New Crew on the Block Part 2

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As Chris was focused on Cheetor, the yacht arrive at the dock and a mysterious green man with purple clothes and a wide-shoulder cape and hat walked of the yacht.

"Mister Mclean?" asked the man,

Actually it's Chris Mclean mister...?" said Chris,

"Piccolo. My name is Piccolo. Is this the place where I compete for the mystery prize?" replied the man,

"Yes it is. You'll meet one of the contestants at the cabins." replied Chris, as Piccolo floated towards Cheetor.

"Sheesh, what a werido." Chris said to himself, Meanwhile with Cheetor.

"Alright I need to make sure I packed the right supplies." said Cheetor, as Piccolo landed right behind Cheetor.

"Worrying about your own supplies instead of your own life? Pathetic." said Piccolo, as he kicked Cheetor to the side.

"Ow! Hey what's your problem?!" replied Cheetor,

"You're one the contestants? They might as well hand me the prize already." said Piccolo,

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