Episode 7

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"Last time on Total Drama Island." Chris said as a monkey was on the beach before turning to the camera, screeching and attacking it before cutting the last episode's clips. "Drama had reached and all time high! There are barrels of laughs and pools of romance! And a kiss that only one person was excited for, his name is Wayne!"

The clips showed Scary Girl/Lauren flying through the air, Emma in a barrel, and Raj kissing Bowie as Wayne watched.

"Once all the flinging fun was gone, it looked like Julia was heading home after Marcus glided to victory...until she managed to expose MK as a thief and secret watcher. Thus saving her from elimination." Chris said as it showed Julia showing MK's stolen goods and her own recorded confessional before showing the host himself. "MK had droned on home all alone. Who is the next drone loser? Stay and find out here on TOTAL. DRAMA. ISLAND!"

The camera panned to show the whole island as usual before cutting away.

-Opening Sequence-

Hey what up? I'm here to slay!

A new Camp Wawanakwa comes into view as Chris and Chef land a helicopter with Chris holding the prize money.

Don't know why the rest even bother to stay?

The camera moves to the cliff before jumping off, into the water.

I know the game and I've brought the skill!

Nicelle, Axel, and Priya are swimming away from a shark while Scary Girl/Lauren rides via the fin. Caleb swims up, making the shark stop and admire him as Scary Girl/Lauren is sent spinning off.

Crushing players dream!

Static changes to show MK hacking the camera before ducking, showing Ripper chugging a pot of beans while Zee, Wayne, and Raj watch/cheer. Ripper finishes before tossing the pot and burping/farting loudly, sending Zee flying!

Yeah you know the drill!

The camera moves to Bowie and Millie, the former watching the latter writing notes before Julia backed up while on her phone and bumped into Millie. Causing both to fall.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous!

Marcus and Chase were sparring as Damian and Emma watched. Chase threw a punch that Marcus ducked before he threw a kick to Chase's chin and made him fall to the ground, getting a wince from Damien and a cheer from Emma.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous!

Chef and Chris, who was holding a plate of marshmallow, stood before the campfire pit as everyone sat around them, the camera panning out toward the show title on a sign. Everyone but Marcus, Scary Girl/Lauren and Axel whistles.

Total Drama Island.

-Opening End-

The Forest

The morning sun rose over the horizon as Marcus and Scary Girl stood alone in a clearing. The former looked ready to fight while the latter smiled while rocking on her feet.

"Ready whenever you are!" Scary Girl/Lauren said with a smile.

"Got it." Marcus said before charging forward and throwing a low kick!

"Whoa!" Scary Girl/Lauren let out, quickly sliding her legs back to dodge! "Now that's fast!"

Marcus pressed on and threw flicker jabs, making Scary Girl/Lauren quickly walk backwards and dodge/deflect them!

"Hmph!" Marcus grunts before rushing for a tackle!

Scary Girl/Laurne giggled at this as she jumped over him, before Marcus grabbed her foot! He pulled and threw Scary Girl/Lauren to the left!

"WHOOO!" She let out before spinning in the air and landing with a skid. "That was amazing! Do it again!"

Marcus smiled at her comment before the loudspeakers cut on with an airhorn!


Another Part of Forest


"Huh?" Millie let out before being stuck in the face by a bo staff!

Frogs of Death cabin


"Ugh!" Julia let out as she ruined her lipstick, smudging her face!

Mess Hall


"WAAAH!" Damian screamed, falling back while drinking an orange soda!

Another part of Forest


Axel flinched as she held the role of a snare trap, holding a small fawn.

"Ugh!" She groaned from the sound, letting go and releasing the fawn.

"What time is it? It's challenge time!" Chris said over the loud speakers.

Forest Clearing

Both teams assembled, groaning and grunting, as they walked together with Priya holding the Ferocious Trout flag and Emma holding the Frogs of Death flag. Next to Priya was Millie, who was rubbing her head.

"I don't blame you but that hurt." Millie said, looking at where she was hit.

"I said I was sorry and I said duck." Priya said to her.

Wayne yawned as he walked ahead of Raj.

"Man, what was yesterday, huh?" He asked, nudging his friend.

"It was cashews, pecans, and almonds; totally nuts! Even some peanuts, walnuts, and acorns!" Raj said with finger guns.

"Hehehehe for sure, man." Wayne said before stopping. "Say, I gotta ask. What's the craziest thing to happen to you since we got here?"

"Hmm, if I had to pick, the pudding shark." Raj said, rubbing his chin.

/Raj's outhouse confessional/

"It was kissing Bowie! Compared to that, the shark was nothing." Raj said, excited and happy.

/Wayne's outhouse confessional/

"The shark instead of the kiss? Did he kiss the shark too?" Wayne asked, confuse and slightly offended. "No! No! He's just not telling me about the kiss!"

Suddenly, he gasped in horror!

"Does Rajjie think I won't support him? No, I can't let him think that! I gotta show my buddy I'll support him 200 percent!" Wayne said before gasping again. "Whoa. I've never given 200 percent before."

/End of confessionals/

The teams stood before Chris and Chef as a small campfire pit was made in between them.

"Welcome to today's challenge. Before we begin, Priya, Emma. Bring forward your team flags." Chris said to them.

Everyone watched as the two girls walked forward, confused and glancing at another. Chef walked towards them and took their rolled up flags, turning around to the fire before throwing them inside. Both flags ignited and burned, causing smoke to puff into the air.

"As of today, the Ferocious Trouts and Frogs of Death are disbanded. Today is the merge." Chef said, pointing to them.

"And you know what that means. Since now you are all one team, only one of you can win immunity each challenge." Chris said, holding a finger up.

Everyone gasped at this, glancing to each in worry while some of them smirked at this. Such as Bowie.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"Fine by me. There's only one of me anyway." Bowie said, crossing his legs and pointing to himself.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

She was nervously like poking her fingers together.

"This is WAY too early for the merge compared to previous seasons. 11 players left and only one immunity spot?" Priya said with a finger up. "This is gonna be BAD."

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"Halfway through, not bad." Marcus said, his hands in his pockets. "The challenges have been tougher than expected, but I still think I can handle what comes next."

/End of confessionals/

"So I guess this is it, we're no longer a team." Damian said, looking to his ex teammates.

"That doesn't mean we can't still be friends." Millie said with a smile.

"Maybe but this also means we can target each other, so watch your backs." Axel said to the group, smiling victoriously as some of her ex teammates looked worrisome.

Seeing this, Julia smirked as she was coming up with a plan.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"This is perfect. The more people that can be on the chopping block, the better chance I have a making it to the finale." Julia said with her fists on her hips. "And I have the perfect person to start with."

/End of confessional/

"What's the challenge, Sr. Anfitrión?" Axel asked Chris.

"This challenge, like you Axel, is simple yet dangerous." Chris said as Chef stood behind him.

"I resent the "simple" but accept the "dangerous" part." Axel said with a nod, still smiling.

"Your challenge today is the bring me a cassowary egg." Chris said.

Damien gasped in shock, looking horrified at Chris and at the challenge.

"A CASSOWARY?!" Damian shouted while grabbing his head.

"A what?" Marcus asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's a big bird. Like an ostrich." Emma said, walking to him.

"But very different." Chef added.

"And only the deadliest bird in the world!" Damian screamed, very much afraid.

"And my favorite bird in the world!" Scary Girl/Lauren said, clapping quickly. "It's like meeting a deadly version of that big bird puppet from that show when I was a kid!"

/Millie's outhouse confessional/

Millie shivered/winced as she writes this in her notebook, adding to Scary Girl's/Lauren's profile.

/End of confessional/

"Since you happen to know so much about them, why don't you explain for us, Damian?" Chris asked with a smile, his hands on his hips.

Gulping in fear as everyone looked at him, Damian took a breath to calm down as a clip show of a cassowary was shown.

Clip Show

"Cassowaries, the flightless birds of the genus Casuarius in the order Casuariiformes, can grow up to 6 feet tell. Their long and powerful legs let them run up to 31 mph and are capable of kicking with enough force to break human bones like twigs!" Damian said as a cassowary was shown running to a tree and kicking it into the sky! "Not to mention they have 5 inch long, razor sharp talons that can slice through nearly anything, especially if you get near their nests!"

A beat was shown sneaking to a large nest, aiming to get an egg, before a mother cassowary popped out!

"URAAAAAAH!" She gutters, raising her talons and slashing at the bear!

Whimpering was heard as the bear ran away, but was missing half its lower body!

The Forest

Everyone gasped in shock, except Scary Girl/Lauren as she was bouncing in excitement.

/Scary Girl's/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

"This is the best challenge ever! It makes those raptors look like nothing! Ehehehehehehe!" She said, giggling in glee.

/End of confessional/

"Thank you for that, Damian. And considering how dangerous cassowaries are, I'm allowing you all to for teams of two with one team of three." Chris said, pointing to the players. "That way, at least you won't be alone if you get got and we can find you bodies. Now pair it up!

Team 1

"We are gonna ROCK this challenge. You and me!" Priya said, gazing at Millie.

"Yeah we are but, a small problem." Millie said before looking terrified. "I have a fear of certain birds and the cassowary is one of them."

"...That's cool. We can work around that." Priya said, shrugging.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"Okay, didn't expect that, but we can still work around it!" Priya said before flexing her right arm. "My training with Millie has made her a lot stronger, so we got this. Besides, I've already learned how to deal with large birds. My parents taught me."

She then looked shocked and quickly smiled sheepishly.

"Like all good parents do to protect their children." Priya said quickly.

/End of confessional/

Team 2

"Hey, Damian, up for being teammates again?" Axel asked him, walking to him.

"Really? Sure!" Damian said with a smile.

/Axel's outhouse confessional/

"Damian might be a little afraid but he's very smart. His knowledge will be very useful in helping one of us get immunity. I.E. me." Axel said, gesturing to herself.

/Damian's outhouse confessional/

"Phew! Thank goodness Axel partnered up with me! Her survival skills and weapons will DEFINITELY keep me alive long enough to win immunity or just survive the challenge. Whichever comes first." Damian said with a sheepish grin and a shrug. "I'm still in it to win, but I want to live to see the money."

/End of confessional/

Julia was peaking from behind a tree before stepping in front of Scary Girl/Lauren.

"Hey, let's talk for a second." She said to her.

"If this is about teaming up, no thanks." Scary Girl/Lauren said, looking past Julia to Marcus.

"I figured but I just wanted to talk to you since we're both obvious choices for elimination." Julia said with her hands up.

"How do you figure?" Scary Girl/Lauren asked, tilting her head.

"Because my team is jealous of my looks and popularity." Julia said, gesturing to herself before pointing at Scary Girl/Lauren. "And you just plain scare all of us. Out of everyone, we're the closest on the chopping block."

"Mmmm, okay. So what do you suggest?" Scary Girl asked, leaning closer.

"At the elimination ceremony, vote with me against one of the weaker players. Damian." Julia said, narrowing her eyes in cunning.

"And if I DO vote for Damian, how are you going to come up with a majority vote?" Scary Girl/Lauren asked.

"Just leave that to me." Julia said, putting her fingers together.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"That's one down. At least four more to go." Julia said, holding up four fingers.

/Scary Girl's/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

"Like I would vote for Damian, I still enjoy his screams. Plus, Julia doesn't know I'm still in an alliance with Priya and Millie. And Marcus since I like him so much." Scary Girl/Lauren said, giggling. "Sorry, Julia, but you're out of luck."

/End of confessionals/

Team 3

Julia was walking towards Emma and Bowie as they were talking.

"So, I was thinking that-" Emma said.

"Hey guys, mind if I join you?" Julia asked as she stopped before them. "Chris said there had to be at least one team of three, so why not us?"

"Hmmm, I guess that could work." Emma said before looking to Bowie. "What about you?"

"Sounds good to me." Bowie said, giving a finger gun.

An air horn was heard as everyone turned to Chris, seeing him blowing it.

"Alright team, go get me those unborn, birdies!" Chris said with a smile.

Everyone began running off to search as Marcus turned to Scary Girl/Lauren skipping to him.

"Looks like it's just us." Marcus said to her.

"Yeah. Just the way I like it." Scary Girl/Lauren said, taking his hand in hers. "Let's go!"

She began running to take the league, pulling Marcus along as he let her.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"Lauren is the best person I could've hoped to partner with, so I'm fine being with her." Marcus said, smiling a bit while a blush grew on his cheeks.

/End of confessional/

Team 5 (Raj and Wayne)

The two were searching the forest for a cassowary nest, looking high and low.

"Hey, you know what I like most about our friendship?" Wayne asked, walking behind Raj.

"That we can competent trust each other and always have fun?" Raj said, pushing past a tree.

"No. Well yes but something else." Wayne said as he stopped walking.

"Oh! That...we're the same size and can borrow each other's jockstrap?" Raj asked, walking backwards to look at Wayne.

"No, not that. Please, just listen okay?" Wayne said, rushing to Raj and making him stop.

"Whoa, must be serious. Okay, shoot." Raj said to him.

"What I like most about our friendship is that we can be honest with each other about anything and everything." Wayne said, gesturing to himself. "No secret and no judgement. Like the time I told you I ate that burger from the garbage after hockey practice?"

"Hehehehe. Yeah, I remember that. I can still smell it in the back of my mom's car on hot days." Raj said with a laugh.

"And even if I was scared to tell you because of all the vomit, I told you and you didn't hate me for it." Wayne said with a smile before putting a hand on Raj's shoulder. "So if there's anything deep you want to tell me, you can trust me, bro."

"I know, bro. Thanks." Raj said with a smile.

/Wayne's outhouse confessional/

He was laughing in excitement as he sat in the toilet.

"This is it! Raj is gonna come out to me and tell me he's gay!" Wayne said with a smile. "And that he and Bowie are a thing! I'm so happy for him!"

/End of confessional/

Wayne stoped back to take a breath and shake away any jitters, closing his eyes.

"Okay, go ahead bro." Wayne said before opening his eyes, only to see Raj was gone.

He looked around but still didn't see him.

"Wayne! Over here!" Raj called out, making Wayne rush off as he was kneeling behind a bush. "I found us a nest with eggs."

Looking ahead, Wayne could see a large cassowary nest left unattended and two large eggs were inside. Both a shade of green.

"Aw, sweet!" Wayne said, walking out before hearing something.

From behind them, a cassowary popped up with a glare.

"AAAAAH!" They both screamed.

"RUUUUUUUUH!" She gutturally screeched as Wayne and Raj ran in separate directions!

The cassowary ran after Wayne, leaving Raj to get the eggs!

"Nice birdie! Nice birdie!" Wayne shouted, glancing back to the cassowary chasing him!

Team 4 (Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren)

The duo were walking in comfortable silence, their hands still together as they searched for eggs together.

"So, Marcus, if I wanted to pitch an alliance together with you, what would you say?" She asked him, moving to hold his arm.

"I'd ask why me specifically?" He replied to her.

"Well because I like you first of all. You're smart, strong, fast, and SCARY. All the things I find wonderful about you." Scary Girl/Lauren said, putting her head in his shoulder. "I'd even dare say, I would love to ask you out in a date if I were asking."

"Oh! Well...thank you." Marcus said, surprised and flattered. "I...I find you amazing too. You're unique and wonderful to be around. I would love to be in an alliance with you and maybe...ask you out as well if I asked you."

/Scary Girl's/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She squeals, clapping in excitement. "He basically asked me out! Yes!"

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"I don't know how but I think I asked her out." Marcus said, scratching his head before smiling. "And I think she going to say yes."

/End of confessionals/

"So it's agreed! We're in an alliance and after the show, we can go on our first date!" Scary Girl/Lauren said before kissing Marcus's cheek.

This made him blush more than he ever had in his life, simply nodding to her as they kept searching for a nest.

Team 2 (Axel and Damian)

The two were hidden behind a large rock as they viewed a sleeping cassowary sitting in her nest.

"Target insight." Axel whispered, wearing jungle camouflage again.

"Now we just need to find a way to get her to leave and then we can snatch her eggs." Damian whispered, tapping his chin. "We just need a plan."

"I think I have the perfect solution." Axel said as they pulled back behind the rock, she reached into her pocket pulled out a strange looking gun.

"Whoa?! Why do you have that?!" Damian whisper-shouted in fear.

"It's not what you think. It's a tranquilizer dart gun, loaded with my own special recipe." Axel whispered, cocking the gun.

"Okay but why do you have it? I thought you were training a zombie apocalypse?" Damian whispered to her.

"I am. And you never know exactly what TYPE of zombie you'll run into." Axel whispered to him.

/Axel's outhouse confessional/

"A few common types of zombies are lanky, slow, and runners. But there are rare instances where you could run into more monster like zombies or large animals with the zombie virus." Axel said, spinning the tranquilizer gun with her finger. "You never know, so you gotta be prepared!"

/End of confessional/

"All I need is one shot and that bird will be down for hours." Axel said before looking to Damian. "Think you can distract her so she will move from the nest?"

"Totally. So long as you don't hit me by mistake, okay?" Damian asked nervously.

"Deal." Axel said with a nod.

Team 3 (Emma, Bowie, and Julia)

The trio was walking through the woods as Emma told them a story of her relationship with her ex boyfriend.

"And then he just ate ALL of my french fries!" Emma said angrily.

"Seriously? How long were you two together?" Julia asked.

"Too long if you ask me." Bowie comments.

"Ugh, don't remind me." Emma said, massaging her head. "At least he's gone now so I can move on."

Suddenly, Raj ski to a stop in front of the trio as he was still running from the cassowary.

"Oh! Uh, hey." He said, smiling at Bowie.

"Hey yourself." Bowie said, smiling back.

The two stared at each as Emma and Julia watched, the former looked excited.

"We'll just give you two some privacy." Emma said before she pulled herself and Julia away.

"So, about the kiss before." Raj said, scratching his head. "I should've asked if you wanted to kiss me before doing it. I was just in the moment and I'm sorry if you hated it and-"

Bowie rushed and put a finger on his lips.

"Hold that thought. I actually did like kissing those lips but at some point in this game, I might be forced to kick you in the lips for one million dollars." Bowie said, pulling his finger away. "So for the sake of our future relationship, how about we hit pause for as long as either are in the game?"

"Oh! Oh okay, sure!" Raj said, nervously scratching his head. "We can take a pause for now, yeah! I just-"

"And when the season is over, we can officially go on a date." Bowie said, holding Raj's hand.

This made Raj smile before he and Bowie shared another kiss.

"Cute but break it up!" Julia shouted as she and Julia ran past them!

"Move, guys! Move!" Emma shouted.

Confused, the two looked back and saw a cassowary was approaching them!

"RUUUUH!" It gutterly screeched.

"AAAAAAAAH!" Bowie and Raj screamed, one high pitched and one normal.

Raj ducked behind a bush as Bowie ran after his teammates, leading the cassowary away as Raj remained in the bush.

Team 4(Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren)

The two were still on the search for a cassowary nest but making light conversation with each other.

"So, what do you plan on doing if you?" Marcus asked her.

"Hmmm, anything that comes to mind. I mostly came onto the show for the danger like in the previous season. But I found something more." Scary Girl/Lauren said to him.

"I see. Well for me, it's to finance my MMA career. And repay my trainer for all that he's done for me. He's kind of like the father I never had." Marcus said, shrugging a bit.

"That's nice. I'll be sure to be at everyone one of your matches to see you beat someone into submission." Scary Girl/Lauren said with a smile.

"Thanks, that means a lot." Marcus said, smiling back before seeing something. "Hey, I think I see someone over there."

He pointed to the right before running to them with Scary Girl/Lauren following.

Team 3 (Emma, Bowie, and Julia)

The trio were breathing heavily as they rested after being chased by a cassowary for so long.

"Phew. I think we finally lost her." Bowie said, his hands on his knees.

"Good! Cuz I do not feel like tussling with an angry turkey." Juli said, stretching her back.

"Yeah." Emma said before smiling at Bowie. "So, what was that about? You and Raj? Come on, spill the deets."

To emphasize, Emma playfully punched Bowie's shoulder twice.

"Eggs, first. I'll fill you two in as we walk." Bowie said with a grin, rubbing his shoulder.

Julia rolled her eyes playfully as she followed him.

"Yes! Getting the deet! Uh! Getting the deets! Give me the deets! Oh! I want those deets, I want those deets!" Emma sang, dancing as Julia and Bowie watched.

Julia disturbed by this while Bowie just playfully smiled.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"Sharing information in this show is risky. Always is on Total Drama." Bowie said, looking serious before smirking. "But what's the point in kissing a hot guy that likes you if you can't dish to your friend?"

/Emma's outhouse confessional/

"I'm really happy Bowie and Raj found each other. Being in love is like heaven on Earth." Emma said before sighing. "I wonder if I'll find that again someday. Sure there were bad times with Chase but there were also some good ones. Not enough to make me want to get back together but still good times."

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"That girl's dancing is like a train crashing into a plane, absolutely mind boggling." Julia said, twirling a finger next to her head.

/End of confessionals/

"I think their might be some nests this way." Bowie said, leading Julia and Emma.

"Oh, it's just you guys."

Stopping and turning to the new voice, the saw that Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren walking up to them.

"What are you two doing here?" Emma asked them.

"Looking for eggs like you until Marcus noticed you. We just came to see who it was." Scary Girl/Lauren explained, giving a small nod to Julia.

The influencer smiled at this, nodding back.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"If Scary managed to convince Marcus to vote with me, then I just need to convince Bowie and Emma to vote for Damian." Julia said, holding up FIVE fingers. "Majority vote and he is out of here."

Julia looked shocked as she gazed back to her hand, wondering how and why she suddenly sprouted another finger!

/End of confessional/

Team 5 (Raj and Wayne)

Raj had returned to the original spot where he and Wayne found the nest, now seeing it unguarded by the mother cassowary.

"Yes. That's two eggs, one for me and one for Wayne. Now I just need to find him." Raj said, walking to the nest and grabbing both eggs.

A rustling was heard behind him, making Raj nervous as he turned to it.

"Wayne? Is that you, buddy?" Raj asked, only to see multiple trees being knocked down and make him more scared! "Wayne?"

"UH!" The mother cassowary let out, revealing herself!

"AAAAAAH!" Raj screamed, running again as the mother bird chased him!

Team 1 (Priya and Millie)

Both were holding large, green cassowary eggs as they ran from a cassowary chasing them!

"I think she wants her eggs back!" Millie said in fear. "Maybe we should give them back?"

"sorry, but we need them more than her!" Priya said, gesturing to the egg in her arm. "We just need to sprint faster and get to Chris! Ready?"

"I'm already sprinting!" Millie said to Priya.

"Really? Okay, just let me think." Priya said before they both came to a halt.

Right in front of a large rock formation/wall!

"Shoot! It's a dead end!" Millie said as they turned around, seeing the cassowary getting closer.

"HISSSSSS!" She hissed at them, wanting her eggs back!

"Priya, any ideas would be good now." Millie asked.

"Okay, just listen. One the count of three, we run in different directions. Ready? One, two, three!" Priya said before throwing her egg in the air!

She then quickly jumped into the air, grabbing a branch and swinging into a flip before landing a few feet away. Priya then smirked as she held her hand out, catching her eyes, but then saw that Millie didn't move fast enough and she was cornered by the cassowary!

"Oh no you don't!" Priya said, putting down her eggs and picking up a falling branch.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"My extensive training for large birds has helped me learn that the only way to scare off a large, angry bird is with an even angrier large bird." Priya said before looking doubtful. "I know it's a long shot but if I don't try, my best friend is dead meat!"

/End of confessional/

"AAAAAAAAH!" Priya screamed, rushing towards Millie and the cassowary!

With another jump, Priya landed on Millie's shoulders and began poking at the cassowary while slapping her open arm! Making them look like a larger bird.


"UUUHHH!" The cassowary gutturally replied, looking at Priya while flapping her wings.

Millie just looked nervous and kept quiet as the squawking match continued. At least until Priya span the branch and drove the cassowary away!

"That's right, you better run!" Priya said before jumping off Millie's shoulders. "Are you okay? She didn't hurt you did she?"

"N-No, I'm fine. Y-You came back to save me?" Millie asked, surprised.

"That's what friends do for each other. You'd have done the same for me." Priya said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

/Millie's outhouse confessional/

"Maybe...?" Millie said, questioning herself while sheepishly smiling.

/End of confessional/

Team 2 (Axel and Damian)

The duo were still standing behind the rocks as Damian was dressing himself up with dark leaves and rope.

"Okay, this should work. I look enough like a cassowary to draw her attention. So while I perform a mating dance, you just need to tranq er back to sleep." Damian said, putting two wood pieces on his face to make like a beak.

"Yeah but what if she tries talking to you? You can't exactly reply in her tongue." Axel said, checking her tranquilizer dart gun.

"Actually, the langue of the cassowary is somewhat similar to a low growl or guttering noise. So if I try and mimic it like I'm burping or hiccuping, I should talk to her." Damian said, adjusting his rope a bit. "I just hope I don't say anything offensive."

"Even if you do, I'll tranq her before she tries anything. Now let's do this." Axel said to him.

Damian nodded as he walked out to the sleeping cassowary, flapping his arms to wake her up.

"Uuuuuurp." He let out, "communicating" with her.

It seemed to work as the cassowary looked flattered.

"It looks like it's working! Just a bit more and I'll get her!" Axel said, preparing the shoot.

Damian nodded before moving his neck, shaking his body around before flapping his arm.

"Urrup!" He let out.

The cassowary was completely entranced, rushing towards him and mimicking his movements!

"Yes, it worked! Take the shot!"w said, still dancing.

Axel nodded before pulling the trigger, firing a dart and hitting the cassowary in the neck!

"UUUUH!" The cassowary let out before her eyes rolled back and she collapsed to the ground!

"Yes! You did it!" Damian shouted, quickly discarding the disguise. "Now we can get the eggs!"

"I know and first one claims immunity!" Axel said, running past Damian and grabbing a blue egg from the nest. "Better hurry!"

Damian jolted and runs after her, scooping up the other blue egg!

Team 3 (Emma, Bowie, and Julia)

After separating from Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren, the trio had managed to stumble upon an empty cassowary nest with three eggs in it. Just enough for all of them as they all kneeled down to grab one egg each.

"Wait, I just thought of something. What if all three of us arrive first?" Bowie asked, glancing at Emma then Julia. "Who wins immunity?"

"Maybe Chris will let us share it?" Emma asked.

"That's possible. OR..." Julia said before SHOVING Bowie into Emma, knocking them down! "We race for it!"

Julia got up and took off running, smirking in victory!

"Hey! Get back here, you cheater!" Emma shouted as she and Bowie got up.

"That was a dirty move!" Bowie shouted as they ran after her.

Forest Clearing

The host was standing in the clearing, playing a game on his phone, before hearing something.

"First place, hahahaha!" Axel shouted, running to him with Damian a few steps behind!

/Axel's outhouse confessional /

"I knew teaming up with Damian was a good idea. He is smart but he isn't as athletic as me. I could out run him blindfolded." Axel said, looking confident while crossing her arms.

/End of confessional/

"I'll take the immunity now!" Axel said, stopping in front of Chris and holding her eggs out to him.

Though the eggs suddenly began to shake, cracking apart before a small baby cassowary popped its head out!

"Whoa!" Damian said in shock, stopping behind a shocked Axel. "The egg hatched!"

"Yep, seems like it and that means you don't win immunity, Axel." Chris said to her.

"What?! But I got to you first!" Axel screamed, upset!

"Maybe but I couldn't get your egg before it hatched. Now, it's officially a cassowary baby. Not a cassowary egg." Chris said before pointing to Damian. "Meaning you win immunity, Damian!"

"Really? I win?! Yes!" Damian shouted, handing Chris his egg and dancing in place.

"Ugh!" Axel groaned, looking down at the baby in her hands. "Does this meaning have to go back and get a new egg?"

"No you don't but this does mean you're on the chopping block for elimination." Chris said before looking past her. "Speaking of, it looks like Priya and Millie have arrived."

Turning around, Axel and Damian saw Priya and Millie rushing towards them.

"Well done ladies but you're too late, Damian has already won immunity and Axel is now a mother." Chris said, gesturing to the first team.

"I am not a mother!" Axel shouted before looking at the baby cassowary. "I'm returning this to the nest."

The zombie survivalist turned in a huff and muttered in Spanish, walking away as everyone watched her.

"It's a shame neither of us won immunity but at least we don't have to decide who gets it." Priya said to Millie.

"Yeah but I would've wanted you to have it since you save me." Millie said, smiling to Priya.

"Thanks but I would've wanted to to have it. You took a big step in facing your fears today. That deserved a reward." Priya said, smiling back.

Team 5 (Raj and Wayne)

Raj had lost the eggs, still running from the cassowary before stopping before a cliff!

"Oh man, I'm boxed in! Guess I'm gonna have go on the offense and push her back from the blue line!" Raj said, turning to the cassowary and preparing himself.

Man and bird clashed in a test of strength, neither budging but neither progressing either!

"Ugh! Is that all you got? Is that all you got?!" Raj said before pulling back, preparing again.

That is until the bird played dirty and yanked his shirt up over his face!

"Raj! Where are you?! I lost the cassowary!" Wayne said, running to the cliff before he saw Raj being pinned by another cassowary! "Oh no! I'm coming to save you, Rajjie!"

With a charge and jump, Wayne joined in the fight against the cassowary! Increasing their chances of victory!

Fight Sequence


Wayne was kicked in the face!


Raj was head butted in the stomach!


Wayne was uppercutted by a foot!


Raj was hit in the face!

The Cliff

The fight ended as Wayne and Raj went screaming off the cliff, the cassowary watching from above as they fell!

"Wayne!" Raj said before hitting some cliff. " I gotta tell you something!"

"Ugh!" Wayne said, hitting the same spot. "I'm all ears, bud!"

Both of them were upside down, covered in bruises with their clothes slightly torn.

"I kissed Bowie in the last challenge! I'm gay, dude." Raj said with a smile.

"Oh man, that's great!" Wayne said before they crashed landed in some bushes!

Both of them got up, even more bruised by alive as they stumbled a bit.

"Franks fur telling me, buddy." Wayne said, slurring.

"Up course, man. You're my best friend." Raj said before they side hugged each other. "I'd trust nobody more to tell tell."


After a frustrating trudge back to the cassowary nest she and Damian found, Axel placed the baby bird back in as she glanced at the mother.

"Still knocked out. Good." She said before standing up. "You just sit here and wait until your mom wakes up, then your sibling will hopefully be return to you by then."

"Hur." The baby cassowary let out, high pitched as it looked up to Axel.

"Whatever. And be lucky you're too small to make a good meal." Axel said, turning to leave as the baby watched her leave.

Team 4 (Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren)

They had arrived at a cave, dark and somewhat dank, but it seemed like the perfect place to build a nest in safety from the elements. They peaked from behind a tree as they saw a cassowary running out of said cave.

"That must where it set up its nest." Marcus said, looking at Scary Girl/Lauren. "One of us she could go in and look while the other is lookout."

"You can go in. I still owe you from saving me from that raptor." Scary Girl/Lauren said.

"Are you sure?" Marcus asked her.

"Positive. And I'll scream if I see a cassowary coming." Scary Girl/Lauren said with her usual grin.

/Scary Girl's/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

"I'm actually not going to scream. If I'm going to be his girlfriend, I need to pull my weight and not just be a damsel all the time." Scary Girl/Lauren said before she held face. "Speaking of screams, I've never heard Marcus scream in terror before. I bet it sounds amazing!"

/End of confessional/

Forest Clearing

Chris stood in front of Damian, Priya, and Millie as Julia, Bowie, and Emma rushed towards them!

"And we have our three man team arriving in 3rd place!" Chris said as they stopped before him.

"We're not first? Then who was?" Julia asked in surprise.

"Damian was first." Chris said, pointing to the smart guy as he gave a thumbs up.

Emma and Bowie groaned at this while Julia looked shocked!

/Julia's outhouse confessional /

"Damian got first place?! But that means my plan is trash now!" Julia said, pulling her hair in worry.

/End of confessional/

Team 4 (Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren)

Scary Girl/Lauren remained outside and watching for any cassowaries returning, rocking back and forth on her feet as she waited for either Marcus or a cassowary

"Lalalalalalala." She sand to herself.

A gutter sound was heard, making her turn and see a cassowary walking back to the cave! Moving quickly, Scary Girl/Lauren ran in front of the cave entrance and cut the large bird off!

"HURH!?" It let out in shock.

"Sorry but you're not going in there." Scary Girl/Lauren said, wagging her finger at the bird.

The bird hissed at Scary Girl/Lauren, preparing to attack him . Scary Girl/Lauren keep her smile while glaring back, turning her hand around and gesturing the bird to come closer.

"Come to mama." She said to the large bird.

Inside of the cave, Marcus only had to walk at least twelve feet before he looked around a corner to find a large nest with two green cassowary eggs inside.

"Hmm, almost too easy but I'll take it." Marcus said, picking up the eggs. "Now to get back to Lauren."

Walking back to the cave entrance, Marcus began to hear strange sounds and hissing noise. This made him pick up the pace as he could only guess what is happening!

"Lauren!" He called out, reaching the entrance and gasping at what he saw.

"YEEHAW!" Scary Girl/Lauren screamed, somehow on the back of the cassowary and rising it like a horse! "Come on, you can do better than that!"

"HIISSSSSSS!" The cassowary hissed, running around and shaking wildly to get the girl off it!

It even turned its head and began biting at Scary Girl/Lauren, but she kept dodging and teasing it.

"Nuh uh. Try again." She said with a grin, dodging another bite. "Ehehehehehe, you're a lot of fun but I think you should focus on driving."

Scary Girl/Lauren jumped off it and backflipped to land on her feet, waving at the bird as it turned its head back forward!


Only to run beak first into a tree, getting its beak stuck in the process.

"Thanks for the fun! We'll have to do it again some time." Scary Girl/Lauren said before turning to see Marcus at the cave entrance. "Mar-Mar! You're back with the eggs!"

"Yeah...and you just did that." Marcus said, looking at her in awe.

"Yes, I did. Cassowaries are JUST similar enough to ostriches for me to use what I learned back home." She said, taking an egg and grabbing Marcus's hand. "Now let's hurry and get these back to Chris."

Letting Scary Girl/Lauren lead him again, the two of them left the cave and headed back to Chris.

Forest Clearing

Everyone stood together as Marcus and Scary Girl/Lauren arrived, still holding hands and holding their eggs.

"And our scary duo is back with the eggs. Well down, you just might avoid elimination yet." Chris said as he took the eggs from them.

"I could care less. I've got an even better prize right here." Scary Girl/Lauren said, holding Marcus's arm and kissing his cheek.

This shocked everyone but some quickly accepted it.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"Wait, did she and him actually get together?" Julia asked, shocked. "But she's crazy!"

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"I'm not judging but that boy must be as crazy as her to want to be in a relationship with a clown girl." Bowie said, looking judgmental.

/Millie's outhouse confessional/

"I guess my theory was a little TOO right." Millie said, writing this in her notebook. "I'm happy for them but it's still kind of weird."

/End of confessionals/

Team 5 (Raj and Wayne)

The duo managed to walk all the way back to the clearing, moaning and groaning from their injuries before they stood before everyone. Everyone, especially Bowie, gasped in shock at the sight of them.

"Oh my god!" Damian shouted in shock.

"Raj! What happened to you two?" Bowie asked, walking up to them.

"No eggs!" Raj said, slouching and squinting his two black eyes.

"Big bird hits hard, bro." Wayne said before he collapse, falling on his face.

"Well look on the bright side, boys. You two weren't the only failures to come back without an egg. So chin up." Chris said, walking to them. "And if you want to know, the winner of immunity was Damian."

"It feels bittersweet when I see them like that." Damian said, feeling bad for them.

"I'm sure they'll get medical attention. It's in our contracts." Millie said.

"That it is. Now all of you get ready for elimination!" Chris said to everyone as the camera went towards everyone. "Because the person you all hate the most is going home tonight!"

Campfire Pit

Hours later and with the hockey bros getting their injuries treated to the best that was around, everyone was sitting before the fire as Chris and Chef stood by the marshmallows. Thought Wayne and Raj had several bandages and casts on their bodies.

In the front row: Wayne, Raj, Julia, Bowie, Priya and Millie.

In the back row: Marcus, Scary Girl/Lauren, Emma, Damian, and Axel.

"Campers, tonight someone is going home. And while sometimes, it's someone who doesn't deserve it, most of the time it's just fun thinking about who DOES deserve it." Chris said, with one hand behind his back.

"Julia; you, Bowie, and Emma found your eggs together. And then you shoved them to the ground to get a head start to the finish." Chef said, looking disappointed.

"Hey, I wanted to win. You can't blame me for that." Julia said as Bowie smirked at her and Emma glared at her.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"Don't hate the player, hate the game." Julia said, gesturing to herself before waving her arms away. "All is fair in love and war, or in this case reality tv and a million dollars. I don't care, same to me."

/End of confessional/

"Axel, you partnered with Damian, used his smarts to help knock out a cassowary, and then tried to abandon him to win." Chef said, pointing to her.

"Hey, it was a mutual partnership! He knew only one of us could win!" Axel said, pointing to Damian.

"And you kidnap a baby bird and threatened to eat it." Chef said to her.

"What?!" Everyone around Axel said, looking at her.

"The egg hatched when I tried to give it to Chris! I did NOT eat that baby, I took it back to it's nest!" Axel said, crossing her arms.

"Marcus and Scary Girl, you two seem happy now that you're a couple." Chef said before frowning. "Not a lot of people care for that here."

"Good because I don't care what they think." Marcus said, holding Scary Girl/Lauren close and giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Hehehehehehe." Scary Girl/Lauren giggled.

"And Wayne and Raj, you two-" Chef said before stopping, looking closely at them and becoming shocked. "Do you two need help?"

"Naaaaaw, couch! We goood!" Raj said, slurring a bit.

"200 percent! Giver all!" Wayne said, also slurring.

"Chris, what exactly happened to them?" Chef asked Chris.

"Honestly, I never asked." Chris said back, uncaring.

"Dude, they were attacked by a cassowary!" Damian shouted with his arms in the air.

"And then fell down a mountain." Bowie added, pointing to the ground.

Chris and Chef paused at this before the co-host pointed to the hockey bros.

"I think they should be eliminated and get to hospital now." Chef said.

"Aren't you overreacting?" Chris asked Chef.

Suddenly, Raj began to cough up cassowary feather and Wayne leaned forward to collapse AGAIN.

"Okay, okay! You're right, let's get them to the hospital." Chris said before pointing to everyone else. "The rest of you, enjoy a marshmallow! You're all safe!"

Everybody stood up and cheered, some taking it a step further as Scary Girl/Lauren tackled Marcus to the ground and assaulted him with kisses.

/Damian's outhouse confessional/

"This had to be the most dangerous challenge yet and I still survived!" Damian said, happy and relieved. "I just might make it to the finale yet! Whooo!"

/Axel's outhouse confessional/

"You all saw the egg hatched when I gave it to Chris! There for, I did NOT kidnap that newborn cassowary! Not to mention I took it back!" Axel said, pointing to herself. "So why does doing the right thing make me a bad guy?!"

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"Damian got lucky being Axel's partner but next time, I'll be the one to win immunity!" Priya said, smiling determinedly.

/Julia's outhouse confessional /

"YES! Im still here! Thank the goddess that two people got injured and were forced to be eliminated for the hospital." Juli said, holding up two fingers.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

He sat in somewhat silence as his hair was messy and his face was covered in dark purple kiss marks.

"...I am definitely in love." Marcus said with wide eyes. "I am very glad I came to this show now."

/End of confessionals/

Dock of Shame

Chris and Chef stood before Raj and Wayne as they were tucked in to double rescue basket stretcher. Tighten down for their safety and comfort to no agitate their injuries.

"Well boys, it's been a blast having you both on the island. Any final words?" Chris asked, looking down at them.

"I'm a hotdog time!" Raj said with a smile, VERY discombobulated.

Chris lost his smile at this as he pulled back.

"Okay...later skaters!" Chris said, waving to them as the Drone of Despair came and carried them away.

"Oh, Canada! Our home and native land!" The hockey bros sand as they are flown away.

"So, nobody was eliminated the traditional way this week but two people got VERY hurt. So that's an upside!" Chris said happily. "And I get paid a lot to do this! Who will be the next one to say bye bye to us all? Tune in for next time on Total. Drama. Island!"

Review, Fav, and Follow for more.

Elimination Order: Caleb, Ripper, Nichelle, Zee, Chase, MK, Raj, Wayne

Remaining: 9 (Axel, Damian, Priya, Millie, Bowie, Emma, Julia, Marcus, Scary Girl/Lauren)

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