Ahahaha, hey girl." Julia said nervously as the raptor opened an eye, seeing her. "Long time, no see. I hope you're not still mad about those things I said. We cool?"

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" The raptor roared and spat in her face, making Julia's hair blow back and stay that way again.

They were NOT cool.

"Yeah, I figured as much. But hey, you're looking much better now!" Julia said as the raptor looked confused. "This needs a picture, show off with that glow up! Oh! Crazy, idea! Let's make it a selfie together!"

Julia moved and posed in front of the raptor, who growled in anger at Julia again.

"Say Besties!" Julia said before getting the selfie and getting the 12 points.

Outside the Cave

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" The raptor roared.

"AAAAAAAAH!" Julia screamed as she ran out with the raptor chasing her. "I'M SORRY, OKAY?!"

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"Jeez, some people just can't let things go." She said, hair blown back and hands on her hips.

/End of confessional/

Camp Grounds: Julia (46 points) and Bowie (18 points)

As Julia was still running from the velociraptor, Bowie was still being chased by the Canada Goose. Even after fighting him, it still wanted more since Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren got away. Eventually, he ran towards his cabin and got inside before locking the door.

"Thank goodness, it's finally over." Bowie said to himself.


He jumped from the sound before turning, seeing the Canada Goose was somehow already inside!

"HONK!" It honked, ready to fight again!

"Please, stop!" Bowie said, falling to his knees. "I give up. Just stop fighting already. I beg you."

The large goose hissed as it walked to Bowie, who shut his eyes and waiting for the beating before feeling the goose reach into his pocket?

"Huh?" Bowie opened his eyes and saw the goose had taken his phone. "Wait, no! That's my phone!"

The goose didn't care as it threw the phone into the air and swallowed it whole. Like it didn't have the teeth in its mouth, it simply swallowed its "food."

"NOOOOOOOO!" Bowie screamed, collapsing to the cabin floor as the Canada Goose opened the door and left.

Clearing with Flat Screen

Chris and Chef were shocked by this, not expecting the goose to simply swallow the phone and walk away.

"I at least thought it would chew." Chef said with wide eyes.

"I did as well." Chris said before using the loudspeakers. "This just in, Bowie is out of the challenge with a meager 13 points!"

Forest: Marcus (43 points) and Scary Girl/Lauren (46 points)

They were both holding a snake firmly as Marcus took a selfie with it, dodging its bite as they heard Chris.

"I guess that means it's just us and Julia." Marcus said as he let go of the snake and let his girlfriend throw it into a tree.

"Now in the lead with a new 8 points, is Marcus with 51 points!" Chris said as Marcus's score appeared on the flat screen. "And tied for second place is Julia and Scary Girl with 46 points each!"

1st: Marcus, 51 points

2nd: Scary Girl/Lauren, 46 points

2nd: Julia, 46 points

"Only 10 minutes left to settle this!" Chris said as a timer appeared under their icons.

Forest: Julia

"Ugh! Better move it and close the gap!" Julia said before running off.

Clearing with Flatscreen TV

"You know, Julia or Scary can still win this if they manage to get a turtle selfie. It's a rare breed and worth 15 points." Chris said to Chef. "Of course, they would have to know that animal is on the other side of the pond."

"Chris, you know your finger is still on the button, right?" Chef said as he pointed to the remote.

Chris looked down and his finger WAS still on the button for the loud speakers.

"Whooops. My bad." Chris said before shutting it off.

Forest: Marcus(51 points), Scary Girl/Lauren (46 points) and Julia (46 points)

The three of them ran through the island to the pound, searching for the rare turtle that was the key to immunity. Once they reached the other side of the pound, the trio saw the turtle was right in the middle of the grass and eating a leave. The couple locked eyes with Julia as they glared at each other, determined to gain an absolute victory.

"YEAAAAAAH!" Julia screamed, running forward.

"RAAAAH!/WAAAAAAH!" Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren screamed, running forward.

Seeing all of them coming, the turtle finished its leave before narrowing its eyes at them. Julia jumped towards it before it jumped into the air, tucking into its shell and making Julia hit the ground!

"Wow!" Scary Girl/Lauren said in amazement as she and Marcus stopped.

"What the heck? What kind of turtle does that?" Marcus asked, impressed but confused.

"I'm glad you asked, Marcus." Chris said over the loudspeakers as the turtle bounced off Julia's head before popping out. "That is the rarest turtle in the world, possibly the last of its kind. The Chimuen Fighting Turtle."

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"Chimuen Fighting Turtle?" He asked, confused. "There is no possible way a turtle like that exists."

/End of confessional/

Quickly getting up, Julia moved back as the turtle turned its gaze to all of them. Its eyes landed on Marcus, sensing a great fighting spirit inside of him. A challenge as well but before that, the others had to be dealt with.

"Gotcha." Julia said, turning to take a selfie.

The turtle suddenly stop up, grabbing a Y shaped stick and throwing it at Julia! It stabbed into the tree and trapped her arm, making her scream in shock.

"AAAH!" Julia screamed, looking fearful of the turtle.

"Awwwww, he's so vicious! Forget the challenge, I wanna keep him as a pet!" Scary Girl/Lauren said as she walked to the turtle.

It turned to her before scuttling into a bush, making push it aside but see it was gone!

"Huh?" She said, confused before three apples suddenly hit her in the head! "Ouchie!"

Looking up, the three of them saw the turtle standing in a tree with a staff in its "hand."

"YAYAYAYAAA!" The turtle cried like a warrior before jumping down!

It aimed for Scary Girl/Lauren before Marcus pulled her back and threw an uppercut! The turtle smacked the stick against his fist, rolling over and running on his arm! It swung at his face but Marcus caught the stick with his other hand, throwing the turtle away as the stick broke in half!

"It's good." Marcus said, dropping the stick and seeing the turtle bouncing off multiple trees before landing in the ground. "Really good."

"As entertaining and amazing as this is, tick tock! 5 minutes left!" Chris said over the speakers!

Marcus and the turtle glared at each other, the window blowing as Scary Girl/Lauren and Julia watched from the side. Neither of them could move as it felt like a scene out of a kung fu movie!

"Hmm!" Marcus grunts, rushing forward!

The turtle rushed as well, running in two legs as it jumped at Marcus! The human threw multiple strikes; punches, chops, stabs, and elbows; but the fighting turtle parried, blocked, or dodged them in while staying in the air!

Marcus threw a chop but feinted as he threw a flying knee, hitting the turtle in the shell and sending the turtle spinning into a tree! Not letting up, Marcus rushed forward throwing an elbow strike!


The impact shook the tree as the turtle was punched into the bark, stuck as Marcus's elbow bleeds through his hoodie sleeve

"Checkmate." Marcus said before pulling out his phone and taking the selfie.

Clearing with Flatscreen TV

"And after a short yet amazing fight, Marcus boosts his lead with a whopping 66 points!" Chris said as he checked his watch. "That's time! Marcus is the winner!"

Chris pulled out his airhorn and blew it, signaling everyone that the challenge was over.

Bowie's Cabin

"Ugh." He groaned, face flat on the floor as he worried about tonight's vote.

Clearing with Flatscreen TV

"Let's get the turtle some first aid. Not that it might need but you, animal rights and all." Chris said as Chef nodded in agreement.

Campfire Pit

After all the remaining phones were returned, much to Julia's ire, everyone gathered at the campfire pit to decide who would be going home tonight.

Everyone sat on a single row: Bowie, Julia, Marcus, Scary Girl/Lauren, Priya, and Millie.

"What are we gonna do? It's practically a tie between me and you." Bowie whispered to Julia.

"Relax. Here's my idea." Julia whispered back before whispering her plan into Bowie's ear.

"Campers, it's been a rough day. One of the toughest yet, but when I look into your bruised faces, it think that we can do BETTER." Chris said with his usual grin.

"Millie, Priya worked hard to give you that amazing friendship bracelet. And then you just up and gave it to a crocodile." Chef said, pointing to her.

"Yeah. To save her life!" Millie replied.

"I know but that's all I had in you two." Chef said with a shrug.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"Who would possibly think that voting off someone because they saved your life is a good thing?" Priya asked before thinking. "I did work hard in the bracelet though but I can always make another."

/End of confessional/

"Bowie, you sent a text that could've gotten your alliance member eaten by a lion." Chef said, pointing to Bowie. "That's the biggest backstab I have even seen stab into a back."

Bowie looked nervous as he glanced at Julia, who glared at him.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"Do I regret sending that text? A little. But would I do it again, maybe." Bowie said, crossing his arms. "Especially if our plan works."

/End of confessional/

"Marcus, you fought an endangered turtle with your bare hands. Fighting Turtle or not, you could've killed that little guy." Chef said in disappointment.

"I didn't." Marcus said simply.

"You almost did. I could tell. Prrre." Scary Girl/Laurne said, hugging his arm with a purr. "Mama likes that."

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

She gagged after watching that.

"Seriously! Freakier girl needs to go!" Julia said, shaking her head.

/End of confessional/

Chris now held the plate with 4 marshmallows.

"Campers, it's the usual drill. A marshmallow means you stay and no treat means you go home via drone." Chris said, picking up a marshmallow.

Everyone looked worried, wondering if they'll be the one to leave the island tonight. Well, except Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren, they just looked content as they cuddled.

"Priya. Millie. Bowie." Chris said as he threw the trio their marshmallows.

Priya gave Millie a thumbs up while Bowie looked relieved, glancing at Julia.

"And the finale marshmallow goes to..." Chris said as he held up the final marshmallow. "to...

















"YES!" Julia said before catching the marshmallow.

"WHAT?!" Priya, Millie, Marcus, and Scary Girl/Lauren shouted as they stood up.

"Whay do you mean Julia gets the marshmallow?! We voted for her!" Priya shouted, pointing at Julia.

"Not by my count, it was 5 votes against 1." Chris said, shaking his head.

"But that can't be right! Someone could've tampered with them!" Marcus shouted, showing more emotion than ever as he held his girlfriend tightly.

"Yeah! Just like in season one with Harold! Check the cameras!" Millie said.

"That could be true." Chef said, looking at Chris.

"Indeed, it might, but unfortunately we don't have enough time to check. So the votes stand. Scary Girl, head to the Dock of Shame." Chris said, walking to the dock.

"Hey! Get back here! I said-" Marcus shouted before Scary Girl/Lauren grabbed his face.

"Hey! Hey. It's alright, I'm fine with this." She said, smiling at him.

"But Lauren." Marcus was cut off by her kissing him.

"I said I'm fine with this. Besides, at least now I don't have to worry about fighting you for the million. I can watch you destroy someone from home." She said before turning to Bowie and Julia. "Hopefully, it's one of you. Since I have a FEELING you're responsible for this."

This caused Priya, Millie, and Marcus to glare at the duo as they looked away from them.

/Millie's outhouse confessional/

"t? I wanted to vote for Lauren, but she made us these friendship bracelets. And beyond her creepy exterior, she is a good friend and teammate." Millie said, becoming sad. "I actually am going to miss her."

/Julia's outhouseconfessional/

"Phew! It was a gamble but it paid off in the end! I managed to convince Bowie to help me find and tamper with the votes. At least now, I stand a better chance at winning with the loser alliance down to three." Julia said as she held up three fingers.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

He sat down with his head against his held hands, breathing deeply to try and calm down before looking up and revealing his FURIOUS expression.

"Lauren is right, this is a good thing. Because I am going to DESTROY those two for voting her off!" He said before punching THROUGH the right side wall of the outhouse.

/End of confessionals/

Dock of Shame

"Well I may have been cheated out but I meet a lot of people, got some friends, and I got one heck of a boyfriend out of this." Scary Girl/Lauren said, walking down the dock. "I suppose that's as good as any amount of money."

She pulled out a black umbrella and opened it, right as the Drone of Despair flew over and grabbed it.

"So king, you creepy, creepy woman." Chris said as the drone flew off with Scary Girl/Lauren. "That was probably the most shocking elimination to date but I still think we can top it! Who was the one who tampered with the votes? And how will Marcus deal with his "sweet" girlfriend gone? Find out next time on. Total. Drama. Island!"

Review, Fav, and Follow for more.

Elimination Order: Caleb, Ripper, Nichelle, Zee, Chase, MK, Raj, Wayne, Damian, Axel, Emma, Scary Girl/Lauren

Remaining: 5 (Priya, Millie, Bowie, Julia, Marcus)

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