Chapter 6: Phobia Factor

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island... The campers has their survival skills put to the test when they spent the entire night camping in the woods. Katie and Sadie's friendship was strained when Katie's sense of direction got them totally lost. Duncan's mad ghost-story telling skills freaked out the Killer Bass, and uh, Izzy played a prank on the Gophers by dressing up as a bear. Unfortunately, a real bear showed up and the Gophers spent the night up in a tree, which really sucked for them. Cody peed in his pants and then it rained. Basically, no one got any sleep last night, except for the Killer Bass thanks to (Y/N). Ultimately, the Killer Bass were the ones on the chopping block, leaving Sadie without a marshmallow. Yup, the challenge was rough, all right. And if I have anything to say about it, today's challenge will be even more brutal. Luckily, I do. What fresh horror have we planned for our campers? Find out next on Total. Drama. Island!"

It is morning and we see you and the team at the bonfire pit and none of you got word from Chris or Chef about the next challenge.

(Y/N): *Yawns* "Remind me again why we're here again."

Bridgette: "We haven't got word from Chris or Chef about the next challenge yet, why don't we take this time and talk to each other?"

Katie: "I like that."

(Y/N): *Sees the Screaming Gophers coming with food*"And they have the same idea and they brought snacks."

Courtney: "Or they're gonna rub their win in our faces."

Trent: "We got you some extra dessert after out tuck shop party. Thought you might want some."

Courtney: "So what? You're just being... Nice?"

Gwen: "Okay. Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air out."

Owen farts, Trent looks at him with disgust.

Trent: "Eww. Dude."

(Y/N): "Try dealing with Harold's snoring, it's like a vacuum cleaner mixed with a washing machine."

Harold: "I should see a doctor about it."

Courtney: *sees a plate of green jello*"NO! I mean, no thank you."

Duncan: "What, are you on a diet or something?"

Courtney: "No! I just don't like green jelly, okay?"

(Y/N): "Why? It's just green jelly."

Courtney: "I just don't like it okay!"

(Y/N): "Okay, easy Courtney, relax.

Courtney: "Sorry, I just... don't like green jelly."

DJ: *sees a 'snake' on the jello*"Snake!"

DJ then tossed the jello to the ground and you picked up the "snake" which is a gummy worm and you ate it.

Cody: "Chill, dude. It's just a gummy worm."

DJ: "Sorry for trippin'. Snakes just freak me out."

Tyler: "I feel you. Chickens give me the creeps, dude."

Gwen: "You're afraid of chickens?!"

Duncan: *chuckles* "Wow, that's... That's really lame, man."

Confession: Gwen

Gwen: "So suddenly, everyone's having this big share-fest by the fire. Like Beth went on and on about how her mortal fear is being covered by bugs, Harold's afraid of ninjas, even Heather admitted she's afraid of sumo wrestlers.

Static Buzzing. Cuts back to the bonfire.

Gwen: "What's my worst fear? I guess being buried alive."

Lindsay: "Walking through a minefield. In heels."

Owen: "Flying, man. That's some crazy stuff."

Izzy: "Hah. I would never go up in a plane. Never!"

Geoff: "I'm scared of hail. It's small but deadly, dude."

Bridgette: "Being left alone in the woods."

Katie: "Bad haircuts."

Lindsay: "Oh, okay. I changed mine! That's so much scarier than a minefield!"

Cody: "Having to diffuse a time bomb under pressure."

Courtney: "I'm not really afraid of anything."

Duncan: *coughs*"Bologna."

Courtney: "Oh, really. Well, what exactly is your phobia, Mr. Know-it-all?"

Everyone looks at Duncan, he eventually breaks.

Duncan: *groans**quickly* "C-Celine Dion music store standees."

Cody: "Haha, ex-squeeze me? I didn't quite get that."

Trent: "Dude, did you say Celine Dion music store standees?"

Ducan covers his face embarrassed.

Lindsay: "Ooh, I love Celine Dion! What's a standee?"

Trent: You know... That cardboard cutout thing that stands in the music store.

Duncan: Don't... Say it, dude!

Trent: "Kinda like a life-sized, but flat Celine."

Courtney: "So if we had a cardboard standee right now..."

Duncan: "Shut up! What about you guys?"

Trent: "Okay, well, I hate mimes. Like, a lot."

Leshawna: *to you*"What about you boo, got any fears?"

(Y/N): *Thinks for a moment* "Hmm, Well if I have to be honest, it's a confrontation against my brother. He always finds ways to hurt me not just physically but also emotionally and mentally."

Duncan: "Yeesh, it can't be that bad right?"

Katie: "His brother is a monster who got an elementary school's worth of kids to have lung cancer by selling them 20 years worth of Juul Pods just to prove a point to (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "People with autism don't express emotions very much, he called me an emotionless monster and it hurts so much. It takes a lot to make someone like me cry but to see him again after all this time. That would be horrible for me."

Geoff: "Dude... that's heavy."

Duncan: "Yeah, even I don't go that far. And that's saying something considering I went to Juvie."

(Y/N): "Well since I went, Courtney what's your fear?"

Courtney: "I don't have a-"*sees you pointing to the green jello on the ground* "I'm on a diet okay! Sugar goes down to your hips!"

Katie: "I know right, that's why me and Sadie quit that stuff."

(Y/N): *Looks at Katie's backside* "Well if I'm being honest, your butt is a bit big for your slender figure and is close to Courtney's caboose." *to Courtney* "No offense."

Courtney: "My butt is not that big, it's the capris."

Lindsay: "Hm, I dunno, it looks a little big."

Courtney: "Well clothes make you bigger than you are without it."

Lindsay: "I guess you're right."

Confessional: "Courtney.

Courtney: "Hmph, my butt is not that big."

Courtney gets up and shows the camera her butt to the camera.

Courtney: "Look at it, it's not big!"

(Y/N): *Off screen* "Can we just go to breakfast now?"

Courtney: "Fine."

Confessional: Duncan

Duncan: "After hearing about what (Y/N)'s bro did to him. I'll make sure that bozo doesn't hurt (Y/N). I'm not saying this because I'm going soft on everyone, I'm saying this because you need to draw the line somewhere, and that somewhere is drugs. I'm in Juvie and I'm as healthy as a bull because I didn't take any drugs and selling drugs is even worse. The only thing I sell are illegal fireworks and imported foods from other nations. If you want Chinese food from China with some fireworks from China, I'm your guy."

End of confessional.

We later see everyone at breakfast eating their food.

Courtney: "I'm telling you all it's not that big."

Bridgette: "It's not so much big, as it is plump."

Katie: "Like two soccer balls."

(Y/N): "I was gonna say like two pumpkins, but yeah that's more accurate, the only girl who holds the big bottom trophy is Leshawna."

Leshawna: "Thank you for the compliment, babycakes."

(Y/N): "Anytime."

Chris then whistled and got everyone's attention

Chris: "Campers! Your next challenge is a little game I like to call Phobia Factor! Prepare to face your worst fears!" *remembers* "Uh except for (Y/N), full disclosure it's not because I'm picking favorites, it's because his fear is uh, pretty intense and having a special ed crying on camera will be murder to the ratings which would be the least of our problems so you're exempt from today's challenge."

(Y/N): "Fair enough."

Leshawna: *Holds up a dirty sausage on a fork* "And worse than this?

Gwen: "We're... In trouble."

Chris: "Now for our first victims, Heather! Meet us all in the theater! It's... Sumo time!"

Beth, Cody, and Lindsay, Heather spits out her drink. Hitting Trent.

Chris: "Gwen. You, me, the beach. A few tons of sand."

Gwen gasps, Lindsay is confused.

Lindsay: "Wait, how did they know those were your worst fears?"

(Y/N): "Because we told them."

Lindsay looks at Beth, still confused.

Trent: "At the campfire this morning."

A flashback shows Gwen revealing her fear to everyone.

Gwen: "What's my worst fear? I guess being buried alive."

The flashback ends. Lindsay gets up in shock.

Lindsay: "Wait. They were listening to us?"

Gwen: "It's a reality show, Einstein. They're always listening to us."

(Y/N): "Except in the bathroom for obvious reasons."

Lindsay: "That's like... Eavesdropping!"

Chris: "Chef Hatchet! Didn't you have an order for Tyler here today?"

Chef pulls out a whole fried chicken from the deep fryer and gives it to Tyler.

A flashback shows Tyler revealing his fear to everyone.

Tyler: Chickens give me the creeps, dude.

The flashback ends. Tyler slowly moves the chicken to his mouth and bites it, it zoom at the bitten fried chicken, a living chicken head pops out of the hole. Tyler screams in fear.

(Y/N): "Uh Chef, how is that even alive?"

Chef: "It's an old family recipe, it tastes better when it's cooked alive."

(Y/N): "But the chicken is still alive."

Chicken: *Bakawks*

Chef: "Exactly, my father had to learn how to cook in the war he was in."

(Y/N): "That's reasonable."

We then see a montage of everyone from both teams facing their fears.

The scene changes to everyone outside, surrounding a pool full of worms. Everyone looks at it disgusted, DJ vomits.

A flashback shows Gwen in the confessional talking about Beth's fear.

Gwen: *In the confessional* "Beth went on about how her mortal fear is being covered by bugs."

The flashback ends. Owen passes out in disgust, Beth looks at worms and shrugs. Since worms are not bugs, their members of several invertebrate phyla, She proceeds to jump in and getting covered. After a while Beth springs us, covered in worms, and completing her fear challenge, giving the Gophers a point.

The Screaming Gophers cheer.

Chris: "And Beth sets the bar way up there!"

The scene cuts to Katie and Lindsay, sitting down and looking terrified as Chris pulled out two poorly cut wigs

A flashback shows Katie revealing her fear to everyone.

Katie: Bad haircuts.

Lindsay: "Oh, okay. I change mine! That's so much scarier than a minefield!"

The flashback ends. Chris is about to put the of the wigs on Sadie and Lindsay head, but Owen takes Lindsay and puts it on his head. He starts tip topping like a ballerina, he trips and falls, Chris takes back the wig. He puts put the wigs on Sadie and Lindsay head.

Chris: "It's simple, just wear the wigs for the rest of the day and you each earn a point. Simple enough right?"

A flashback shows Owen and Izzy revealing they're fear to everyone.

Owen: Flying, man! That's some crazy stuff!

Izzy: Hah! I would never go up in a plane. Never!

The flashback ends. Owen and Izzy are standing in front of a run-down plane. Chef in a Female Flight Attendant Uniform opens the door, both Owen and Izzy gasp. The engine starts and the plane flies. some tape on the right wing peels off, revealing cracks on the wing. Owen and Izzy scream in fear.

The scene cuts to Harold in the bathroom, Reading a comic. He starts hearing footsteps. He comes out of the bathroom, where a trio of ninjas appear. Harold, who looks almost bored, pulls on a pair of nunchucks and starts spinning them around, the ninjas look scared...until he hits himself in the head and falls into the toilet.

The scene cuts to Leshawna screaming while getting chased by Chef in a spider outfit. Heather faceplams annoyed. It then cuts to the outdoor amphitheater. Heather is facing a Sumo Wrestler, she shakes in fear.

Chris: "Heather stepped up to the plate, scoring the Gophers their second point on the board."

The Sumo Wrestler charges at Heather she ducks causing the Sumo Wrestler to trip on her and bounce away, and completing her fear challenge, giving the Gophers the second point.

The scene cuts back to the plane that Owen and Izzy are one, but it's flying inverted this time. Owen and Izzy continue screaming.

It then cuts to Bridgette sitting alone in the woods.

Chris: "Bridgette began her six hours of solitude in the woods feeling pretty confident."

(Y/N): "No pressure for her."

Bridgette: "I'm not scared. Six hours out here is nothing!"

A chipmunk up to Bridgette, Bridgette screams and kicks the chipmunk, sending it to the ocean.

(Y/N): "Wow that's some leg."

The camera pans up and shows Chris burying Gwen in a glassa glass coffin.

(Y/N): **to Gwen* "*"There's enough air for an hour. You only need to do five minutes."

Chris: " As long as we decide to dig you up."

Gwen: "Not funny, Chris."

Chris: "Sheesh, take a pill."

Trent: "I'll be listening the whole time."

He gives Gwen a Walkie Talkie throw a bean hole that is on the coffin.

(Y/N): "Just yell for me if you panic and I'll dig you right up."

Gwen: "Goodbye, cruel world!"

You then close the bean hole, Chris finishes burying Gwen.

It cuts to DJ on the outdoor amphitheater, with a tiny snake that is in a cage.

A flashback shows DJ revealing his fear to everyone.

DJ: "Snake!"

The plate flies off and hits the ground.

Cody: "Chill, dude. It's just a gummy worm."

DJ: "Sorry for trippin'. Snakes just freak me out."

The flashback ends.

Duncan: "Hey, you can do this, buddy!

DJ looks at the tiny snake, It then blinks.

DJ: "Ahh! It blinked!"

Katie: "It means she likes you!"

Courtney: "It's the smallest snake ever, DJ! Come on!"

DJ: Yeah, but it's slimy and scaly! Slithery!

Courtney: We need this point, DJ! Suck it up!

You and the rest of the Killer Bass that's there gives unapproving looks.

Courtney: "What? We're going back to loserville here."

(Y/N): "There's some green jelly on your shoulder."

Courtney: *Eyes widen in shock* "Gah! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!" *realizes* "Oh real funny (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Sorry I couldn't resist."*to DJ*"Just put your finger in the tank and pretend it's a toy."

We see DJ cover his eyes and put his finger in the tank and he felt the snake go up his finger and onto his hand and he wasn't afraid of the snake anymore as everyone cheered for DJ.

(Y/N): "Nice work buddy."*gets up*"I'm gonna check on Gwen, I'll be with you guys later."

We see you head to where Gwen is buried and you see the time only has 3 minutes left and you were about to talk to Gwen until you heard some familiar footsteps.

(Y/N): "If it isn't Nathaniel Richards."*turns to Nathaniel*"My brother."

You see your own brother walk up to you.

Nathaniel: "The balls you have to come here and step out of your precious comfort zone."

(Y/N): "Chris may do a lot of things but he's not dumb enough to bring you here. You came here on your own."

Nathaniel: "I guess all of that bribing didn't work after all."

(Y/N): "What bribe?"

Nathaniel: "All of your friends and support were payed off by me to make sure that you commit suicide, and apparently that didn't work at all. I guess I have to kill you myself."

(Y/N): "After all the pain and suffering you gave me, you now want to kill me?"

Nathaniel: "Your pain was a favor to me, your death will be a triumph."

We then see Nathaniel pull out a knife and he tries to slash you with it and then he lands a hit on you by stabbing you in the arm.

(Y/N): "Gah!"

Nathaniel: "Why do you of all people care when you're an emotionless and selfish monster! Whenever you cry, you only cry out crocodile tears!"

(Y/N): *pushes Nathaniel off of himself*"There's a difference between having emotions and expressing them."

Nathaniel: "That's what ma and pa said when I poisoned them."

When you heard that you stood in silence and you were shocked by this development.

(Y/N): "..... What?"

Nathaniel: "And it was easy t-"

You then go into an uncontrollable rage and you tackle Nathaniel to the ground and you started to beat him up senselessly as blood is being splattered everywhere. As this was happening, Gwen can hear the entire fight through her walkie talkie and she was horrified of what you're doing right now making her more scared of you than being buried alive.

Gwen: "(Y/N)! Calm down!"*doesn't get a response from you*"(Y/N)! He had enough!"

We then see Chef and Chris arrive to get Gwen and then they see your brother Nathaniel barely alive from the aftermath of the beatdown you gave him and they see you crying and sitting next to the spot where Gwen is buried.

Chris: "Dude..."

Chef: "Can we even show this on TV?"

Chris: "Uh..."*to the camera*"To the viewers at home in America and everywhere else but mostly America. I did not invite (Y/N)'s brother to the show for the challenge to get (Y/N) to face his fear. Seriously, he invited himself here."

We then see Leshawna and DJ pull you off of the ground and Leshawna sees that you're crying.

Leshawna: "Hey babycakes, I got you."

Duncan: "Dude what hap-" *sees the bloodied and bruised Nathaniel*"I'm guessing that's your bro?"

(Y/N): *Nods yes*

Courtney: "How did you know?"

Duncan: "The whole island can smell the drugs off of him, speaking of we should probably get this guy off the island, and sent to an asylum."

Chris: "The cops are on their way dude."

We then see the cops arrive and take away Nathaniel as we see Leshawna take you back to the cabins.

Confessional: Leshawna

Leshawna: "After what happened, I have to keep an eye on him and make sure he makes a quick recovery. He may be tough but not that tough."

Confessional: Courtney

Courtney: "Even though (Y/N) was exempt from this challenge he did it , and anyway, he must be more angry than scared of his brother now."

Confessional: Gwen

Gwen: "I've heard the whole fight and I was more scared of (Y/N) than being buried alive now. I do not want to be around him when he's pissed off."

End of confessionals.

After Gwen was dug up both Chris and Chef saw that she was shivering in fear.

Gwen: "Is (Y/N) gone?"

Chris: "Leshawna has taken him back to the Killer Bass cabin for some rest, and you scored a point for your team."

Gwen: "Good cause I do not want to be around him now. I'm more scared of him than being buried alive."

Meanwhile with you, we see you still crying as we see Leshawna comforting you.

Leshawna: "It's okay boo, I'm here for ya."

(Y/N): *Sniffles* "Thanks."

Leshawna: "What happened before you beat him up?"

(Y/N): "Well whenever Nathaniel talk to me he usually hurt me and it really hurts deep down which usually happens prior to my time on Total Drama. When I met him face to face and he does his usual stick, I was full of rage and I wanted to......kill him...."

Leshawna: "What did he say?

(Y/N): "He killed our parents....and got away with it.... And he said whenever I cry, I cry crocodile tears...."

Leshawna: "Damn...He deserved the beating you gave him."

(Y/N): "I could have killed him...I could have been just as bad as he was."

Leshawna: "But you didn't, you have something he doesn't, a real heart of gold."

(Y/N): *Smiles a bit* "Thanks..."

Leshawna: "Anytime."

Meanwhile, we see the other contestants facing their fears and we see you and Leshawna arrive where you all saw Courtney was facing her fear.

(Y/N): *To Duncan* "Green jelly?"

Duncan: "Yep."

Leshawna: "I chickened out against spiders."

(Y/N): *to Courtney*"Courtney, listen to me! You need to close your eyes and pretend the jello is a giant pool of nacho cheese."

Courtney: "Green gooey disgusting nachos thanks."

(Y/N): "Okay be honest, I can understand Tyler being afraid of chickens, but you, scared of a gelatinous green dessert? Why are you so scared? It's just green jelly."

Courtney: "I'm not scared of it!"

(Y/N): "Then do a flip into it."

Courtney: "I'll belly flop thank you very much."

(Y/N): "Then do it, prove that mama raised no quitter!"

With newfound determination, Courtney jumps into the pool of green and gets up with a gasp.

Courtney: "So gross!"

(Y/N): "Okay I was trying to process the trauma of nearly killing my brother during the whole thing, so who's left?"

Tyler: "That would be me. I can ace this challenge."

(Y/N): "... Welp, we're boned."

Courtney: "But we will still lose."

Chris: "Let's make it interesting, if Tyler faces his fear it would triple the points you have now."

(Y/N): "Hm okay, but that aside." *to Courtney* "Courtney, be honest, why exactly are you afraid of green jelly? I mean I understand DJ being afraid of snakes, Geoff's fear of hail, Owen and Izzy flying, Beth's bug phobia, but your green jelly phobia, that I don't understand."

Duncan: "Oh shit, that's a good question."

Courtney: *Sighs* "Okay, I'm afraid err was afraid of green jelly because at my 10th birthday party, green jelly was smeared in my face and it felt so warm and slimy and it feels like-like-"

(Y/N): "Like the green slimes from animes that melt the clothes off of women?"

Courtney: "That and it's like warm, sugary snot, bleh, it was disgusting but since you brought up green slimes. I am afraid of green slimes now."

(Y/N): "There's one over your head."

Courtney screamed and covered her breasts and nether regions and she was ready for the pending nudity on national TV but nothing happened and when she looked up there was nothing there.

Courtney: *peeved*"That was not funny!"

(Y/N): *Chuckles* "It was a little funny."

Courtney: *Smiles a bit* "It's good to have you back."

We later see everyone at a farm pen and we see Tyler in it.

Chris: "Alright gang we're in the final inning."*to Tyler*" You can do it Tyler. Just spend 3 minutes in this pen."*opens the cage and reveals the chickens*"With these chickens."

(Y/N): *To the Bass* "Anyone wanna bet he goes chicken?"

Bridgette: "Let's make a bet, if he makes it for 3 minutes Geoff gets to eat his hat."

Geoff: "We're doing what?"

Duncan: "I can live with that."

Bridgette: "And if Tyler doesn't make it, (Y/N) will have a free day with all the girls on both teams. Plus the girls who were eliminated."

(Y/N): Say what now?"

All the guys(except you): "Aw what?!"

Confessional: Courtney and Bridgette

Courtney: "Why did you come up with a bet like that?"

Bridgette: "He did his part of the challenge even though he was exempt from it, he needs to clear his head about it, plus you talk in your sleep about dating him."

Courtney: "No I don't!"

Confessional: Leshawna

Leshawna: "After today's challenge, the man needs some time off to clear his head. He nearly killed his own brother and believed that he's even worse than him. Even worse than a guy who sold drugs to kids just to prove a point, realizing that you're no better than the other guy is one step in changing your ways."

Confessional: Izzy

Izzy: "A hot tub party with the girls is definitely something to help him keep his mind off almost committing murder on the worse brother in the world, that and it would be nice to see him again after Chris made him switch teams with the Killer Bass because of the magic laxative incident."

Confessional: Heather

Heather: *puts her fists in the air*"Yes!"

End of confessional

We see Tyler rocking back and forth in fear and you all see this.

Duncan: "How long was that?"

(Y/N): "Chickened out in the first 10 seconds."

Geoff: "Guess I won't be eating my hat."

Chris: "And the Screaming Gophers win this challenge."

Katie: "Aww boo!"

Later, at the bonfire ceremony, there is one marshmallow left and it's between Tyler and Bridgette.

Chris: "There are 2 marshmallows left on this plate, the two of you did not complete your challenges today. One of you is going home tonight and cannot return."*to you*"And I might make an exception for tonight since you had a rough encounter with your brother."*to Tyler and Bridgette*"Anyways the final marshmallow of the night goes to.....Bridgette."

We see Chris give the marshmallow to Bridgette and we see Tyler heading to the Dock of Losers in shame.

Duncan: "You'll get that chicken next time dude."

(Y/N): "Let's not do any chicken puns, guys."

Chris: *to you*"After such a traumatizing day for you, I'll make Bridgette's request happen and give you some time to clear your head, and to make up for not keeping your bro off the island. There will be a free day for the whole island first thing in the morning. Again, not picking favorites man, I just don't want to cross the line when it comes to special eds."*to Bridgette*"But as for the part about bringing back campers who were voted off, they're not coming."

Bridgette: "Fair enough."

(Y/N): "Thanks Chris."

Later on, we see you put on your swimming trunks and you head to the hot tub with the girls as the guys see this.

Geoff: "I know he's snatching up the girls, but after what happened today the guy needs this."

DJ: "True, can't imagine what it's like to go through what he went through."

Duncan: "When it comes to doing crimes, karma always bites you in the butt. But for Nathaniel, it's more like getting a meteor strike on your head. Like the one that killed the dinosaurs."

Harold: "Other things killed the dinosaurs like harsh winters, poisonous gasses, diseases from mosquitoes, tar-"

Duncan: "The point is that karma is a bitch."

Meanwhile with you, we see you relaxing are in the hot tub with the girls enjoying the hot tub and drinks.

Leshawna: "This is nice."

Katie: "Yeah, too bad Sadie isn't here. She and I share everything and even a boyfriend and I'm not dating (Y/N) until Sadie and I are together again."

Courtney: "And thanks to (Y/N) I no longer fear green jelly. Now I'm afraid of green slimes because they melt your clothes off."

Heather: "I do not want to get naked because a slime melted my clothes."

Katie: "Well even if you do get naked, they always blur out our naughty bits, but yeah I do not want to lose my clothes."

Bridgette: "Well I skinny dipped before and I never got caught before."

Lindsay: "My sister Alex was skinny dipping and she was too embarrassed to get out of the pool until I brought her a spare swimsuit." *realizes**to the camera*"Oops....sorry Alex..."

Leshawna: *sees Gwen a bit scared*"What's going on with you?"

Gwen: "I'm just a bit shaken up, I heard everything from the talking and the fighting and then when I got out of the ground, the bloodshed."

Lindsay: *Winces* "Oh, that's harsh."

Gwen: "I'm scared of (Y/N) more than being buried underground alive."

Heather: "Why? He's a sweetheart."

Gwen: "Well what happened to Nathaniel might happen to either one of us if we piss him off."

Lindsay: "Well he wouldn't hit a girl, right?"

(Y/N): *Comes bt* "Sometimes it's hard to control my emotions and they get the best of me. Like my own rage took the wheel and just beat up the first person it sees. It happened when I saw a woman voluntarily cheat on her husband so that she can get money from him for her real boyfriend. I was pissed off enough to beat her to a near pulp because she took advantage of her marriage and she's still in a coma to this day. When my rage is at a boiling point, I unleash my anger on the first person I see."

Bridgette: "Woah..."

Lindsay: "I guess he would hit a girl..."

Leshawna: " Yeah, once this show is over we need to get him to a real therapist."

Lindsay: *hugs your arm* "Yeah, one that won't make him miserable."

Heather: "And make him happy."

Bridgette: *Looks around* "You think they have the cameras rolling?"

Courtney: "Probably not, why?"

Bridgette: "Just wondering."

Lindsay: "Were you thinking about skinny dipping?"

Bridgette: "Maybe."

(Y/N): "I'm keeping my swimsuit on."

Leshawna: "I think we should all keep our swimsuits on just to be safe."

Lindsay: "Yeah there's cameras everywhere anyways."

Courtney: "Darn it, just when I thought I could go bottomless for a while." *notices the surprised expressions from the girls* "What? It's hard wearing capris when they're a bit tight around my butt."

Lindsay: "I don't have that problem with my clothes."

Leshawna: "Me neither cause I always check my size."

Heather: "Me too."

(Y/N): "You girls often have small problems involving clothing. Maybe when this is over, you two could shop together sometimes?"

Courtney: "Good idea, I guess we should do some shopping."

Leshawna: "And until then, we wear what we got."

Katie: "Then we can be naked in our cabins, if we want to."

Leshawna: "And in the meantime."*places your hand on her butt*"After going ballistic on his brotha, he can have a woman who is as big as his anger is boiling hot. Cause I helped him get back to his senses and get his head back in the game."

Heather: "I guess that makes sense."

(Y/N): "Yeah you helped me out Leshawna."

Leshawna: "Not a problem boo, now come and give me some sugar."

You and Leshawna hug each other and we see Leshawna hugging you between her breasts and then releasing you from her breasts.

Leshawna: "And to seal the deal, a smooch on the lips~."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

We then see you two get in close and you both kiss each other as the girls see this.

Izzy: "Alright Leshawna!"

Gwen: "Seeing this makes me less afraid of (Y/N) now."

Lindsay: "You are so lucky Leshawna."

Leshawna: *pulls away from you*"This queen found her king girls."

Izzy: "Does that make you in charge that you're officially (Y/N)'s first girlfriend?"

Leshawna: "I'm large and in charge and I'm his first girl. So yeah I'm in charge baby."

Lindsay: "Yeah, you're his first girlfriend and now you're in charge."

Leshawna: "You bet I am, and as his first girlfriend I get dibs on a date with him."

Izzy: "Here's a thought."

Izzy then pulled you in for a kiss on the lips and then she pulled away.

Izzy: "I'm his second girlfriend!"

(Y/N): "That came out of nowhere."

Izzy: "Yeah there's a plus size and there's the side of crazy."

Lindsay: "Hey what are we? Chopped liver?"

Courtney: "I think it's a bit too soon for this."

Izzy: "You might get eliminated in the next bonfire."

Some time has passed and we see you walking or more specifically, stumbling back to the cabin covered in lipstick kiss marks as the guys see this.

Duncan: "Alright (Y/N)!"

Cody: "Way to go man!"

Geoff: "Dude you got a big score man."

DJ: "Yeah what was it like?"

(Y/N): "So much... lipstick..." falls over but Geoff and DJ catch him.*

Geoff: "Woah there bud, you're the man!"

Duncan: "Got smooched by all the girls that are on the island, respect man."

(Y/N): "Thanks...I need to get to bed. But I lost all feeling in my legs and everything else."

DJ: "We should help him."

Owen: "Yeah, we should help him. And seriously mad respect for (Y/N). Woohoo!"

We later see DJ take you to the girl's Killer Bass cabin where he puts you to bed.

DJ: "There we go, good night man."

Next: Chapter 7: Free Day

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