Episode 4

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"Last time in Total Drama Island." Chris said as the beach was shown  before cutting the clips from the Obstacle Course of Death. "Our teams  had to run an obstacle course to free their teammates, who were trapped  in chambers slowly filling with water."

The scene changed to show Chris standing on the Dock of Shame, chuckling.

"Who  is the twisted genius came up with that idea?" Chris asked before  revealing two large arrow signs, flashing as they pointed to him. "It's  me! Got these puppies made special cuz I'm LOADED!"

Back to the clips from last episode, Nichelle was shown getting ready to run.

"To  finish strong and win the challenge, Nichelle was picked to go last for  the Frogs. Turns out that was a huge mistake since she wasn't actually  an action hero like in her movies." Chris said as the clips showed  Nichelle failing before showing Scary Girl/Lauren greatly succeeding!  "Scary Girl on the other hand, WAS the action hero as she killed it on  every part of the course. Scoring team Trout the win, and giving  Nichelle the final cut."

The clips changed to show Nichelle being taken away by the Drone of Despair before going back to Chris.

"Wanna  see who goes home today? Be patient and wait about 20 minutes, right  here on TOTAL. DRAMA. ISLAND!" Chris said as the arrow signs still  pointed at him.

-Opening Sequence-

Hey what up? I'm here to slay!

A new Camp Wawanakwa comes into view as Chris and Chef land a helicopter with Chris holding the prize money.

Don't know why the rest even bother to stay?

The camera moves to the cliff before jumping off, into the water.

I know the game and I've brought the skill!

Nicelle,  Axel, and Priya are swimming away from a shark while Scary Girl/Lauren  rides via the fin. Caleb swims up, making the shark stop and admire him  as Scary Girl/Lauren is sent spinning off.

Crushing players dream!

Static  changes to show MK hacking the camera before ducking, showing Ripper  chugging a pot of beans while Zee, Wayne, and Raj watch/cheer. Ripper  finishes before tossing the pot and burping/farting loudly, sending Zee  flying!

Yeah you know the drill!

The camera  moves to Bowie and Millie, the former watching the latter writing notes  before Julia backed up while on her phone and bumped into Millie. Causing both to fall.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous!

Marcus  and Chase were sparring as Damian and Emma watched. Chase threw a punch  that Marcus ducked before he threw a kick to Chase's chin and made him  fall to the ground, getting a wince from Damien and a cheer from Emma.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous!

Chef  and Chris, who was holding a plate of marshmallow, stood before the  campfire pit as everyone sat around them, the camera panning out toward  the show title on a sign. Everyone but Marcus, Scary Girl/Lauren and  Axel whistles.

Total Drama Island.

-Opening End-

Ferocious Trouts cabin

"Ugh,  Ah." Millie groaned, sitting on her bed with a water bottle as Priya  stretched her leg on the window sill. "These challenges are making  muscles I didn't even know I had ache. Even if I was just crammed in a  tube."

"Yeah, these challenges are crazy but their good experience." Priya said before stretching her arms up.

A knock came as they looked to the door, seeing Chase with a water bottle.

"Excuse me, ladies." He said.

"Can we help you?" Millie asked.

"Just  came to check on you. That challenge yesterday was crazy but I'd like  to make a small toast to the special person who helped us win." Chase  said, walking in and holding up his bottle. "Three cheers for Nichelle  for being horrible!"

"There's no need to be so mean. She tried her  best. I kind of feel sorry for her." Priya said before thinking back.  "Wait, was that mean?"

"No, sympathy for someone is never mean."  Millie said before looking at Chase. "But trash talking someone is mean.  It's not Nichelle's fault she was bad, she probably didn't have to do  most of anything because she's a hot, talented actress."

"Totally.  It's just like how Emma dumped for now reason. I knew she would be fine  after I cut her brakes for the prank. She wasn't in "danger."" Chase  said, making air quotes.

"That is completely different and you know it. You are so in the wrong." Millie said, pointing to him.

"What?  No. I'm just agreeing with you." Chase said in surprise. "You know, if  you wanna make friends, you gonna try to be a friend."

"Millie  DOES have a friend! Me!" Priya said, marching to Chase, who was scared  and back away a bit. "Not the fake kind on reality tv. But the real in  reality after reality tv!"

"Reality what?" Chase asked, confused.

"It's  confusing but the point is, Millie is a GREAT friend." Priya said  before glaring at Chase, putting a hand in her chest. "So maybe YOU  should try to be a friend if you wanna make friends."

Chase was silent and a little scared by this before rolling his eyes.

"Whatever. I'm out of here." Chase said before leaving the ladies side of the cabin.

"Wow. That was nice of you to say, Priya." Millie said, smiling at her.

"Thanks. Hey, we should make an alliance!" Priya said to her, smiling back.

"Us? Are you sure? Compared to both of us, you're more prepared for these challenges than me." Millie said in worry.

"Then  I can train you so we'll BOTH be ready." Priya said before getting  excited. "Let me train you! It'll be SO much fun! Please! Please!  Please!"

"Hehehe, sure. I'm in." Millie said with a nod.

/Millie's outhouse confessional/

"Priya  is a great friend but I feel bad for eviscerating her and her parents  in my book." Millie said, holding her notebook and pencil. "But as they  say, "science is the pursuit of facts." Not the pursuit of friends."

/End of confessional/

Frogs of Death cabin

Wayne and Raj leaned against the porch rails as they thought about the last challenge.

"I  still can't believe Nichelle was a faker. So fierce in the movies, yet  to fragile in life. Was she just faking all along?" Wayne asked his  friend.

"That's what TV and movies are, genius. Not everything you see is real." MK said to them, sitting on the steps.

"But  Nichelle stopped an alien invasion, was that fake too?" Raj asked  before wondering. "Wait, does that mean the aliens are still coming?!"

"Also FAKE. On TV and not real. Not like live sports and documentaries? Those are real." MK said, rolling her eyes at them.

"Wait,  so if half the stuff in TV and movies is fake, and we're on TV now,  does that make us fake or real?!" Wayne asked, gesturing to himself and  Raj.

This made both of them panick as they quickly patted themselves down to make sure they were real!

"Dude! Dude!" Raj said in fear.

"I'm freaking out, brah!" Wayne said in fear.

/MK's outhouse confessional/

"I  tried to freak them out but, but come on. They just ended up freaking  themselves out even more." MK said, sitting in her left leg.

/End of confessional/

Ferocious Trouts cabin

In  the men side of the cabin, Marcus was sitting on his bed with his legs  crossed and his hands on his knees. His hoodie was off to reveal a black  tank top while taking small breaths in and out as he had his eyes shut.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

Marcus was still in the same position as before, opening one eye to the camera.

"A  calm mind is just as important as a strong body. Meditating helps speed  up recovery and gets one in the zone for a fight. The same can apply  for these challenges." He said before shutting his eye.

/End of Confessional/

Outside  the window, Scary Girl/Lauren peaked inside to see Marcus meditating on  his bed. She smiled at the sight, committing it to memory before  slipping away.

Mess Hall

Today's breakfast appeared to be green gruel or mush again, this time with live maggots or larva mixed inside.

"Hey, Emma?" Chase asked.

"Ugh, what?" Emma asked, eating "breakfast" with Bowie.

She turns to Chase with a glare, only to see him confident smile at her. Bowie watched awkwardly before getting up.

"I'll  give you some privacy." He said before rushing away, only to be a seat  further down smirking. "Continue. I'm not even here."

"I just  wanted to stop by and let you know my cabbage bruises are all gone. So  you don't have to worry about me anymore." Chase said with the same  smile.

"You think I'm worried about you?" Emma asked before he nudged her.

"Come on, Em. I saw you checking me out." Chase said.

"Of  course I was because I LIKED seeing you in pain from the bruises I  CAUSED." Emma said, standing up and pointing at him. "Why do think I was  aiming at you the whole time?"

"Oh. So what you're saying is, you  WERE thinking about nothing but me!" Chase said, surprising her. "That  is so sweet, babe. Check you later."

He poked her nose before leaving, making Emma growl as she punched her breakfast and sat back down.

"I overheard all of that, girl." Bowie said, coming back with Emma's breakfast in his face and hair. "You okay, Em?"

"What do I need to do or say to show him we are NOT boyfriend and girlfriend anymore?" Emma asked him.

"Well,  if you want Chase to know you not thinking about him anymore, then  maybe you should STOP thinking about him?" Bowie said, pointing to his  head as a larva crawled on his face. "Or just ignore him?"

Emma looked a bit worried from this, since all she could think about was hurting Chase.

/Emma's outhouse confessional/

"I  can totally do that. No problem. I've already forgotten about him, he's  out of my head. Gone. 100 percent not thinking of him." Emma said with  her hands in her lap. "I'm talking about Chase to be clear."

/End of confessional/

At another table, Priya and Millie were talking while eating breakfast.

"Not to agree with what Chase said, but we could use another friend in our alliance." Priya said, looking around.

"A third ally?" Millie asked, leaning forward.

"Yes. Someone to help us get a majority in case we lose." Priya said with a smile.

"Okay,  but who do we pick?" Millie asked, looking around at their team.  "Damian only votes for himself, Chase is kind of a "bros before gals"  guy, Axel is nature survivalist incarnate, and Zee is unreadable."

They  saw Damian was looking at his bowl of food before ants lifted it up,  scaring him as they walked away, Chase was chugging a bottle of hot  sauce before burping, Axel was eating a roasted duck she caught, and Zee  drank a whole orange soda before dropping the cans.

"Than that just leaves Marcus and..." Priya said as she turned to another table.

Scary Girl/Lauren was stirring her foot with a crazy grin, biting her tongue, as dry lightning flashed outside behind her.

"Yeah...I think Marcus is our best bet." Millie said to Priya.

"But  if we get her, we get Marcus too. I think I saw a connection between  them last challenge." Priya said to her. "So if we get Scary Girl to  join, Marcus may join too."

"If you're sure, then let's bring her  in." Millie said, pointing to Priya with her spoon. "You go talk to her,  I'll keep watch in case she tries something."

"You're not coming with me?" Priya asked.

"Sorry but you're more of a people person than me." Millie said.

"Hehehehehehehe." Scary Girl/Lauren laughed creepily, still stirring her breakfast.

"Ooooookay, sure." Priya said, still unsure. "Here I go."

She walked off as Millie watched her in worry.

"Good luck." Millie whispered.

At Scary Girl's/Lauren's table, she was now stabbing her spoon into the table.

"Hey, what's up, fellow Trout? Woot woot!" Priya said, nervously smiling.

Scary Girl/Lauren stabbed the table before she suddenly smelled something, turning only her left eye towards Priya.

"You're nervous aren't you?" She asked, seeing Priya sweating and biting her lip.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"I  sweat when I'm nervous sometimes and when I'm nervous, my awkwardness  goes from seventy five to one hundred...TRILLION." Priya said nervously.

/End of confessional/

"So,  if we became friends, we'd be like puffy pals. That's what I call my  stuffed animals." Priya said before Scary Girl/Lauren dragged a LONG  skid of wood out of the table. "Not that I'm friends with my stuffed  animals anymore! Well, I am, but I just grew out of it because of you  know, life."

"Why are you still here and talking?" Scary Girl/Lauren asked, looking at Priya with both eyes.

"Hehehehehe,  about that. I-I just wanted to say you were amazing in the last  challenge. I did NOT expect that from you." Priya said, no longer  nervous until the spoon was pointed at her.

"Oh' so you're saying  that you didn't expect me to be good in general or to be good at ALL?"  Scary Girl/Lauren asked, bending the spoon with ease as she moved  closer.

"N-N-No. I just- uh!" Priya said, nervous Rand scared.

"She's  just saying you were good." Marcus said, making them both turn to her.  "Nothing bad, just that you were good. I'd say even great."

"Yeah, yeah! That's what I meant!" Priya said, nodding quickly.

"Don't  assume someone is insulting you. You've got nothing to be offended  for." Marcus said, sitting down to eat. "Try to keep your emotions in  check, okay?"

Scary Girl/Lauren blushed from his words before turning her head like an owl to Priya, scaring her greatly.

"Thank you for the compliment, friend." She said before turning her head back and sitting next to Marcus.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"Thank  you, Marcus!" Priya shouted happily as she held her hands together. "I  have never been so glad to have someone interrupt me."

/Zee's outhouse confessional/

"I  saw what was going on and I wanted to go help but then, BOOM!" Zee  said, sitting with his left left up and pointing to the camera. "Marcus  comes in and fixes the situation. He's a a solid dude."

/End of confessionals/

"Hehehe, so as I was saying-" Priya was cut off as the loudspeakers came on.

"Campers! You know what time it is!" Chris said.

Clearing in the Forest

Both teams stood on colored carpets as Chris stood between them with a flatscreen TV in a tree stump.

Millie,  Chase, Axel, Zee, Priya, Marcus, Damian, and Scary Girl/Lauren stood on  a red carpet to Chris's right while Emma, Wayne, Raj, Bowie, MK, and  Julia stood on a green carpet to his left with two lawn chairs behind  them.

"Ferocious Trouts and Frogs of Death, welcome to your next  challenge!" Chris said as he pulled out a random stick and the  flatscreen turned on, revealing a green skull on a blue background.  "It's called "Capture the Skull!""

"Ehehehehehehe!" Scary Girl/Lauren's giggled, jumping in place and clapping her hands.

"It's two fake skulls. Calm down." Chris said, making her stop.

Scary Girl/Lauren slumped sadly while gazing at the ground.

"Chef  has built each team a fort on one side of the island." Chris said as  the tv changed to a blueprint of the island, pointing to two locations  for the Frogs and the Trouts. "Here and here. In front of each fort is a  pedestal that holds the skull you have to defend. The first team to  steal the skull of the other team and bring it back here wins immunity."

"Excuse  me, Chris. Does it need to be the skull you provided or would any human  skull do?" Scary Girl/Lauren said before gesturing to Damian's head.

"Why is she looking at me like that?" He asked before covering his head. "Someone tell her to stop looking at me like that!"

"No,  Scary Girl. The skull you bring must be the one I provided. And you  just always be THIS..." Chris said before using the stick to push the  crazy girl, who looked angry at this, between Marcus and Priya. "Far  away from me."

"I think that was a smart question to ask." Priya  said before Scary Girl/Lauren looked at her. "Not that it wasn't smart!  I'm just saying it was a good question to ask, I would've asked the same  but you beat me to it! Not t-"

"Are we allowed to move the skull and hide it to make it more difficult?" Marcus asked, inadvertently saving Priya again.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"I need to get her into the alliance but I can't help being nervous around her." Priya said, looking afraid in the confessional.

/End of confessional/

"No,  you may not. Only a member of the other team is allow to move the skull  if they reach it. Each team will also be given several "weapons" to  help defend your skull." Chris said as the tv showed side weapons. "Such  as fire hoses, crates of stink bombs, boulders, and harpoon guns."

"Harpoon guns? But what if we get hit with those and our bodies run out of blood?" Wayne asked, rubbing his chin.

"Not  to worry. The "harpoon" is only in the name, you will be using toilet  plungers instead." Chris said before pulling out a green harpoon gun  with a toilet plunger loaded. "Observe."

Chris took aim as  everyone but Marcus ducked, pulling the trigger as Marcus dodged left! A  testing dummy in front of a tree got its head shot off as the plunger  tore through the tree behind it, causing it to fall!

Chef rushed to Chris before taking the harpoon gun from him.

"Hey! Did you turn up the air pressure on these?" He asked Chris.

"Are you accusing me of sabotage?" Chris asked, looking hurt before laughing. "Of course I did!"

"Grrr!" Chef grumbled as he walked away.

"What?  Just think of the ratings!" Chris shouted to him before groaning. "I  guess Mr. Safety over there will be turning down the pressure and the  fun. Also, both team will have cover as random metal shield will be  placed before each fort. You all must decide on who defends the fort and  who goes for the skull. As always, losers send someone home tonight."

Frogs of Death fort

Their  fort appeared to be a cabin made wood and metal with a tire on top,  with the team flag raised behind it. In front of it was a tree stump  pedestal with a wide green skull on it. Beside it, a large boulder was  on a wooden ramp with a lever beside it to activate.

"Okay, so the  other team has two extra players, so they got a powerful start." Wayne  said as he and Raj stood before Bowie, MK, Julia, and Emma.

"Which means we gotta work double time to keep them from breaking into our zone!" Raj said.

"Exactly,  Rajjie. So we need to get the head bone and pass it between our open  players. Keep away style!" Wayne said, holding his hands to his chest.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"These  hockey jocks are like newborn puppies." Bowie said with a hand on his  hip. "Not very smart and hard to understand but completely adorable."

He put his hands together and gazed up, thinking of how cute the jock were for trying to be leaders.

/End of confessional/

"Emma,  Julia! You two are on defense Deal one to two wheel breakout." Raj said  as he pointed to them, the latter texting on her phone.

(Julie's phone count: 6)

"MK  will be on the pivot while Bowie takes their eyes away!" Rah said,  pointing to them as they just looked confused/blank. "No blind passes!  Let's get that skull! Go go go go!"

Wayne and Raj ran to the other fort while everyone else looked confused.

"Did you understand any of that?" MK asked Bowie.

"Nope. But it's cute how they try." Bowie said before walking ahead. "Let's go, MK."

"Okkie dokkie." MK said, following him.

"Hmm, I guess that just leaves us to defend." Emma said, putting her right hand on her hip.

"Sure, sounds good." Julia said, still texting.

Ferocious Trouts fort

Their  fort appeared to be made of round stones and wooden supports with a  pointed hay roof. Their team flag was raised in top of the roof. In  front of it was a large rock pedestal with a thin pink skull on it. They  had a similar boulder and switch with the fire hose on the side.

"So, how do we know when to start?" Zee asked everyone.


Everyone turned to see Wayne and Raj rushing towards them.

"Have they never heard a real owl?" Damian asked, confused.

"They're already attacking! We need a game plan!" Priya said, turning to everyone. "Who wants to be defense?"

"I can work the fire hose if that's cool." Zee said, picking up the fire hose.

"Great!" Priya said, clapping her hands.

"I can throw stink bombs." Marcus said, standing by the crate full of stink bomb.

"Nice!" Priya said.

"I can blade these babies." Axel said, smirking as she spun a harpoon gun in hand.

"Awesome!" Priya said, nodding.

"I call the jackhammer!" Scary Girl/Lauren said, waving her hand around as she found a jackhammer near their fort.

"G-Wait, a jackhammer?" Priya said in confusion.

Before anyone could say anything, Scary Girl/Lauren turned it and rode the jackhammer like a motorized pogo stick.

"Uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh!" She let out with a grin, riding past her teammates.

Chris and Chef's lawn chairs

"Chef, did you leave a jackhammer lying near the Trout fort?" Chris asked, watching on a tablet.

"Well I, um. Maybe. You distracted me when you took down a tree with that plunger harpoon." Chef said, pointing to the side.

"Uh  huh." Chris said before pulling out a megaphone. "Attention, everyone!  Chef has made a mistake and left a jackhammer in the field. So  obviously...it's staying in the game!"

Area before Ferocious Trouts fort

"Go go go!" Wayne said before stopping, making everyone else stop behind them.

"Hehehehehehehehehe!" Scary Girl/Lauren laughed, jackhammering towards them. "Who wants to be my second crush? Ahahahahahahaha!"

"Retreat!" Wayne shouted as he and Raj ran in the other direction.

"WAAAAH!" MK screamed as she jumped and ran away with Bowie!

"Hehehehehehehe!" Scary Girl/Lauren laughed, chasing them.

/Wayne's and Raj's outhouse confessional/

"Dang. Talk about bring the pain. What do you think, Rajjie?" Wayne asked.

"PENALTY!" Raj shouted, pumping his fists.

"Then 10-20 for attempted manslaughter." Wayne said, pointing to Raj.

"Hahahaha! Nice!" Raj said before becoming serious. "The joke, not the manslaughter. That's not cool. Murder is never cool."

"Nice, that's deep man." Wayne said, slapping Raj's shoulder.

/End of confessional/

"AAAAAAAH!" Wayne, Raj, and MK continued to scream as birds flew away from above.

Ferocious Trouts fort

"Scary's got them on the run! Let's go!" Chase said, rushing forward!

"Yeah! Woooo!" Priya and Millie said as they ran behind him with Damian walked slowly.

Frogs of Death fort

"Here they come! Get ready!" Emma said, holding the fire hose.

"Just one sec." Julia said, holding a plunger gun and pulling out her phone. "Hey, peeps! So-"

Emma groaned as Julia livestreams.

Area before Frogs of Death fort

"We've got this!" Priya said as she and Millie ran.

"Yeah but why is Chase behind us?" Millie asked, looking back.

Chase was whistling as he walked instead of ran, his hands in his pockets.

"Millie, duck!" Priya said as she ducked!


A stream of water hit Millie, knocking her to the ground in front of Chase!

"Ugh!" Millie grunted, her eyes spinning.

"Oooooh. See that's why I didn't rush in." Chase said to Millie.

"Oh no, is Millie's okay?" Priya asked, rushing to them.

"She is not and you won't be soon." Chase said, pointing ahead.

Millie looked back and gasped.

Frogs of Death fort

"Hehehe." Emma chuckled, smirking Emily as she fired the hose at Priya!

Area before Frogs of Death fort

Priya braced herself before a random metal shield rose from a stump, protecting her.

Frogs of Death fort

"You got lucky, Priya! Now who's next?" Emma asked.

Area before Frogs of Death fort

Between Priya hiding behind and Millie soaked on the ground, the only choice left was Chase.

/Emma's outhouse confessional/

"Ugh!  I know I said I would put him out of my mind and blasting him might  somehow send him the wrong message, but if I don't blast him, that would  get me in trouble with my team." Emma said before holding her chin.  "Hmm, when in doubt, do what you think is right."

/End of confessional/

Frogs of Death fort

Emma grinned as she fired the hose at Chase!

Area before Frogs of Death fort

Only for a metal shield to rise and protect him by chance.

/Chase's outhouse confessional/

"Did  you see how Emma waited until the shield rose to fire?" Chase said  before hugging himself. "Hehehe, I knew she still loved me."

/End of confessional/

"Nice  work, babe! It's like we're still working together!" Chase said,  peaking from behind the shield and giving a peace sign. "Hahaha."

Frogs of Death fort

"UGH!" Emma groaned loudly, hating this and him.

Forest between the Forts

Scary  Girl/Lauren was still riding the jackhammer as she looked for the other  team, missing them as they hid behind some bushes. Once she left, they  quickly peaked out.

"Too close." Bowie said before they all ducked back down. "How are gonna get past her?"

"Someone could act as a decoy and let us go get the skull." Wayne said, rubbing his chin.

"MK, you fake left to draw her away while we head for their goal." Raj said to the smallest of the group.

"Yeah Um, not a chance, hockey puck." MK said, raising her hand.

"Sorry, MK. But it's time to be a team player." Bowie said, grabbing her shoulder.

With a quick toss, MK was thrown out of the bush.

"Ouph!" She let out, landing on her stomach.

Scary Girl/Lauren heard this and gazed back, seeing MK.

"Oh! Time for smash some MK grapes." She said, turning the jackhammer around.

MK gasped at the sight of Scary Girl/Lauren, laughing in glee as she approached.

"Not cool, man! Not cool!" MK shouted, running away as fast as she could.

She  came to a stop near a dock, looking around for a place to hide before  seeing a boat house with a life preserver on the side, a harpoon in the  wall, and shark teeth in the door!

Boat House

MK rushed inside and closed to door behind her! Looking outside, she saw and heard the jackhammer passing by.

"Oh where, oh where has my little sheep gone?" Scary Girl/Lauren said, passing by a bush and the dock of the boat house.

"Did they even background check her for this show?!" MK asked, seeing the gothic girl leave.

Popping  out of the bush, Damian looked around before locking eyes with MK in  surprise. The short girl quickly duck below the door window with her  back in the door.

/Damian's outhouse confessional/

"If  I had to pick between a wolf and Scary Girl in a jackhammer, I'd be  idiot NOT to pick the wolf." Damian said before chuckling. "I have never  been more glad to have her on MY team."

/End of confessional/

Scary Girl/Lauren was still searching for MK as Damian rose from the bush again.

"Hey,  Scary. It looks like she gave you the slip. Guess you'll have to find  someone else." Damian said as she stopped the jackhammer in place.

Scary Girl/Lauren turned her her around like an owl, gazing at HIM with sadistic glee.

"What? Nononono! I didn't mean me!" Damian said, running off!

Scary Girl/Lauren laughed as she jackhammered after him.

/Scary Girl/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

Scary Girl/Lauren stood in the dark outhouse with her back to the camera.

"Sometimes I-" she said, turning as the camera cut to her standing in front the camera. "-get too excited."

/End of confessional/

Boat House

MK was still hiding inside before she noticed an group of monitors and a computer set up inside along with a rolling chair.

"Ooooh, what is this puppy?" MK asked, approaching it and pushing a button.

The main monitor changed from a map of the island to a random shield location, popping it up and down.

"This place controls the shields? Hahahahaha, Jackpot!" MK said with a victorious grin.

Area before Ferocious Trouts fort

Wayne, Raj, and Bowie ran for the fort without any resistance thank to MK(and Damian).

"Let's get 'em!" Wayne said as the rush to the Trout fort.

Ferocious Trouts fort

"Stay back or you'll get hit with this firehouse." Zee said, standing on the roof with the hose in hand.

"Zee,  don't warn the enemy! Just fire!" Axel said, laying on her stomach next  to him. "You two, Marcus! Throw those stink bombs!"

Marcus nodded to them as they all began to attack; throwing stink bombs, shooting plungers, and spraying water at the Toads.

Area before Ferocious Trouts fort

Wayne, Raj, and Bowie kept running, dodging everything thrown at them by a hair and coming out unharmed.

Ferocious Trouts fort

"Wow, sweet moves dudes!" Zee said, stopping the hose.

"Don't compliment them." Marcus said, still throwing stink bombs.

Axel fired her last plunger before throwing the harpoon gun away.

"I'm out of ammo!" She said before jumping down, landing next to the boulder release lever. "Time for the big one!"

Axel pulled the lever back, making the boulder roll forward as an air horn went off!

Area before Ferocious Trouts fort

"Incoming!" Bowie shouted, pointing to the rolling boulder.

"Get behind me! I got this!" Wayne said, stopping and holding his hands out!


The boulder rolled right over him, embedding Wayne into the ground!

"Ooooh! Clean hit but you okay, bro?" Raj asked, stopping before Wayne.

Ferocious Trouts fort

"Firing the second!" Axel said, releasing another boulder to roll to the trio.

Area before Ferocious Trouts fort

"Raj! Look out!" Bowie said, rushing to him!

Raj was busy helping an injured Wayne up, suddenly tackled away by Bowie, as the second boulder rolled over Wayne!


"Big  rocks hurt a lot more than small rocks." Wayne said, pulling up to  reveal dislocated arms and a swollen face with a black eye.

Bowie and Raj were okay, the former laying on top of the latter as they were face to face.

"Um...Thanks for the save." Raj said, smiling nervously.

"Don't mention it." Bowie said, smiling at him.

/Raj's outhouse confessional/

He  was stammering, trying his best to describe how he was feeling after  Bowie saved him but couldn't. They weren't bad feelings but they were  confusing feelings.

"Huh..." Raj said, looking down.

/Wayne's outhouse confessional/

He  sat with his injuries slightly better, his arms back into place, his  face no longer swollen, and his black eye gone. Yet his clothes were  still damaged.

"So, I think my best bud, Raj, is gay. And that's  great!" Wayne said, happy for his friend. "I can't wait for him to tell  me so I can let him know I support him."

/End of confessionals/

Forest between the Forts

"Hehehehehe." Scary Girl/Lauren giggled, now looking Damian on the jackhammer.

Said guy was hiding in a hollow stump before looking up, seeing she had left.

"Okay, okay. She's gone. You're safe." He said to himself.

Boat House

"Oh, so you think you're safe?" MK asked, watching him from the monitor. "Think again, sucka!"

She pressed a certain button on the keyboard.

Forest between the Forts

A shield popped up from the stump, sending Damian out!

"AAAAAAH!" He screamed before landing on his butt!

Hearing this, Scary Girl/Lauren looked back and saw Damian in the open again!

"There you are!" She said, turning the jackhammer around.

"AAAAAAH!" Damian screamed, holding his head.

/Scary Girl's/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

For once, she looked sad as she sat with her legs crossed.

"I  know he's on my team but I just can't resist Damian's screams! But what  if Marcus gets the wrong idea that I like another guy?" She said before  her face and shaking her head. "Oh what's a girl to do? This has never  happened to me before!"

/End of confessional/

Still screaming, Damian ran away from his teammate as she kept chasing him. But giggled a little less.

/MK's outhouse confessional/

Using  her stolen phone, MK plugged the camera cord into it to download the  latest confessionals. One of which being Scary Girl's/Lauren's.

"I  know he's on my team but I just can't resist Damian's screams! But what  if Marcus gets the wrong idea that I like another guy?" The recording  said before MK stopped it.

"Yep. They do NOT give background check to be in this show." MK said.

/End of confessional/

Ferocious Trouts fort

"We're out of boulders and plungers. Hopefully Scary Girl or Damian has the skull." Axel said, walking up to Marcus.

Suddenly they heard something, turning to the right to see Damian still running from Scary Girl/Lauren on the jackhammer.

"I don't think so." Marcus said, having mixed feeling about seeing Scary Girl/Lauren chasing Damian with a grin on her face.

"Grrr!  Then I'll have to get it myself!" Axel said before pointing to Marcus.  "You stay with Zee and make sure nobody gets our skull while I got for  theirs!"

/Axel's outhouse confessional/

"Out  of everyone on my team, Marcus and Priya are the most capable. So I can  at least trust them to keep things in order if I need to." Axel said,  crossing her arms. "Everyone else? Too weak, too unfocused, or too  crazy."

/End of confessional/

"First you'll have to get past them." Marcus said, pointing towards Bowie and Raj as they hide behind a shield.

"Gladly." Axel said, pulling out a black metal collapsible bo staff. "I never leave home without at least one weapon."

Area before Ferocious Trouts fort

Axel rushed to the shield Bowie and Raj were hiding behind, jumping over it and landing in front of them!

"AAAH!" They said in fear.

"You should be afraid!" Axel said, smirking before beating them up with the staff.

After  a minute of beating, the duo took off running back to their fort.  Bodies injured and clothes ripped as Axel stood victorious before  rolling her shoulders and chasing them to the Frogs of Death fort.

Ferocious Trouts fort

"Dude, brutal." Zee said, standing next to Marcus.

"I've seen worse." Marcus said, going back to getting stink bombs.

Frogs of Death fort

Wayne was not with Emma and Julia, throwing stink bombs as they attacked Chase, Priya, and Millie.

"Keep going, team! Protect our skull!" Wayne said.

Area before Frogs of Death fort

Priya was hiding behind a shield before it lowered!

"Aaah!" She screamed before dodging a stink bomb.

Chase was also hiding behind a shield before it fell, leaving him open to the fire hose!

"AAH!" He let out, rushing to dodge and squeezing behind another shield.

Which was now protecting Priya, Millie, and Chase from the fire hose.

"Is it just me, or are the shields against us?" Millie asked, squished between Priya and Chase.

Boat House

MK was laughing nefariously as she watched the monitor.

"Dance, little fishes! Dance!" She said!

Area before Frogs of Death fort

"Okay,  forget the shields! We need to end this!" Chase said as he stood before  Priya and Millie, right as the shield lowers. "Then plan is-"


A plunger hit him in the face, knocking him down to the ground!

"Oh shot! We're dead!" Priya said, huddling with Millie.


"AAAAAH!" They screamed, getting hit by the fire hose.

Frogs of Death fort

Julia smirked victoriously as she cut off the house while Emma stood next to her.

"Nice shot, Julia!" Emma said with a smile.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"Their pores needed a wash. I helped them and my team." Julia said before crossing her arms. "You're welcome."

/End of confessional/

Bowie and Raj arrived back at the fort, breathing heavily and showing their injuries.

"Yikes, what happened to you two?" Julia asked.

"Axel got the drop on us." Raj said, rubbing his face.

"She was like a ninja combined with a super soldier." Bowie said before gesturing to Raj. "We're tagging out."

"Fine then. You guys stay here to help defend our skull while I sneak to grab theirs!" Emma said, looking determined.

/Emma's outhouse confessional/

"The  more my team times, the more chances Chase gets eliminated. Then I can  stop thinking about him for good!" Emma said, clenching her fists. "What  better motivation is there?"

/End of confessional/

Area before Frogs of Death fort

Axel arrived before the wet pile of Millie and Priya, the former on top of the latter.

"What happened?" Axel asked them.

"The shield keep disappearing. Can't get close." Priya said, still soaking wet.

"Then I'll make my own!" Axel said, determined.

She ran past them as she had her staff at the ready.

Frogs of Death fort

Wayne, Raj, and Bowie stood on top of their fort with the blond holding a plunger gun.

"Someone's coming!" Wayne said, putting a hand over his brow.

"Oh no! It's Axel!" Raj said, pointing in fear!

"Stop her!" Wayne said, pulling out another plunger gun.

Raj quickly picked up the fire hose and used it, firing water at Axel as Wayne and Bowie fired plungers.

Area before Frogs of Death fort

Axel kept running as she span her staff as fast as she could, deflecting the water and plungers.

"That all you go, Cobardes?" She asked, smirking.

Frogs of Death fort

"Um, no?" Julia asked, standing next to the boulder and release lever. "Boulder anyone?"

Area before Frogs of Death fort

The large rock was rolling towards but she didn't waver as she ran towards it.

"Piece of cake!" Axel said, spinning and stabbing her staff into the ground.

With a kick up, Axel pole vaults over the boulder and tucked into a roll before getting up to run again!

Frogs of Death fort

"No way, she's gonna win!" Bowie said as he, Raj, and Wayne looked worried.

Axel grabs the green skull and held it in the air!

"Oh yeah! Victory is ours!" Axel shouted before running off, holding the skull tightly.

Boat House

MK watched as Axel ran to Chris on the monitors.

"Immunity, here I come!" She said.

"Immunity? I don't think so, señorita psycho!" MK said before pushing a button.

Forest between the Forts

A shield rose in front of Axel, making her slam into it as the skull was sent flying!

"No!" Axel shouted, quickly rushing after it!

Meanwhile with Scary Girl/Lauren, she finally caught up with Damian was he cowered in the ground.

"C-Come on." Damian said, holding his hand out.

"Ahahahahahaha." Scary Girl/Lauren laughed, riding the jackhammer closer to him.

"Can't we talk about this?" Damian asked before the skull hit his head. "Ouch!"

He saw the green skull roll away from him before Scary Girl/Lauren got off the jackhammer and picked it up.

"Hello, what's this?" She asked, looking at it as the jackhammer drove itself away.

"It's the Frog team's skull!" Axel said, running and stopping before her. "We need to take to Chris so we can win!"

"Okay, but before that, let's give her a makeover." Scary Girl/Lauren said, looking at the green skull.

"A what? Out of the question! Give me that!" Axel said before snatching the skull from her, running to Chris.

"Hey!" Scary Girl/Lauren shouted, running after Axel.

Ferocious Trouts fort

Zee was back on the roof of the fort with the house and spraying water at Emma, knocking her back!

"Hey, good try! You were so close that time!" Zee shouted to Emma.

"Stop, cheering for her!" Marcus said in anger.

Area before Ferocious Trout fort

Emma was on the ground, soaking wet as she rubbed her head.

"Emma, can you hear me?" MK said from somewhere.

"MK?" Emma asked, looking up to see a camera and speaker attached to a tree.

"Yeah, it's me. Step into the bushes by this tree." MK said through the speaker.

"Why?" Emma asked.

"Just trust me, it'll help!" MK said.

With nothing to lose, Emma walked into the bush near the tree before she was launched into the air by a shield!

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Emma screamed!

Ferocious Trout fort

Emma tumbled and rolled across the ground before stopping right in front of the pink skull!

"Ugh." She said before looking up and gasping, smiling! "Thank you, MK!"

Emma quickly got up and grabbed the skull, cheering happily!

"Drop that skull now!" Marcus screamed, rushing towards Emma!

"Aaaah!" Emma screamed in fear of him!


Suddenly, Zee fired at Emma and knocked her away from Marcus!

"NO!" Marcus screamed!

Forest between the Forts

Emma  kept screaming as Zee kept spraying her away from the fort, making the  blond girl tumble across the grass and down a hill before sliding up a  small edge back into the air!

Chris and Chef

Axel, still being chased by Scary Girl/Lauren, ran all the way to them and was only a few feet away!

"Yes! We win!" Axel said with a smile.

Suddenly  everyone heard screaming as they looked up and saw Emma falling before  crashing on the green carpet between the two Trout girls at the hosts!

"What the heck?!" Axel said in shock.

"Ohohohohoho!" Scary Girl/Lauren laughed while clapping.

"I...I got it." Emma said, revealing a black eye and bruises as well as the pink skull in her hand.

Chris pulled out megaphone and spoke into it.

"The Frogs of Death win immunity!" Chris shouted with a grin.

"NO!" Axel shouted, throwing the green skull to the ground as Scary Girl/Lauren picked it up.

"Now I can give you both makeovers." She said, walking to Emma and taking the pink skull too.

Frogs of Death

They  celebrate as Julia took a selfie, Wayne and Raj horseplay, and Bowie  pumps his fists! MK walked up to her team with a smile on her face.

"Yeah! We did it!" She said as the celebration stopped.

"Um...you didn't do anything." Julia said before texting in her phone. "You just ran off."

"Yeah, MK. You totally ghosted us." Bowie said as everyone walked away from her.

"What? No! I was working this shields to it advantage!" MK said but they didn't listen, making her slump.

"Hey,  I know you played a big part in helping us win." Emma said, walking up  to MK and patting her back. "We couldn't have done this without you."

"Awww, thank for saying that, Emma." MK said with a smile before glaring at her. "When everyone is gone!"

Ferocious Trouts

Everyone was back at their fort as Scary Girl/Lauren held both skulls, which now had her hairstyle, eye shadow, and lipstick.

"How did Emma get the skull in the first place? And get to Chris so fast?!" Axel asked everyone.

"Don't look at me. I was with you the whole time at the end." Scary Girl/Lauren said, looking over her new skulls.

"I think the person to blame is Zee." Marcus said, glaring at the tall male.

"Zee? Why him?" Priya asked.

"When  Emma somehow got the skull, I was about to rush her and take it back  before he suddenly sprayed her away ALL the way to the finish." Marcus  said, glaring at Zee. "If you had just let me attack her, we could've  won!"

"Whoa, dude. Calm down. I didn't know I would knock her all  the way to the finish. Can't blame me for that." Zee said, holding his  hands up. "But you can't also blame me for saving a girl from those  hands."

"Let's just think about this clearly. Who deserves to go  home more?" Chase asked before gesturing to Zee then Axel. "The guy who  made an honest mistake or the girl who wasn't fast enough to reach  Chris?"

"It was more than an honest mistake, it was idiotic! This  guy can't even remember what he had for breakfast aside from orange  soda! How are we suppose to know if he remembered Emma was even on the  enemy team?!" Marcus shouted in anger, crossing his arms.

"Okay, now that's going too far. Even Zee can remember what we had for breakfast, right?" Millie asked the tall teammate.

"Sure I remember. We had...uh...uh..." Zee said, tapping his chin as he tried to remember what he had for breakfast.

"I rest my case." Marcus said, glaring at Zee before leaving the team.

"Hey, if we're talking about eliminating someone, can I throw my name in there?" Damian asked with a small smile. "Please?"

Scary Girl/Lauren wasn't paying attention to Damian for once, gazing to Marcus's retreating form with a frown.

/Scary Girl's/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

"I've  never seen Marcus like that. So...angry." She said, taping her lips as  she still frowned. "I don't think I like it. I don't like seeing Marcus  angry at all."

/End of confessional/

Ferocious Trouts cabin

Marcus  was back on his bed and mediating, taking deep and angry breaths to  calm down after they lost because of Zee! He was so angry right now,  that if he went to train, he would do nothing but break his skin and  bones against a tree! As he continued to meditate with heavy breaths,  Scary Girl/Lauren walked into the cabin.

"Who ever it is, I am not apologizing for telling the truth." Marcus said, not opening his eyes.

"I know and I don't blame you." She said, making Marcus surprised as she walked to the bed and sit next to him.

The  gothic girl said nothing else as she leaned her head on his shoulder,  remaining quiet as Marcus continued meditating. This time, his breathing  was growing calm and calmer before he was breathing normally and his  anger controlled.

Campfire Pit

After hours  of recovering and settling tempers passed before the Ferocious Trouts  walked to the campfire pit, some of them worried while others were calm  as they got ready to send another member of their team home tonight.

Sitting from left to right: Zee, Chase, Millie, Priya, Scary Girl/Lauren, Marcus, Axel, and Damian.

"Hello,  losers. Some of you failed, some of your succeeded, and now all of you  will decide who will be sent home tonight." Chris said to them as Chef  stood behind him.

"Damian." Chef said.

"What did I do?" Damian asked in surprise.

"Nothing but running around and screaming all through the challenge. No offense and no defense." Chef said.

/Damian's outhouse confessional/

"How is that my fault? I was being chased by a jackhammer!" Damian said with a frown.

/End of confessional/

"Axel." Chef said to her.

"Get on with it." Axel said, crossing her arms.

"You  were a strong team player and nearly won it for you team, but you  nearly lost the skull and weren't fast enough to get it to Chris before  Emma literally dropped in." Chef said, pointing to her.

/Axel's outhouse confessional/

"I agree with Marcus. I blame Zee for that." She said, pointing to the camera.

/End of confessional/

"Hey,  friend ." Scary Girl/Lauren whispered to Priya. "If you still want me  in your alliance, I have the perfect person to vote out tonight.  Interested?"

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"So,  it turns out she knew what I wanted after all and still wants to join.  Just as long as me and Millie vote for who she suggested." Priya said  with a nervous smile before staring sadly and blankly. "Great..."

/End of confessional/

"Scary Girl. You had the school but tried to give it a makeover before Axel took it back." Chef said to her.

"What? I had to doll them up, they looked dead." She said, shrugging.

"Marcus. You lost your cool with Zee and pinned all the blame on him for your team's loss." Chef said to him.

"Which is true." Marcus said blankly, his hands in his pockets.

"Zee.  You screwed up and sent Emma washing all the way to the finish, you  tried to help but ended up helping the wrong side." Chef said, pointing  to Zee.

/Zee's outhouse confessional/

"Dudes make mistakes all the time. You can't blame him for that, right?" Zee asked.

/End of confessional/

"You  guys know the drill by now. You get a marshmallow and you're safe."  Chris said before giving them out. "Chase. Millie. Priya. Scary Girl.  You all are safe."

The four campers coauthor their marshmallows with smile while the last four looked worried or frustrated.

"Marcus,  Axel, Damian, and Zee. One of you will be going home tonight." Chris  said, holding the platter with three marshmallows left. "Damian, I'm  sorry to say-."

"Yes yes yes! I'm going home!" He said, excited and crossing his fingers.

"Nope!  You're safe! You only got one vote and it was from yourself!" Chris  said, throwing the marshmallow at him. "Axel, you got one vote too, so  you're safe."

Axel smirked as she caught her marshmallow and ate  it. Everyone looked between Marcus, who looked angry, and Zee, who  looked worried.

"The person who will be going home tonight is..." Chris said, holding up the last marshmallow. "...

















Chris  threw the marshmallow to Marcus, who caught it tightly as he smiled and  calmed down. Zee on the other hand, looked extremely bummed out.

"Victory has never tasted sweeter." Marcus said with a grin, eating his marshmallow.

"Yay!" Scary Girl/Lauren said, clapping her hands.

Priya looked relived while Millie looked disappointed, all as Zee stood up.

"I  guess it's time for me to go, dudes. It was fun while it lasted." Zee  said with a smile to them. "You can all have my unopened sodas in my  bag, you earned them."

"Zee, as chill a dude as you are, the Dock of Shame and the Drone of Despair awaits." Chris said, leading Zee to the dock.

"I  can't believe Marcus was so close to being voted off." Priya said in  surprise to Millie. "Even if he was too angry, he did make a good point  with Zee."

"I guess some people just like a fun dude more than a serious dude." Millie said, nodding. "It goes against logic."

"But wait, if we voted for Zee with Scary Girl, how did Marcus end up almost-" Priya was cut off by Millie.

"No idea. Maybe it was Chase who voted for him to save Zee, he did defend Zee earlier." Millie said, nodding to Chase.

"I just voted for myself." Damian said, leaning towards them.

"We know, Damian." They said to him.

Dock of Shame

Zee was walking down the dock with three sodas in his arms hand.

"One last drink on me?" Zee offered Chef and Chris.

"I'll take that, sure." Chris said with a smile as he and Chef took the sodas and opened them.

"Here's to you, kid." Chef said, raising his can.

"Cool." Zee said as they raised their soda cans and clinked them together.

They all drank as the Drone of Shame flew in, grabbing Zee by the back of his shirt and flying him away.

"There  goes the chillest dude on TV." Chris said as Chef nodded before turning  to the camera. "Which dude or dudette will be going home next? You can  only find out here in Total. Drama. Island!"

Review, Fav, and Follow for more.

Elimination Order: Caleb, Ripper, Nichelle, Zee

Ferocious Trouts: 7

Frogs of Death: 6

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