Chapter 18: Hide and Be Sneaky

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Chris: "Previously on total drama island, campers searched for treasure and yours truly put in an impressive performance as a pirate, but this was no ordinary treasure hunt. Some campers put their lives on the line to snag their booty, while Geoff put his stomach on the line, doing something that would make most people hurl, but in the end the campers who went the limit were rewarded with treasures that in hindsight probably weren't worth the effort. Except for (Y/N) who won the coveted invincibility prize and convinced everyone to vote off Trent. Also from this episode onwards (Y/N) has gotten a real therapist which is everyone's favorite CIT, Courtney. Who will be the next unlucky camper to walk the dock of shame? Who will lose their cool? Who will lose their lunch? Find out on the most shocking episode yet On total drama island.

Here we see you with another session with Courtney and you are on the topic of your everyday life before Total Drama Island.

Courtney: "So your first girlfriend was a lesbian paid by your brother to break your heart and you weren't able to love ever again?"

(Y/N): "Yeah... and before you ask, I'm over her now and I'm not homophobic, I don't have anything against the LBGTQ+ community."

Courtney: "Okay and your friends back home?"

(Y/N): "They took advantage of me because of my membership at Costco and Sam's Club, I think Nathaniel told them about my membership in both stores. They go to music concerts, movies, firework shows, Chinese joints, and other places and leave me out of all of them. It makes me sad to be left out."

Courtney: "Yikes, you made better friends on Total Drama Island than back in the USA. You and Duncan spray painted on the communal bathrooms, you and DJ feed forest critters some nuts and berries, you challenged Owen to a rib eating contest, and you and Geoff did amazing stunts in the lake. Even with other campers that were eliminated you made friends with them, you read books with Noah, you helped Tyler with his work out sessions, and you taught some things to Ezekiel of all people and he was the first one to be voted off the show. And as for me and girls, you were hanging out with Izzy even though she's crazy, you got Heather to stop being mean, you helped Lindsay to be open about a part of herself she kept hidden, and I'm helping you by being your therapist."

(Y/N): "Really?"

Courtney: "You made better friends here than back home, and not only you found a better girlfriend, you found a bunch of them including me."

(Y/N): "Thanks, I mean it Courtney."

Courtney: "No problem."*looks at the time*"And that's the end of our session, Chris wants everyone at the Dock of Shame. But not me though since I'm just here to be your therapist in between challenges."

Courtney then sees a laundry basket full of Leshawna's clothes in the same place as you were because you left the room.

Courtney: "How does he do that?" *sees one of Leshawna's panties and notices how big it is* "Dang, how many sheeps do they have to make this? Unless it's non organic."

Later on, at the dock of shame, we see Chris going over the rules of the next challenge.

Chris: "Today's challenge is a good, old-fashioned game of hide-and-seek. You all get ten minutes to hide before Chef Hatchet comes looking for you. With his military background and advanced degree in man hunting, he's uniquely qualified to make this game excruciatingly hard."

(Y/N): *sees Chef holding a water gun*"What's with the water gun?"

Chris: "The lifeguard chair is home base. When he finds you, Chef will try to spray you. If you escape his blast, you can try to run to home base, but if he catches you on your way, he'll douse you."

(Y/N): "So we're gonna get sprayed on by water?"

Chris: "Why don't you demonstrate, Chef?"

We then see Chef ready his water gun as he then fires the water gun at Chris that launched him several feet away.

Chris: "Not on me, dude!"

Heather: "How do we win this game?"

(Y/N): "Yeah that's a good question."

Chris: "You've got three options. One, don't get discovered in your hiding place. Two, run to home base before Chef blasts you. Three, once you've been caught, help Chef find other campers. Do any of those and you win invincibility. All clear?"

Gwen: "I'm sure (Y/N) understands the rules, cause he just left."

Chris: "What are you talking-"

Everyone then looked around and saw that you were gone.

Chris: *Remembers* "Ohh right his dad was in the military, guess he got a head start. You all get 10 minutes to hide. Go!"

Everyone then run off to find a hiding spot.

Chef: "You sure it's fair to let (Y/N) in this challenge, his pops was in the military. And if he's anything like him, he played tricks on me."

Chris: "What better way to get back at his old man and try to catch his kid? But it is smart to catch the easy targets first and work your way up."

Chef: "Alright."

Meanwhile with you, we see you and the guys in a cave.

(Y/N): "I know I love the girls on the island but that doesn't mean you guys are in any danger of getting voted off."

Duncan: "Yeah there are 6 chicks on the island and only 5 dudes."

Geoff: "I know. Nice odds!"

(Y/N): "Uh Geoff those odds are bad."

Owen: "How is it bad?"

(Y/N): "All the girls on the island went to therapy with Courtney because of their separation anxiety, except for Izzy and Bridgette cause Bridgette is more clear headed than the rest and Izzy is Izzy. If they team up to get rid of you guys, I would be the only guy left on the island. Remember how I used to sleep in the girls cabin on both the Killer Bass and Screaming Gophers?"

Duncan: "Dang it you're right. We are not going out because the girls want to get in your pants."

Owen: "No matter how awesome that sounds for you (Y/N)."

DJ: "So what's the plan?"

(Y/N): "We make it even with the girls. I hope they understand."

Owen: "Oh, I am so psyched! A dudes' alliance, I love it. It's so manly!"

(Y/N): "Alright, everyone clear out from the cave cause we don't want Chef to find all of us at once."

Duncan: "And I found this cave first sooo...."

DJ: "Alright, let's split."*sees that you are already gone*"How does he keep doing that?"

Later on, we see Chef in the woods and he sees you out in the open and when he opens fire at you it was just a mirror.

Chef: "Dang it, years later and I still fall for that."

We then see Chef look for the other contestants and find Heather and Lindsay first in the lodge because Lindsay gave away their location and he doused them at the same time.

Later on, we see Heather and Lindsay already caught by Chef and now they are helping them find the other campers as Heather sees you standing out in the open at the communal bathrooms.

Heather: "Sorry (Y/N)."*to Chef*"Chef! (Y/N) is in the communal bathrooms!"

We then see Chef get outside and then he fires at you only to reveal that it was an optical illusion made out of washable spray paint.

Heather: "What?!"

Chef: "Dang it, fell for it again."

Lindsay: "How?!"

Chef: "He made an image with spray paint to make an optical illusion."

Later on, we see Chef looking for you along with Lindsay, Heather, Owen, DJ, Izzy, and Bridgette and we see Bridgette got herself caught because of a bunch of skunks sprayed her. Chef then sees Chris out in the woods by himself.'

Chef: "Chris? What are you doing out here?"

Chris: "Just looking for (Y/N)."

Owen: "Uh guys?"

We then see someone else who looks exactly like Chris stands next to him.

Chris 1: "What's going on?"

Chef: "Wait, how are there...who's the?"

DJ: "One of these guys has to be (Y/N)."

Chef: "But...which one?!"

Chris 2: *sees Chef aiming the water gun at both him and Chris 1*"Easy man, if you're looking for (Y/N). It's him."

Chris 1: "Dude he's lying man, he's the imposter."

Chris 2: "Don't blast me dude."

Chef was in a panic as he then shot one of the Chrises at random and hoped for the best. We then see Heather grab the "imposter" by the face and try to remove the mask.

Heather: "Give up (Y/N)!"

Chris: "Ow! I'm not (Y/N)!"

Owen: "Wait if that's Chris? Then that means-"

Everyone then turned to the other Chris and saw the head pop off like it was on a spring.

Bridgette: "None of them are (Y/N)?!"

Chef: "He's playing tricks on us! We have to find the others first before we get to (Y/N)."

Later on, after getting Geoff and Duncan, we see the whole crew looking for you now.

Geoff: "There's (Y/N) and Leshawna left."

Chef: "But I searched everywhere for Leshawna and (Y/N) is too crafty for me to find. Unless..."*realizes*"The water!"

We then see Chef and the others head to the docks and they found you standing next to homebase.

(Y/N): "Leshawna and flipped a coin for homebase."

Everyone then sees Leshawna on Homebase and she has a smug expression on her face.

Leshawna: "What took you so long, sugar?"

Everyone then cheered for you and Leshawna and we saw Lindsay hug you.

Chris: "All righty, campers, game's over. Time to pick the loser and send them home."

Later on, we see you at another session with Courtney.

(Y/N): "Is it okay to be in a guys alliance just to gang up on the girls? I am conflicted about that mostly because I like the girls and I don't want anything bad to happen to them."

Courtney: "Well the best I can say about this is say you're sorry to them and explain why you did it."

(Y/N): "I feel guilty about sending one of them away to be honest."

Courtney: "Maybe choose one of them that has a good reason to be voted off?"

(Y/N): "Oh that's easy, Bridgette cause she stinks so bad from the skunks."

Courtney: "Yeah that checks."

Later on, we see you talking to Bridgette about her being voted off and she understood why.

(Y/N): "It's nothing personal Bridge, honest, you stink so much and I would give you a tomato bath but a certain Chef won't lend me the tomato soup."

Bridgette: "It's alright babe I understand."

(Y/N): "So you're not mad?"

Bridgette: "I stink and I'm okay with it, and don't worry about it babe. I don't hold a grudge."*pecks you on the cheek*"Go win the money for me."

(Y/N): *Smiles softly* "Thanks, but in all seriousness, soak in tomato soup, it'll wash away the skunk stink."

Bridgette: "Good to know, I'll miss you."

Later on, at the bonfire ceremony, it comes down to Bridgette, Duncan, and Owen.

Chris: "There are only two marshmallows left on this plate. you each racked up a lot of votes. One of you is going home tonight and cannot return...ever. The next marshmallow goes to..."*tosses the marshmallow to Owen*"Owen."

Owen: *catches the marshmallow and ate it*"Woo-hoo-hoo! All right!"

Chris: "The final marshmallow of the night goes to..."*tosses the marshmallow to Duncan*"Duncan."

Everyone was shocked by this including Chris as the others gasped except you.

Chris: "Okay, that was a shocker. Even I'm shocked, and I knew the answer."

Bridgette: "Don't worry I know where I'm going."

Later on, we see Bridgette heading to the boat of losers as you head to her.

(Y/N): "Hey Bridge, if it makes you feel better. I didn't vote you off."

Duncan: "You didn't?!"

(Y/N): "Shut up Duncan!"*to Bridgette*"I just don't have the heart to do it."

Bridgette: "Aww that's so sweet."

You then give Bridgette a kiss on the lips and even though the skunk smell burns your nose you kiss Bridgette anyways as we see Heather shed some tears from the touching moment.

Gwen: *notices Heather crying*"Are you crying?"

Heather: *Wipes her tears away* "No! Maybe? Don't judge me!"

Leshawna: "Looks like the mean girl got a soft spot."

Heather: "And now I'm choking on it."

Later on, we see you ready for bed as you see the guys are not letting you in the guys cabin.

(Y/N): "What do you mean I have to sleep outside?!"

Duncan: *offscreen*"You didn't vote off Bridgette dude, you made your bed and now you lay in it."

DJ: *offscreen*"You broke the bro code man, sorry."

Owen: *offscreen*"It's nothing personal."

You groan in dismay until you heard a psst and saw Lindsay.

(Y/N): "Lindsay?"

Lindsay: "Hey you can stay at our cabin if you want."

(Y/N): "I'd like that."

We later see you in the girls cabin and the girls are excited to have you in their cabin again.

(Y/N): "Can't believe I'm back in the girls cabin again."

Izzy: "It wasn't the same without you and things went crazy without you around."

(Y/N): "So where do I bunk for the night?"

Girls: "With me."

The girls then look at each other and they sighed.

Heather: "Okay before the teams dissolved who slept with (Y/N) last time?"

Leshawna: "I did, my body is a body pillow to him."

Izzy: "Maybe we can spin a bottle."*pulls out an empty soda bottle*"It's up to this bottle who (Y/N) is gonna sleep with tonight."

Izzy then placed the bottle on the floor and then it landed on Lindsay.

Lindsay: "Yay!"

Izzy: "The bottle has spoken."

Heather: "Fair enough, but since the teams dissolved we're gonna need a new schedule on who sleeps with (Y/N)."

Lindsay: "But isn't (Y/N) gonna be here for the night?"

(Y/N): "That's what Duncan said."

Heather: "Ugh, dang it you're right. But this is only for emergency purposes in case (Y/N) gets kicked out of the guys cabin."

(Y/N): "Hm okay, how about this: Lindsay, Leshawna, Izzy, Gwen, and Heather?"

Heather: "Alphabetical, okay that could work."

Lindsay: "Woah wait a minute, what about Courtney?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, she's only here to be my therapist. I left her out of the list cause sleeping with your own therapist doesn't seem right with me."

Leshawna: "Even though she's in the group?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, we even talked about it too."


Here we see you and Courtney talking.

(Y/N): "I know that you're supposed to be my therapist, but is it a little unusual that I'm also dating you?"

Courtney: "Well not at all, dating a therapist is a big win since you get a girlfriend and free therapy."

(Y/N): "I feel like I'm cheating in therapy if I sleep with my therapist."

Courtney: "Well I'm not technically an official therapist since I don't have the license, but I was a CIT in a therapist camp. Plus Chris doesn't have to pay me."

(Y/N): "So that's why he hired you."

Courtney: "Yeah, and if I become your licensed live in therapist. I can help you with all your problems."

(Y/N): "Okay then that could work, but what about the uh, sleeping chart you and the girls made? You know before the teams got dissolved and you got voted off unfairly."

Courtney: "Oh yeah, almost forgot about that, well you can leave me out since I know you feel uncomfortable about sleeping with your own therapist who isn't a official therapist."

End of flashback

Heather: "That's a great compromise."

(Y/N): "It sure is, sure hope Courtney is okay though."

Leshawna: "Let's get to bed, we have a challenge tomorrow."

You then get to bed with Lindsay as she then hugs you.

Lindsay: "Mmm, it's been forever since you were in bed with me."*hugs you in her breasts*"I miss this."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "Can't believe I'm saying this, but honestly, I actually missed this too, it's actually kinda comfy."

Lindsay: "Goodnight babe."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "Good night."

Next: Chapter 19: That's off the Chain!

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