Episode 9

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"Last time on Total Drama Island." Chris said as a group of animals waiting outside of the washroom was shown. "It was an eating challenge more disgusting than any other. Bowie puked. Priya puked. Scary Girl puked when Julia manipulated her surprising great distaste for strawberry milk. Emma puked on Damian and Damian puked on Emma PLUS Marcus. Speaking of him, Marcus was the only one who didn't puke until AFTER Axel and Julia kissed before they both puked near Chef. Which then caused a puking frenzy."

The only clips shown were of everyone puking and Axel and Julia accidently kissing before they puked as well before showing the campfire ceremony.

"But through it all, Julia had won immunity and that left poor yet braver Damian to be sent flying home." Chris said as he was now stood before the camp. "I'm surprised nobody else puked after that scary gift Marcus got from his scary girlfriend but maybe we'll get lucky today. Cuz there is plenty of fun to come AAAAAAALL the way back up! Here on TOTAL. DRAMA. ISLAND!"

The camera panned to show the whole island as usual before cutting away.

-Opening Sequence-

Hey what up? I'm here to slay!

A new Camp Wawanakwa comes into view as Chris and Chef land a helicopter with Chris holding the prize money.

Don't know why the rest even bother to stay?

The camera moves to the cliff before jumping off, into the water.

I know the game and I've brought the skill!

Nicelle, Axel, and Priya are swimming away from a shark while Scary Girl/Lauren rides via the fin. Caleb swims up, making the shark stop and admire him as Scary Girl/Lauren is sent spinning off.

Crushing players dream!

Static changes to show MK hacking the camera before ducking, showing Ripper chugging a pot of beans while Zee, Wayne, and Raj watch/cheer. Ripper finishes before tossing the pot and burping/farting loudly, sending Zee flying!

Yeah you know the drill!

The camera moves to Bowie and Millie, the former watching the latter writing notes before Julia backed up while on her phone and bumped into Millie. Causing both to fall.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous!

Marcus and Chase were sparring as Damian and Emma watched. Chase threw a punch that Marcus ducked before he threw a kick to Chase's chin and made him fall to the ground, getting a wince from Damien and a cheer from Emma.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous!

Chef and Chris, who was holding a plate of marshmallow, stood before the campfire pit as everyone sat around them, the camera panning out toward the show title on a sign. Everyone but Marcus, Scary Girl/Lauren and Axel whistles.

Total Drama Island.

-Opening End-

Ferocious Trouts cabin

Millie, Priya, and Scary Girl/Lauren were having another training season as the former one was wearing a blindfold and all of them held brooms.

"Today, you're going to avoid our brooms! This is to help train your sense of hearing, make your ears into a second pair of eyes!" Priya said as she and Scary Girl/Lauren watched Millie walk around blindly.

"Pardon my French, but if you want to thrive at med school, you should know that's impossible." Millie said as a joke.

Priya laughed at this before she quickly stopped, refocusing.

"Stop joking. This is serious, tell her Lauren!" Priya said to the third female.

"Very serious. You need to take this very seriously or else you'll get hurt, like this!" Scary Girl/Lauren said before she swung her broom!


"OW!" Millie said as she was knocked to the ground.

"Hehehehehehe." Scary Girl/Lauren giggled from Millie's pain.

"Okay, that's enough of that!" Millie said as she rubbed her head and removed the blindfold, standing up.

"No, put that back on! You can't just stop training like you did in the last challenge!" Priya said to Millie, scolding her. "I want you to become an unstoppable warrior that can never be beat! A force of nature that can go all the way in this game!"

"Speaking of the game, I'd like to talk about our alliance." Scary Girl/Lauren said as Millie and Priya looked at her. "I think it's time we expanded from a three person alliance to a four person alliance and I have the perfect person in mind."

"Let me guess, your boyfriend, Marcus?" Millie asked.

"Exactly! Any, objections?" Scary Girl/Lauren asked with a smile.


"He's perfect!" Priya said with a smile, cutting off Millie.

"What?" Millie asked, confused. "Why?"

"Think about it, Millie. Marcus is a strong player and if we have four players, that's half of the voting power in eliminations! So if one of us wins immunity, that's an instant safety net." Priya said to her.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"Plus, Marcus will actually compete. Unlike Millie, he made it through three gross dishes before ducking out in the last challenge." Priya said, holding up three fingers. "Plus, unlike players like Julia or Bowie, he's not evil. He's perfect to work with."

/End of confessional/

"Correct." Scary Girl/Lauren said, clapping her hands. "With the four of us together, there's no way we'd lose!"

"Hmmm, I can't argue with that logic. I'm in, let's bring Marcus in!" Millie said with a smile. "Now, we just need to find him."

"I know where to find him!" Scary Girl/Lauren said.

Unaware to the trio, Julia was standing outside the door and heard their entire conversation. She gasped in shock before she rushed off.

The Forest

A rhythmic beating was heard as the trio walked through the woods, heading towards a specific clearing.

"There he is." Scary Girl/Lauren said, pointing forward.

Gasping at the sight, Priya and Millie saw that Marcus was hitting a tree with punches, kicks, elbows while dancing around it. Or at least appearing like dancing as it was actually Capoeira, the art of fighting in rhythm that looked like dancing. He was also clad in training attire, black workout shorts with wrappings on his hands and feet which also had foot sleeves. A small towel and water bottle was nearby for when he was finished.

"Whoa, Marcus is SCARY good." Millie commented.

"Yeah, the bark of the tree is really cracked and chipped." Priya said with wide eyes.

"That just goes to show how strong my man is." Scary Girl/Lauren said, ogling at him before refocusing. "Oh Marcus!"

Marcus kicked the tree one last time, stopping his training as he turned around to see his girlfriend walking to him with Priya and Millie.

"Hey, Lauren. What's up?" Marcus asked, wiping his forehead.

"Priya, Millie, and I have been talking and we think the four of us should form an alliance together." She said with a smile. "I wanted to come and see if you'd agree."

"And before that, I'd like to give at least 46 reasons why this is a good idea." Priya added.

"It's fine, I'm in." Marcus said, picking up his towel and his water bottle. "You two seem like the most trustworthy compared to everyone except Lauren, so why would I not join you in an alliance?"

"Great! Welcome to Team Darkness!" Scary Girl/Lauren said as she hugged her boyfriend.

"Team Darkness? I don't think we agreed to that." Millie said, glancing ay Priya.

"We didn't but this still works! We have an alliance!" Priya said with a smile.

Mess Hall

Bowie and Emma were eating at front table together while Alex and Killed ate at another table. The former two were eating oatmeal(?) for breakfast while the latter was also eating oatmeal(?) with a side wild berries in a smaller bowl. Axel was even crushing some berries in her hand before holding them out to her baby cassowary.


The door slammed opened caught everyone's attention, making them turn to see Julia breathing heavily.

"Julia?" Emma asked her. "What's wrong?"

"Did you get another 5 million followers?" Bowie asked.

"No, this is more serious." Julia said, walking towards Bowie and Emma. "I just overheard the nerds and crazy girl, turns out they're in an alliance and they're going to bring Marcus into it."

"What? But that means they outnumber us!" Bowie said to Emma, worried.

"Exactly. Which brings me to this. Even though you and I have had our differences, I think you should let me in your alliance." Julia said to them, holding up 3 fingers. "Three people is stronger than just two and we need all the numbers we can get."

"Even if we did let you in our alliance, that's still one person off." Emma said, glaring at Julia. "Where do we get a fourth?"

"Right over there." Julia said, pointing to Axel as she scratched her baby cassowary's stomach.

"Axel? Are you sure about that? Since, you know." Bowie said, recalling the kiss from the last challenge.

"The kiss? That was nothing but an accident. It's not important right now." Julia said quickly, denying it. "What is important is stacking our numbers and saving ourselves from elimination."

Bowie and Emma glanced at each other, nodding silently before looks back to Julia.

"Get Axel to agree to this first and we'll let you in the alliance." Emma said as Bowie nodded.

"What? Why not now?" Julia asked them.

"Because we said so. Now go." Bowie said with a smirk.

Julia growled in anger, walking off to Axel's table and sitting down in front of her! This startled Killer a bit as Axel stopped him from running off the table.

"Whoa! Easy, Killer. Easy." Axel said before glaring at Julia. "What do you want?"

"An alliance between you, me, Emma, and Bowie! The reason? The other four have already formed an alliance, so if we don't band together to stand a chance, we'll be picked off one at a time!" Julia said, glaring back at Axel. "So either you join us and survive or you don't and you could be the one gone tonight. What's it gonna be, Ms. Zombie?"

/Axel's outhouse confessional/

"As much as I hate to admit it and as potentially problematic it could be since the incident, I don't have a choice." Axel said, glaring at the camera.

/End of confessional/

Axel marched over and sat by Bowie in a huff as Julia sat by Emma, smirking.

"So about this alliance." Axel said as she placed her baby cassowary on table.

"You're...in?" Bowie said, more surprised and confused that Julia actually pulled it off.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"I honestly didn't think Axel would agree but since this is the finale eight, numbers are important." Bowie said.

/End of confessional/

"Welcome to Team Julia!" Julia said, still smirking in victory.

"What? We are not calling our alliance that!" Emma said to her.

"Whatever. The point is, with four against four, all one of us has to do is win the tie breaker and we're set for the rest of the game." Bowie said with a smile.

The loudspeakers came on.

"Campers! It's time for pain, report to me ASAP!" Chris said with glee.

/Axel's outhouse confessional/

"Two alliances against each other with ours knowing of the other." Axel said, caressing Killer on her lap. "It's basically the teams again, only in on the other team but it doesn't matter. All I have to do is win or make sure one of my alliance members win."

"Huuuur." Killer let out, making Axel smile.

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly." Axel said to the cassowary.

/End of confessional/

Clearing by a Stream

Both alliances stood in a line, waiting for Chris to arrive as they glanced at each other. From left to right it was: Axel, Bowie, Emma, Julia, Marcus, Scary Girl/Lauren, Millie, and Priya.

"I just want to wish everybody good luck, you're gonna need it." Bowie said, sounded neutral while smirking.

"Right back at ya." Scary Girl/Lauren said with a glaring grin.

Chris arrived as everyone turned to him.

"Campers." Chris said before clearing his throat. "According to the network, the last few challenges have, shall we say, "crossed a line.""

He gave air quotes because he didn't believe the network or cared.

"So, they have decided that today's challenge be a "safe" one." Chris said with a sad sigh.

Millie and Priya glanced at each other, the former smiling more than the latter.

/Millie's outhouse confessional/

She was writing this inside of her notepad with a smile.

"Finally! A challenge I can complete easily." Millie said.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"Safe? I guess that's alright." Marcus said, shrugging. "Not like I'm going to care either way."

/End of confessional/

"The first part of the challenge is a simple canoe ride down this steam." Chris said, gesturing to the stream by them. "The second part is a pleasant jaunt through an empty field."

The camera changed to show a field of grass covered in multiple puddles of water before showing a mountain.

"And finally, you will hike up Honey Mountain to the top where the Bell of Tranquility will be waiting to be rung by someone to win immunity." Chris said as the camera showed the bell hanging from a wooden post before cutting back to him. "Just a nice and easy challenge."

Chris rubbed his hands together and gained an evil look before going back to normal, making everyone confused.

"That's all?" Scary Girl/Lauren asked, confused.

"Yep. That's all. Now grab a helmet, pick a canoe, and take it easy." Chris said with a shrug, putting a finger in the air. "On your marks. Set. GO!"

Everyone quickly ran towards the canoes, which each had a helmet, live jacket, and an oar.

"Axel, before you go, the network says they're willing to let you keep the cassowary baby but you can't take him with you on challenges." Chris said, pulling out a bird cage as he walked over to her. "Place the bird inside."

Axel looked hesitant to do so but slowly placed Killer in the cage and shut it.

"You better take care of him or ELSE, McLean." Axel said with a glare.

/Axel's outhouse confessional/

"I don't trust what Chris said for a second. This is gonna be a crazy challenge." Axel said, holding her helmet before looking worried. "He better take care of Killer too or mama bird is gonna get ANGRY!"

Axel gestured to herself as she glared at the camera.

/End of confessional/

The Stream

Priya and Millie were rowing their canoes close to each other down the river.

"I'm glad we have an easy challenge. I really needed a day off." Millie said with a smile.

"Are you kidding? This is gonna be the worst challenge yet!" Priya said, making Millie lose her smile. "I saw it all in Chris's body language. When he said it would be an easy challenge, he was rubbing his hands together. A sign of glee."

A flashback was shown of Chris rubbing his hands together with the same evil smile.

"He was imagining something and what do you know makes Chris gleeful?" Priya asked.

"Us in pain?" Millie asked, worried.

"Exactly! Then he said "take it easy" and his mouth arched up, using a smirk." Priya said as a flashback of Chris secretly smirking was shown. "That is something a person with secrets does."

"And Chris likes to keep secrets that lead to us in pain." Millie said, growing more worried.

"Yes! Just that." Priya said before she saw they were behind. "We need to pick up the pace, everyone is getting ahead."

Clearing by the Stream

Chris and Chef were watching a flatscreen tv while sitting in lawn chairs and using a crate as a table for their drinks and for Killer in the cage.

"They got a whole world of pain coming, huh?" Chef asked, sitting in the right chair.

"Oh yes. Oh yes they do." Chris said with a grin, putting his hands behind his head.

The Stream

Emma was rowing her canoe before she noticed the water was rushing.

"Hey, does anyone else see the water getting faster?" Emma asked.

"Faster? But that means we're heading downward!" Axel shouted.

The stream suddenly slanted downward as everyone began screaming at the change.

"AAHHHHH!" Emma screamed!

"WHOA!" Axel let out, holding her helmet.

"Aaaaaah!" Julia screamed as her canoe turned sideways

"WAAAAAH!" Bowie screams, trying to row against the current.

Clearing by the Stream

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Chris laughed.

"I guess I should order more first aid supplies." Chef said with a grin, pulling out his phone.

The Stream

"AAAAAH!" Millie screamed before she crashed against a large rock. "Ow!"

"AAAAH!" Priya screams as she was washed over, holding her breath as she glided over the steam bottom.

"WHOOOA!" Marcus let out, trying to row and dodge the rocks.

"WHEEEEEEE!" Scary Girl/Lauren cheered as her canoe hit a rock, flying into the air. "Best day ever!"

Her canoes doctor back into the water, coming up as she held onto one end. Scary Girl/Lauren spits out some water but kept smiling.

"Hehehehehehe." She laughed.

/Scary Girl/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

"This is the most fun I've had in a while! I haven't felt a rush like this since my first time practicing the flying trapeze without a net!" Scary Girl/Lauren said, ringing her hair out a bit.

/End of confessional/

The Steam

Julia and her canoe were now a calmer part of the water, looking to be in first place since nobody else was around.

"Hahahaha! Yes! It's gonna take more then stupid rapids to stop me!" Julia said, holding her oar up.


"UGH!" Julia grunts as a fish flew into her face, slapping her. "OKAY THAT DOES IT!"

More fish jumped out of the water but Julia knocked them all away with her oar.




Julia even span her oar like a propeller and knocked at least ten down before hearing someone else. Axel rowed behind her and whistled at the display, impressed.

"Dang, Chica. You got some moves." Axel said in surprise.

"Ha! No duh! I'm beauty and beast." Julia said with a smirk, flipping her hair back.

Three fish jumped out and hit Julia in the face, stomach, and face before she fell into her canoe.

"But not brains. Hahahaha." Bowie said with a laugh as he arrived before seeing Marcus and Emma row ahead of them.

Clearing by the Stream

Chris was standing by the flatscreen as he comments on the game.

"Emma has taken the league but she'll pay a heavy price for it." He said

The Steam

Fish were jumped from both sides of her, hitting her in the head

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Emma said in pain as she grunts. "I can't block all of these fish! They're too fast!"


Emma turned to the sound and saw Marcus rowing while also dodging and blocking/punching from both sides. Some of them he didn't even need to see, almost like he was doing it automatically.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"You learn to develop a sixth sense in combat sports if you train to detect blows without relying on your eyes." Marcus said, rolling his neck. "You take a lot of hits but it pays off in the end."

/End of confessional/

Emma continued to watch in shock before another fish hit her in the face.

"Ugh!" Emma groaned before Axel rowed next to her. "Axel?"

"We're in an alliance right?" Axel said before knocking away a fish. "You cover the left and I'll cover the right. One of us needs to win."

"Okay, great plan!" Emma said as she stood up.


Marcus punched a fish into the air, making the air cut and whistle as the fish went high up before falling back down.


"AH!" Emma jumped, looking to her canoe and seeing a hole was punched in the back! "My canoe!"

Seeing water quickly flood inside, Axel grabbed Emma by her shirt and pulled her into her own canon as the former sunk into the water.

"Y-You saved me?" Emma asked in surprise.

"As I said, we're in an alliance." Axel said simply, focusing on rowing. "You're welcome by the way."

"Oh! Thanks." Emma said before realizing something. "Wait! Marcus sunk my canoe! I can't believe he would do that!

"I think it wasn't intentional but then again, he did try to attack you back in the skull challenge. I wouldn't put it against him." Axel said, not caring much.

"Ugh! Of course he would! He is going down at elimination!" Emma said in anger before-


Another fish hit her in the chest before falling into the canoe.

"AAAH! GRRR!" Emma let out as she picked up the fish and her oar!

Using both, Emma began to knock away more fish while Axel focused on rowing!

Clearing by the Stream

Chris and Chef sat in their chairs and were surprised by what they saw.

"In a shocking team up, Axel and Emma are neck and neck with Marcus! As much as I love action, I think they should slow down and enjoy the moment." Chris said, relaxing in his chair.

The Stream

Millie was rowing alone before she realized something about the fish.

"Wait, those as Spawning Salmon. And where there are Spawning Salmon, there's-" Millie said until her box rocked, looking back to see a BEAR with a salmon in its mouth! "BEARS!"

Everyone was dealing with the bears too, like Julia was holding a bear back with her oar.

"Get lost, you dumb bear! I have a challenge to win!" Julia said as the bear tried to claw her.


Until another bear lands on her and jumps on her!

"AAAH! AAAAAH! AAAAAAAAH!" Julia screamed in pain as the first bear holds the canoe steady.

Watching from the side, Bowie was hiding behind a rock and winced from what was happening.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"Even if we're in an alliance, I can't get too close. Otherwise, I won't be able to walk right up to the bell and ding ding ding." Bowie said, planning to win immunity.

/End of confessional/

Scary Girl/Lauren was rowing without a care in the world until a bear rose from in front of her!

"ROOOOOOOAH!" It roared to her.

"Oh it's you!" Scary Girl/Lauren said as the bear stopped roaring. "I remember your from the obstacle course! I juggle you and your friend like little balls, remember?"

The bear looked at her before having a flashback, remembering episode 3.


Scary Girl/Lauren reached the wall and JUMPS all the way to the top, landing gently before SMASHING her hand into the wall and yanking out a bear!

"Ehehehehehe!" She giggled, slamming the bear back and forth!

"Roooooh!" The bear roared in fear.

"That's what you get for growling at me!" Scary Girl/Lauren said in slight anger.

Scary Girl/Lauren threw the bear into the air before slamming her hand back into the wall, pulling out the second one before she caught and juggled both of them!

The Stream

The bear was frozen in place before blinking, looking at Scary Girl/Lauren as she waved at it. The bear whimpers in fear before swimming away, not wanting to be juggled again!

"Aww, you're leaving? Poo." Scary Girl/Lauren said sadly before she kept rowing.

The bear swimming away roared at the others bears, warning them of danger as it pointed towards Scary Girl/Lauren. Just seeing her smile at them was enough for all of them to swim away as well!

"Did you see that?" Priya said in shock.

"Yeah, but I don't believe it." Millie said, also in shock.

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"I can't believe it! Scary Gir- No! Lauren just sent a pack of bears running! I wouldn't be saying that if I didn't believe it!" Priya said, smiling in the confessional.

/Scary Girl's/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

"I really wanted to play with those bears again but hey. Can't please everyone." She said with a shrug.

/End of confessionals/

Clearing by the Stream

"Emma and Axel are still neck and neck with Marcus." Chris said, gesturing to the tv. "But that could end at any moment."

The Stream

"While we have this moment, let's talk strategy for tonight, win or lose." Axel asked as she turned to Emma. "Who do you think we should vote for on the other alliance?"

"Marcus, without question." Emma said,glaring at him from across the water. "He's one of their strongest, take him out and they're done for."

"Hmm, agreed. Tonight, Marcus-" Axel said before hearing something. "Hey, you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Emma asked.

"Listen, closely." Axel said softly, listening more. "It sounds like-"

"Rushing water?" Emma asked before looking ahead.

Both of them gasped as the stream ahead taking a SUDDEN drop!

"WATERFALL!/¡CAÍDA!" They screamed before going over the edge. "AAAAAAAAH!"

"OH CRAP!" Marcus screamed as he went over after them.

A little behind, Julia and Bowie were rowing together in search for the trio.

"Where did they go? They couldn't just-" Julia said before seeing the waterfall!

"AAAAAAAH!" Julia and Bowie screamed as they went down.

Priya and Millie we're together as the former was looking around for danger.

"Keep on your toes. Danger could come from anywhere." Priya said.

"Priya." Millie said, stopping her rowing.

"never let your guard down." Priya said, still looking around.

"Priya!" Millie said louder. "WATERFALL!"

"Know the-Did you say waterfall?" Priya asked before she and Millie went over the edge.

"WAAAAAAH!" they screamed!

"Row row row your boat! Gentle down the stream!" Scary Girl/Lauren sang with a smile, still rowing as she fell down the waterfall.


Everyone was at the bottom of the waterfalls, their canoes ruined and their pats in pieces but no injuries.

"I can't believe nobody got hurt from that." Emma said in surprise.

"I'm honestly surprise their went any sharp stones at the bottom." Marcus said as Scary Girl/Lauren swam over to him.

"At least this is as dangerous as it gets. Right?" Millie asked, looking worried.

Clearing by the Stream

"Why must they say that? Don't they know how much it hurts?" Chris asked Chef and Killer.

An alarm clock went off as Chris pulled out a green, crocodile shaped clock from his pocket.

"Oh! Look at the time, it's time for crocodile lunch!" Chris said with a smile, gesturing to the clock.

"Who hurt you, man? Who hurt you?" Chef asked Chris.

"Hur." The baby cassowary let out.

Bottom of Waterfall

Crocodile rose from the water, making everyone gasp as they got closer to them.

"Stay back, a crocodile has one of the strongest bite forces in the world." Axel said, swimming back a bit.

"Anyone have any ideas?" Emma asked.

"ROOOOH!" A crocodile roared at Julia.

"Aaah!" Julia said, grabbing a broken oar and jamming it in the crocodile's mouth.

The crocodile was confused as it looked at its jaw as Julia laughed at it.

"Ha! In your face, water lizard! Now move it!" Julia said, pointing at the crocodile. "That bell isn't gonna ring itself."

The crocodile growled at Julia, despite the oar in its mouth.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"What do you think is stronger? A broken oar paddle or a crocodile tail?" Bowie asked, grinning at the end.

/End of confessional/

"I mean it. Move ya walking purse!" Julia said with a glare.

"Grrrrr." The crocodile growled before sinking into the water.

Julia smirked as she began to swim to shores, before a crocodile tail knocked her into the air!

"AAAH!" Julia screamed as she fell before another crocodile tail knocked her back.

"Wow, Julia. You're the best." Bowie said as he and everyone else began to swim away. "Keeping them busy while we escape. You're a real trooper!

Julia just screamed more as she was knocked back and forth in the air by both crocodile tails

/Scary Girl/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

"Crocodile water polo." She said, tapping her lip. "That sounds like fun! I should pitch this to dad when I get home."

/End of confessional/

Clearing by the Stream

"What the heck? Those crocs didn't eat any of them!" Chris said before crossing his arms as Ched gazers at him. "Should've gone with the sharks. Always go with sharks."

Empty field with puddles(?)

Everyone stopped before the field, staring at the calm and peaceful environment and the mountain beyond it.

"This seems...beautiful." Emma said.

"Yeah but it's too quiet. Something is up." Axel said, looking around.

"Axel's right. This is Chris we're talking about. There IS a catch here." Priya said, glaring at the field.

Clearing by the Stream

"Spill it, what's in the field? Sink holes? Bear traps?" Chef asked.

"CHEF! Of course not!" Chris said in shock before smiling "The bears could fall in or get get hurt."

Empty field with puddles(?)

Everyone, including Julia after escaping the crocodiles, was running through the puddle covered field.

"Seriously, what is with these puddles?" Marcus asked.

"And the ground feels wetter than it should." Priya said before the ground began shaking, gasping. "WE'RE IN A GEYSER FIELD!"


Millie was launched in the air by a geyser under her!

"WHOOOA!" She let out before she began falling. "Whaaaaa!"

Clearing by the Stream

"You can't spray people that high in the air! They could break something!" Chef said in worry.

"Hur Hur!" Killer let out, worried about Axel.

"Relax you two. This was intern tested and it's golden." Chris said with his hands behind his head.

Medical Tent

A female intern with brown skin and black hair while wearing a damaged red cap was on a flat outdoor bed with multiple pillows under her. She was in a full body cast with a neck brace and an IV drip set up in her right arm.

"Mmmmph brrrhhh mppph!" She let out but couldn't speak clearly as her mouth was wrapped in bandages.

Field of Geysers

Priya, Scary Girl/Lauren, and Millie were moving slowly and sticking to dry spots.

"Stick to dry land and avoid any puddles. But if you step on something wet, quickly move." Priya said, leading them while gazing at the ground.

"Hehehe, thanks but where did you learn this stuff?" Geyser camp?" Millie asked with a chuckle and a joke.

"It wasn't exactly a camp. More like a week long family nature retreat." Priya said, uneasy from the memories.

"Sounds like fun a fun!" Scary Girl/Lauren said.

Marcus didn't say anything as he rushed past them, running through the field as multiple geysers went off around him, making him dodge every one with ease.

"But as my man has shown, speed is more important than caution!" Scary Girl/Lauren shouted before she ran ahead. "WHOOO!"

"EEEEEEH!" Millie screamed as she ran too.

"No! Stop!" Priya shouted, running after them.

"Looks like you guys were right, Marcus is working with them in an alliance." Axel said as she stood with Bowie, Emma, and Julia.

"Yeah. And that just means we know the strongest player to vote off when we win." Emma said with a smirk.

Bowie smirked as well.

/Bowie's outhouse confessional/

"Sweet sweet Marcus. So strong but that is gonna be your downfall." Bowie said with a grin.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"I know it's risky to run but we need to win. And I'll make sure of it." Marcus said with a small glare. "No matter what."

/End of confessionals/

Scary Girl/Lauren was running happily before-


"WAAAAAAH!" She screamed, flying in the air before she fell to the ground.

That is until Marcus came back and caught her in his arms.

"Gotcha!" He said.

"My hero!" She said, hugging him.

"Don't thank me yet." Marcus said, glancing back.

Priya and Millie were running together, avoiding the geysers so far.

"You're doing great, Millie! Keep it up!" Priya said to her.

"It's all that's to my wonderful friend and trained!" Millie said with a smile.

"Awww, thanks bestie!" Priya said with a smile.


"WAAAAH!" Millie screamed as she was launched into the air.

"I got you!" Priya said, stopping to catch Millie.


Only to fall down as her weight was more than she thought.

"Ooooooh." They groaned in pain.

"Hehehehehehe." Scary Girl/Lauren giggled as Marcus rushed them over.

"No time for pain!" Marcus shouted before picking all them up, carrying Priya and Scary Girl/Lauren under his arms while Millie clung to his back.

He grunts and took off running again as Julia and Emma stop in surprise.

"Whoa! He's a juggernaut!" Julia comments in shock.

"That just proves how dangerous he is. Which means we need to vote him out." Emma said.

"Now you're speaking my language." Julia said with a smile.


"AAAAAH!" Emma screamed as a geyser went off under her.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"And that makes 3 votes. Just need Bowie to agree, then I win immunity and Marcus is done for." Julia said before-


Axel smashed through the top of the confessional and landed on the floor!

"Ugh." She groans in pain.

"Whoa. These geysers are crazy." Julia commented as she gazed at Axel.

/End of confessional/

Honey Mountain

"Despite his efforts and his lead, Bowie has pasted Marcus and is heading up the mountain." Chris comments as Bowie runs up the mountain, followed by Julia. "Julia is coming in at a close second."

Axel was running to catch up before a geyser went off under her, launching her into the air!

"WHOOOA!" She let out before looking down and smiling. "Oh yeah!"

Marcus dropped of the girls before running up the mountain path, right as Axel landed in a busy by them.

"YES!" Axel said as she got up and ran ahead in fourth place.

Everyone ran up the mountain, but a small humming was heard as Emma ran with Scary Girl/Lauren, Priya, and Millie.

"Does anybody else hear that?" Emma asked.

"It sounds like humming." Scary Girl/Lauren said.

"And I'm feeling vibrations. Almost like a-" Priya stopped and gasped as he looked up. "BEEHIVE!"

A crack as shown in the side of the mountain, oozing golden honey as bees flew inside and out of said crack.

"BEEHIVE?!" The other girls shouted in shock and horror.

The Top of Honey Mountain

The top of the mountain actually looked like a volcano with large globs of honey around the rim. Chris, who was wearing a beekeeper suit, was standing on a stone above the Bell of Tranquility on his left.

"That's right, folks. Honey Mountain is actually the largest known open air beehive North America. Maybe even the whole world!" Chris said as the camera showed the inside of the mountain.

A large pool of honey was was bubbling and boiling like it was hot, giant sized honeycombs were everywhere, and thousands of bees were flying around.

"It is also home to an estimated 8 BILLION bees and they get ANGRY when they are disturbed!"Chris said with a grin.

Lower parts of Honey Mountain

The bees sensed the "intruders" to their nest and swarmed, flying towards them!

"BEES!" Bowie shouted, ducking as the bees attacked Julia.

"WAAAAAAH! Get them off! Get them off!" Julia screamed as she swatted at them.

"I wish I could help but I can't! Sorry!" Bowie said, running up the path.

Marcus rushed past Julia as well, dodging clouds of bees along the way.

"Ow! Ow! Bees!" Priya, Emma, and Millie said as they are attacked.

Scary Girl/Lauren was running ahead, not stoping as she span like a tornado through the bee clouds. Coming out unscathed as she giggled.

"If they're this protective, they must make great honey!" She said.

The Top of Honey Mountain

Bowie reached the top of the bee hive and stopped, seeing Chris and the bell within reach

"And it looks like Bowie is the first to reach the top!"Chris said.

"First place, here I am. Nicely done, Bowie." Bowie said, patting his own shoulder.

"I wouldn't be so sure."

"AAAAAH!" Bowie screamed as he jumped, turning to see Marcus was standing behind him. "You?!"

"That bell is MINE. So move it or else." Marcus said with a glare, raising his right fist.

"You think I'm scared of you? The only one ringing that bell is me and the one going home tonight is either you or your crazy girlfriend." Bowie comments, pointing at Marcus.

"What did you say about Lauren?" Marcus asked, her glare increasing tenfold.

"I said-"


Bowie was cut off as Marcus punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. The blonde hissed from his injured cheek as Marcus stood over him, cracking his knuckles.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"I don't care if you insult me but when you insult someone I love, there WILL be repercussions." Marcus said, still glaring at the camera.

/End of confessional/

"Get up and fight like a man, NOW." Marcus said as Bowie shook in fear.

Lower parts of Honey Mountain

Emma saw a large opening in the mountain like a cave, running inside.

"I hope this works!" Emma said.

/Emma's outhouse confessional/

"I don't know if that cave was a shortcut or not, but if it could get me to the top, I had to take that chance." Emma said, smiling nervously. "It's immunity or nothing."

/End of confessional/

Inside of the cave, Emma could see the giant honeycombs and saw various animals all trapped inside of them. Such as a goat, a bear, and even a gorilla!

"Oh boy, these guys really done like visitors." Emma said nervously.

"I think it's cool."

"AAAH!" Emma jumps, turning to see Scary Girl/Lauren standing behind her. "Did you follow me?"

"More like I was curious about the inside of the hive but yes." Scary Girl/Lauren said before sticking her finger in some honey and tasting it. "Mmm, and I was right, this IS good honey. I'll have to come back and get some after my alliance wins."

"Your alliance? You mean MY alliance!" Emma said before she started running again.

"Hehehehehe." Scary Girl/Lauren giggled before getting another taste of honey and running after Emma.

/Emma's outhouse confessional/

"If she beats me to the top, she's gonna win immunity and Marcus could be safe! I CANNOT let that happen." Emma said, crossing her arms. "He needs to pay for sinking my canoe!"

/End of confessional/

The Top of Honey Mountain


Bowie was knocked back by a punch, hissing in pain as he was covered in bruises.

The reason? Marcus and him were fighting instead of racing towards the bell. But it was mostly Marcus attacking while Bowie dodged/blocked.

"That all you got?!" Marcus shouted, rushing at Bowie!

Marcus punched left, right, uppercuts, and kicks as Bowie dodged, dodged, barely blocks, and jumps back.

"Ugh! You are so clingy! Why don't you just back off!?" Bowie asked before kicking!

Only for Marcus to catch his leg and pull!

"Not until you go DOWN!" Marcus shouted, punching Bowie in the face to the ground!

"OOOOOH! And that is a clean hit from Marcus! This fight is getting so exciting, I almost don't want them to find the bell!" Chris said, watching in glee!

"Ugh! Jokes on you, this is my turf now!" Bowie said, pulling Marcus down and grappling with him.

Only for Marcus to slip and counter, grappling back! It was like two anacondas fighting in nature, both of them trying to out match the other as they rolled/tumbled around the top of the mountain!

"Unbelievable! It's a grappling match like no other! A game of chess where neither of them will stop until they out match the other!" Chris said as he watched in amazement! "I have never seen anything like this! I almost don't want anyone else to reach the top!"

Suddenly, Julia ran up to the top with her face and arms covered in bee stings. She also had a swollen right eyes.

"Too bad because the winner has-" Julia was cut off as she saw the grappling match between Marcus and Bowie! "Whoa! What's going on here?"

"Bowie insulted Marcus's girlfriend and now they're fighting. Care to watch?" Chris asked.

"Somewhat but first, the bell!" Julia shouted, running to the Bell of Tranquility.

"NO!" Marcus shouted as Julia reached the bell and grabbed the rope!


Everyone could hear it as they all stopped moving and looked up to the top of the mountain.

"Yes! Immunity is mine!" Julia screamed in delight.

"And it's all over!" Chris said as he pulled out a bullhorn. "Julia has won immunity! I repeat, Julia-"

The winner snatched the bullhorn from Chris and began to speak into herself.

"You heard him right, butt knuckles! I am the winner!" Julia shouted in glee.

Marcus growled at this before glaring at Bowie, who had in in a triangle chokehold.

"I have had enough!" He shouted and with all his strength, stood up before slamming Bowie into the ground!

"GUH!" Bowie shouted in pain, letting go before Marcus grabbed his shirt.

"UGH!" Marcus grunts as he threw Bowie straight into Honey Mountain!

"Aaaah!" Bowie screamed as he fell right into the honey pool!

/Bowie's outhouseconfessional/

"Yep. Marcus is GONE!" Bowie said with a blank yet angry expression, covering in honey.

/End of confessional/

"Ahahahahahaha!" Julia laughed at this, finding it very entertaining.

She kept laughing while walking before she tripped in a rock, falling right down the mountain!

"WAAAAH!" Julia screams.

Lower parts of Honey Mountain

She fell right between Priya and Millie, right into a cloud of bees.

"WAAAAAAH!" Julia screams as she got up and ran from the bees! "AAAAAAAAAH!"

She ran off another edge, and back down to the Geyser Field!

Field of Geysers

Julia fell headfirst into a geyser, which then-


"AAAAAAAAAH!" Julia screamed as she was laughed into the air!

The Stream

Julia landed in the stream and quickly resurfaced, seemingly fine.

"Huh. Well at least it's over." Julia said before she heard something, looking to see the waterfall ahead. "Oh no! Aaaaaah!"

She went down the waterfall, right back to the crocodiles.

Campfire Pit

Hours later after everyone reassembled, rejuvenated, and talking with their alliances; they assembled at the campfire for tonight's elimination.

"Campers, as awesome and action packed as today was, tonight you have a job to do. You have to decide which one of you deserves to be eliminated the most." Chris said as he stood next to Chef.

"Marcus, you sank Emma's canoe and threw Bowie inside of Honey Mountain." Chef said, pointing at Marcus.

"The first one was accidental but the second one was deserved." Marcus comments as Scary Girl/Lauren clapped for this.

"Bowie, you insulted Scary Girl and got a rise out of Marcus fro no reason. You should've known that would end badly, man." Chef said, looking at Bowie.

Bowie looked worried by this as he and Julia, who still had bee stings along with gauze around her head and a patch over her right eye, shared a glance.

/Julia's outhouse confessional/

"Even if I didn't win and Bowie did, we all came to an agreement on who should go home." Julia said as she crossed her legs. "Bye bye, tough guy Marcus."

/Millie's outhouse confessional/

"Scary Girl told us about about Emma's alliance with Axel, Bowie, and Julia. With four votes against four votes, it's going to most definitely be a tie breaker." Millie said, looking worried. "Whoever they vote for, I hope one of us can beat them or our alliance is sunk!"

/End of confessional/

"Like always, you get a marshmallow and you're safe. You don't, you are potentially dead." Chris said as he grabbed a marshmallow. "Let's begin. Emma, Priya, Julia, Bowie, Scary, and Millie."

Everyone caught their marshmallows and looked relieved yet also worried as the last two hadn't received theirs.

"You are all safe." Chris said, no holding an empty plate.

"But what, if we're all safe, then.." Scary Girl/Lauren said, looking worried.

"Marcus and Axel?" Emma asked in surprise.

"Yep! It's a tie! Which means we need a tie BREAKER!" Chris shouted in glee, rubbing his hands together. "And for that, I've called in a special guest to help with it!"

A helicopter was heard as everyone looked up into the air, shocked to see it was a MILITARY helicopter. Music could be heard playing as a the doors of the chopped was pulled open.


A large shadow jumped from the helicopter and dropped to the island with a


The entire island shook as if it was an earthquake, making everyone but Chris and Chef nearly fall over as a cloud of sand blinded them all!

"Everyone, say hello to the woman who will be helping us with the tie breaker!" Chris said as the sand cloud cleared, revealing a very VERY large woman.

Everyone gasped in shock of the woman, seeing that it truly WAS Dakota Milton from Total Drama Revenge of the Island and she was still mutated like all of those years ago! Not to mention she was a solid 10 feet, 10 inches tall and clad in her a green sports bra and shorts with a bandage wraps around her forearms!

"ROOOOOOOOOOOAH!" Dakota roared loudly, older yet still as ferocious as 14-15 years ago.


"S-She's real. I never thought that season of Total Drama was real b-but it was!" Millie said in shock, looking at a real life mutant in front of her.

"That's right, Millie. And for the tie breaker, Marcus and Axel will have to fight Dakota on the Dock of Shame." Chris said as everyone turned to him.

"QUE?! WE HAVE TO FIGHT THAT?!" Axel shouted in shock, pointing to Dakota while holding Killer protectively.

"There is no way the network approved of this!" Chef quickly said to Chris.

"Actually they did. They're real big fans of Dakota." Chris said with a grin. "And yes, Axel, you will have to fight her. And to make it fair, you will be allowed to use weapons or anything else to help since Dakota is a mutant."

"It will make more fun." Dakota said in a deep feminine voice, grabbing Scary Girl/Lauren and putting her aside. "I been itching for good fight and you two seem like perfect punching bags."

"You seem confident." Marcus said, drawing everyone's attention as he stood up. "But that is going to be your downfall if you underestimate us."

He glared at the mutant as everyone felt the air getting colder, looking back and forth between the duo. Axel felt herself left out, growling as she stood up.

"Don't look down on me, either of you!" Axel shouted before looking at Chris. "Count me in, Chris! Give me my weapons and I'll wipe the floor with her!"

"Hehehehe, I thought you would say that, Axel. Now everyone but the two in the tie, head to the dock and wait." Chris said, gesturing to the Dock of Shame. "Axel, Marcus; both of you get ready to bring your A-Game! We've asked the episode to be extended by 10 minutes for this, so make it good!"

Ferocious Trouts Cabin, Male Side

On the male side, the door was open as Marcus walked into the cabin, heading to his bag and opening it quickly. Changing quickly, Marcus was now dressed in a pair of shorts as he sat in his bed and grabbed his boxing wrap tape.

Ferocious Trouts Cabin, Female Side

On the female side, Axel grabbed her weapon bag from under her bed and examined all of the weapons inside. Searching for the beast ones to give her the best chance of victory. Killer, the baby cassowary, watching from the bed in curiosity and unknown awe.

Ferocious Trouts Cabin, Male Side

Marcus finished wrapping his feet in the tape before standing up, bouncing in place before throwing shadow punches to the air! Imagining Dakotazoid was right in front of him, growling and ready to fight.

Ferocious Trouts Cabin, Female Side

Axel held up a sledgehammer and a shovel, she span both in her hands before holding them at the ready, posing with her arms crossed.

/Marcus's outhouse confessional/

"I originally came on this show because I wanted a challenge. Looks like my wish came true." Marcus said, bashing his fists together.

/Axel's outhouse confessional/

"I've train my entire for something like this, me against a giant, man eating monster!" Axel said, holding the sledgehammer in her hands while Killer was on her left shoulder. "And that means, this is life or death!"

"HUUUUUR!" Killer let out loudly.

"Exactly, Killer." Axel said with a grin.

/End of confessionals/

The two of them stepped out of their sides of the cabin, both of them ready and walking towards the Dock of Shame without saying a word to each other.

Dock of Shame

Everyone was waiting in the same stump sets from the Campfire Pit, except Chris and Chef who were standing on the Dock of Shame with Dakota. Both alliances sitting away from each other and showing support for the one they wanted to win.

"And here they are!" Chris said as Axel and Marcus came into view.

Axel had her entire weapon bag strap to her back while Killer sat on her shoulder while Marcus was in an MMA get up.

"Whooo! YEAH! Go Axel!" Julia, Bowie, and Emma cheered for the zombie survivalist.

"Go Marcus! You got this! YEAH!" Priya and Millie said as they clapped for him.

Scary Girl/Lauren wasn't clapping or cheering as she took in Marcus's body and bit her lip, blushing brightly at the sight of it. She couldn't take her eyes off him as he and Axel stood before Chris and Chef at the beginning of the dock.

"The rules of this are simple. You will fight Dakota one at a time and try to knock her off the Dock of Shame or somehow knock her out within a provided time slot." Chris said, gesturing to Dakota.

"Hehehehehe." Dakota chuckled as she cracked her knuckles.

"But if you can't knock her off the dock before the time ends, you will leave the Dock of Shame and join the audience of competitors." Chef said, pointing towards the other watching. "But in the case that neither of you can knock her off or out within the time limit, you will BOTH be eliminated."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted at the hosts.

"Yep! So unless Marcus or Axel win, it's going to be a double elimination tonight!" Chris said with a smile, rubbing his hands together. "Now, who is up first?!"

"Me!" Axel said, stepping forward. "I'm going first."

"Hur hur!" Killer said, flapping his wings.

"You'll have to leave the baby behind so it doesn't get hurt though." Chef said, pointing to Killer.

Axel nodded as she grabbed the baby cassowary and walked towards her alliance.

"You, watch him." Axel said, placing the baby bird in someone's lap.

"What? Why me?" Julia said, slowly holding the bird firmly.

"Because I said so." Axel said before she turned back towards the dock and marched down to Dakota.

The mutant woman was rolling her arms at the right end as Axel moved to the left end.

"Use all weapons you like. I don't mind, my skin too tough for them." Dakota said, bragging about her mutant body.

"Glad to hear it." Axel said, dropping her bag and opening it.

"Ready? Set?" Chris said, pulling out a digital clock with a button on top. "GO!"

3 Minutes appeared on the clock, revealing the time limit for this "match."

Axel VS Dakota

Axel grabbed her sledgehammer and jumped at Dakota!

"YAH!" She screamed the hammer raised up.

Dakota grinned as she threw an uppercut, clashing with the falling hammer!


The clash had sent Axel back, making her crash and roll on the dock before stopping at the edge. She looked at her sledgehammer and gasped as the hammer head was shattered into pieces!

"Not bad but not good." Dakota said, blowing her on fist. "Anymore?"

"Grrr!" Axel growled before rushed at Dakota, grabbing a bat from her weapon's bag.

Axel began attacking Dakota with both wooden weapons, making the large mutant stumble a bit as she just took all of Axel's attacks.

The Others

"Axel is really on fire. She's not letting up on her attacks." Bowie said with a nod.

"Yeah but she needs to wrap this up to Marcus can go home already." Julia said, impatient.

"Agreed." Emma said with a nod before noticing. "But wait, Dakota isn't fighting back."

"What?" Julia and Bowie asked.

"I said she's not fighting back, she's just letting Axel hit her over and over again." Emma said.

"That's because it's her specialty." Scary Girl/Lauren said, drawing everyone attention. "Dakota is letting Axel hit her to tire herself out, before finishing her off! It's one of her strategies in the ring!"

"And if Axel is too tired or can't push Dakota off the dock, she'll lose!" Millie said with a smile.

"Exactly!" Scary Girl/Lauren said, clapping her hands.

Marcus remained silent as he watched, studying and mentally preparing himself.

Axel vs Dakota

Axel continued her assault on Dakota, growing exhausted as the large mutant was grinning all the while. Dakota slowly steps forward, making Axel move back on instinct.

"GRRRR!" Axel growled as she jumped and kicked Dakota's chin, sending her head back.

Until Dakota grabbed her by the leg, holding her in the air!

"Good but it over!" Dakota said, grinning.

"Not yet!" Axel shouted as she swung her weapons!

Only for Dakota to catch them in her other hand and CRUSH them! This shocked Axel before she dropped the handles and pulled out a stun gun from her pocket!

"Eat this!" Axel shouted as she pulled the trigger, firing the wires at Dakota!

The mutant stood still as she was hit with 50,000 volts of electricity but it just made her laugh like it was tickling her!

"Hahahahaha! Stop stop! It tickles!" She said before spun Axel in the air and threw her off the dock!

"WAAAAAAAAH!" Axel screamed before landing in the water!

The Others

"And that's time!" Chris said as he stopped the clock. "Axel lasted exactly 1 minute and 45 seconds, halfway but not all the way."

"Meaning unless Marcus can pull off a miracle, he'll be joining Axel in elimination." Chef said as everyone turned to Marcus.

"Hmph." Marcus said, bouncing in place before walking to the dock.

"Wait!" Scary Girl/Lauren shouted as she stood up.

Marcus stopped and turned, right as Scary Girl/Lauren wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

"Aaaaaaw." Priya and Millie said.

"Ugh!" Emma, Bowie, and Julia groaned as Axel walked up to them.

"Hur Hur!" Killer let out as Axel took him back.

"Sorry, mama didn't win." Axel said, sitting down next to Julia.

Marcus kissed her back before pulling back.

"For luck." Scary Girl/Lauren said before she moved back.

"Thanks." Marcus said before walking again, glaring at Dakota as she waited with her arms crossed.

"Come on. Show me what you got." Dakota said.

"Gladly." Marcus said, walking onto the dock.

/Scary Girl's/Lauren's outhouse confessional/

"This is a problem for me. Do I cheer for my sweet boyfriend or do I cheer for my monster hero?" She asked, frowning and holding her face. "Oh why can't life be easier sometimes?"

/End of confessional/

"Ready? Set?" Chris asked, holding up the clock again! "FIGHT!"

He pushed the button and reset the clock to 3 minutes.

Marcus vs Dakota

Marcus out his fists up in a boxing stance, bouncing on his feet as Dakota flexed her fingers.

"Hehehehehe, I already tell. You stronger than she was. You be more fun!" Dakota said, walking towards Marcus.

But Marcus didn't wait and rushed at Dakota! This made her smile as she swung!


But she wasn't fast or enough and Marcus lands six jabs on her stomach and face!

"Mmmm." Marcus hummed, moving back and clenching his fists. "You are tough."

Dakota charged at him again and kept attacking, making Marcus raise his arms to guard!


The first punch almost broke his guard, making him skid back as he dug his feet in!

The Others

"He took her attack and is still standing!" Priya shouted in shock.

"Marcus is tough but even that had to be too much for him!" Millie said in worry.

"I have to agree. I've seen Dakotazoid's matches and she is a HEAVY hitter. That boy is gonna need a miracle." Chef comments.

While Bowie, Emma, and Julia smiled from this and thought Marcus had no chance; Scary Girl/Lauren watched with worry.

"Please win. Please." She whispered.

Marcus vs Dakota

Marcus shook his head and put his guard back up as Dakota charged at him!

"RAAAAAH!" Dakota roared, punching him again!

Marcus skid back to the edge of the dock, reeling from the second hit! She then raised her arms for a double hammer and slammed them down, making the wood crack as Marcus fell to a knee! She pulled her arms back for another one, slamming Marcus in his arms before he suddenly leaned!

"Huh?" She let out as Marcus spun on his back!

"YAAAAH!" He shouted, kicking his feet up and hitting Dakota in the chin!

Marcus then spun on his hand, getting back up on his feet before hitting Dakota in the cheek!

"Ugh!" She grunts, stumbling back as her mind was still shaking from the first hit.

"Your strength, your speed, and your durability." Marcus said as everyone looked to him. "I know enough to be you, this fight has just begun."

Marcus lowered his hands and began bouncing on his feet, almost like hoping as he held his arms to his side.

The Others

"He's swaying?" Bowie asked in surprise.

"Swaying?" Julia asked.

"It's a boxing defense technique but against a beast like that, it's not gonna help." Bowie said, shaking his head.

"And with only a minute and 37 seconds left, Marcus may need it." Chris said, looking at the clock.

"He'll win." Scary Girl/Lauren said, firmly as everyone turned to her. "I believe in Marcus. I know he'll win."

"And if he doesn't? It's a double ticket home for him and Axel." Emma said with a smirk.

"GRRRRR!" Scary Girl/Lauren growled at her, making Emma jump in fear. "He. Will. Win."

/Priya's outhouse confessional/

"It's both romantic and scary how much Lauren believes and likes Marcus." Priya said, picking her fingers nervously.

/Millie's outhouse confessional/

"I somehow envy Scary Girl for being such a devoted girlfriend. Even if she is WAY too into it if you ask me." Millie said, scratching her head nervously.

/End of confessionals/

Marcus vs Dakota

Dakota rubbed her chin as she recovered, growling at Marcus but smiling as well.

"Good. You VERY good! I been bored for long time, now I no bored anymore!" Dakota screams with a wide grin.

She charged at Marcus and threw a wide punch, but he slid back to dodge! He dodged another and another before ducking down and rushing at her.

"You're open!" Marcus said, throwing an uppercut.


But Marcus didn't hit her chin, as Dakota's tail blocked his fist!

"Hehehehe, now YOU open!" Dakota shouted before punching his stomach!

Marcus grunts as he grabbed her arm, being pushing into the air. He pulled with the arm as he flipped over Dakota, landing behind her and judo throwing her to-


"Ugh!" Dakota grunts as she slammed face first in the dock.

Still holding her arm, Marcus moved for a submission but Dakota rose up and punched him in the stomach again!

"GAH!" Marcus grunts, pushed into the air as he let go.

"Hehehehehe. You good but you tough?!" Dakota shouted, getting and grabbing Marcus!


She slammed him into the dock, making it crack as he gasped for air! Dakota didn't stop as she began punching downward at Marcus! He tried to block but the punches got through, hitting him on all sides!

The Others

Everyone gasped in shock from the brutal display, not expecting Dakota to pull something like this since she was a wrestler!

"MARCUS!" Scary Girl/Lauren screamed in fear, slowly crying.

"I can't wait!" Millie said as she covered her eyes.

"This is too much! It's like she's trying to kill him!" Priya shouted in worry, turning to Chris. "Chris, please! Stop this!

"I afraid until I see for sure that Marcus has been knocked out or thrown off the dock." Chris said, shaking his head.

"But this is too far!" Priya screamed at him.

"Yeah, this is basically a one sided slaughter now." Bowie comments.

"I hate to admit it but it's over." Axel said, shaking her head.

"I almost feel bad for him, ALMOST." Julia said with a smirk.

Emma just slowly smiled at the fight, eager to see Marcus being beaten and confirmed to be going home.

Marcus vs Dakota

The beating continued for 30 whole seconds until Dakota pulled away, looking down at Marcus as he still held up his guard but was covered in bruises.

"Huh. Huh. Huh." He pants, trying to regain his breath.

"You done? You ready to give up?" Dakota asked, slowly reaching out and picking up Marcus to bring to her face. "You good fighter but I am winner. Give up and go-"


Marcus punched her in the cheek, glaring at Dakota as his will to fight was unbroken. Dakota didn't love as she growled, growing annoyed with Marcus!

"Just give up!" Dakota shouted, tossing Marcus across the dock!

He rolled and bounced to the other side but stopped right before going over the edge, breathing heavily as his arm hung over the side!

The Others

"OOOOH! And it looks like it's all over, and with only 25 seconds left, it looks like Marcus is-"

"WAIT! LOOK!" Scary Girl shouted, cutting off Chris and pointing to Marcus.

Marcus vs Dakota

Marcus slowly lifted his body up, straining but not stopping as he managed to sit with his back to Dakota.

The Others

"Oh sweet Canada! How is he a still moving?!" Chef asked in shock, grabbing his head.

"I don't know but it's pointless!" Emma said before shouting at Marcus. "Just stay down! You can't win!"

"SHUT UP! HE CAN WIN!" Scary Girl/Lauren shouted, crying for everyone to see as her lip trembled. "HE-He will win."

"Your faith is scary strong but there's only 20 seconds left. I say he's done." Chris said, shaking the clock counting down from 20 seconds.

Marcus vs Dakota

Dakota growls before pops her neck and rolled her shoulders, ready to end this.

"You hungry for more pain, huh? Okay, I give you pain! ROOOOOAH!" She roared as she jumped at Marcus. "GAME OVER!"

Marcus still had his back to Dakota, raising his shaking left hand and clenching it into a fist before tucking it into his side.

The mutant woman was right above him, ready to tackle, slam, or slash Marcus into the water to win!

"YAAAAAH!" Marcus screamed as he jumped with a spin, launching an uppercut!


Right into Dakota's jaw, sending her flying back!

"GUH!" Dakota let out, her mind shaking once again as she looked into the night sky.

The Others

Everyone gasped in shock once again, seeing the giant beast falling back until-


She crashed right into the water, a full second before the clock went off!

"I-It's over." Chris said slowly, his eyes wide with shock. "M-M-Marcus has-"

"HE WON!" Priya, Millie, and Scary Girl/Screamed, standing up and cheering for Marcus as he slowly got up and stumbled off the dock.

"R-Right! Right! Marcus has won the tiebreaker and that means the zombie survivalist Axel is heading home!" Chris said, pointing towards Axel.

Axel groans at this while Killer nuzzled her stomach, making her feel a bit better.

/Axel's outhouse confessional/

"I came to this island with the plan of dominating the competition and that is exactly what I did." Axel said, smiling at the camera. "I showed I was a leader, a survivor, and a fighter. Even if I didn't win, I made it past the merge. Plus, I got a deadly bird as a pet. So I think I will be fine going home without the million dollars. But next time, I'm going ALL the way to the end."

/End of confessional/

Dock of Shame

Chris and Chef stood before Marcus, Axel, and Dakota as the military helicopters hovered about them.

"As a token of appreciation for the most EPIC in reality TV, Marcus. You may have this care package with creams, bandages, and pain medicine for your injuries." Chris said as Chef presented him with said basket of items.

"Thanks." Marcus said, groaning a bit as he grabbed the basket.

"You're welcome." Chris said before turning to Dakota. "Dakota, is there anything you would like to say before you go?"

The mutant woman nodded to him before looking at Marcus, smiling with her sharp teeth.

"You win this time but NEXT time, I win. Me switch to MMA and me be waiting for you at top." Dakota said before walking to the military helicopter and stepping in. "So you no lose to anyone. Got it?"

Marcus nods to her as the helicopter flew away, allowing him to wince and slowly walk back to his cabin with the medicine basket.

"Alright, Axel, it's time for you to go. Any last words?" Chef asked as he and Chris turned to Axel.

The zombie survivor shook her head, holding her weapon bag in her right hand while her baby cassowary was in her left hand.

"I've said my piece in the outhouse. Let's get this over with." Axel said, turning to the water.

"Fine by me. See ya." Chris said, pushing a remote button.

The Drone of Despair flew over to Axel and grabbed her by the belt, pulling her up and flying off into the distance.

"And just like that, our special extended episode comes to an end." Chris said as the camera turns to him. "Will we have another episode like this? Will Marcus be able to compete with those injuries? Will Dakota be allowed to fight in MMA? Find out next time, except the last one, right here on Total. Drama. Island!"

Ferocious Trouts cabin, Male Side

Grunting, Marcus pushed the door open and walked to his bed as he held his stomach. He winced as he set the basket down in his bed and sat down, his breathing being the only thing heard on the empty male side.

"Now, gotta get to work." He said, reaching for the basket until the door opened. "Huh?"

Marcus turned to the door and slightly gasped, seeing that Scary Girl/Lauren had invited herself in but she wasn't wearing her normal clothes. Instead, she was wearing a black night dress that reached her knees with no sleeves and red frills on the shoulders. And her hair was down, reaching her back as Marcus saw she was...frowning with tear stains coming from her eyes.

"Lauren?" Marcus asked softly, blushing a bit.

His girlfriend said nothing as she walked to his bed and sat next to the basket, reaching inside and grabbing a bottle of pain killers. She opened it and pulled out two pills, holding them up to Marcus as he gazed into her eyes. Eyes filled with love, sadness, and worry...all for him. Almost if she was asking to let her help him, to let her take care of him for tonight.

"...Thank you." Marcus said, accepting her help as she put the pills in his mouth.

Scary Girl/Lauren closed the pain killer bottle and put it down before treating the rest of Marcus's injuries. Using the creams for his bruised muscles and skin, wrapping bandages around for protection, and kissing him gently when she was complete.

"All done but, if you don't mind, I...I want to stay and spent the night with you." Scary Girl/Lauren said, looking into his eyes. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all." he said, smiling softly as Scary Girl/Lauren smiled back at him.

She rose up and walked to the light switch, cutting the cabin lights off before walking back to Marcus's bed to lay with him.

"Goodnight, Marcus." Scary Girl/Lauren said softly, putting her head on his chest.

"Goodnight, Lauren." Marcus whispered back, wrapping on arm around her before they both drifted off to sleep.

Review, Fav, and Follow for more.

Elimination Order: Caleb, Ripper, Nichelle, Zee, Chase, MK, Raj, Wayne, Damian, Axel

Remaining: 7 (Priya, Millie, Bowie, Emma, Julia, Marcus, Scary Girl/Lauren)

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