Chapter 16: No Pain, No Game

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Chris: "Last time on total drama island the bass and gopher teams were disbanded into a battle of the sexes challenge that put their taste buds to the puke test with bovine testicles, live bug insect pizza and liquid roach juice on the menu, not only was this the single biggest retch fest this house has ever seen, but (Y/N)'s obscene consumption habits finally paid off and scored a big win for his compadres, while the guys set sail on a weekend retreat aboard the s.s. Lap-o-luxury, the girls set down with the fact that they have to spend a whole weekend without (Y/N). Will they control themselves when the guys get back? For the answers to all these cliffhangers and more, stay tuned to the most exciting episode yet on Total...Drama...Island.

Here we see the girls setting up a welcome back banner and we see Heather hugging Lindsay tightly.

Heather: "How long does it take for a boat to get here!?!"

Bridgette: "Leshawna, can you calm Heather down?"*sees Leshawna slapping Heather*"Thank you."

Leshawna: *sees the ship*"Here they come."

We then see the boat arrive back at the docks as you then walk out of the boat and you see the girls holding a welcome banner as the guys sees this.

Duncan: "Oh man, you miss us?"

Heather: "Nope, just (Y/N)."

(Y/N): *Comes by* "Someone say my name?"

Girls: "(Y/N)!"

We then see the girls tackle you and hug you as well.

Heather: "We miss you so much!"

Leshawna: "Aside from Chris and Chef bugging us, it was a nightmare, boo!"

Bridgette: "I was the only sane girl on the island!"

(Y/N): *Hugs back* "It's good to be back."

Lindsay: "Chris was reading fan mail that is addressed to you and you got a lot of mail, like a lot, a lot."

(Y/N): "It can't be that much, right?"

Meanwhile, we see Chris reading your fan mail and sees that they're mostly from fangirls and we see Chef bring in more fan mail which is an ocean of fan mail.

Chris: "Uggghhh... more mail?"

Chef: "(Y/N) is really popular, apparently with the ladies."*sees a letter from Vegas*"Oh he's been chosen to be a star magician in Las Vegas."

Chris: "You're joking right?"

Chef: "Nope."*finds another letter*"He sent a script of an anthology horror show about different apocalyptic scenarios and he would be lead producer, writer, and director."*reads another letter*"He has a scheduled spot on the show run by Blainely. By the looks of these letters, he's gonna be bigger than you Chris."

Chris was shocked to hear that and he then face planted onto the table.

Meanwhile, back with you and the girls, we see you gather your things and you heard Chris over the PA system.

Chris: *over the PA system*"Listen up, campers, as of right now, all teams are officially dissolved. from here on in, it's every camper for themselves."

(Y/N): "Now we're officially merged as one."*to the others*"May the best camper win."

Leshawna: "Yeah whatever you have going on Chris, bring it!"

Chris: *over the PA system*"Then get ready for this!"

You all hear the sound of a boat and you all see it was Eva on that boat on the way to the docks.

(Y/N): "Whoa..."

Chris: *over the PA system*"Back by popular audience demand, it's Eva."

Eva: *gets off the boat*"That's right, I'm back. And just so we're clear, not only am I gonna kick butt, But I'm giving special attention to my backstabbing bass team who voted me off."*to you*"And you!"

We then see Eva grab you by the collar of your shirt and then she kisses you on the lips and then pulls back.

Eva: "You are my boyfriend now!"

Gwen: "Wait a sec."*to Chris*"You said no one is allowed back."

Chris: *over the PA system*"I did?"

(Y/N): "Yeah once you leave on the dock of shame, on the boat of losers, you can never, ever, ever come back. It's your words dude."

Chris: *over the PA system*"Oh yeah...I lied."

(Y/N): *To the loudspeaker Chris was using* "I have half a mind to shove my foot up your ass."

Leshawna: "Easy there (Y/N), you're talking to a loudspeaker."

Eva: *to the guys*"Hey, has anyone got a problem with me dating (Y/N)?!"

(Y/N): "Eva..."

Eva: "Uh I mean, if anyone has a problem with me being with (Y/N), please use written format."

Duncan: "Uh no problems here."*elbows DJ*"Right DJ?"

DJ: "Yeah..." *whispers* "We are so screwed."

Chris: *over the PA system*"Also returning to camp, it's Izzy."

(Y/N): "Huh?"

You and the others then see Izzy swinging down on a vine and then landing on the dock.

Izzy: "Hey, guys, it's good to be back at camp. Even though I never actually left the island. I've been living in the woods all this time."

(Y/N): "Didn't the RCMP hunt you down?"

Izzy: "They tried, But being a wilderness survivor, I was swift-footed and avoided capture."*eats raw fish*"Once I was safe among my animal brethren, it was just me against the harsh elements."

(Y/N): "It's not that harsh."

Izzy: " Not where I was. But luckily I was able to take refuge in the beaver dam. Yeah, I befriended the family of beavers.Who lived there and together we foraged for nuts and berries. Boy, I could use a bag of nachos right now."*scratches her head with her foot**howls like a wolf*"So what's new with you guys?"

Eva: "(Y/N) is now my boyfriend."

Lindsay: *About to say something but stays quiet*"Nothing with me."

Izzy: *to Eva*"Congrats Eva, maybe you might make it on this show long enough to be with your new boyfriend."

Chris: "All righty, campers, report to the amphitheater where you'll learn all about this week's challenge. Mclean out."

(Y/N): "Let's see what Chris has in store for us."

Leshawna: "You wanna punch him for lying don't ya?"

(Y/N): " Eh not in the mood now. But first let's get everyone settled in."

Later on, we see Izzy and Eva in the girls cabin and we see Eva quite nervous.

Leshawna: "You okay macho mama?"

Eva: "I....never had a boyfriend..."

Gwen: *sarcastically*"Gee I wonder why?"

Eva: "What was that!?"

Gwen: "Uh nothing!"

Eva: *inhales and exhales*"I don't blame you, my temper made it pretty hard for guys to like me. (Y/N) was the first guy I met that I didn't want to punch in his face. What should I do now?"

Leshawna: "Clean your gym bag for starters and put on deodorant and your pits stink enough to burn my nose hair."

Lindsay: "And we're dating (Y/N), that means we share him equally and don't hog him."

Izzy: "Yeah."*to Heather*"Right Heather?"

The girls see Heather kissing a body pillow of you and she sees everyone looking at her.

Heather: "Uh...."

Leshawna: "Give everyone a turn with that, Heather."

Heather: "Okay, also you may have to wash it, I got a little... frisky with it."

Lindsay: "What do you-" *realizes* "You didn't."

Heather: "It was a safe day!"

Confessional: Eva

Eva: "...Weird...You get eliminated at the start of the show and things get weird when you get back."

End of confessional

We see you and the others at the amphitheater and we see Chris going over the challenge.

Chris: "Welcome to your next challenge, the time honored game of torture. "Say uncle.""

(Y/N): "I lost several toes from playing that game with my brother. He used a rusted knife to cut them off and I have to go to the hospital for treatment for tetanus."

Everyone was disturbed by this including Eva.

Chris: "Uhh..."

Duncan: "Dude you got to warn us when you bring up your dark past."

Chris: "Anyways, you are all about to be put through a test of endurance so insane that some of 'em sent our interns to the emergency room. If you back down from the challenge Or do not last the required seconds, You will be eliminated. The winner will not only be safe from elimination, But will win this luxurious trailer, yours to take home at the end of the summer, and for the sake of (Y/N)'s... sanity and his messed up childhood, he would be exempt."

Eva: "Hey he beat up his brother, anything you throw at him he can take it."

(Y/N): "It's true."

Chris: "Okay if you say so."*to Duncan*"Duncan, you're first up. Let's spin the wheel of miss fortune to select your torture."*spins the wheel and sees where it lands on*"Turtle Puck shots. Our intern spent weeks collecting the grumpiest, Angriest, crustiest, hungriest Old snapping turtles on the island. While you stand in the goalie net completely unprotected, Chef will fire off turtle snap shots."*gets Duncan to the goalie net*"If I were you, dude, I'd protect my coconuts. This could get ugly."*leaves the net*

(Y/N): "Oh boy... "

Chris: "If you can stay in for 10 seconds, you'll go onto the second round."

The round begins and we see Chef launching snapping turtles at Duncan and most of them land on him including his nuts until the 10 second mark.

Chris: "And Duncan moves onto the next round. Isn't this fun?"

Duncan: *Sarcastically* "Yeah, it's a riot."

(Y/N): "Taking a turtle bite to the nuts, that's painful."

Chris: "Next up (Y/N)."*Spins the wheel and sees where it lands on*"Fighting a world class martial artist in 10 seconds."

Then everyone sees you now wearing a mullet, a shirt that says awesome shirt, and cut offs as we see the martial artist step on stage and you step on stage as well.

Duncan: "Uhh, okay I gotta ask, what's with the mullet and cut offs?"

You didn't get the question because you are focused on the martial artist and we see the martial artist charge at you and then you inhaled and then you unleash a battle cry so powerful that the martial artist's clothes were destroyed along with a giant rock in the water which was turned into a stone statue of Kristal. The martial artist ran away as everyone saw that and was shocked to see it.

Chris: "Wow... okay then... that was 10 seconds. (Y/N) will go to the next round."

Eva: "Told you he can handle it."

Chris: "Next up, Lindsay. Your torture is..."*spins the wheel and sees where it lands on*"Marshmallow waxing. We're gonna wax every part of your body. If you can take the pain for a full 10 seconds, you can go to the next level."

Lindsay: *heads to the bed*"Oh I so need this. I've been dealing with a nasty razor stubble for weeks."*to Chef*"Try to wax off my tan okay."

We then see Chef pour melted marshmallows onto Lindsay's face and then Lindsay screamed a bit until Chef pulls the marshmallow solidified paste off of her face.

Lindsay: "Ow!"

(Y/N): "Men can't handle what women handle, beauty and pain."

Trent: "You bet."

Lindsay: *feels her face*"Oh my gosh, I can't believe how smooth that is. Thanks Chip."

Chris: "It's Chris."

We then see Lindsay head back to her seat as you then feel Lindsay's face.

(Y/N): "Huh."

Confessional: (Y/N) and Lindsay

(Y/N): "Note to all the salons in the world, remember to use marshmallows as a method of waxing off body hair."

Lindsay: "Seriously, it worked wonders! I wonder if it works on my pu-"

(Y/N): "I don't think it would be worth it."

Lindsay: "It's worth a try."

(Y/N): "Hm true."

End of confessional

Chris: "Well done Lindsay, since you didn't even complain once, you get to choose who goes next."

Lindsay: "(Y/N) should go again, and he get to choose the torture."

(Y/N): "On behalf of the now dissolved Killer Bass, I choose a barrel of lake leeches as a formal apology for Eva."

Lindsay: "Aww that's so romantic."

We then see Chef bring in a large barrel of leeches and you get into the barrel and you feel the leeches biting onto you.

(Y/N): "Hey Chris-Ow, what's the-ow-rewar-ow-d for this-ow-chal-ow-lenge-ow."

Chris: "You get a trailer."

(Y/N): "I-ow-know, I-ow-want to-ow-to talk-ow-this way-ow."

Chris: "And (Y/N) you passed the 10 second mark. And that was funny the way you talked."*to Lindsay*"Sorry Lindsay, you're out."

We then see Lindsay get into a holding box for prisoners in medieval times. We then see a montage of the contestants going through many tortures like wooden shorts for Owen, Gwen's nose hair getting plucked by Chef, Bridgette wearing a vest full of bees, and DJ getting constricted by a python. Both Geoff and DJ are out and Chris sees what the Wheel of Misfortune has in store for everyone.

Chris: "Our next challenge will be spending 10 seconds in a wooden crate with sasquatchanakwa. Tough one. Bridgette, you haven't complained in a while so you can choose the next victim."

Bridgette: "Eva?"

Eva: "Alright, bring it!"

We then see Eva walk into a box containing sasquatchanakwa and when the door closes you and the others then see large patches of fur being thrown outside of the box. By the time Eva hit the 10 second mark, we see her come out of the box wearing sasquatch skin shoes and a hat.

(Y/N): "Looking good Eva."

Eva: *blushes a bit*"Heh, thanks."

Confessional: Bridgette

Bridgette: "She needed that cause it's only a matter of time until she gets voted off the island again."

End of confessional

Chris: "Eva stuck it out, so Bridgette is out of the game. reckless choice by Bridgette, still let's give her props for sticking it to a teammate."

(Y/N): "Eh I think it's Bridgette giving Eva a win in the love department."*sees Bridgette now in a medieval prison block*"Welp you're out."

Chris: "Now let's see who showed less courage than Eva and cried uncle."

We then see a montage of Trent trying to jump over skunks, Gwen listening to new age music, and Owen getting a brain freeze and all of them got eliminated from the challenge. We then see Chef grab two electric eels and he's ready to use them on Izzy.

Chris: "Clear!"

We then see Chef use the eels on Izzy as she then laughs while getting electrocuted until the electrocution stopped.

Izzy: "That was great! Hit me again!"

We then see Chef use the eels on Izzy again and she laughs while getting electrocuted again until it stops.

Chris: "Izzy, who's your next victim?"

???: "(Y/N)!"

We then see Nathaniel burst onto the scene and you saw him with brass knuckles and you confront him once more.

(Y/N): "Weren't you supposed to be rotting in prison?"

Nathaniel: "As long as you're still breathing, no prison can hold me! I'd say your next torture will be verbal abuse from me!"

Natheniel then fights you with his brass knuckles as you then take the punches from him as you then punch Nathaniel back as everyone sees this including the camera crew.

Nathaniel: *while fighting*"Emotionless fuck! Empty vessel! Soulless robot! Heartless bastard!"

The more verbal abuse Nathaniel throws at you the angrier you become and Gwen knows that rage all too well.

(Y/N): "Shut your mouth!"

You then punched one of Nathaniel's fists so hard that you broke his hand and then you uppercut Nathaniel so hard that you knock his lower jaw off of his face as everyone saw how violent and dangerous you are when your angry and everyone was afraid of you even Eva was afraid and she tried to hold you down and try to calm you down as you struggle to break free from her grip.

Eva: "(Y/N)! Calm down! Everything will be okay!"

Izzy: "Uh Chris..."

Chris: "Nathaniel is not part of the challenge, I swear I can't stress this enough!"

Chef: *sees what happened to Nathaniel*"A busted hand and a busted jaw in one day."

Chris: "Someone call the police." *gets a call from the judges*"It's Chris. Yeah? What? No, that cannot count. Okay fine."*hangs up* *to Izzy*"That actually counts as a challenge according to the judges."

Heather: "What the- how?!"

Lindsay: "Well (Y/N) beat his fear awhile back, so... this counts as well."

Chris: "This would be the last time to have Nathaniel on the show."*to Izzy*"You're out by the way."

Izzy: "Aww but I didn't get to do the Poison Ivy spa treatment."

Duncan: *Notices how distraught you are* *To Chris* "Uh dude, you sure wanna continue the challenge? (Y/N) is uh...not feeling good."

Chris: "Oh boy, okay for the sake of (Y/N)'s health, here's what's gonna happen. He gets eliminated since the point of his torture is to be unphased by Nathaniel's verbal abuse, but since he went complete psycho on his bro, he's out."

We then see you now in a straitjacket as we see Chef put you in a cage.

Chef: "Sorry (Y/N), but this is until you calm down."

Confessional: Gwen

Gwen: "I was afraid this might happen again..."

Confessional: Leshawna

Leshawna: "I can see why Gwen was afraid of him before."

Confessional: Eva

Eva: "I hope he's okay, he's angrier than.... me."

Confessional: Duncan

Duncan: "Next time Nathaniel comes back, I'll do the punching on him."

End of confessional

Chris: "Okay, I was not expecting that. All right. After rounds of torture, we're down to two steely competitors and the sudden death round."*to Leshawna*"Leshawna, it's up to you."*spins the wheel*"Your final challenge is the grizzly bear log roll."

Leshawna: "The grizzly bear say what?"

Later on, we see Leshawna on a log with a bear in the water.

Chris: "Molotov, the bear. performs with the russian national circus and has been the european log rolling champion for the past years. To win, you must last seconds on the log while avoiding certain death in the piranha infested water."

Leshawna: "Speaking of death, how's (Y/N) doing?"

Chris: "Uhh... oh, Eva is calming him down."

Leshawna sees Eva calming you down since she's the only one not eliminated.

Leshawna: "Okay, this one for you babycakes."

Chris: "Okay and go!"

We then see Molotov start rolling the log as we see Leshawna try to keep up with him. Leshawna then looks at the bear and then gets serious and starts to outpace him and then make Molotov fall into the water as he comes out completely without hair thanks to piranhas.

Leshawna: "And that's how I roll!" *To Eva* "How's (Y/N)?"

Eva: "I got him to calm down."

Chris: "She wins the challenge, invincibility, and the grand prize."*to the others*"While Leshawna checks out her trailer full of food, And we check out her blood pressure, the rest of you can go to the confessional booth and vote off a camper other than Leshawna, and check on (Y/N) to see if he's okay."

We later see everyone at the bonfire ceremony as we see Eva comforting you along with Heather.

Chris: "Okay, so first up, we ran out of marshmallows."


Chris: "I've reviewed the confessionals, and I have to say I'm glad a certain someone is getting off the island. While I normally protect your privacy, In the spirit of airing your dirty laundry, I'm gonna go live with your confessionals."

Eva: *Sighs* "Bring it."

Everyone then sees a TV showing footage from the confessionals.

TV: *Heather's voice*"Sorry (Y/N), but for the sake of your health I'm gonna vote you off."*Duncan's voice*"Sorry buddy, got to vote you off for your sake."*Gwen's voice*"Sorry (Y/N), I have to vote you off since you broke your brother's hand and lower jaw, I'm afraid the same thing will happen to me."*Bridgette's voice*"(Y/N) I'm so sorry, I'm voting you off as well. I hope you understand."*Dj's voice*"Sorry man, I hope you understand."*Geoff's voice*"it's gotta be (Y/N) cause I don't think he might control himself when Nathaniel makes him go ballistic again."*Lindsay's voice*"I am so sorry babe, I hope you understand."*Leshawna's voice*"I am sorry boo, I'm voting in giving you the boot off the island."*Eva's voice*"(Y/N) is tough as nails and if anyone gets to be kicked off the island, it's me..."

(Y/N): "It's okay guys, I understand."

Chris: "Man, it's votes from everyone but Eva. So adios."

Eva: "NO! I can't accept that!"

Heather: "You saw what happened, the next time Nathaniel comes back."

Eva: "We'll be the ones kicking his butt, not (Y/N). He's been busting his butt helping us, it's time for us to return the favor. And if anyone gets to be on the boat of losers, it would be me. If Nathaniel comes back we'll give him a piece of our mind! Who's with me!?!"

Duncan: "Well shoot, I'll take a piece of that action."

Owen: "Yeah!"

Chris: *to Eva*"You do realize that you convinced everyone to vote yourself off the island."

Eva: "It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. (Y/N) needs people to help him, if this show helps him grow as a person then this is too early to give him the boot. No matter what, don't exempt him from any challenges."

We then see everyone hugging you as you hug them back. Meanwhile at the resort, the eliminated contestants saw what happened on the TV and they were happy that the remaining contestants were willing to help (Y/N) thanks to Eva.

Katie: "That's so sweet!"

Sadie: "We're here for you (Y/N)."

Later on, we see you in bed as we see the guys watching over you.

Duncan: "Goodnight buddy."

Trent: "Hope you feel well in the morning."

Next: Chapter 17: Search and Do Not Destroy

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