Up A Creek

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Another day, another back-breaking challenge. Everyone has been well fed and well-rested and are now outside, listening to Chris as he goes over the rules for this next day of torture.

Chris: "Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer-camp experience, a canoe trip. *gestures to canoes on beach* You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake... *spooky* to Boney Island! When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a 2 hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle."

Geoff: "We gotta pour what?"

Chris: "Portage."

Geoff is still not getting it.

Chris: "Dude, walk with your canoe."

Geoff: "Oh."

Chris: "When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility. MOVE, CAMPERS, MOVE!

The campers all rush to their canoes, but...

Chris: "Oh, wait! One more thing I should mention. Legend has it, if you take anything off the island, you'll be cursed forever!"

Cue the thundering effects, courtesy of the effects department.

Owen: "Yeah! A cursed island! WOO!"

Y/N: "Owen... you seriously need to get a handle on what danger is, or did you not learn when you flew around on a plane?"

Owen: *Vietnamese flashback intensifies* "Uh... I'm good."

Chris: "Now get in your canoes, and let's have some fun."

The teams then leave for their canoes, Owen now taking this challenge more seriously. Just then, Beth shows up from her trip to the bathroom with toilet paper stuck on her shoe.

Beth: "What'd I miss?"

Chris: "Canoes." *points in direction.*

Beth rushes to catch up with her team.

[Confessional: Y/N]

Y/N: "Okay, so I've gotta pick a paddle partner. The question is... who do I choose? There's a few good apples on the team. But if there's anyone I'd never partner up with... it's Owen, Heather and... sorry to say this, but... Izzy, she's just straight-up nuts. But I gotta admit, she's kinda cute when she's not being psycho."

[End of confessional]

For partner, you and Gwen take a canoe while Trent is pulled into a kayak with Lindsay and Beth. Leshawna is stuck with Izzy and Heather is partnering up with Owen.

Izzy tries to move the canoe, but winds up flipping herself into the boat instead, but thinks she moved it a little. 

Izzy: "Just follow me technique. I'm 1/8th cherokee, you know, which means like the tribe could totally like claim me at anytime."

And the sweet chocolate mama lifts the canoe with ease and carries it into the water with a bored out expression.

Leshawna: "Let's hope it's today."

Each of the teams all partner up and finally make it out into the water, life-jackets put on and ready to set sail. As were the Killer Bass. With everyone now safely in the waters, they were all now waiting for Chris' signal to start the round trip.

Chris: *cocks pistol* "On your marks, get set... *aims gun upwards, fires a single shot* PADDLE!"

Aaaaand THEY'RE OFF!!! And a bird comes crashing down in front of Chris after being hit.

Chris: "That's gonna provoke some angry e-mails."

The teams keep paddling their way towards their destination, all while you and Gwen are talking strategy together.

Gwen: "So, what do you think Chris has planned for us when we get to this supposed "cursed island" when we land?"

Y/N: "Not sure. We're just gonna have to keep our eyes and ears open, since that Boney Island is a strange mystery to us."

Gwen: "I was afraid you'd say that. Still, it's nice to know there's a few sane people on this team that don't get on my nerves."

Y/N: "Uh... you're welcome? I guess?"

Gwen: *chuckles* "I mean it in a good way, babe. Listen... about what happened with... you know... I... kinda left you a gift under your pillow as thanks for being there for me."

Meanwhile, with Izzy and Leshawna...

Izzy: "...And then these bushmen taught us how to properly catch and cook crocodile as well as koala."

Leshawna: "Uh, isn't killing a koala bear illegal?"

Izzy: "Oh, I dunno. Probably, yeah." *laughs* "Probably, it's illegal."

As for Trent, Lindsay and Beth, Lindsay decides to rest on Trent's lap while Beth and the guitarist keep paddling.

Lindsay: "You don't mind if I work on my tan, do you?"

Trent: "I don't mind one bit."

[Confessional: Lindsay]

Lindsay: "As sweet as Triston is, my heart still belongs to Y/N. I wanna make sure I look good for Y/N after this challenge is done."

[Confessional: Trent]

Trent: "Anyone ever notice how close Gwen and Y/N are?"

[End of confessional]

Meanwhile, with the Killer Bass team, specifically with DJ and Geoff, they were talking about other things.

Geoff: "Can I ask you something, dude? I gave Bridgette an awesome gift this morning. But she's been sending me weird vibes."

Speaking of Bridgette, she's conversing her weird day with Courtney on what she just found.

Bridgette: "Oh my god, Courtney, it was so bad. I come back from brushing my teeth, and I noticed something bulging under my covers and when I lifted them... there it was!"

She begins to describe the horrible abomination of a "gift" she found, from the heart-shaped picture frame, the maccaroni glued around the frame and the picture of Geoff and Bridgette, but Geoff's side looked like he cut out the part where DJ was in it.

Courtney: *gasp* "No!"

Bridgette: "Yes!"

With Geoff and DJ

Geoff: "I made it in arts and crafts."

DJ: *horrified* "No, you didn't!"

Geoff: "I did."

And it goes back and forth between the 2 groups.

Bridgette: "It gets worse. Etched into the back was an inscription that said--"

Geoff: "--I hope you think of me whenever you drop loose change into this."

DJ sighs in horror from how big Geoff screwed it up. Bridgette made gagging noises and Courtney cringes hard.

Geoff: "Not good?"

DJ: "Damn, dude. *facepalms himself That is so bad, you need a new word for how bad that is. Dating's like feeding a bunny. You want the bunny to come to you, so you don't make any sudden moves, like "Here, bunny, bunny, bunny," but you drop a heart-shaped handmade clay bowl on a bunny, it'll start running."

Geoff: "So, I screwed up?"

DJ: "You screwed up, dude."

Bridgette: "But there is a silver lining."

Courtney: "What do you mean?"

Bridgette: "Before I went to brush my teeth, there was a knock on the door and all I found was a couple of snacks, two cans of orange soda and a note attached to them. It said "I know you worked hard to try and win the camp challenge, so I hope there's no hard feelings."

Courtney: "Hmm... I can guess who it was that sent those snacks. And I have a feeling he's not the same guy who left that other "gift."

Bridgette: "Yeah, I figured as much."

Both girls then look your way as you're still paddling with Gwen, not aware of the chicks checking you out.

Y/N: "Heads up, Gwen... the fog's coming in."

Gwen: "What do you suppose that means?"

Y/N: "I think we're about to find out."

After some cautious paddling, both teams make it to dry land on the infamous Boney Island.

Izzy: "Okay, did you see that skull? How cool is that? It's like this place is haunted or something!"

Just then, ghostly moans and screeches could be heard throughout the island, sending shivers down your spine.

Gwen: "Let's just get this over with."

Y/N: "Right behind you."

You and Gwen lift your canoes up over your heads and head for the island, as do everyone else. The races is really heating up as you all tread through the hazardous forest. All around you, you could see trees... and skulls mounted on stick poles, all of which spooked you.

But your path was blocked when a tree came tumbling down in front of you all, almost crushing you all. Then, you hear rustling...

Y/N: *looks around* "Guys, I think I saw something!"

And then... out came these oversized beaver-like creatures with sharp tusks and sharp buck teeth, looking mighty... hangry.

Y/N: "Uh, guys... now would be a good time to... RUUUN!!!"

The others do so, running away, screaming.

[Confessional: Chris]

Chris: "A remnant of the pleistocene era, the wooly beaver is a day-active rodent indigenous to Boney Island. Oh yeah, and they're meat eaters."

[End of confessional]

The entire Screaming Gophers team keeps running off from the wooly beaver stampede, running past a simple bear who was minding his own business, scratching his back against a tree. When he saw you all running, he got confused and put on some glasses.

Owen: "Dead end!"

And the team stopped right in the middle of the centimeters deep water, thinking it's over for them, but... surprisingly, the oversized fur balls walked away from you all.

Trent: "Hey, they're leaving."

Y/N: "Yes, but why?" *sees a few nests* "Oh... shit."

Trent: "What? What's wrong?"

Y/N: "Guys... whatever you do... do not... make... any... sudden... loud noises... just breathe... very... quietly."

Owen: "Did anybody pack a change of underwear?"

Some of the team laughs, but you try to shush them.

Owen: "No, seriously." *chuckles*

Y/N: "Don't you dare fart Owen, or I'll--"

Too late, fat man farts. And now these dinosaur-like geese pop out of their nests after smelling and hearing the commotion.

Y/N: "You know what... I fucking hate you. RUUUUUUUUN!"

And you and your team run off yet again.

Owen: "I am definitely gonna need new underwear."

Y/N: "How about I shove your GITCH down your throat for potentially turning us into a potluck?!"

Owen: "Excuse me if my butt has a mind of its own!"

And the bear with the glasses watches you all get chased by the prehistoric geese, still confused. But then he decides to just give up on how this makes sense and breaks his glasses.

Gwen: "Someone do something!"

Y/N: "I got this!"

Reaching into your pockets, you pulled out a couple of sandwiches and tossed them over your shoulder, getting the flying meat eaters off your tail and your team back on track.

Gwen: "What were those sandwiches for?"

Y/N: "Lunch! But now they'll have to do as bait."

Sure enough, Bass team takes the lead.

Izzy: "Come on, the race is not over yet! We still have to burn stuff!"

As the race continues on, the Bass arrive at a fork in the road and decide to go right, but you all decide to go left.

So far, everything seems quiet. Not a single predator in sight, just you and your teammates. But then, disaster strikes.

Trent: "Whoa. Guys, uh, don't want to panic here, but I'm shrinking."

[Confessional: Trent]

Trent: "Right. How am I supposed to know what quicksand looks like? It looks just like sand!"

[Confessional: Y/N]

Y/N: "There's no riverstreams or bodies of water around, so I'm guessing this was set up by a certain host of our. *glares at camera* I know it was you who did it, Chris."

[Confessional: Chris]

Chris: *laughs* "Can you believe they fell for that? I set it up, but I didn't think anyone would walk into it. That's just great." *laughs*

[End of confessional]

Trent: "Uh... uh..."

As he sinks faster, the others stop, not knowing what to do.

Lindsay: "Trent's stuck! I'm coming, Trent!"

Y/N: "Lindsay, no!"

But it's too late, the airhead walks right into the death trap.

Lindsay: *happy* "I'm stuck, too! I so didn't see that coming."

Trent facepalms himself.

Trent: "Help! Somebody help us!"

And help does come. You grab a vine and swing over the quicksand pit, letting out your mighty Tarzan yell. Once you're directly over the put, you hang onto the vine by your feet and ankles before reaching down for Trent's hand, which he grabs you.

Y/N: "I gotcha, man! Now to PULL!!!"

With all your strength, you pull both Trent and Lindsay out from the clutches of the deadly quicksand and swing them to safety.

Y/N: "Phew, that was close."

Trent: "Hey, thanks bro." *high fives you* "You're a lifesaver."

Y/N: "Glad you're both okay."

Lindsay: *hugs you* "My hero!"

Y/N: "No problem. Now, let's get back in this face!"

And so you did. Eventally, you beat the Killer Bass to the other side of the island and arrived at the beach where you all started to build the fire while the Bass set down their canoes.

However, as you were trying to start yours, Heather gasps and points at the Bass, who already have a fire started.

Heather: "How did they do that so quickly?"

Duncan pulls out a boxed lighter and opens it up, then ignites it.

Chris: "No rules against carrying lighters. Edge, Killer Bass."

Your team continues to gather wood for your fire when Beth suddenly stumbles across a wooden tiki doll. Unaware of the curse she'd soon bring to her teammates, she takes the tiki doll.

Back with you and Trent...

Trent: "Thanks again for saving our butts back there."

Y/N: "Just doing what's right. Listen, Trent... you and I need to talk about something, a little heart to heart, one man to another."

Trent: "I know, it's about you and Gwen, right?"

Y/N: "How'd you know?"

Trent: "I could just tell. You two seem real close together. The way she smiles at you, how peaceful she looks when she's around you, heck, she even kissed you goodnight when you won the Awake-A-Thon for us a couple of weeks ago, man."

Y/N: "She... actually kissed me?"

Trent: "Yeah, but it was a peck on the cheek. She's clearly got the hots for you and... I've decided to be at peace with it."

Y/N: "I see. Thanks for understand, Trent. Listen, I know it's probably hard on you, but what do you say I talk to Gwen into letting you be her paddle partner when we get back to camp?"

Trent: "You sure you wanna do that?"

Y/N: "It's the least I can do."

Trent: "Thanks, man. You're alright." *fist bumps you*

Heather: *butts in* "Ladies, are you almost finished with your tea party? We're in the middle of a challenge here."

Y/N: *using a British accent* "Oh, please forgive me, madam, I do apologize, as soon as I'm done washing the horses, I shall take the carriage to your quarters, m'lady."

Heather: "You think this is funny?!"

Y/N: *in a British accent* "Well, I'm speaking to you this way, because you're speaking to me like I'm an ASSHOLE, sir!"

[Confessional: Trent]

Trent: *laughs* "Dude knows how to push her buttons. I wish I had brought some popcorn."

[Confessional: Heather]

Heather: *yells* "I have HAD IT with this bastard! If we lose this challenge, he is SO going home!"

[End of confessional]

Meanwhile with the Killer Bass team, they were also picking up the pace to keep the fire going. And Geoff... he's struggling to move, despite his teeny-tiny injury. No seriously, it's just a stupid little splinter stuck in his leg, it's easy to take out.

Y/N: "Okay, this is stupid to watch."

You walk over to Geoff kneel down.

Geoff: "Uh, dude?"

Y/N: "Hold still."

And voila, you grab the splinter and pull it out of his leg, even though he screamed like a baby.

Y/N: "Would you grow up? It's just a splinter. You're fine." *throws splinter away, walks away*

Aaaand, now the Bass team feel silly. Anyways, the two teams keep going until Izzy decided to get more... creative.

Izzy: *holding a ball of... something* "This ought to do the trick. It's a handmade fire-starter I made from some tree sap and saved. Stand back, guys, this is gonna be big."

Oooh, she's not kidding around. Even you took a step back. And soon, the freaky ginger girl threw her ticking time bomb into the fire and KABOOM, there's the fire of all fires!

Chris: *pulls away* "Woo-hoo-hoo! We have our fire-building winner, point for the GOPHERS!"

Heather: "Where did you learn to do that?"

Izzy: "Oh, you know, I spent a summer training with the reserves. Yeah, I got into some trouble there and, like, blew up the kitchen by accident, which is why the R.C.M.P is, like, still all over my butt, I am so, totally A.W.O.L."

Okay, freakiness aside, at least Izzy won the 1st part of the challenge for you and your team. Now let's hope you all can get home safely.

Y/N: "Hey Gwen, if it's alright with you, why don't you go ahead and ride back with Trent?"

Gwen: "Okay, sure. Why not?"

Y/N: "Lindsay, Beth, you got any room for me?"

Lindsay: "Sure." *flutters her eyes at you*

You chuckle and get into the canoe with the two ladies. The rest of your team all get on board and paddle their way back to camp. But for the stranded Killer Bass, well... they got no paddles because of Harold's stupid idea to use them as firewood.

Bridgette: "What are we gonna do without paddles?"

Izzy: "You guys could get someone to swim behind the boats and push them, I did that once for this huge, like, 60 foot yacht. The whole crew had to flutter-kick for like eight days to get to shore, and, like, four of us got eaten by sharks. *laughs* I didn't. Not me. But it was really insane... Okay, later... AAH!"

Her shrieking comes from Leshawna paddling hard to shut her up or risk you all losing.

About halfway, you're almost about to win it, but then the Killer Bass pull a last resort trump card and take the lead before crashing onto dry land and Chris flinches a couple of times from how rough the landing, then recomposes himself.

Chris: "The Bass are the WINNERS!"

The Killer Bass cheer for their victory.

Y/N: "Aww, so close."

Leshawna: *to Izzy, pissed* "You cost us the game! You are dead!"

Izzy: "Right. Okay, you are so lucky that my license to kill is currently expired."

Oooh, sexy choco-mama be pissed now. She grabs a paddle and chases after Izzy, ready to whoop that ass of hers.


And now, it is nightfall. The time to vote off one of your fellow teammates has come and you're hoping to God it's not you. You're all gathered at the bonfire and Chris is currently holding up a plate with 8 marshmallows on it for all but one camper.

Chris: "And now, the always anxiety inducing marshmallow ceremony. When I call your name, come and get a marshmallow."

And the names are called as followed...








Chris: "One last marshmallow. The person who doesn't get this marshmallow will walk off the Dock of Shame and take a ride on the Boat of Losers, who's it gonna be?"

Sadly, the ceremony was interrupted as a helicopter was heard in the distance and showed up at the camp.

Man: *through intercom* "Izzy, we know you're down there! You are under arrest!"

Leshawna: "You mean all that trash you were talking was true?"

Izzy: "No, just the R.C.M.P part. See ya." *to R.C.M.P* "YOU'LL NEVER GET ME ALIIIIIIIVE!!!"

And the crazy one has left the building, laughing like a lunatic as the choppers chase after her.

Chris: "Well, that wraps that up. Night, everyone."

Everyone, including you, is still left in awe at what's happened.

But anwyays, after that freaky fiasco went down, you went back to your bunk in the cabin, then saw something poking out from underneath your pillow, so you pull it out.

There it was... a black bra. Courtesy of Gwen.

Y/N: "Well... that's certainly something."

Owen: "Is that... a bra?"

Y/N: "Yup, a bonefide souvenir."

Owen: "You mean it belongs to--"

Y/N: "I ain't sayin' squat, but I shall sleep well tonight."

Yup, right about now, Gwen's chilling out by the dock, her heart still beating for you, even though she's hanging out with Trent. But... an ominous atmosphere soon looms over the campers as Beth's cursed doll begins its hexing spree.

Will the Gophers be able to pull through, or is the curse gonna bring them down until they hit rock bottom? Who knows?

[A/N: Here's another chapter. You guys just wait until you see what I've got cooking up for the next chapters. Things are about to get REAL tough for the Gophers. And no worries, Trent won't be stealing your favorite goth girl. Now... STAY TUNED!]

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