Who Can You Trust?

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It is now breakfast time at the mess hall and for today's breakfast dish, Chef Hatchet has laid out to everyone...

Chef: "Today's breakfast is Hawaiian, Italian fusion casserole."

Gwen: *takes tray* "You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge."

Chef: "Yeah, that's right! You got a problem with that?"

Gwen: *slightly scared, salutes* "Sir, no sir!"

Chef salutes back.

Meanwhile with you, you slowly sat on the bench, groaning as you rubbed your hips.

Leshawna: "Ooh, what happened to you, sugar?"

Y/N: "I think my pelvis bones are aching."

[Confessional: Y/N]

Y/N: "Yeah, turns out, Gwen was kinda pissed that I... charmed Heather and made her into one of my girlfriends behind her back. If there's one thing I now know about cute goth chicks... you never... EVER piss them off, there's always a price to pay in the end. And unfortunately... my pelvis paid the price... Ow! Thankfully, I brought some pain killers with me on the trip in case I needed them."

[End of confessional]

Y/N: "I think I'm gonna get some coffee." *sits up slowly, winces in pain*

It'd take a while for the pain killers to take effect. Luckily, a refreshing cup of coffee should perk you right up. You grabbed a mug from the vendor and filled it up before taking a sip.

Courtney: "Are you gonna be okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm okay. I just need to rest a bit, that's all." *takes another sip of coffee*

Courtney: "But what if you get kicked out?"

Y/N: "It'll be fine. But I can't say the same for both of our teams since Chris probably has something sinister up his sleeve."

Courtney: "Oh, don't remind me."

Speaking of Chris, we cut to the man who walks in front of the camera and addresses the audience directly.

Chris: *somberly* "Hi, Chris here. Sometimes teams just don't get along. So, the producers and I thought that the best way to work through the group friction would be... *smiles* to exploit it for laughs. This is gonna be awesome!"

And so both teams are gathered at the docks. You know what comes next after that.

Chris: "So, last week's challenge exposed a few Gopher issues and I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the Bass pond, too. So, this week's challenge is gonna be centered around building trust, because all good things begin with a little trust."

[Confessional: Gwen]

Gwen: "I trusted Trent once. He left me buried alive on the beach. So, now, I trust Y/N, because he was there to dig me out."

[End of confessional]

Chris: "There will be three major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team. Normally we like to have the campers choose their partners, but not this time... more fun for me."

Now the team is gathered at the bottom of a giant rocky wall.

Chris: "Okay, so for the first challenge, you'll be doing an extreme free hand, rock climbing adventure. DJ and Geoff will play for the Bass, Heather and Gwen will play for the Gophers."

Gwen: "Uh."

Y/N: *whispers to Heather* "Remember what I told you."

Heather: *whispers back* "Yeah, I know."

Chris: "Here's your belay and harness." *tosses both items to both teams*

Heather catches the belay rope.

Gwen: "Uh, you're kidding me, right?"

Heather: "Relax, I'm not gonna try anything. Like it or not, we have to win this challenge."

Gwen sighs, knowing Heather's right.

Chris: "You won't be holding her up exactly. One camper pulls the slack through the belay as their partner climbs. If the climber falls, the belay will stop them from crashing. The catch? Both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like... rusty nails, slippery oil slicks, mild explosives and a few other surprises."

Harold: "Wicked!"

Beth: "That doesn't sound good."

Chris: "The person on belay must also harness their partner up. It's all about trust, people and remember, never let go of the rope. Your partner's life depends on it."

Gwen: "Excuse me, can we trade partners? *points to Heather* I really don't feel like being dropped on my head today."

Heather: "Look, as much as I love your company, I'm not going to throw a challenge just so I can kill you. Now hurry and spread 'em."

You blink in surprise at her choice of words. Even Beth found herself blushing deeply from Heather's command.

For the Bass team, DJ was partnered up with Harold. But before they could proceed, DJ had to leave Geoff his pet bunny.

Heather: *finishes* "There, you're all hooked up."

Gwen: *Sigh* "Fine, let's do this."

[A/N: Unlike in canon, thanks to Y/N's short leash on Heather, she's not gonna tear off her skirt and expose her panties, or face the wrath of her boyfriend.]

The rock climbing commences and at first, DJ has the lead, but Gwen quickly catches up to him and eventually passes him. But a couple of explosives blow her off the rocky wall. She almost plummets to her death, but Heather quickly catches her.

Heather: "I've got you, Gwen!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Good job, girls. Just be careful. Chris might have something up his sleeve."

Chris: "I promised surprises. *brings out squirt gun* Habanero Pepper Sauce, anyone?"

He took aim at Heather and squirted her with the sauce, making her cry out in disgust.

Heather: "What the heck, Chris?"

Y/N: "Heather, don't rub your eyes! That sauce is spicy!"

Beth: *to you* "Would you have taken the hit?"

Y/N: "Sort of."

Chris: "Muy caliente!"

Now Chris aimed for Harold, who surprisingly drank the sauce without even flinching from how hot it was.

Harold: "Is that the best you can do?"

Chris: *to the camera crew* "Is that the best we can do?"

DJ was still in the lead, but Gwen keeps climbing faster and faster and eventally passes the big guy once more. The climb to the top is close but eventually, Gwen wins it.

Chris: "Looks like the Gophers have won the first challenge."

Gwen: "Yeah!"

Now, the time has come for the 2nd challenge. This time, it was Y/N and Lindsay vs Geoff and Bridgette in the mess hall.

Chris: "And now, Round 2. The extreme... cooking... CHALLENGE! Each team must choose who cooks and who eats."

Geoff: "I was head chef last time. You better cook."

Bridgette nods.

Y/N: "Lindsay, baby. Let me handle this. You trust me with the prepping and cooking, right?"

Lindsay gave a nod.

Y/N: "Great!"

[Confessional: Y/N]

Y/N: "As much as I love Lindsay, I can't trust her to handle the cooking, not if it involves some really dangerous foods. If we're gonna win this challenge, we gotta take precautions."

[End of confessional]

Chris: "Today, you'll be preparing your own seafood dish using a selection of these fine, delicious fishes we've caught."

Suddenly, a gong was rung. Then after that, a projection of the blowfish is shown on the wall.

Chris: "The ingredients you use will either make your dish, or break it, so tread very carefully. Now, we were gonna use blowfish, but... the network threw a hissy fit, stating dead bodies could lead to massive lawsuits and yadda yadda yadda, so... good luck."

Chef brings over the big fish tank full of fish and sets it betwen the two long tables for both you and Bridgette.

Chef: "Fishies, MEET YOUR MAKER!"

Y/N: "Alright, Lindsay. Here we go."


After some time prepping their dishes, Bridgette presents her dish in the form of a tower of hosomaki sushi.

Bridgette: "Phew, finished."

As for you, you had prepared a special fish dish known as a Char Okakiage, with a dipping sauce to make it taste better.

Bridgette offers her dish to Geoff. Chris and Chef watch in anticipation as he takes one of the rolls and puts it in his mouth. He munches on the piece and then gulps it down. A few seconds go by and... Geoff is okay, the dish was a complete success.

Geoff: "Excellence!"

And he gives two thumbs WAY way up.

Now, it's Lindsay's turn. You show off your masterpiece to your airheaded, adorable girlfriend.

Y/N: "Try it with the dipping sauce, you'll love it."

Lindsay took the fish, which you covered in rice cracker crumbs and dipped it in the sauce before taking a bite. The others looked over, waiting in anticipation for Lindsay's reaction. And although they try to hide it, they could feel their own stomachs rumble just from how tasty the dish smells and how it sounds.

After swallowing her bite, she let out a satisfied moan and leans up against you, smiling like she's in heaven.

Lindsay: "That... was the most... delicious food I've ever tasted... it's like... heaven at sea."

Y/N: "Glad you liked it."

Lindsay: "Liked it? I LOVED it!"

Y/N: *to Chris and Chef* "And don't you guys worry... I actually had enough ingredients to make the dish for you. 

You then go to Chris and Chef and give them both their own plate of food and right away... one bit was all it took to send them off into a magical sea paradise. The fish was THAT good.

And with that, it's obvious who the winner was.

[A/N: I was originally gonna have Owen get poisoned by Lindsay's sloppy cooking of the blowfish, but a reader of mine gave me a different idea on where Y/N will cook for Lindsay and the fish won't be so deadly, so I give my thanks.]

With the cooking challenge in the bag, you and the rest of the team are currently meeting up with Chris for another challenge.

Chris: "I have some good news. The 3rd round involves three more challenges, it's the 3 blind challenges. It begins with the blind William Tell, followed by the blind trapeze and culminating in the treacherous blind toboggan."

DJ: *to Geoff, whispering* "So, where's Bunny? I miss him."

Geoff: *whispers back, worried* "Uh, Bunny? Uh, I'll go get him."

Beth: *to you, whispering* "How'd the challege go?"

Y/N: *whispers back* "Heh, I made Lindsay swoon from the dish I made for her, I even won over Chris and Chef after they had a taste of what true cuisine tasted like."

Beth: *whispers* "Wow... good job."

The surfer walks off, unable to tell the big guy his pet was eaten by a snake and then later eaten by a shark. But anyways, Chris then put some orange goggles onto DJ and an arrow atop his head before moving back a few feet and explaining some more.

Chris: "Like legendary marksman, William Tell, you'll be knocking arrows off your partner's head with crab apples."

Courtney: "Umm, wasn't it the other way around?"

Chris: "Shush! Also, the shooter will be blindfolded."

DJ: *gasp*

Chris: *blindfolded* "The person who knocks off the arrow while causing the least amount of facial damage, wins."

Chris takes a slingshot and an apple and pulls back the fruit before letting it fly. However, it hit DJ, not in the face, but the nuts.

DJ: *drops to knees* "OOOH!!!"

Chris: *lifts up blindfold* "Ah, nuts! Leshawna and Owen, you'll be one team. Courtney and Sadie, you'll be the other."

Harold: "I'm violently allergic to apples.

Y/N: "Harold, he just said Sadie and Courtney would do it for the team, so you don't gotta worry about your allergies."

Harold: "Oh, okay then."

Sadie: *hops cutely* "Ooh, let me shoot! I'm a good shot."

Courtney: *sighs* "You'd better be."

Chris: "Okay, let's rock and roll!"

Owen and Courtney take up your positions. Both of you have orange goggles and an arrow on top of your heads. Both of them stare at their blindfolded teammates, trusting in them. Thanks to Owen's enormous body mass, he could tank as many shots as he wants.

Leshawna fired a few shots, but most of them hit your chest and stomach, breaking to pieces. The apples Sadie was shooting were all bouncing off of Courtney, hurting her. She wasn't as solid as you, so that left her at a disadvantage for the time being.

But eventually, Leshawna took another shot and the apple hit the arrow, getting pierced through and falling off your head.

Leshawna: "Ooh, did I get a bullseye?"

Y/N: "You sure did, girl!"

However, Sadie didn't hear you and keeps going.

Sadie: "I got it this time."

Chris: "Leshawna won already!"

Courtney: "Hey, Einstein, it's ov-- *gets hit* OOF!!!"

But Sadie didn't listen, she just kept firing and firing. Hitting a bear, a seagull... and a Sasquatch in a cave, who was watching TV, looking board out of his mind.

Chris: *grabs her* "SADIE! It's over, man! Let it go!"

Sadie: "Oopsie... sorry."

Courtney: *feeling dizzy* "You're going down."

As she falls over, you catch her in your arms.

Y/N: "I gotcha."

[Confessional: Courtney]

Courtney: "It's nice to know at least someone doesn't let his boner do the talking, even if he isn't on our team."

[Confessional: Sadie]

Sadie: "Oooh, I'd love to have him hold me in his arms."

[End of confessional]

Chris: "Okay, campers, here's the thing... we had 5 challenges, 3 of which were supposed to be blindfolded challenges, but since the Gophers scored 3 wins in a row already... as much as I hate to end it early... the winners are... The Screaming Gophers!"

The Bass were upset, having lost once again, but you and the Gophers were celebrating and cheering after yet another victory.

Chris: "Bass, I'll see you at the bonfire ceremony tonight."

And soon, after he walks off, your team heads back to the campsite, but you stayed behind when you heard DJ and Geoff talking.

DJ: "So, yo, where's Bunny at?"

Geoff: "Huh? Uh... I forgot. I put him--"

Uh-oh... DJ looks like he's about to cry. This can only mean one thing and you're not liking this one bit.

Geoff: "There was a... He's not with us anymore. He, uh... hopped away? Oh, but I'm sure he'll be back, sorry, dude."

DJ: *heartbroken* "Nah, it's not your fault, man." *walks away, talking to himself* "My little bunny, we were such good friends. *cries out loud* BUNNY! WHY'D YA DO ME LIKE THIS?!"

Y/N: *pulls Geoff aside, glaring* "Alright, Geoff... spit it out, what did you with DJ's pet?"

Geoff: "Uh... what do you--"

But as you glared more, Geoff felt like he was staring into the eyes of a wrathful demon.

Geoff: "O-Okay! Okay! Truth is... I only set him down for a while to swim with Bridgette, but... then this snake came and... it ate him. We tried to get it back, but it got eaten by a shark!"

Y/N: "You're... you're serious?"

Geoff: "It's true, man!"

Y/N:  *sighs* "Alright." *walks off*

Geoff: "W-Where are ya going?"

Y/N: "To fix another problem."

[Confessional: Y/N]

Y/N: "Now, I know I was hard on Geoff, but you should never leave your pet unattended for any reason at all. I won't let DJ suffer like this, so I'm gonna do all I can to fix this."

[End of confessional]

As you make it into the woods where you know you can find some adorable critters in, you grab a leaf from one of the trees, take a seat out in the open and use the same trick from the camping challenge to attract the sweet little critters to you.


At first, nothing seems to be working. But, 10 seconds later, you start to hear the sounds of little creatures everywhere around you. Reason why you only hear them is because you're keeping your eyes closed, mostly to ensure they're not scared of you.

In a matter of moments, you have an adorable audience of forest critters consisting of birds, squirrels, chipmunks... and even bunny rabbits, just like you planned. And none of them felt afraid of you one bit, rather they felt comfy around you.

You then feel some of them perch or rest on your body. One of them even nuzzled into the palm of your hand. By the time you had opened your eyes and finished your song, all the animals were cuddling up close to you like they were your new friend.

And to your luck, you found a bunny rabbit that looked just like DJ's pet and carefully brought him up face to face.

Y/N: "Hey, little buddy. Guess what. I have a good friend who would love to meet you. And if you'd like... he'd want you to have the name "Bunny," how's that? He's a real sweetheart. He'll feed you, comfort you, love you and never let you down. What do you say?"

The rabbit simply blinked and nuzzled your cheek.

Y/N: "I'll take that as a yes."

So, you get up and bring this little fluffy pal with you. Eventually reaching the campsite where the Bass and Gophers have regrouped, you approach the weeping animal lover, DJ.

Y/N: "Hey, DJ... here," *shows him Bunny*

DJ's heart lit up like a massive firework show.



[Skip to 4:49]

DJ scooped up the little bundle of joy and spun around in happiness, staring into the eyes his "long lost friend." While it may not be his original Bunny, you're just glad he's happy. He held his little bunny friend close, crying happy tears, even making you shed tears yourself.

DJ: "Thanks, Y/N... you're the best."

Y/N: "Y-Yeah... sure... no prob." *wipes away tear*

Courtney: *whispers* "I can't believe you found a new bunny for DJ. I used to think you were a good guy, but now you've just proven to be much better than I thought."

Y/N: "It hurt to see the poor guy without his companion. Besides, I know what it's like to lose a family pet."

Courtney: "You're a good friend, Y/N."

Y/N: "Thanks, Courtney."

[Confessional: Bridgette]

Bridgette: "I heard from Courtney about what Y/N did for DJ. I won't lie, I think I'm actually growing attached to him."

[End of confessional]

That night, the Killer Bass had voted off Sadie. She was upset, but at the very least, she got to go home and be reunited with Katie and she couldn't be happier. So much so that the two squealed so adorably and then hugged each other, it was heartwarming.

So... after yet another bonfire ceremony come and gone, you decide to get in on a nice, relaxing shower and lucky for you... Owen fell asleep early after eating a big, hearty meal. Meaning the communal showers were all yours for the time being.

You enter the communal showers and strip out of your clothes and then start your shower. You let out a relaxed sigh, feeling the shower water dance all over your body. 

As you enjoy your time to yourself, a little meeting is taking place in a secluded spot on the island between all the remaining girls and guess who's the main topic.

Gwen: "Okay girls, let's get to the point. I've seen the way you all have been staring at a certain someone for quite some time now."

Bridgette: "Umm... what do you mean?"

Courtney: "Is this about Y/N? Because if it is--"

Gwen: "Hold on, let me finish. *sigh* Look, we know Y/N's been a huge influence ever since he came onto the show. He's done a lot of good, both for our team and the Bass team."

Heather: "Quite honestly, I should have his ass voted off for helping out the enemy... or at least, that's what I thought at first. However... seems Mr. Helps-a-lot has influenced me, too."

Lindsay: "Basically we've fallen head over heels for him. And I can tell all of you feel the same way about him."

Leshawna: "Say what now? You tellin' me that you're callin' us out here because of some crush we developed for Y/N?"

Gwen: "He's obviously had a huge impact on all of us ever since he came here, not to mention he's kinda hot. Plus, you should've seen what went on in the showers. He put Heather in her place and fucked her brains out until she couldn't walk right for days."

Leshawna: "Say what?!"

Heather: "UGH!!! You just had to bring that up. But... it's true, and I... did kinda like it."

Bridgette: "So, where does that leave us?"

Courtney: "Yeah, I mean... isn't be basically cheating on you?"

Lindsay: "No, of course not. Gwen and I came to an agreement to share him, so why not do so with the rest of you?"

Beth: "Well... he is kinda cute."

Leshawna: "Not gonna lie, the boy knows how to be a team player and plus, mama's still gettin' the hots from seein' that big-ass meat package after the cooking challenge."

All girls: *swooning* "Yeah."

Gwen: "Then it's agreed? You all like him?" *they nod* "Alright then, as long as he'll say "yes", which I know he will, you girls are officially gonna be his girlfriends, too."

Most of the girls group hugged in excitement. Now the really fun parts begin... and so will another hard challenge real soon.

[A/N: Alrighty, here you go. After a week-long hiatus due to technical difficulties, I am BACK, baby... BACK! So yeah, Y/N has won over all the girls, they're gonna wind up all in his pants eventually, but now, it's time to move onto the next chapters. The stage is set for another challenge, so... STAY TUNED!!!]

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