Max and Scarlett

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The whole day has passed by, and it's getting close to night time. Inside of an ordinary house in the neighborhood, is a pale 4'9 short chubby teen with purple hair, who was just finishing up his dinner. He was having steak and peas with orange juice along, with nobody else around in the house. He was in his ordinary normal casual clothes during that time.

Max was looking at the time that says 7:00 P.M. while he was taking a sip of orange juice from the glass. Suddenly, a doorbell rang, immediately drawing his attention to the door across from the hall facing besides him.

"I'M COMING!" he exclaimed and notified, leaving his half-eaten dinner on the plate at the table. He was walking very slowly to the door in the hallway, mumbling to himself before he went to answer.

"Evil shall not finish dinner that early, especially when he's on his baby-sitting service!" he said to himself while walking. He immediately opened the door, and noticed a young couple, assuming to be in their late 20's or early 30's, holding their baby, who's wrapped around in a soft pink blanket.

"Hello! You must be Mr. Badloose!" the man greeted as he held out his thick hand, with his sausage fingers lining up closely against each other.

"Evil does not shake, I MEAN, it's very nice to meet you, sir! I'd be more than glad to take care of your precious little baby girl!" Max replied, and coughed while correcting himself, as he also joined his own hand to the man's hand, and gave him a proper handshake as a greeting.

"Also, please call me Max! Evil does not want to be called by his last name! Uh, I mean...just call me Max, please!" the purple-haired guy properly added and corrected himself once again, not wanting to expose his love for his evil passion in front of the couple and the baby. It was a few seconds of awkward silence before Max made another clarification to conceal his true love for evil.

"Sorry, the evil thing just came from...uhhh...a play! You know, I was just practicing saying 'evil does not', and all that! I was actually playing as a...the evil bad guy! In a princess play though! Haha..." he explained more, yet the couple was still looking at Max more oddly. Another awkward silence. Just then, the young woman, who was holding the baby, smiled in relief.

"Oh! Well that makes sense! I'm sure you're really good with little children, Max, and I think you can take care of our daughter, Christina, just fine!" the young woman replied, when she bent her knees down, and gently handed the little baby girl to Max.

Right when Max claimed the baby from the woman, his dark pupils grew to puppy eyes, when he began to cuddle the baby, and started tickling her stomach with his pale index finger, and looked at the baby, Christina, in an awing manner.

"How's my little little little minion doing?! Is she being a good girl for listening to her parents?! Oh I bet she is! You're such a precious little baby!" he spoke to the baby in front of the couple, who was giving Max a huge smile and an 'awwww' expression while watching him treat their daughter in a very pleasant way.

"Aww well look at you! I think you and Christina are gonna work out just fine! My husband and I will be back in a few hours after spending some time together at a fancy restaurant, okay Max?" the woman replied, and notified the baby-sitter. Max nodded in agreement, not replying to the couple still standing in front of him.

Just then, Max closed the door with one of his hands, still holding onto Christina with his puppy eyes still staring at her. Christina has big blue eyes that Max couldn't ever resist, and a lock of blonde hair peaking out of the pink blanket wrapped around the baby. The blonde lock was resting on her apricot-skin forehead as she was slightly giggling at Max.

"My my my, you would make an adorable great evil minion, little Christina! Yes you would! Ohhhh yes you would, my little evil darling!" he spoke more, and tickled the baby's stomach after closing the door. Baby Christina giggled even more from Max's treatment toward her, while he was walking in the hallway, on his way back to the dinner table.

Right when he got back to the dining room, he went to sit back at his own spot at the table. He placed Christina on his lap, still holding her with his left hand and arm, while trying to finish off his dinner with his right hand.

After taking a few more bites from the steak, the baby starting crying, much to guilt that planted on Max's face. Just then, he turned the baby around, trying to face herself towards him.

"Why what's wrong my little minion?! Are you hungry?! Would you like some steak from your little Daddy Max?!" he said and asked, as he gave Christina a little gentle bouncy shake that stopped her from crying even more. The baby began to giggle once again, with Max's smile rejoining on his face as well.

"I knew I could make my cutsie wootsie minion laugh! Even you would be adorable if you did an evil laugh-" he added more after Christina giggled again, but was interrupted by an unexpected white vomit coming from the female baby. The baby just threw up all over Max's orange and white horizontal-striped T-shirt.

"EWWWWWWW BABY SPIT!" he reacted and yelled, yet Christina started giggling even more after throwing up on Max's shirt.

Max had the mad look on his face for the next few seconds at Christina. Just then, his eyebrows rose, and then he smiled and smirked at the same time.

"Little minion! You truly are evil on the inside, aren't you?!" he said to Christina even more more. The baby has continued to laugh, much satisfaction to Max after Christina proved her rebel side to the chubby petite baby-sitter.

He held the baby with his left arm again, and grabbed the fork that was attached to the little chunk of meat. He held it close to Christina's mouth, about to make an offer to the baby.

"Here, as your little reward, you can have a bite of my steak! It's good protein, especially for evil minions like you!," Max quietly said, when Christina took out her tiny hand, and slapped the fork out of Max's hand. He dropped the fork and a chunk of steak onto the wooden floor next to the table, when the baby crossed her little arms, and shot a glare at Max.

"Hey! What was that for?! Aren't you hungry?!" he reacted to the baby's response, and noticed an angry glare coming from Christina. The baby squinted her blue eyes at Max, and started pointing at the freezer that was already opened in the kitchen. The freezer only contained a carton of ice-cream, and nothing else but icy features that was decorated all over the walls inside of the freezer.

Max took a look at what the baby was pointing at, and then looked right back at her.

"Ohhh! Does my little evil minion want ice-cream?!" he inquired to the baby, as she slightly nodded, with her glare still planted on her face.

Just then, Max slowly got up from the chair carefully, and placed the baby onto the blue high chair next to the table with her arms still crossed.

"Okay little minion! No problem! I'll get you some ice-cream!" he said, while fearing Christina's glare and orders. Max started walking to the kitchen area, and went straight to the refrigerator. He pulled out a white small standing stool, and placed it in front of him to help himself reach to the freezer that was somewhat left opened, and made his own reach to the carton of ice-cream that was standing in the center.

"Now I have no idea why I left this freezer opened, BUT-" he talked more, and was interrupted by another doorbell that immediately rang, when Max just grabbed the carton.

"OHHHHH WHO COULD IT BE NOW WHEN I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF BABY-SITTING?!" he yelled from annoyance, slammed the freezer tightly, and stepped off the stool as he placed the carton of ice cream on the kitchen counter. Then he started walking his way to the dining room, and then into the hallway to get to the door.

Right when he walked passed the female baby and the whole dining room table, Christina shot another deadly glare at Max for ignoring what she wants to eat. Then she began to bawl, when Max started walking into the hallway.

"I'll give you some ice-cream in a minute, my little evil minion! Just let me answer the door first!" he notified the baby, which made her stopped crying. Christina pouted, while she scrunched her eyebrows again, and crossed her arms, still staring evilly at Max when he's about to answer the door.

Right when he opened the door, a tall red-headed female, wearing very thick round glasses, stood in front of the midget. She has two light purple envelopes in her right hand, while she had her arms crossed. Max squinted his dark eyes at the female, recognizing the woman. Her hair's in a normal bun, although the last time everyone have seen her, her hair looked like an orange Christmas tree.

"Scarlett?! Is that you?!" he questioned the guest at the door, knowing that he's seen her before.

"How did you know?! Who did you expect at the door?!" she responded, in a rude, yet a soft manner. Max's eye twitched a bit, as he slowly allowed her into the house. Then he began to look at Scarlett even more curiously.

"I wasn't expecting anyone else at the door asides the parents who were here just a few minutes ago to drop off their baby... Why are you even here, Scarlett...? I'm in the middle of baby-sitting right now! I need to feed Christina some ice-cream!" he also replied rudely, while Scarlett's green eyes stared directly down at Max's. She looked at him in disbelief.

"You're gonna give the baby some ice-cream?! What kind of a baby-sitter are you?! Babies are supposed to eat mushy baby food, not any sweets that kids can eat!" the red-head responded. Max shot a slight glare at Scarlett, squinting his eyes in constipation.

"My evil minion demands ice-cream, and evil gets what evil wants! Plus, I don't even have any baby food! You also didn't even answer my question, Scarlett! Why are you here?!" he replied, and explained his reason of giving Christina some ice-cream.

"So you're raising someone's baby to be evil like you?! Well anyway, I need to talk to you...and I want to discuss this whole thing with you privately," she finally answered his question. Max rolled his eyes as a 'whatever' face, and followed along with Scarlett. Both of them were heading into the living room together in a different hallway.

Right when Max and Scarlett started heading to the living room, baby Christina spotted the both of them disappearing into a different hallway, so she started shaking the blue baby chair that she's sitting in, trying to free herself from her spot.

She escaped out of her soft pink blankets, leaving her in a light pink baby T-shirt and her thick diaper, with her short blonde hair pulled back with her hot pink bow. After she was able to leave her baby chair, she began to crawl across the glass table that Max was at before.

After a couple minutes of reaching to the other edge of the table, she fell, yet she was saved by a dark blue beanbag chair that was slightly below the table.

In the living room, Scarlett and Max have settled themselves onto the light green couch, when Scarlett handed one of the light purple envelopes to Max. He claimed the envelope in response, and started reading the title on the front.

"What's this?! An invitation to a prom?!" he inquired and exclaimed, studying the lavender-colored envelope with a big title in the front.

"It's not just an ordinary prom! It's an invite from Mike and Zoey. They're inviting everyone from last season to this annual event, and I need your help!" Scarlett explained firmly.

Since it's been a month, Scarlett seems even more normal compared to the last time that everyone else have seen her, which was the day where she's shown her evil side. Do you still feel any suspicion to Scarlett's interaction with Max right now? His face started showing anger, which looks much like a disapproving expression that he was making.

"Evil does NOT help any minions! Especially ex-minions! What in the world could you possibly want from me when you're the one who's truly the evil genius?!" Max started arguing a bit, while he started looking at the red-head. Scarlett glared down at Max more, placing her own fingers on his shoulder firmly. She started dragging him aside, placing her lips close to his ear.

"I need your help since I've heard that Shawn's gonna bring his own half-millions to prom for the celebration, I'm going to take it from him, but with your own help only! As much as I hate your evil wannabee guts, you're the only one that I can count on! that baby spit?" she replied, and then noticed the white vomit on Max's shirt at the end of her sentence.

Max shook it off as he shook his head and flailed his arms around in the air surrounding himself.

"OHHHH NEVERMIND THAT! IT'S A LONG STORY! Anyways, why do you need my evil help?! What's in it for me?!" he responded, and questioned Scarlett even more. She rolled her green eyes to the ceiling, and sighed from annoyance.

"If you could help me take the half millions from Shawn, which is 500,000 dollars, then I'll share half of the money with you! So technically, each of us will get 250,000 dollars! Also, I want to find the other half millions that Jasmine has spent on, so we'll each get the total of 500,000 dollars if we're able to track the spent money! Do we have a deal?" she explained more, trying to convince Max to allign with her on her plan. She took out her hand, expecting and waiting for Max's handshake.

He took a few seconds to consider the deal, and then give Scarlett's plan some thought before he made his own decision.

"Well, I really do need the money since I want to create my own evil plot scheme to take over the world...DEAL!" he said to himself, and then agreed to the plan, while he joined his hand with Scarlett's. They gave each other a handshake when they've agreed to the deal Scarlett has made.

Scarlett made an evil secret smirk to herself, letting Max shake her hand along.

"Now I'm gonna read what the invite says, if you'll excuse me for a moment," said Max, who just tore up the flap of the envelope, and took out the invite. He opened the card as he began to read the message.

Dear Max Badloose,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to apologize for not winning on Total Drama Pahkitew Island. However, we're interested in getting acquainted with someone who didn't win the millions. Don't forget that there will be snacks on the table! Other members from the season will be invited too, especially the winner. We will have a huge celebration during the event. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

"What a perfect night to CRASH the party since I won't be baby-sitting anyone by the time-" he said, right after reading the invitation, yet he was interrupted again by something just scary and unexpecting.

An unexpected light green neon laser just shot close to where Max and Scarlett were sitting at, startling the both of them as the laser made a huge spiky dark brown hole in the wall that was above the couch they're sitting on.

"WHAT THE?!" Max reacted after a random laser pierced through the wall. Then he started facing forwards to see where it came from. He just noticed Christina standing on her own two feet, who was holding a technological laser gun with both of her small fists locked together on the handle, pointing the gun towards Max and Scarlett with an angry pout on her face.

"Little sidekick?!" exclaimed Max, with one of his eyebrows up after the baby pointed her tiny finger to the left, where the kitchen was at.

"I think she wants ice-cream right now," Scarlett pointed out, guessing on why the baby looked threatening and impatient with the laser gun. Max made a loud sigh as he slowly got up from the couch.

"Alright, little minion! I'll get you some ice-cream now!" he said, then bent down to the baby, who was still looking at him with her angry face on.

"But that doesn't stop how much I adore your little evil gut! Who my little cutsie wootsie baby! Oh you are, yes you are-" he added. Max was trying to cheer up Christina, but then he ended up getting slapped from the baby, who's still demanding for some ice-cream.

"OW! Okay okay! I'll get you some ice-cream now! Geesh!" Max responded, feeling slightly annoyed, and rubbed his cheek after the tiny slap. He picked up Christina as he's starting to head to the kitchen, leaving Scarlett alone in the living room.

Right when he disappeared with the baby at her sight, she began to open up her own invite, and looked over the card to make sure the invite looks exactly like the one Max had.

Dear Scarlett Brooks,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to apologize for not winning on Total Drama Pahkitew Island. However, we're interested in getting acquainted with someone who didn't win the millions. Don't forget that there will be snacks on the table! Other members from the season will be invited too, especially the winner. We will have a huge celebration during the event. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

Scarlett's eyebrows scrunched while she smirked evilly at the invite.

"I knew I could get this dumb, little, evil, wannabee troll to agree to me on taking the half-millions! Now that my plan's finally plotted out, I know my exact steps to getting the money and to get my revenge! I'm not actually going to share the money with that evil-wannabee loser! I'm just gonna use him for my own evil plot scheme! I can definitely see how this is going to turn out in the end... MuahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" she said to herself, and exclaimed doing the evil laugh at the end of her sentence.

"Scarlett?! What are you evil laughing about-OW! Fine, here's your ice-cream, you little evil brat!" Max hollered from the other room, assuming that he's in the kitchen since he's trying to feed the impatient baby. Scarlett planted her guilty expression on her face, as she coughed and cleared up her throat, concealing her manners after doing the evil laugh for herself.

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