Childhood Memory

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It's been only five minutes ever since the next slow formal dance song has aired in the room, and all of the seven couples were still slow-dancing in the center of the big ballroom. The golden lights were still circulating around the dark walls while everyone in the room was enjoying their time. The atmosphere felt peaceful and warm, when there's nothing but the sounds of music occurring during the prom reunion.

Everyone is still in the same slow-dancing position while enjoying their own time in the annual formal reunion. Mike, Zoey, Jasmine, Shawn, Dave, Sky, Topher, Ella, Beardo and Samey are all smiling while their eyes are closed. Rodney was also smiling, yet he was gazing down at the meaner twin who still has a grumpy facial expression planted on her face. Sugar was also smiling tenderly, as she was embracing Leonard very tightly. Leonard on the other hand, was looking down at Sugar with a worry-some look on his face.

He gently massaged Sugar's thick shoulders while they're still dancing together. He bit his lip when he began to think in his own head. It's a question that he's been wondering about ever since he became the boyfriend of the aspiring pageant queen.

"Hey...Sugar...I-I-I don't mean to spoil our romantic moment or anything but...I have a very important question that I really want to ask you. If it's okay with you though!" he spoke and asked when the country blonde started eyeing up on the larper. She was still smiling as her blue eyes started to shine at Leonard's dark brown eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Wizard?" she replied in curiosity, while she was still looking at him. Leonard gulped in a nervous manner as he tugged his light yellow shirt collar from his neck, while feeling the slight sweat coming down onto his temples. He breathed in and out for the next few seconds until he exhaled his last breath.

"Why do you hate Ella so much?" he finally asked, looking right down at Sugar's face, while he was feeling nervous having to ask her something that she might throw a fit at.

Sugar's eyebrows began to curve as she also began to frown as well. She eyed down at the floor as she began to sigh calmly. She's never thought that someone would ask a question very personal to her, as of why she hates the princess. Especially at the fact that the question had came from her own love that she's admired. Then she began to look at Leonard once again.

"I never thought that this night would come... Nobody has ever asked me that question before," she begin to answer, which made Leonard's eyebrows rose up. He looked at her even more as she's about to answer his question even further.

"Ella was nothing but a fake, horrible, person that she was to me! It was all back when we were both five years old. We used to be best friends when we were both born, and it was those amazing first five years that we've had together until she did something so horrible! At the little girls' pageant show that we were in!" the pageant queen began to explain, which transfers the present scene to the past.

It was eleven years ago from the prom reunion where the little girls' pageant show takes place in. It was during the night, at 7:00 P.M. where two five year old girls, Ella White, and Sugar Cooper, were entered in the pageant show backstage together with their own mothers. Little Ella was dressed just like a princess. She was wearing a light pink princess dress with magenta bows decorating around the waist-line, while wearing a pair of a long-sleeved white gloves, and a choker that matches the same color as her bows. Her black hair was also in a very detailed updo with roses next to her glamorous bun.

Little chubby Sugar was wearing a simple fuchsia-colored dress with a lighter shade of pink belt sash wrapping around her waist. Her thick curly blonde hair was in a simple bun as she was adding a pink rose into her hair, while both of the girls were walking into the backstage, with other little female contestants their same age, along with their own mothers, getting ready to prepare for the pageant show. Ella and Sugar were both smiling at each other when they've attended to two available mini vanities in the room together.

"Oooooh Sugar! Aren't you so excited for the pageant show?! This is my first time entering such a worthy competition!" Ella spoke and asked the blonde in excitement, while twirling around on the seat.

"Oh yes, Ella! Of cwourse I'm excwited! This is also my fwirst twime too! Are you gwonna sing for the show?" Sugar replied, and then asked, as Ella stopped spinning around.

"Of course! Singing is my biggest talent ever, so I'm just willing to sing a Disney Princess song when I get on stage! What are you gonna do for the show?" the princess answered, and also asked when the two girls started looking at each other, while playing around with the makeup on their own vanities.

"I'm gwonna bwinge dwink thwee liters of soda in under thwirty sweconds!" Sugar answered, as she was applying pink blush on her round cheeks while puckering her pink lips, as she was staring at the big mirror in front of her. Ella looked at her in surprise as her dark eyes began to widen.

"Holy birdies! Three liters of soda in thirty seconds?! That sure sounds like a big challenge! Do you think you can do it, Sugar?" Ella replied and then asked once again, when she applied red lipstick onto her puckered lips. She was looking at the mirror like Sugar as she was applying more makeup on her face.

"Of cwourse I can, Ella! I've dwone this before, so I'm feeling very cwonfident about it now!" the blonde girl answered after she just finished putting on blue eye shadow on her upper lids.

Ella smiled at Sugar as both of the girls got off of their own vanity seats. The backstage room was filled with so many things that you can find when you're in a little girls' pageant show. A few racks of clothing containing dresses, swimsuits, and costumes to use to show your own talent. The walls around the room are light pink with maroon carpeting, and many mini vanities surrounding along with little girls who are Sugar and Ella's age.

"Hey girls! We will be leaving the backstage soon to go take a seat with the audience for the show! Are you two okay alone with the other girls until the hostess arrives here?" one of their mothers asked with her southern country accent, when they were standing in front of their own kids.

"Yeah mommy! We'll stick twogether like what you've swaid!" Sugar replied, when she linked her arm around Ella's while they're looking up at their own moms.

"Okay! You two behave with the other girls around you! We will be at the theater seats if you need us!" Ella's mom added, just when her and Sugar's mom have turned their heels, getting ready to leave the backstage.

"We will, mother! Don't worry! We won't let you down!" the princess also replied, as her and Sugar were waving at the female adults while they've had their arms around each other.

Just as soon as all of the mothers have left the backstage to go sit along with the audience, the girls in the room began to line up along with a tall, attractive hostess standing next to the stage entry. Sugar was standing right behind Ella, and those two were the first two girls standing in line. Ella's gloved hands were closed together while Sugar has had her hands on Ella's shoulders.

"Oh bwestie! I cannot wait until it's my twurn to show off my special twalent of bwinge-dwinking, and to show off my swimsuit!" the little chubby blonde squealed along with the little princess since they're both excited to participate in the pageant show together.

"Ohhhhhh I know, my best friend! So am I, and I wish you the best of luck once it's your turn, which will come after my turn!" Ella replied, as those two girls started jumping from excitement.

"You twoo, Ella! You're the bwest singer ever! I also wish you the bwest of luck, and I hope we'll bwoth go far!" Sugar also responded while giving Ella a big hug. Ella's arms were wrapped around Sugar's as the both of them are still smiling and squealing.

"Awwww, you're so sweet, Sugar! I hope we'll go far as well! Best friends forever!" the raven-haired girl said, just before the speakers on stage have began to announce the news in front of the theater curtains, coming from the attractive hostess standing right next to Ella, who was the first in line for the pageant show.

"Hello everybody, and welcome to The Little Diva's Pageant Show! This year, we have twelve young contestants who will be participating on stage! This year, the runner-up will receive a red ribbon, and the winner will receive a pageant tiara including along with the Miss Pageant sash, and a huge golden trophy to take home! I would like to thank everyone for watching the show! Without further ado, here is our first contestant, Miss Ella White!" the hostess announced publicly in front of the audience, when Ella began to appear on stage once her name was called.

Everyone at the chairs began to clap for her with the addition of crowd saying "Awwwwwwwwwwww!" until little Ella has arrived at the middle of the stage runway, where she began to walk up in front.

"Little Miss Ella White, is the daughter of Rosetta White! Ella is five years old, and her hobbies include singing, talking to animals, and ballet dancing! For her pageant look, she's wearing a cute light pink princess dress that features multiple magenta bows all around the waist of the dress, with multiple accessories included! Such as her white silky gloves, and a choker that matches the same color as her bows! I welcome you, everyone, our first contestant this year for The Little Diva's Pageant Show, Ella White!" the hostess explained on the microphone through the speakers as Ella was modeling up front, with everyone, including the judges, saying "Awwwwwww!" through the duration of the hostess's speech.

Ella twirled around her princess dress as she showed everyone the big smile. Just as soon as the hostess finishes speaking through the speakers, Ella began to leave the stage once Sugar's name was announced by the attractive hostess.

"Up next, we have Little Miss Sugar Cooper! The daughter of Aliyah Cooper!" she mentioned the second contestant to appear on stage, while the blonde chubby girl started walking, on her way to the runway on front to get a better view from the audience.

"Awwwwwwww!" some of the people have said, while some of the others have giggled in a very friendly manner when Sugar began to walk in her own way, the kind of walk that is unusual for other people to do.

"She is five years old! Sugar's hobbies include dancing, eating, and competing for competitions! For her pageant look for tonight, she's wearing a fuchsia dress with a light pink belt sash that goes around her waist including a bow in the back! She has no accessories for her pageant look, except for the pink rose that in her simple curly updo! I welcome you, everyone, our second contestant competing in this pageant show, Sugar Cooper!" the hostess has continued to mention another contestant on stage, as Sugar took more time to model with everyone paying attention to her poses. The three judges have a satisfied look on their faces when they were studying Sugar, who is still modeling in front of everyone.

She immediately left just as soon as the third contestant was also announced. Sugar ran while holding her dress as she saw Ella peaking her head right behind the curtain to wait for her childhood best friend to come up to her.

"Wow Sugar! You did great! High-five!" Ella complimented, when she held out her hand while waiting for Sugar to give her a high-five.

Sugar pat her hand firmly onto Ella's hand when the girls have high-fived each other.

"Thwanks Ella! You did gweat as well! I can't wait for the swimsuit wound!" Sugar replied, and the two girls started smiling at each other. The two of them have remained waiting for the whole introduction round to be over until all of the other contestants are finished introducing themselves to the audience and the judges.

Once all of the other contestants were finished appearing on the stage runway together, the hostess has returned to the backstage room with all of the girls waiting very patiently to the attractive woman, who was in her early twenties.

"Alright, ladies! It's time for all of you to change into your swimsuits! We only have twenty-minutes for you girls to go change, so pick out your choice of swimsuit in the rack right over there! We only got twenty minutes, so use your time wisely!" the hostess woman instructed, while pointing to the rack containing a variety of swim wears, drawing the attention of the little girls as they all started walking up to the rack.

Sugar, Ella, and a few other girls went behind the rack since half of the other girls were in front to pick out which swimwear they want, so they've decided to explore the back of the rack to see which swimsuit they would like to wear for the next round of the competition.

"Oooooooh, Sugar! I think I found the perfect swimwear that I could wear for this round! How does that one look?!" Ella spoke, when she pulled out a black one-piece white polka-dotted swimsuit that has laces around the waist with thin straps. She placed the swimsuit right in front of her to show Sugar.

Sugar smiled in surprise when Ella picked out the swimsuit she chose.

"Oh Ella! That would look pwoifect on you! I'm twying to find a two-pwiece swim-suit! Do you think you can help me? Help Sugar?" the chubby blonde replied as she was still moving her hands around the swimsuits, trying to find one that would suit her.

"Of course, Sugar! You are my most favorite friend ever, so why wouldn't I help you?!" Ella replied in an exciting manner. She placed her hands close to where Sugar's hands are while she was trying to help her best pal pick out a good one that she could wear for the swimsuit contest round.

A moment later, Ella has pulled out a strapless teal blue top with pink lily prints all around along with the bottom that matches the top.

"Ohhhhh! Sugar! How about this one?! It would look so perfect on you!" the princess showed her the two-piece swimsuit , when Sugar drew her attention to Ella, with her big blue eyes widening at the swimsuit that she chose for her.

"Oh my gwosh, that is pwoifect, Ella! Thank you so much! Now I'm gonna wock this!" the aspiring pageant girl squealed after she claimed the teal blue swimsuit that Ella chose for her pal.

"Anything for my best friend! Now lets go change!" she replied in excitement, just as her and Sugar started taking off running to the dressing rooms in the backstage along with a couple of other girls.

Just as soon as all of the contestants have changed to their own swimsuit attires, and right when the twenty minutes of changing are over, the hostess has called up all of the girls to line up in the exact same order. Ella being the first in line, and Sugar being the second in line, with the other rest of the girls standing right behind them.

"Hey Ella! Gwood luck on the swimsuit wound!" said Sugar, who has placed her little thick hands on Ella's pale shoulders. The princess smiled in return a moment before the lady has started speaking on the microphone.

"Thanks, Sugar! I wish you the best of luck, my favorite friend!" she replied with a big grin on her face, while Sugar has placed a huge smile on her face as well, squealing for the next round in the pageant show.

"Ladies and gentleman! Thank you for waiting very patiently for the next round, which will be the swimsuit round! Each contestant will come up on stage, while the wonderful judges are going to discuss the ratings for every pageant model walking on the runway! We have one more round after the swimsuit round, so we're half-way through the show! Now let the contest begin! First up, we have Ella White, who is in her vintage black one-piece bathing suit containing white polka-dots patterned all around the swimwear with laces around the waist!" the hostess has introduced the second round of the pageant competition, while introducing Ella on the stage while modeling her swimsuit attire in front of everyone.

The judges smiled when the princess has modeled right up front of the runway.

"You know, I think this girl might be pageant-material! She has an adorable smile, a positive personality, and she can pull off almost anything! Especially that vintage swimsuit that she's wearing!" one of the judges spoke to another, while discussing about the first contestant on stage.

"Yeah! I'm really curious to know what she's gonna do for round three! I'd love to see her talent!" the other judge replied, while the three of them were nodding at each other while taking notes on their notepads.

Just when Ella has left the runway, Sugar has began to enter the stage when the hostess has declared the second contestant modeling her swimwear attire.

"Up next, we have Sugar Cooper! Little Sugar is in her teal two-piece bathing suit featuring pink lilies decorated all around her attire. Sugar is wearing a strapless top with shorts-length bottoms!" the woman spoke, while Ella left the stage, and right when Sugar started walking up the runway up to the judges.

She began to model while their eyes have widened, resulting them to look at each other for another discussion requiring this contestant.

"This girl is really unique! Even if I would prefer to see her in a one-piece swimsuit, she's not afraid to show off her own body, which is what I actually like!" the third judge has spoke, when she gave her opinion about Sugar.

"I totally agree! I really like this girl's guts! I'd like to see more of this contestant. What do you think her talent could be?" the male judge replied, while eyeing at the third judge who is a female.

"I have no clue, but I sure hope it's something that would earn her the title!" she replied, giving the male judge a bit of a smile.

Their heads have turned back to Sugar, just a few seconds before she left the runway, with the hostess getting ready to announce the third girl walking up on stage.

A moment later, Sugar has returned to the backstage to meet up with Ella, who was waiting patiently behind the curtains of where the stage was at.

"We're almost thwere, Ella! Only one more wound to go until we gwet to find out who the pwageant queen is! I weally hope it's one of us!" the chubby blonde exclaimed, just when her and the princess have linked both of their hands together, wishing each other the best luck.

"Oh yes! Me too, my bestie! I hope my wonderful singing and my ballet skills would wow the whole audience!" Ella replied in excitement, giving Sugar a huge grin.

"And I swure hope that the judges would think more of me when I bwinge-dwink thwee sodas in under thwirty seconds!" Sugar also responded, grinning at Ella as well.

"Did you bring any of the bottled sodas?!" the princess asked, staring at Sugar's blue eyes when the two childhood friends were spending their own time together, while waiting for all of the other girls to finish up showing off their swimsuit attires in front of the whole audience.

"Of cwourse! I have them all in my bwag, and I am detwermind to supwise the judges!" the aspiring pageant girl answered, as the two girls have decided to walk over to their own spots in the backstage, where their mini vanity sets are at.

Sugar has pulled out a heavy set of her dark green backpack as she began to unzip it, containing three of the green liter soda bottles peaking out of the bag.

"Those are the thwee sodas that I'm gonna bwinge-dwink with for the last wound! I weally hope I win this!" the blonde has showed the raven-haired girl the three sodas that she wants to attempt to drink with in such a short amount of time. Ella's dark brown eyes have widened when Sugar has shown her the bottled drinks to her.

"Wow! That's an awful lot of soda you have here, Sugar! You won't get sick from drinking all of this, would you?!" the pale girl responded, while showing some concern to her best friend after noticing how much soda Sugar has in her own backpack. Sugar rolled her blue eyes to the ceiling while putting her hand down in a doubtful manner.

"Pshhhhh! Don't wowwy, Ella! Momma has told me that as long as I stay cwonfident, then I shouldn't wowwy abwout a thing, so I dwoubt that I can get swick from dwinking thwee sodas in less than thwirty seconds!" the country girl responded in a comfortable tone of voice. Ella still has an unsure, worried look on her face while she was still staring at Sugar with a blank, unsure expression.

"Well...alright! If you say so, Sugar!" she took a long time to respond until Sugar smiled with more confidence. The girls have decided to wait until the swimsuit round is over.

Right when the last contestant has entered the backstage along with the other girls, and right when the hostess has concluded the swimsuit round, she immediately returned to the room along with the twelve girls waiting patiently for the woman with the microphone in her hand.

"Okay ladies! We're almost done with the whole competition! We only have one more round for this year's pageant show, and what I'm gonna need for all of you to do, is to rehearse your own special skill or hobby! This round is going to be the biggest round since the judges will get to determine who will get to be third place, runner-up, and this year's Little Miss Pageant Queen! We only have thirty minutes for you ladies to rehearse, so use your time wisely!" the hostess explained and instructed the young girls about the last round, as most of them have nodded at the young, attractive adult.

So all of the girls have went separate ways in the backstage room, and of course, Ella and Sugar were walking away from the other contestants while trying to find some good space for the both of them.

"Did you hear that, Sugar?! We only have thirty minutes to practice our own talents! I'm gonna rehearse to sing and do some ballet skills! Are you gonna rehearse along with me?" the princess said, right when she grabbed onto Sugar's thick, soft arm as the two little girls were smiling at each other.

"Nah. I think I'm gwonna pass since I dwon't have any spware soda bwottles with me! I'll watch you sing though," Sugar answered, right when she grabbed a pair of jeans and a magenta tube top from her bag. Ella has picked out a dark purple princess dress that features a lot of sparkles, and very ruffled details on the skirt. Just like a prom gown, except it's for a little girl.

"Oh okay! Lets go change now!" Ella replied and exclaimed, just when the two girls have ran their way to the dressing room along with a couple of other girls.

A little while later, after around ten minutes, the two girls have exited the fitting rooms with Ella holding onto the top part of the dress, while Sugar came out wearing a magenta tube top and a pair of jeans with her little mini wedges.

"Hey Sugar, can you do me a favor, and help me zip up the dress, please?!" Ella asked, when she turned her bare back to Sugar's view, with the dress that she's wearing unzipped.

"Of cwourse, Ella! I got it!" Sugar replied, accepting the favor as she placed one of her hands on the zipper, with her other hand on Ella's bare shoulder. She began to zip up the dress gently all the way up to her back, where Ella can feel the dress getting tight. She smiled in return after Sugar has done her a simple favor.

"Thanks, bestie! Now lets go accessorize ourselves, and start rehearsing for the last round!" the princess responded and thanked, after the girls have linked their hands together, on their way back to their own spots in the backstage room.

Ella went to sit on the vanity seat while she was applying a couple of accessories of her own, a pearl necklace, and diamond earrings. Then she went to apply some light blush on her pale cheeks following along with applying red lipstick on her own lips.

"Hey Ella, can I bowwow your lipstick when you're dwone?" Sugar asked, watching Ella rubbing the red lipstick circularly around her puckered lips.

"Oh, sure! Here you go!" she answered and handed the red lipstick to Sugar, when she smacked her own mouth after applying a heavy amount of redness on her kissable lips.

Sugar applied the same amount as Ella, except she drew the lipstick around over the edges of her own lips to make them look even bigger. She placed them on the vanity table, while she was sharing the eye shadow with her favorite friend.

"I'm weally excited for us to perform our own twalents! How about you, Ella?" the chubby blonde asked, when she was applying purple eye shadow over her old blue eye shadow on her lids.

"Ohhh yessss! Of course, Sugar! I'm ready to shine the judges, and the whole audience!" the princess replied as she was pulling the black gloves over her wrists and over her elbows, while fluffing up the updo hairstyle that her mother has worked very hard on.

"Me too! You're gonna wock, Ella! I hope you win!" Sugar complimented even more, when she was watching Ella preparing to rehearse, and to perform for the last round along with the other girls.

Much later on, the hostess has called all of the girls in the line again to get ready to participate for the third and the last round of the pageant competition, which is the talent round. Ella and Sugar, of course, are the first two girls in line along with the other contestants standing right behind them.

"Okay, ladies! I hope all of you are prepared for the final round! The judges will get to determine which one of you will be this year's Little Miss Pageant Queen! Are you all ready?!" the attractive tall woman explained and asked. The girls nodded patiently at the hostess. The woman gave them a big smile while she grabbed her microphone to speak through the speakers.

"We're back, everyone! We're currently on the final round of the The Little Diva's Pageant Show! The judges will get to determine the winner of the competition once this whole round is complete! They will also determine third place, and the runner-up! Get ready to be wowed, everyone! Because the girls have practiced so hard on their skills! Up first, we have Ella White, and she's going to sing and dance to an adorable Disney Song!" the lady has introduced the last round of the pageant show, while the audience started clapping for the first contestant performing her talent on stage.

Ella has walked to the center of the stage, where the area went dim except for a bright spotlight shining down right at her. She cleared her throat when a soft ballet piano song started airing into the whole theater room.

A few seconds later, she began to sing her tune, as she lifted up the skirt of her purple sparkly dress, containing purple ballet shoes underneath. Her tiny feet began to stand onto her toes, while letting out a "Ahhhhh ahhh ah! Oh ahhh ahhhhhhhhhhh!" coming from her golden voice when she began to tip toe around the stage, with the spotlight following her when she started dancing and singing.

The audience went peacefully silent while the judges started paying a very close attention to the little princess, who just started singing her own song while showing off her ballet dancing. They were all smiling, while noticing how professionally skilled Ella was, especially at her age.

A couple minutes later, when she was still in the middle of singing her song, a few people from the audience had tears in their eyes. Some of them were using tissues, while the others have let it streamed down their own cheeks themselves. Even the elder male judge has let out a slight tear from his blue eyes.

The performance has lasted for only four minutes, and Ella has concluded her participation by getting down on her knees with the dress skirt flowing all around her, with her index fingers in the air, allowing the birds to fly up to her. The two birds have rested onto her fingers when she sang her last long solo, with the pitch of her voice getting higher and higher until she was done.

The audience and the judges began to clap and cheer for the princess after she finished her performance on stage. Ella stood up, smiled, grabbed the sides of her dress skirt, and bowed to everyone standing in front of her as they were still cheering on for her.

"Wow! I must say that I have never heard such a powerful singing voice coming from a very talented five year-old young lady! I wonder what the judges think of that! Up next we have Sugar Cooper, who is going to perform her own talent by drinking up three big bottles of sodas in under thirty seconds!" the hostess claimed, right when Ella has left the stage, and right when Sugar has made her appearance while carrying her green backpack filled with three big soda bottles.

Her face was filled with so much confidence after hearing the crowd making an applause to her when she arrived at the middle of the stage. The judges began to look at each other with their surprised, eager expressions on their faces like they have never heard of a little girl who can chug that much drink in a short amount of time.

"Hi evewyone! I am Sugar Cooper, and for twonight, I'm going to bwinge-dwink thwee sodas in under thwirty seconds!" the chubby girl exclaimed to the audience as she took out one of the big soda bottles from the bag.

"YEAH! THAT'S MY GIRL! GO GET 'EM, TIGER!" one of the people from the crowd has shouted, assuming to be Sugar's mother while everyone else was looking at her in a very blank way.

Right when Sugar has twisted the cap off of the soda, the judges started looking right directly to her, when she began to lift up a one-pound bottled drink. She placed her mouth over the opening of the soda as she tilted her head back, while holding onto the bottle when she started gulping a huge amount of liquid swallowing down into her mouth. The timing started when Sugar began to drink the first bottle.

She finished the first bottle in ten seconds, meaning she only has twenty more seconds to drink up two more of the bottles she has left in her backpack.

Sugar has grabbed the second bottle from the bag, and popped the cap off of the bottle. She began to chug it down even more for the next fifteen seconds, meaning she only has five more seconds to binge-drink the last bottle remaining in her bag.

The crowd and the judges' eyes have began to widen, noticing how quick Sugar was to drink two bottles in twenty-five seconds, and how she's at the last bottle right now. Right when she twisted the last bottle cap off, the judges began to look at each other in a very anxious, eager way.

"Is she going to make it?! She's got only five seconds to go now!" one of the judges have questioned the other two. They've shrugged as they've turned their heads back to the chubby girl who just started drinking the last bottle, taking off two more of the seconds she took to chug it halfway through the one liter bottle.

Right when Sugar's halfway through finishing the third bottle, her stomach began to growl and rumble, pausing her to swallow the sugary liquid even further. Her blue eyes started to widen from worry, noticing how sick she's starting to feel from drinking too much soft drink.

"Uh oh..." one of the female judges said, when they've noticed sugar's stomach creating very loud and unpleasant sounds, loud enough for them to hear. Their hearts began to pump slowly. At the last second, Sugar dropped the half-empty soda bottle as she grabbed tightly onto her round stomach.

"Ohhhh...I don't feel gwood..." she quietly complained when she got down on her knees while trying to hold her breath, preventing her from the possibility of throwing up.

Seconds later, right when Sugar opened her mouth, the green vomit has automatically escaped out of her mouth, splashing the green stuff on stage in front of her when she began to puke from drinking so much soda.

The audience, including Sugar and Ella's mothers, and the judges have gasped while witnessing the sick contestant throwing up almost at the end of her performance. All of their eyes have widened, while some of the people, including the judges, have covered their own mouths with their hands.

"Oh no... What just happened?!" the hostess asked through the microphone, yet she has decided to appear on stage to check up on Sugar after having to puke out very thick green mushy vomit surrounding her on the wooden floor.

"Mwy stomach! It hurrrrrrts!" the chubby girl cried, while she was rolling around the floor, hugging her squishy stomach even more when the hostess came up to her, and got down on her knees to check if she was okay. She placed her thin hand over Sugar's hot forehead, looking very concerned at the contestant after having to throw up in front of everyone.

"Clean up on isle five! We've got a huge puking incident over there! I apologize, everyone! The competition is gonna be on delay for a while until the stage is cleaned up! So in the meantime, can you all please wait patiently until we're able to continue this show? I thank you for your cooperation, everyone! Again, this round is going to be on hold until the act is cleaned up!" the hostess exclaimed to the whole audience and the judges, letting everyone know in the theater room about the news, right when she took Sugar's hand, and helped her stand up.

The woman has walked Sugar off the stage to the backstage room, where Ella was waiting, while looking extremely concerned at her sick best friend.

"Here, Sugar. Why don't you go lay down for a whole while until the pageant competition is over? I'm sorry to say that we may have to disqualify you since not only you have failed your performance, but you're also too sick to be crowned the pageant queen!" the hostess has helped the chubby girl lie down on the mats, while advising her to rest until the contest is over.

"W-W-Weally?! I won't get to be Miss Pwagent Queen this year?! Awwwwwwww!" Sugar replied aggressively, disappointed to know that she won't be the pageant queen tonight.

"I'm very sorry, Sugar Cooper! Maybe next year if you have another talent idea that you'd like to perform in front of everyone, or if you would be able to compete in the pageant show again! I have to get back on stage with the other girls, and then call up the cleaning crew! So you just rest up while I go get the janitors! Ella, why don't you keep Sugar company until we resume to the last round, okay?" the lady explained more. while Sugar was pouting from disappointment, not being able to become the Pageant Queen this year. Ella nodded at the hostess as soon as she left the backstage room to stick with the other girls, and to get the cleaners to clean up the stage floor.

Right when the woman left, Ella started walking up to Sugar, while checking up on her to see if she was doing okay.

"Sugar...are you alright? What happened?! Why did you throw up?" she asked, feeling and looking concerned as the blonde turned her head to her best friend very slowly.

"Oh...I dwon't know, Ella...I don't know how this happened! Maybe I should've went with two liters of soda instwead of thwee! Oh you thwink that I'll have a bwetter chance of becoming a pwageant queen next year if it can't be this year?!" the blonde responded and asked, feeling the heat coming from her skin, not feeling too well after having to chug down two and a half sodas into her stomach.

Ella began to giggle, in a not very friendly manner. Sugar began to look at her in a very confused way, not getting why her favorite friend is laughing, especially after asking her if she would become pageant queen the following year.

"Oh Sugar! You're never gonna be a true pageant queen like this! It's not very lady-like having to attempt to drink three bottles of sodas just like what a muscular man would do at the bar! You just have to do something that's rather classy and enjoyable! Like singing and ballet dancing for example! I'm gonna have a better chance of winning now that you're disqualified!" the princess answered, as she continued her laughter, resulting Sugar giving Ella a big fat glare, making herself feel even worse from what Ella just said to her.

"But don't worry though, you're still my best friend, and I love you so very much, Sugar!" she concluded properly, attempting to give Sugar a hug, yet her face was smacked by the pillow, which made Ella fell back since Sugar has already gotten to her bad mood.

"She didn't mean to say that! Did she?!" Leonard reacted to Sugar's full story, having to explain why she's had deep hatred to the princess very much. He looked very surprised and shocked after having to hear the true reason of why she has despised Ella ever since their childhood.

"I'm sure she meant EVERY word of it, which is why I don't trust her as a friend anymore! She had NO faith in me whenever I compete in pageant shows. She usually congratulates me for being runner-up, or any place lower than that, but she almost NEVER congratulates me on winning! I have no idea why, but I believe it's because she thinks she's better than me! And that is the REAL reason why I hate Ella so much. Not just because I see her as a threat to any competition that I've competed in. Simply because of those horrible words she has said to me on our first experience together when we were both five! It hurts me too much knowing that my childhood friend doesn't have a lot of faith in me whenever I compete, but I was able to destroy that feeling by competing in every different pageant shows unlike the ones Ella was in, and then earn more and more trophies to show her how strong I am! She thinks that we're still best friends, but I wonder if she was unaware of how hurt I felt! That's what I also hate about her! She doesn't often care for my feelings at all, which is why I went so uber aggressive on her, to remind her what she's done to me that almost pushed down my self-esteem," Sugar has concluded all of the facts to her boyfriend while they are still slow-dancing with other couples around them.

It was only five minutes of explaining her hatred towards the princess, and the second slow-song has started one minute ago while everyone else was still in the middle of slow-dancing in the room. Leonard has scratched behind his head while the couple was still looking at each other.

"Wow Sugar...I'm really sorry that happened to you...It sounds really deep if you ask me...Don't you think Ella has changed ever since then? Because I have never ONCE have ever seen her put down others before. It seems very out of character for her to say things like this, especially towards you since you're the one that she's been wanting to be best friends with," the larper replied, still looking down at the overweight blonde.

Sugar looked to her right, taking some time to think of how she should respond to her boyfriend.

"I don't know, Mr. Wizard...Ella's been always the cute, sweet, lovable girl ever since she was born...and she always uses the wrong words while trying to befriend me. Either way, I'm still done with being her friend! The only friend that I need is you, my wizard! I don't need anyone else! All I need is your magical love, Mr. Wizard, and that's all that matters to me!" she responded, giving the larper a big hug.

Leonard's eyes widened, then his smile became tender as he started wrapping his thin arms around the aspiring pageant queen. The both of them have remained embracing each other during the next slow-song occurring in the room.

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